DOI 10.46566/2225-1545_2021_88_105
Latipov N.F. teacher
faculty of natural sciences Navoi State Pedagogical Institute Uzbekistan, Navoi
Annotation: In today's globalization, issues such as the location of the population, its lifestyle, employment are some of the main issues of socioeconomic geography. Many underdeveloped or underdeveloped people in developing countries come to developed countries in search of better living conditions, and as a result, many developing countries are losing their labour resources. in this article, we will focus in detail on what taxonomies to focus on in proper organization across regions.
Keywords: demographic capacity, population density, density, demographic factor, historical factor, environmental problems, geographical determinism
A number of factors affect the territorial distribution of the population, and these factors can also lead to an increase in the overall performance of the region or a loss of its position. An area that was once insignificant can become a major centre, a place in the eyes of the world, over time, and this process is likely to be due to several natural and socio-economic factors. A striking example of this is the city of Dubai in the UAE, which until the 60s and 70s of the last century is still a major centre of scientific and technological, tourist, modern urban architecture. The distribution of the population in a given area depends on several factors, which in turn have their own classification:
1. A historical factor in the location of people on earth. It is known from the time of the primitive community system that humanity has sought different regions in different ways to meet its needs. Initially manifested in an inter-tribal manner, later movements began in nearby areas, regions, and even intercontinental areas. As a result, they adapted to the local environment and became indigenous. It is worth noting that since ancient times, people have sought fertile soil, along the rivers, and there was a high density. In a sense, religious beliefs have played a role. Initially, the population lived in densely populated areas, believing that animals, plants, or objects, such as totemism, fetishism, and animism, were sacred to primitive local religions. Over time, these processes have led to the formation of peoples, nations and even statehood.
2. Geographical factor. This factor includes a number of elements through which the geographical factor acquires integrity. Here are some of them:
a) Climatic features - the climate of each region is unique. It is the climate that has a significant impact on agriculture and its productivity. There are
various theories based on this, for example, in the book Anthropology in the centuries BC, Aristotle states: "Although the peoples of the north are fearless and courageous, their behaviour is cold. they are ambitious but lack leadership. "10 In the idea of 'geographical determinism', the standard of living of mankind is directly related to the environment or, according to Jean Boden, the climate is the decisive factor for human existence and the most favourable conditions are in the range of 40 ° -60 ° latitudes. Even the most powerful states have argued that they are located within these latitudes.
b) The topography of the area is also important, as is the importance of animal husbandry in mountainous areas, which have long been densely populated by irrigated agriculture. It is through the relief that the climate, precipitation, flora and fauna are formed.
c) soil fertility - different types of soil on the earth's surface, as well as different types of soil. There is a correlation between the location of the soil in which region or nature zone and the location of the population.
d) Precipitation — Thick forests and rivers are wet all year round because the amount of precipitation, which is an important component of the climate, also varies in different zones, and is much higher in the equatorial and subequatorial regions. The fact that our country is located in a closed basin, the sharp continental climate leads to precipitation of 50-80 mm in the deserts and 1500-2000 mm in the mountains. The highest precipitation in Uzbekistan is 2000 mm in the humid parts of Western Tianshan.11
e) air temperature - naturally, mankind is more in a hurry to live in a hot or temperate region than a cold temperature. With the development of FTI, human beings have become more aggressive in their interactions with nature, leading to global warming, melting polar ice caps, and rising world oceans. Such cases are, of course, much more negatively assessed by experts.
f) The presence of oceans, seas, and rivers are considered to be the main measure of the economic power of the state because water transport is relatively cheap, and it is also cited as a source of some relief at the level of employment.
g) the availability of natural resources - to understand this factor, it is necessary to remember the Navoi region and cities, because the desert area was developed on the basis of non-ferrous metallurgy, and the population gradually began to settle in this area.
3. Demographic factor-demography has its own indicators of the population, without which it is impossible to analyze, the population of each region or country is focused on these units. These are:
a) natural growth; b) death; d) birth; e) migration
4. Socio-economic factor - centuries-old trends show that people move to better areas of socio-economic status, resulting in disparities between regions, regions, there are uncertainties in determining the "poles of growth". This factor also combines several elements:
10 Kalonov B.H, Latipov N.F ,, Characteristics Of Geogr aphical Location Of The Population Of Navoi Region" International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies 2021
11 Hasanov I.A., Gulomov P.N. Natural geography of Uzbekistan. Teacher, 2007. -310p.
a) development of production; b) agricultural development; c) trade routes;
Along with the population, the concept of density is also important in the "demographic transition". The situation in Western Europe over the last two centuries is a testament to this. As Van de Valle (1972) put it, "this process will not be a problem for developing countries in Asia, Latin America and Africa."12 According to the data based on the old approach to density determination, the density is higher in the southern part of the study area. There are a number of reasons for this:
a) the climatic features in the south of each region are relatively good;
b) almost all hydrological stations pass through the southern part;
c) more soil and organisms in the south than in other parts;
According to modern approaches, density is determined by industry, services and convenient infrastructure. Naturally, people strive for favourable conditions in all respects. In countries such as Singapore, Indonesia, Switzerland, Belgium and Austria, this approach is the basis. Demographers use the formula Z = A / M to determine density.
Here, Z-density, A-population, M-area. Density is a measure of how many people fit in 1 sq. Km.
Currently, the correlation between population density and births and deaths is influencing migration. Emil Durkheim (1900) stated a few years ago: "The ratio between urban and rural population is dependent on migration. Bir ths and deaths are the main indicators that affect the total population. In this regard, density explains the tendency, concentration, or dispersion of a society. '' The world's population is extremely unevenly distributed. About 70% of the population lives in 7% of the world. The eastern hemisphere has more people than the west (about 85%) and more people in the north than the south (about 10%). There are also differences in the distribution of the population by regions and countries of the world. The average world population density is 50 people, but the world's population growth is causing this figure to fluctuate from year to year.
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