Kottsova O.
PhD student, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (NArFU)
The study of cerebral energy exchange was carried out using a 5-channel hardware and software complex "Neuro-KM" to determine the possibility of assessing of the central nervous system's (CNS) adaptation success when examining young people of the Arctic region. The obtained results revealed functional symmetry of cerebral energy processes with right-hemisphere dominance and expressed values of constant potential. In factor analysis, the first factor is represented by the distribution of energy processes in the central departments of the brain. The second factor indicates the distribution of energy processes in the frontal lobe. And the third factor is in the occipital lobe. The presented neurophysiological features of the energy distribution, in our opinion, can be considered a manifestation of successful adaptation of the central nervous system.
Keywords: the Arctic region, young people, permanent potential level, cerebral energy processes, adaptation.
Living in the Arctic is additional stress for all functional systems of the body [1-5]. Adaptive adjustments require enhanced work of different brain structures and lead to changes in its energy state [6-10].
It is widely known: Arctic residents have high values of the constant potential level (CPL) with the right hemisphere domination of neurophysiological processes [9, 11] that reflects the functional state of the body.
However, no data on the status and relationships of cerebral energy processes of young people permanently residing in the Arctic region exist. The characteristic of hemispheric asymmetry of cerebral energy exchange, reflecting compensatory and adaptive mechanisms of the central nervous system [12, 13], is of importance. The purpose of the study is to determine the peculiarities of the cerebral energy processes distribution on the example of young people born and permanently residing in the Arctic region.
Data and methods
The study involved 121 people (57 men and 64 women) with an average age of 30. The study was completed with the help of a 5-channel hardware and software complex for topographic mapping of the electrical activity of the brain "Neuro-KM". The study grounds on the data about the level of the brain constant potential. The CPL was registered in the monopolar derivations under the international 10-20 system. The study involved constant control of skin resistance values in the CPL areas, and it did not exceed 30 kOhm.
Analysis of the CPL distribution was carried out by mapping the monopolar values of the constant potential level and calculating their gradients. Inter-hemispheric brain asymmetry was estimated by intertemporal difference Td-Ts. The obtained CPL values were compared with the average standard values of the software of the complex.
Statistical processing of the received data was carried out using the SPSS-22 software package for Windows. Checks for the normal distribution and for the
presence of rough observations were carried out. Most variables had an abnormal distribution and therefore non-parametric methods were used for independent samples (M-Whitney criterion). The results of non-parametric data processing methods were presented in the form of a median (Me). The differences in the study results were considered significant when p<0.05. Features of structure and relations of indicators of ecological adaptation of cerebral energy metabolism of young people were established by factor analysis with vari-max rotation.
The research methodology has been compiled and carried out in accordance with articles 5, 6 and 7 of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights.
Prior to inclusion in the study, written informed consent was signed by all the participants in accordance with the principles of the WMA Declaration of Helsinki. All the necessary conditions were met during the collection of samples: registration of physiological indicators was carried out in the morning time, 1,5—2 h after eating at maximum physical and mental rest of the subjects.
Results of the study and discussion
Analysis of the CPL distribution values revealed the peculiarities of energy consumption on the cerebral cortex of the young residents of the Arctic region. An increase in cerebral energy exchange in absolute values in the frontal, parietal, and occipital lobes of the brain was traced among male participants of the research. The same was observed in the central and back parts of the cerebral cortex of female participants. This fact was accompanied by the domination of cerebral energy processes of the right hemisphere (Td-Ts (men) - 1,01mV, Td-Ts (women) - 0,77 mV) (Table). The hemispheric asymmetry indicators (women) are less than 1 mV, which means smoothing of hemispheric asymmetry of the brain cerebral energy processes and the development of a large number of hemispheric connections.
Table 1
The CPL distribution in monopolar depositions among young people permanently residing in the Arctic region _(Me, Q1, Q3), mV_
Indicator Men (n = 57) Women (n = 64)
Monopolar Values
Fz 13,82(3,33;20,67) 8,69(3,16;16,98)
Cz 17,24(7,35;28,66) 16,4(4,29;23,12)
Oz 11,91(6,54;19,01) 10,72(4,3;17,49)
Td 10,24(4,66;18,75) 7,75(0,92;14,72)
Ts 8,79(1,49;17,94) 6,48(-2,43;13,8)
Xav. 12,15(6,74;18,43) 9,5(5,59;15,9)
Inter-electrode potential difference
Td-Ts 1,01(-5,46;5,91) 0,77(-2,79;5,18)
Increased energy consumption of the brain of young residents of the Arctic region was observed compared to the indicators of central Russia (Fig. 1)
Fig. 1. The brain CPL distribution, young residents of the Arctic territories of the Russian Federation in relation to the standards for central Russia (%%). The value of 100% is the data for the residents of central Russia.
Factor analysis using varimax-rotation also revealed differences in the cerebral energy metabolism of men and women in the Arctic areas of the Russian Federation (Fig.2).
The results of the factor analysis represent the distribution of energy processes, their relationship in the hemispheres and divisions of the brain. The factor model of cerebral energy processes has the same structure for men and women born and living in the Arctic
region. Three main factors were identified. Thus, the first factor reflects the distribution of energy processes in the parietal lobe; the second indicates the distribution of energy processes in the frontal lobe of the brain; the third factor- in the occipital lobe. At the same time, the voltage of executive functions and the centralization of regulatory systems was not revealed.
Fig. 2. Factor structure of cerebral energy processes in relative rest, young people - residents of the Arctic zone
of the Russian Federation
Thus, young people living in the Arctic region have energy metabolism with the right-hemisphere domination, high energy metabolism intensity and corresponding factor structure of the energy processes distribution in the brain hemispheres, which reflects successful adaptation of the central nervous system in an unfavorable environment.
The research project won the competition "Mo-lodie Uchoynie Pomor'ya 2019" ("Young scientists of the Pomor land 2019") and got funding in the framework of the scientific project № 18-2019-02a.
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Позднякова А.В.
Студентка Кубанского Государственного Аграрного Университета,
имени И. Т. Трубилина Факультета агрономии и экологии, город Краснодар
Pozdnyakova A.
Student of Kuban State Agrarian University, name I. T. Trubilin Faculty of agronomy and ecology, city of Krasnodar
В статье рассматривается разнообразие форм и размеров лепестков венчика сои культурной, влияние окружающей среды и других факторов на линейные размеры элементов венчика сои. Abstract
The article discusses the variety of shapes and sizes of petals of soybean Corolla, the influence of the environment and other factors on the linear dimensions of the elements of soybean soya/ Ключевые слова: соя, венчик, цветки, разнообразие форм венчика. Keywords: soybean, soya, flowers, variety of soya forms.
Подавляющее большинство исследований морфологии цветка у культурного представителя рода соя - сои культурной (G. max) и дикорастущих видов сои, были посвящены простой констатации его типичного для представителей сем. Бобовые мотылькового типа строения и усреднённых линейных размеров элементов цветка. В силу малых (до 10-12 мм) размеров цветка его внутривидовой и отчасти, межвидовой полиморфизм изучен слабо. При этом, даже первичный визуальный анализ позволяет выявить некоторые морфологические различия в размерах и пропорциях элементов цветка между сортообразцами культурного и дикорастущих видов сои (рис. 3).
Так, у цветков в пределах сои культурной (G. max) наиболее стабильную форму сохраняет самый крупный лепесток цветка - парус, у разных сорто-образцов, отличающийся лишь своими размерами.
В ряде случаев отмечаются различия в размерах срединной выемки в верхней части паруса. У дикорастущих образцов эта выемка, как правило, меньше. В случае формирования у цветка признака махровости второй парус, как правило, меньше основного, нередко ассиметричен основной оси симметрии цветка (см. рис. 3г).
Выявлены различия в распределении пигмента в лепестках-парусах между культурными и дикорастущими сортообразцами. У культурных форм наибольшая интенсивность окраски паруса наблюдается у основания лепестка («ноготка»), которая постепенно уменьшается к периферии, особенно в боковых зонах. А у дикорастущих сортообразцов, например, у австралийских видов сои G. tomentella и G. tabacina, ноготки лепестков, как правило, не окрашены. При этом максимальная пигментация отмечается во внешней зоне лепестков, за исключением узкой краевой полосы.