A.A. Mukhamejan, Graduate Student
Kazakh Abylaikhan University of International Relations and World Languages (Kazakhstan, Almaty)
DOI: 10.24411/2411-0450-2021-1057
Abstract. In the article, the author presents scientific and theoretical approaches to the concept of "competitiveness". The factors influencing the competitiveness of the enterprise of Kazakhstan are systematized, which allowed to divide them into external and internal, as well as to reveal each factor depending on the impact. The author also considers ways to increase the competitiveness of domestic enterprises in modern economic conditions. It is noted that the steady growth of the competitiveness of companies in Kazakhstan can be ensured only under the condition of long-term, continuous improvement of the quality management system. Keywords: competitiveness, factor, economy, enterprise, management, quality.
Introduction. The growth of the economy of Kazakhstan, the formation and development of competition in it are the main conditions for the formation of a civilized country. The development strategy "Kazakhstan-2050" emphasizes the need to create competitive markets, ensure the regulation of antitrust instruments.
To implement this strategic direction, it is necessary to ensure, first of all, the competitiveness of Kazakhstani enterprises, both in the domestic and global markets.
Competition (from lat. concurrentia to collide) is a competition between producers (sellers) of goods, in general between any economic or market entities, the struggle for commodity markets in order to obtain higher incomes, profits. Competition represents a civilized, legalized form of struggle for existence and one of the most effective mechanisms of selection and regulation in a market economy [1].
Factor analysis. Competitiveness reflects the efficiency of the enterprise, the productivity of the use of all types of resources. The competitiveness of an enterprise does not have an absolute measure, it can be determined by one or more parameters of the company's activity. Under the factors of competitiveness of the enterprise, we understand those phenomena
or processes of production and economic activity of the enterprise and the socioeconomic life of society that cause changes in the absolute and relative value of the cost of production. production, and as a result - the level of competitiveness of the enterprise. A high level of market competitiveness allows the buyer to get full satisfaction of their needs. Competition forces sellers to constantly adjust the marketing mix, actively implement innovative policies, has a beneficial effect on prices and additional services, and revives the market.
The competitiveness of an enterprise largely depends on the effectiveness of management, the level of which is influenced by the personal qualities of managers, the ability of management to develop and implement the company's strategy and adapt to changes in the external environment, a unified system of accounting and control and the ability to select highly qualified personnel [2].
The systematization of factors affecting the competitiveness of the enterprise allowed dividing them into external and internal. Thus, external factors include those whose manifestation does not depend on the organization, and internal factors, which are almost entirely determined by the organization's management (Figure).
Figure. External and internal factors affecting the competitiveness of the enterprise
Let us explain the factors from Figure, that the analysis of the external environment is an important process, since it determines the choice of the direction of development of the company in the long term and involves a thorough analysis of those factors that can strengthen or weaken the competitiveness of the enterprise. State policy. Enterprises are required to comply with laws, but also with the requirements of state regulatory bodies. Economic factors such as inflation, unemployment, economic crisis negatively affect the competitiveness of the enterprise, economic growth, investment has a positive effect. Consumers. The importance of consumers to business is obvious. Consumers, when deciding what goods and services are desirable for them and at what price, determine for the organization almost everything related to the results of its activities. Thus, the need to meet the needs of customers affects the interaction of the organization with suppliers of materials and labor resources. The impact of consumers on internal structure variables can be quite significant. Competitors. The management of each company is well aware that if you do not meet the needs of consumers as effectively as competitors do, then the company will not last long. The internal factors that determine the competitiveness of the enterprise include the elements that make up the internal potential of the enterprise. Personnel. For the effective operation of the organization, for the implementation of tasks related
to the achievement of the goals set, it is necessary to provide it with personnel of the necessary specialties and qualifications. The management system includes: communication processes; organizational structures; norms, rules, procedures; distribution of rights and responsibilities; hierarchy of subordination. The marketing potential of the internal environment of the organization covers all those processes that are associated with the sale of products. Financial capacity includes processes related to ensuring the effective use and flow of funds in the organization. In particular, it is maintaining liquidity and ensuring profitability, creating investment opportunities. The production capacity includes product manufacturing, supply and warehouse management; maintenance of the technological park; research and development.
All environmental factors are in a state of strong mutual influence. A change in one of the factors necessarily leads to a change in the other factors. Therefore, their study and analysis should not be carried out separately, but systematically with tracking not only the actual changes in one factor, but also with the condition of how these changes will affect other factors [3].
Results of the study. Factors can influence both in the direction of increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise in Kazakhstan, and in the direction of decreasing. This is what helps to turn opportunities into reality. They determine the means and ways of using
the reserves of competitiveness of the enterprise. But the presence of the factors themselves is not enough to ensure the competitiveness of domestic enterprises. Obtaining a competitive advantage based on factors depends on how effectively they are used and in what industry they are used.
Improving the level of competitiveness is: full mutual understanding between the enterprise and consumers knowledge of the level of competitors; constant research work of competitors ' development. Under conditions of fierce competition, prices are formed on the basis of demand, and any change in them can bring a loss of part of the market and a decrease in efficiency [4].
We will highlight the following ways to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise:
1. Continuous use of innovations.
2. Search for the most perfect forms of manufactured products.
3. Production of products that meet the requirements of state and
international quality standards.
4. The use of raw materials and materials of the highest quality.
5. Training and retraining of personnel.
6. Improving working conditions and mo-
7. Conducting market research.
8. Analysis of competitors' activities.
9. Use of the most effective advertising channels.
10. Registration of a trademark.
Sustainable improvement of the competitiveness of an enterprise in Kazakhstan can be achieved only on the condition of long-term, continuous and progressive improvement of the quality management system. The current practice of economic life in the world indicates that the market and competition are the main device for the development of the modern economy, the most powerful and effective than any other reason for its movement.
Conclusion. Thus, competition in a general sense can be defined as competition between individuals and economic units interested in achieving the same goal.
At the same time, it is also necessary to develop market infrastructure in the consumer and commodity markets, eliminate numerous intermediaries and monopolistic associations. Sustainable improvement of the competitiveness of domestic enterprises is possible only with the long- term and continuous development of all the determinants of competitiveness.
tivating employees.
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А.А. М^хамеджан, магистрант
Казахский университет международных отношений и мировых языков имени
(Казахстан, г. Алматы)
Аннотация. В статье автором представлены научно- теоритические подходы на понятие «конкурентоспособность». Систематизированы факторы, влияющие на конкурентоспособность предприятия Казахстана, позволившая разделить их на внешние и внутренние, а также раскрыть каждый фактор в зависимости от оказываемого воздействия. Также автором рассмотрены способы повышения конкурентоспособности отечественных предприятий в современных экономических условиях. Отмечается, что устойчивый рост конкурентоспособности компаний Казахстана может быть обеспечен только при условии долгосрочного, непрерывного совершенствования системы менеджмента качества.
Ключевые слова: конкурентоспособность, фактор, экономика, предприятие, менеджмент, качество.