Rustamov B.Kh.
of Department of Management faculty of pedagogical Chirchik state pedagogical university
Abstract. At the current stage of global educational development, the problem of philosophical and pedagogical justification for researching and forecasting the social effectiveness of education is particularly relevant.
In the assessment of knowledge, its predictive function serves to obtain information about the educational process, its future, that is, its foreseeable state. At each stage of the educational process, it is possible to verify whether the specific knowledge, skills, and abilities intended for a specific part of the educational material are sufficiently formed or not.
The article highlights the factors shaping future teachers' predictive skills based on the teaching of the subject"Philosophy."
Key words: Efficiency, foresight, ability, knowledge, philosophy, skills, competence, goal.
In philosophy, academic development is an integral part of the whole pedagogical process, ensuring the ordering of knowledge, the creation of schedules, and the creation of favorable conditions for learning. This process incorporates a comprehensive approach and approaches to advance and align educational requirements, thereby contributing to higher quality and reliability of the educational process. Today, future educators must not only be equipped with professional knowledge and practical skills, but also be trained to be critical thinkers, independent decision-makers, quick-moving in the face of uncertainty, capable of producing effective outcomes, and equipped to meet non-standard expectations for professional responsibilities.
As a philosophical scholar, professor N. Muhammadiev distinguishes philosophical disciplines in the following order: philosophy of science, philosophy of technology and information technologies, philosophy of medicine, philosophy of economics, philosophy of competition, philosophy of law, philosophy of the art of war, philosophy of information security and technologies, philosophy of culture and art, philosophy of education and upbringing, philosophy of history, philosophy of politics [3].
Mirza Abdul Kadir Bedil occupies an important place among the Central Asian philosophers and thinkers who have worked in India, Iran, and Afghanistan. He was born in 1644 in Azimabad, India, and spent the rest of his life in Hindustan, engaged in science and literature. His philosophical works, such as The Four
Elements, The Nutcracker, and Irfan, have survived, as have a number of works on literary scholarship.
In Bedil's philosophy, the exploration of human cognitive capacities was a distinct focus. It is the first level of his intellectual knowledge, his nature and possibilities are bound up with the emotional qualities of man. The qualities of a person's senses correspond to the individual character. So every human being has a limited sense of possibility and a limited sense of world. The mind, the intellect, the mind is the perfect invention of the intellect.
In the philosophy of the 17th and 18th centuries, the socio-philosophical considerations of Boborakhim Mashrab (1640-1711) are of particular importance. Mashrab is a person who has earned great respect and recognition among the people, not only as a brilliant creator, but also as a courageous person who at the same time cannot come to terms with the injustice of the society. It is not known whether he collected his own works or compiled them. The social content and strong critical attitude of the author were shaped by the poet's idealistic worldview, populist philosophy, and critical attitude to the tragic events of his time. The creative heritage of Mashrab includes both religious and philosophical ideas, as well as some of the most important instruments of the city's history, which was widespread at that time. Thus, if in the past the skill of the specialist was considered to be the acquisition of knowledge and skills known to the masses, now it is necessary to acquire the skills of the master, which involve the purposeful development of the universal abilities of the person on the basis of new social needs [5].
At the present stage of the development of education in the world, the problem of the philosophical-pedagogical foundation for the study and implementation of the social effectiveness of education is becoming more and more complex. The formation of the cognitive capacities of school teachers on the basis of the study of philosophy is a process of purposeful development of specifically organized, movement-oriented abilities, based on the probable tendencies in the scientific development of objects or subjects of pedagogical reality. It is known that the outcome of education depends on the ratio of the two most important components of the educational process: the development of knowledge (in our case, the development of the foundations of scientific knowledge) and the development of students (the development of thought processes) [2].
The system of shaping factors for the development of the basic skills of school teachers based on the study of philosophy consists of 3 elements:
1) knowledge component (a body of knowledge in executive translation as an integral part of the effective pedagogical process);
2) activity component (completion of supervisory skills, professional and practical experience in management);
3) motivation component (a thorough understanding of the content of the supervisory competence, understanding its importance and readiness to shape the supervisory competence);
The component of knowledge is represented as an integral part of the body of knowledge in the sphere of education, as well as in the pedagogical activity.
As a means of improving academic competence, students should have the following skills: to set goals and form their capabilities, to understand their goals; to formulate cognitive functions and to enter hypotheses; to analyze their academic activity; to learn independently; to perform reflection in their academic activity; to evaluate themselves in their academic activity; to describe and present the results of their research. The socio-labor component is the regulation of professional activity on the basis of scientifically based forecasts; the formation of new leadership experience in the process of active learning and cognitive activity; the promotion of the use of leadership in pedagogical activity [6].
A valuable content and motivation component - motivation, as a key factor in shaping a person's motivation, behavior, and activity, is a curiosity in all human beings. In this sense, motivational psychology is especially important for representatives of the socioeconomic type of professions (such as physicians, teachers, managers and administrators) where the human being is the object of labor [4].
The motivation component of supervision is the need to learn and use supervision in everyday pedagogical practice.
The following factors are important in effective education:
A fascination with new technologies. Guidance enables teachers to adapt to constantly changing technological demands. Knowing future trends can help us integrate new educational technologies, which in turn can lead to more effective learning.
The final knowledge and skills of students can be determined through the use of information technology in the process of teaching, which can be monitored to ensure that they meet the didactic requirements. It involves determining, monitoring, evaluating, and analyzing aggregated and statistical data to determine the extent to which students' knowledge, skills, and competencies are being developed.
Considering personal needs. Academic leadership involves analyzing the needs of each student, allowing for the creation of personalized instructional programs. This, in turn, helps to maximize the use of time and resources, and to increase the motivation and curiosity of students. Know the training requirements of the labor market in advance. In the field of education, modernization allows us to adapt educational programs to the demands of the labor market. This helps the builders to learn not only theoretical, but also practical skills and prepare competitive personnel.
Optimize the learning process. Knowing what's going to change in the future allows you to optimize your learning process, anticipate problems, and develop more efficient ways of doing things.
In the research process, it is considered important that the archaeological investigations help to identify the methodology to a certain extent. In controlling education, its executive function serves to obtain information about the educational process, its future, i.e. the situation in which it can be known more than before. At each stage of the learning process, the teacher is able to check whether the required knowledge, skills, and abilities have been sufficiently developed or not, depending on the known future of the learning material. The results are then used to model the students' future careers based on a known scientific background. Such a forecast will help to draw clear conclusions for planning and implementation of future events [1].
The mechanism is the self-dependent and negligent part of narcissism [7]
The mechanism of shaping scientific evolution must take into account two complementary processes:
1) Information block is intended to develop knowledge that can be used as a basis for information-advice (for example , knowledge in the form of revealing the identity of students), the associative learning mechanisms are put into practice;
2) Activity block is implemented on the basis of technological activities , algorithmic mechanisms , which are designed to adapt the operational components;
3) Intellectual-creative block is based on creative mechanisms, which are intended to purposefully reveal the virtues of the thought processes necessary for the successful implementation of the activity.
The mechanisms for the formation of such blocks are reflected in the methods of mutual influence between the future teacher and the student on the goals, content and means of education [8]. A number of strategies can be integrated into the curriculum to reveal these new areas of guidance. For example, in the method of creating and solving a problematic task or situation in the field of management, each participant (pedagogue and student) is involved in the process and is subject to two stages of litigation. This is where the participants of the debate work on and improve their ability to articulate their positions in a clear and balanced way, to be logical, to find solutions in a short time, to analyze and analyze a conflict from all sides.
Many problems of pedagogical theory and practice have been the shaping factors of the development of pedagogical skills based on the study of philosophy. These are the philosophical analysis, the problems of understanding pedagogical knowledge and processes of pedagogical knowledge, the analysis of the social efficiency of education and the stylistic principles of governance, the laws of shaping and developing pedagogical governance, the social efficiency, the general conditions for the construction of educational, socio-economic governance models, the general scientific and personal tendencies of pedagogical governance, the comparison of pedagogical institutions, the comparison of the main paradigms and
strategies of educational institutions, the historical-pedagogical analysis, the pedagogical and social principles of educational practices, the general conditions for the construction of pedagogical models of governance, the comparison of pedagogical and social models of educational institutions with other institutions, , In the context of the current changes, the dynamic dynamics, which is intended to characterize the leading tendencies of social dynamics, the static dynamics, which in the context of relative reconstruction makes it impossible to understand the nature of social processes, and the complexities, which reveal the situation, are taken into account in the pedagogical management of the system of knowledge. Similarly, the factors shaping the evolving capacities of future teachers based on the study of the philosophical field include the redefinition of the phenomenon of knowledge (these parts of knowledge are complex disciplines, transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge), the resolution of problems of interdisciplinary nature and complexity, the quality and effectiveness of modern educational systems, and the participation in scientific research in the pedagogical prognostic society.
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