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ISSN 2686-8725 (online) ISSN 2500-0039 (print)
Педагогика. Вопросы теории и практики Pedagogy. Theory & Practice
2023. Том 8. Выпуск 2. С. 187-197 | 2023. Volume 8. Issue 2. P. 187-197
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Внеурочная деятельность детей с выраженными нарушениями интеллекта в России: взгляд изнутри
Парфенова В. В.
Аннотация. Цель статьи - дать оценку современного состояния организации внеурочной деятельности детей с выраженными нарушениями интеллекта в России с помощью метода глубокого полуструктурированного интервью. Научная новизна: исследование реализовано в рамках гуманистической социокультурной парадигмы, в соответствии с принципами постнеклассической науки. Анализ полученных данных позволил сделать «срез» современного состояния внеурочной деятельности детей исследуемой категории, который, как надеется автор, станет первым шагом к построению ее научной картины. Проблема включения детей с выраженными нарушениями интеллекта во внеурочную деятельность впервые рассматривается комплексно, включая ее социально-экономический контекст, ценностно-мотивационные ориентации и уникальный опыт участников. Результаты: исследование позволило выявить некоторые особенности внеурочной деятельности детей с выраженными нарушениями интеллекта, очертить круг ее участников, а также наметить предпочтительные ее виды и формы, определить преимущества и недостатки ее действующей практики. Выявлено несоответствие между требованиями федерального государственного образовательного стандарта образования обучающихся с интеллектуальными нарушениями в части организации внеурочной деятельности и ее современного состояния.
Extracurricular Activity of Schoolchildren with Significant Intellectual Disabilities in Russia: A View from Within
Parfenova V. V.
Abstract. The purpose of the article is to provide an assessment of the current state of extracurricular activity organization for children with significant intellectual disabilities in Russia using the method of the in-depth semi-structured interview. Scientific novelty lies in the following: the research was carried out within the humanistic sociocultural paradigm, in accordance with the principles of post-non-classical science. The analysis of the obtained data made it possible to make a "cut" of the current state of extracurricular activity, which, as the author hopes, will become the first step to the construction of its scientific picture. The problem of involvement of children with significant intellectual disabilities in extracurricular activity is considered holistically for the first time, including its socio-economic context, value-motivational orientation, and unique experience of the participants. The results are as follows: the research made it possible to reveal some peculiarities of the extracurricular activity of children with significant intellectual disabilities, to outline the range of its participants, its preferred types and forms, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of its current practice. A discrepancy was revealed between the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education of Students with Intellectual Disabilities in respect of the organization of extracurricular activity and its current state.
The achievement of the utmostly possible independent way of life is considered by modern special (remedial) pedagogy to be the main goal of education of a child with intellectual disabilities, in every particular case. This child acts, in the first place, as an equal member of society and not as an object of remedial pedagogical influence
Научная статья (original research article) | https://doi.org/10.30853/ped20230025
© 2023 Авторы. ООО Издательство «Грамота» (© 2023 The Authors. GRAMOTA Publishers). Открытый доступ предоставляется на условиях лицензии CC BY 4.0 (open access article under the CC BY 4.0 license): https;//creativecommons.orq/licenses/by/4.0/
and social protection. Various patterns of the child's social integration are studied, in addition to participation in productive labor and independent living: life in the family and interaction with the immediate circle, leisure, sports and creativity, participation in public initiatives.
Researchers' interest in extracurricular activity is growing consistently (Agran, Wojcik, Cain et al., 2017; Парфенова, 2020). The development of a child's own motivation to participate in social life, accumulation and generalization of versatile social experience, and formation of a social circle based on extracurricular activity contribute to the social integration of every child; therefore, the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) for Education of Students with Intellectual Disabilities (Об утверждении федерального государственного образовательного стандарта образования обучающихся с умственной отсталостью (интеллектуальными нарушениями): Приказ Минобрнауки России от 19.12.2014 № 1599. URL: http://www.consultant.ru/cons/cgi/online.cgi?base=LAW; n=175316;req=doc#0) requires mandatory coverage of all children regardless of the severity of their disabilities. The requirements of the Standard reflect the changing social attitudes and pose new challenges to educators.
In Russia, the extracurricular activity of children with significant intellectual disabilities is a new, the least explored socio-pedagogical phenomenon. One can observe insufficient scientific development of its principal aspects and a shortage of methodological materials. Especially acute is the problem of revision of its philosophical and methodological foundations, which generates numerous specific problems both in pedagogical practice and in research (Парфенова, 2020). Under these conditions, the research toolkit constraints can become critical, leaving out such aspects of extracurricular activity as values and motivation of its participants, their unique experience in this area and the reflection of how theory and practice of extracurricular activity is engendered by the socio-economic context.
The research of little-studied social phenomena is best served by the qualitative methods that make it possible "to obtain valuable social information about the explored social phenomenon through personal events of people's lives and their subjective perception of the objective social reality, and to subject it to conceptualization on this basis" (Исламшина, 2012, с. 11). However, these methods are infrequently used in national special pedagogy.
The relevance of the work is accounted for by the contradictions in modern special (remedial) education and special pedagogy in Russia: between the modern goals of special education and the methodology that is insufficiently updated to achieve them; between the need to restructure the extracurricular activity of children with intellectual disabilities and to include all schoolchildren of this category and an extreme lack of knowledge about the extracurricular activity of children with significant intellectual disabilities.
Research tasks were:
- to identify the peculiarities of organizing extracurricular activity of children with significant intellectual disabilities in Russian schools based on the data from an in-depth semi-structured interview;
- to determine the benefits and drawbacks in the process of organizing extracurricular activity of children with significant intellectual disabilities in Russian schools.
Literature overview. The inclusion of children of the studied category in extracurricular activity is an urgent problem in both national and foreign special pedagogy. Despite scientists' conviction of its significant socializing potential, it remains poorly realized.
Scholars from countries where inclusive education of children with intellectual disabilities is a priority have found that integration during school hours is not efficient enough and does not guarantee due communication and joint activity of such children with their healthy peers. At the same time, children with significant intellectual disabilities most often find themselves in social isolation. The level of their involvement in extracurricular activity remains low; its content and pedagogical organization are insufficiently developed; the participants' responsibilities are unclear (Simeonsson, Carlson, Huntington et al., 2001; Cadwallader, Wagner, Garza, 2003; Pence, 2016; Agran, Wojcik, Cain et al., 2017). The participation of this category of children in extracurricular activity is often superficial, formal, and irregular, and the potential of individual educational programs to increase its efficiency is not used to a proper extent (Powers, Gil-Kashiwabara, Geenen et al., 2005; Pence, 2016; Agran, Wojcik, Cain et al., 2017; Парфенова, 2020).
The national scientific and methodological literature on the problem in question is represented by a few scattered sources pertaining to different historical periods. The works of enthusiastic pedagogues who organized the first classes and schools for mentally disabled children in pre-revolutionary Russia are very close to modern value orientations and socio-pedagogical expectations. The first experience of extracurricular activity did not exclude children with significant intellectual disabilities and had expressed humanistic orientation (Парфенова, 2022a). However, despite the optimistic prospects, the achieved success remained unclaimed - the evolutionary development of extracurricular activity was interrupted by the Great October Revolution. The experience of pedagogical experiments of the 1920s, inspired by the ideas of reform pedagogy (Граборов, 1923), was also realized only in part in connection with the strengthened state/bureaucratic regulation of education and ideologization of its content.
Since the 1930s, the pupil of a special needs school was considered an object of targeted educational influence of the school, the pioneer organization, and - to a lesser extent - the family (the boarding-school type of education prevailed).
The extracurricular activity was inseparable from the educational work at school where a child lived and was studied through interrelation with the classwork, with non-scholastic education, and with the social life in the country (Книга для учителя..., 1959; Мачихина, 1983). G. Dulnev, N. Kuzmina-Syromyatnikova, M. Kuzmitskaya, and V. Ma-chikhina developed the theoretical foundations and related practical recommendations of extracurricular activity having generalized the positive experience of its organization in Soviet special-needs schools (Воспитательная работа., 1957; Книга для учителя., 1959; Воспитательная работа., 1961; Мачихина, 1983). By the 1980s, the extensive
experience of extracurricular activity had been accumulated, revealing its potential for a child's socio-personal development (Мачихина, 1983). However, the theory and practice of extracurricular activity at that time were totally designed only for children with mild mental retardation. Children with significant intellectual disabilities were believed to be uneducable; only a few of them got into special-needs schools.
In the 1990s, the development of extracurricular activity was interrupted again by the change in the political system. The socio-economic situation that became more complicated after the collapse of the USSR hindered the emerging pivot toward the humanization of education. Its restructuring took place chaotically and violently, with ill-conceived borrowing of Western models and practices (Малофеев, 1997). The children of the studied category got the right to education, but their extracurricular activity developed slowly. In subsequent years, a number of valuable scientific papers were published revealing the potential of extracurricular activity for personal development and socialization, mainly in respect of children with mild mental retardation (Зак, 2001; Евтушенко, 2010; Акимова, 2012).
Since 2015, extracurricular activity has been regulated by the FSES for Education of Students with Intellectual Disabilities. The standard contains definition of extracurricular activity, provides for increasing its diversity toward meeting the children's interests and needs, envisages withdrawal from the practice of their passive presence at the events, aimed just to extend the involvement, supposes the children's regular and active participation (up to 8 hours per week). Special individual development programs (SIDPs) are designed for every child with significant intellectual disabilities and necessarily include a section "Extracurricular activity".
No comprehensive programs and models of extracurricular activity for children with significant intellectual disabilities have been developed by the present time. A number of separate publications have been issued, conveying the positive experience of organization of extracurricular activity, without its analysis in a broader context or methodological reflection (Артемьева, Никонорова, Ожегова, 2017; Лебедева, Трушина, 2019). These works are in fact carried out in a new sociocultural research paradigm, which solves, extremely productively, the urgent problems of individualization in education with regard to the child's program of self-development and social integration (Назарова, 2021).
However, development of extracurricular activity is hindered, since the studies in this area continue to rely on the philosophical and methodological foundations of the natural-science paradigm. As noted by N. Nazarova, the comprehension of phenomena that are new for Russian society takes place " on the basis of the old methodology of Soviet psychology and Soviet defectology, while foreign studies of this problem have a polyfundamental nature" (Назарова, 2011, с. 5). In addition, the comparison of the real state of extracurricular activity involving children of the studied category with the requirements of the FSES for Education of Students with Intellectual Disabilities is significantly complicated by the absence of appropriate monitoring at the state level or survey data collected at least at the regional level to be analyzed, obtained not solely from individual educational institutions (Парфенова, 2022b).
Modern foreign pedagogical research devoted directly to extracurricular activity or covering it indirectly applies the method of the in-depth semi-structured interview with good results (Brown, 2007; Carruthers, Busser, Cain et al., 2010; Díaz-Iso, Eizaguirre, García-Olalla, 2019). This method makes it possible to unleash the potential of partnership involving its main participants (the researcher, schoolchildren or students, parents, and pedagogues). This method is also efficient for children with developmental disabilities (Abeywickrama, Jayasinghe, Sumanasena, 2013; Gregor, Brunia, Grkinic et al., 2018; Mtika, 2019), including those with significant intellectual disabilities (Pence, 2016; Gibbons, 2013; Satcher, 2018), which in fact conditioned its selection as one of the methods for the present research.
Research methods: literature analysis, in-depth semi-structured interview.
Practical significance. The research results can serve as material for scientific and pedagogical discussion and be useful for both researchers and educational practitioners in the organization of extracurricular activity for children of the studied category. Some further directions of research on the given problem are outlined.
Results and Discussion
In Russia, the key figure in organizing extracurricular activity of schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities is the form master (Книга для учителя., 1959). So, form masters became respondents of the authors' interviewing as the most informed participants. In order to learn the in-depth semi-structured interview method and to succeed at all stages of its realization, a set of scientific and methodological materials provided by social scientists (Беланов-ский, 2001; Tashakkori, Teddlie, 2003; Штейнберг, Шанин, Ковалев и др., 2009; Исламшина, 2012), along with some examples of employing the method in a number of countries, were used.
The purpose of the interviewing of form masters was to collect due data to obtain a "cut" of the current state of extracurricular activity offered to children with significant intellectual disabilities in Russia, whose information, hopefully, could become a first step toward constructing a holistic picture of this activity.
The objectives of the interviewing of form masters are as follows: 1) to identify the form masters' views and values that influence their professional work as organizers of extracurricular activity intended for children with significant intellectual disabilities; 2) to identify the specifics of involvement of children with significant intellectual disabilities in extracurricular activity; 3) to identify the preferred types and forms of extracurricular activity for this category of children; 4) to identify the participants in extracurricular activity from among the children with significant intellectual disabilities and the key figures therein - persons who are the most involved in the direct process of extracurricular activity, could take decisions and influence others' participation, to see how these participants interact; 5) to identify the positive and negative aspects in the ways to develop extracurricular activity for children with significant intellectual disabilities and, in relation to the above, to identify the benefits and drawbacks in extracurricular activity.
We created a special questionnaire revealing different aspects of extracurricular activity (value-motivational, pedagogical, organizational, methodological, socio-cultural). When necessary, it was amended during the interview in order to reduce the gap between the researcher's and the respondents' experience and knowledge.
The accepted unit of participation in extracurricular activity was the class - a group of children with significant intellectual disabilities studying together in one classroom, taught by one teacher (form master) and participating in extracurricular activity under his/her guidance. There are such classes in both mainstream and special schools. The respondents were selected according to the following mandatory requirements:
A) the teacher's higher education in the specialty "Remedial pedagogy" (5.8.3, the previous code is 13.00.03);
B) at least 1 year of experience as a form master of a class for children with significant intellectual disabilities (namely, moderate, severe, profound mental retardation). Such a class is not supposed to include children with mild mental retardation. In case there were children with other developmental disabilities in addition to intellectual disabilities (musculoskeletal disorders, autistic spectrum disorders, etc.) in respondents' classes, such teachers were allowed to participate in interviewing, too;
C) experience in organizing extracurricular activity for schoolchildren and/or their participation in extracurricular activity, when organized by others.
Only the respondents with professional activity that commenced after 2015 or that was carried out within the last 7-10 years were included in the experimental study. These teachers supposedly had due knowledge about the changed requirements for extracurricular activity and conditions for their realization after the adoption of the FSES for Education of Students with Intellectual Disabilities and relevant practical experience.
Maximum variation sampling was used in searching for respondents. The respondents were selected regardless of gender, age, qualification category, place of residence, and type of school. The information about the investigation was distributed through: personal invitation by the researcher; "rumor mill" (the participants tell their colleagues about their experience and invite them); posts in professional groups on social media; ads on aggregator platforms aimed at searching for specialists (Profi.ru, Repetit.ru, YouDo.ru). Although the research was noncommercial, some of the respondents were paid for their participation in the amount asked by them. This measure made it possible to attract highly qualified specialists, PhDs, and to extend the research geography.
A total of 15 respondents from six regions of Russia took part in the interviewing. All of them were women, aged between 24 and 50, from Moscow (State-Funded Educational Institution School No. 108 (4 persons) + from 4 other schools (1 respondent from each)), Moscow Region (2 persons from different schools), St. Petersburg (1), Lipetsk Region (1), Udmurtia (2 persons from different schools), and Krasnoyarsk Region (1). The respondents worked at the following institutions: an independent special school or a school representing a part of an educational complex including a special school (formerly "schools of the 8th type"); a regular comprehensive school (with a specialized class); a "new type of digital school" (with a specialized class).
Forms of interviewing: face-to-face meeting; video conversation in Skype, Microsoft Teams; phone call. The duration of the conversation ranged from 50 minutes to 2 hours. Timeline: May-August 2021. All interviews were audi-otaped and then converted to the textual form. To protect the confidentiality of the respondents, the identities were coded with a number (hereafter, the codes are denoted by the symbol "#"). Let us consider the obtained results.
The semi-structured interviewing consisted of the following blocks: Beliefs and Values; Experience; Concretiza-tion; Participants; Resourcing, and Summary.
In the "Beliefs and Values" block, the respondents were asked whether they deemed it necessary for children with significant intellectual disabilities to participate in extracurricular activity and why; which of the participation results were most significant for the students' development; whether the children themselves wanted to participate; how the other participants felt about their participation.
All the respondents believed that children of the studied category must participate in extracurricular activity, since it stimulates cognitive and social activity; promotes the reinforcement of learning results; extends the circle of contacts; contributes to the development of communication skills and all higher mental functions by increasing a child's own motivation. The respondents noted as the most significant results the activated social/emotional development (normalization of the emotional background, positive interaction experience, differentiation of emotions, positive emotions as a developmental stimulus). The children became more active in extracurricular activity, sought to make a choice based on their own desires and preferences, and were more willing to engage in interaction in order to realize these desires. The participation also contributed to the development of the students' personality: their self-confidence grew; egocentrism and social-depended positions (habit of living when a person constantly counts on someone else's help and not on one's own resources) were smoothed out; some positive qualities (independence, responsibility, amiability, etc.) were formed.
Most students with moderate mental retardation and all children with severe or profound mental retardation lacked an understanding of the nature of extracurricular activity. Originally, it was difficult to recognize the children's attitude toward it. Often, the problem was the child's general passivity - the child wanted in fact nothing, not just participation in extracurricular activity (# 7); the children with autistic spectrum disorders were for the most part reluctant to get involved in anything (# 14). The pedagogues used certain ways to achieve the students' emotional involvement, to increase their interest; they observed the children and designed further interaction with regard to their reactions.
The children's interest and the desire to participate in extracurricular activity were evoked mainly in the process of activity. Only the learners of forms 8-11, if they had respective positive experiences, showed the desire to engage in extracurricular activity. All the students demonstrated a predominant emotional attitude toward people, places, and objects associated with a positive experience of extracurricular activity, which prevailed over the cognitive
interest and the aspiration for self-actualization. At the same time, the older children who did not have such experience demonstrated no interest in extracurricular work.
The pedagogues emotionally described the students' behavior, which confirmed the positive attitude of "experienced" children ("He got excited and was asking, since September, when the time for them to perform would come"; "She is running, begging without words to be included, because she knows that the children are in for some extracurricular activity, possibly a game, something involving fairy tales. <...> She has a positive experience, and she hopes this will happen again"; "Afterwards they are all happy, walking around and showing <their creative works> to everyone").
The respondents noted that the pedagogue's attitude toward extracurricular activity was important for learner engagement ("The pedagogues with low motivation have fewer chances to engage children, whereas the highly motivated pedagogues have a greater potential"; "If you do not work fingers to the bone, who will?"). The respondents talked about the importance of an external design of the activity, the adults' ability to create a positive background, to introduce encouraging elements in the environment, which will stick in the children's memory as images. This can include a huge watermelon for a "watermelon party", balloons, teachers' outfits. When a call toward activity had some unusual form (for instance, invitation on a speakerphone), it encouraged the children to participate more strongly.
Other participants in extracurricular activity had mostly positive or neutral attitudes toward the participation of children with significant intellectual disabilities. The children with intact intellect behaved tactfully and helped on their own initiative (# 5, 13), although their parents were sometimes wary of cooperative activities (# 6). The children with mild mental retardation asked inappropriate questions at times and laughed at their peers. The respondents who often took the children to visit outside events (# 1, 12, 13) reported having a problematic experience with randomly encountered adults: the latter gazed blatantly at the children and discussed their behavior, tried to interfere with the group's activity. At the same time, the children who were casually encountered were more tolerant.
In the "Experience" block, the respondents were asked about their experience of including children in various extracurricular activity that was classified and described regarding the complexity of the social context; about the criteria for combining classes during the activity and the ways of how to assess if extracurricular activities were successful.
The next block, "Concretization", made it possible to detail information about the composition of classes and the participation of their learners (what they do and how, how often, whether they need support and what kind of support). The specialized classes had from 5 to 9 learners (in one case - 12); most of them regularly participated in extracurricular activity. The participation data are presented in Table 1. Any withdrawal from regular participation was explained by the children's complicated psycho-emotional state, somatic diseases, and family circumstances. The families chose an individual mode of school attendance as a solution. The children participated in extracurricular activity episodically. The participation form was chosen individually. Only a few "bedridden" home-schooled children did not participate at all.
Table 1. Participation of children with significant intellectual disabilities in extracurricular activity
Activity type Descriptive characteristic Respondents' answers (a - collective, b - individual).
1 Classroom activities Held specifically for the learners of the same class by an adult(s) they know, usually in a classroom assigned to that class. The representation of participants varies little from session to session. A) Classes under extracurricular activity programs; extracurricular electives; planning sessions; holidays (public holidays, birthday parties, gatherings with family members). B) Sessions on extracurricular reading; work in a thematic area (hygiene, indoor plants, etc.); mini-projects, communicative games.
2 Joint activities Held for learners of two or three classes, envisaging their interaction. The place of conduct is a room assigned to one of the classes or another place in the school. A) Planning sessions; festive tea parties; games and instruction aimed at forming a healthy and safe way of life. B) Lego construction classes; quizzes; small-scale sports races and cultural events (initiation of first-year learners, an autumn festival in parallel classes, etc.); participation in a large-scale creative work in a team; special-discipline weeks; performances; creative master classes; quests, community labor.
3 School-wide activities Intended for the whole corpus of learners regardless of gender, age, and severity of intellectual disorders. During these events, children do not always interact directly and can take both active and passive roles. The venue is the assembly hall, the school territory. A) A school assembly for the Knowledge Day, the New Year's concert, and other festivities in the assembly hall (9 answers), school exhibitions and children's art contests (4 answers). B) A Children's Book Week, choreography concert, events held by volunteers and representatives of charitable organizations, school sports day, a tourist rally, the "Outpost" game.
4 Extracurricular activities out the school (the activities in which the child participated with the family, without school help were not taken into account) Events organized by other educational organizations and public institutions. Participation in these events supposes out-of-school activity, extramural attendance, or distance activity. A) Cultural outings in the city to cultural institutions (9 answers); creative contests (8 answers), especially of creative nature; sports competitions for children with disabilities (4 answers); city-wide social actions of patriotic and environmental orientation (4 answers). B) Contest "Estates. Parks. Museums"; city-wide labor competition.
Extracurricular activity except for classroom activities was not available enough to children with significant intellectual disabilities. Joint activities were held infrequently, not in every school. The pedagogues who had experience in organizing such events identified 5 criteria for combining students from different classes: a) territorial proximity and existing social bonds between the learners; b) age; c) intellectual and physical development level; d) number of children in the class, number of children with autistic spectrum disorders (# 5: groups containing many children suffering autistic spectrum disorders as well as large groups were not combined); e) similarity of the form masters' views. According to criteria b and c, the composition of participants could be both homo- and heterogeneous depending on the goals and the content of the event.
Most children with significant intellectual disabilities participated in general school activities only as spectators. The respondents # 12, 14 noted that these students needed more time to prepare, which was not always taken into account at the general-school level; therefore, their motivation to participate in such activities waned.
Four persons noted that they were reluctant to engage in mandatory activities with the content and goals inadequate to the children's psychophysical capacities ("You realize that he <a child with a significant intellectual disability> cannot move by himself and is not able to walk up to the river, while you are supposed to talk about water safety"). Some respondents had fears of open classes, of the host's role in events with a large audience, of field trips (# 2, 3, 7, 9) and noted the lack of motivation to engage in activities of some specific orientation.
The following played a principal role in deciding what kind of activities a student should attend: his/her interests and desire to participate, psychophysical abilities and health limitations, school attendance mode, parents' wishes, and the location of the event. The pedagogues accentuated a particular reason for non-participation in the already planned activities - the child's poor psychophysical condition on that day, since its manifestation (weakness, extreme restraint, dormancy, hysterics, aggression, negativism, etc.) was undesirable for participation.
The respondents specified, among the events involving regular participation, the activities specifically designed for children with significant intellectual disabilities (special-discipline weeks, mini-projects), some school-wide festivities (September 1 school assembly, New Year's concert), special class activities (planning sessions, extracurricular electives, hobby groups), school-wide creative competitions.
The pedagogues said they did their best to attend all possible activities together with the children, at least as spectators. Non-adapted general-school extracurricular activity often had to be abandoned for the reasons of health protection or inexpediency (the content of the event was not clear to the children; absence of skills necessary for participation); disinterest on the part of public institutions' representatives. There were some activities in which children never participated (single examples). They included lineup inspection, singing for the Fatherland Defender's Day, special-discipline weeks of mathematics and the Russian language, and sporting events - they were held in some schools only for children with mild mental retardation. The participation in cultural outings and extracurricular creative contests varied from regular (# 8, 13, 14) to occasional (# 5, 9, 12, 15).
The interview data analysis showed certain preferences of the studied category of children regarding extracurricular activity types. They especially liked the ones that included music, singing, or dramatization. Playing activity or elements thereof were interesting to them regardless of age. Unlike their peers who were more intellectually intact, they predominantly preferred certain stereotypy in the activities.
The most preferred activities included: playing (all respondents); productive activity (# 1, 4, 7, 11, 12, 14); theatrical activity (# 1, 7, 10, 13, 15); motor activity (# 4, 5, 7, 12); "designing": geometric design, LEGO-training, playing blocks, etc. (# 3, 6, 14); socially useful activity (# 7, 13, 15); tourism and local history-related activity (# 10, 12). The respondents noted that the most difficult aspect was involving children in communication and cognitive activity.
There were no consistent preferences as to the forms of extracurricular activity. The reasons why the children liked particular forms were connected with emotional charge, past experience and the external aspect (for instance, when it came to contests, the children liked to be elected from their classroom and walk "beautifully" with pen-cases without their pedagogue to the place for the event where there were special decorations on the theme of the event).
The pedagogues specifically highlighted such promising forms of extracurricular activity as hobby group, sports group, club, game, get-togethers, concert, performance, volunteer clean-up. They noted that children mastered more forms as they get older and the development of socially significant skills. The respondents believed that it was advisable to strengthen the communicative nature of some popular forms and realize them in different conditions, extending the children's social experience; at the same time, the introduction of new forms required methodological assistance to the pedagogues.
A certain correlation was observed between the form master's preferences for extracurricular activity and those of the children. In most cases, the activity described by the pedagogue with special enthusiasm proved to be the children's favorite activity. Most classes had certain traditions of extracurricular activity, carried through the years by some collective teams, from the beginning to the end of schooling. The form masters adhered to some favorite pedagogical methods and techniques, introduced the elements of Montessori pedagogy, Waldorf pedagogy, art therapy, and collective creativity workshop technology in their extracurricular activity.
The class enrolment was heterogeneous. The children with significant intellectual disabilities participated in extracurricular activity in totally different ways. The barriers to participation were as follows: reduced interest in the outside world, communication, joint activity; general passivity; low development of higher mental functions; insufficient formation of all components and types of activity, its slow pace; limited social experience; negative personal qualities; disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere.
The most active and successful were children with properly formed speech, those having intact attention and memory. The most difficult task was to harmonize individual and group participation. When planning some activity,
the pedagogue elaborated the pattern for the participation of both the group and every child, as concerned the duration of the event, activity stimulation techniques, and support methods described below ("support methods", Section C). The organization of extracurricular activity was a resource-intensive work for the form master, which involved the systemic realization of the individual approach that was to be provided by the pedagogue through mostly his/her own efforts.
As for the criteria of successful participation, the respondents highlighted the children's emotional involvement and satisfaction, development of motivation and the very fact of participation, the children's increased rapport, full or partial assimilation of the activity content, and an increased involvement of the children's families. The failure criteria of participation in extracurricular activity were as follows: no interest in the proposed activity, withdrawal from interaction and socially inadequate behavior; the child's discomfort; passivity in the participation process; no progress in mastering the content of SIDPs; the parents' dissatisfaction.
The respondents identified the following possible support methods that could increase the efficiency of children's participation in extracurricular activity:
A) in the area of methodological support: adapted materials (# 1, 3, 4, 13, 15); visuals developed according to the children's personal experience (photos, videos, self-made posters, real objects from past events) (# 15); visual algorithms and visual schedules, social stories (for instance, "Celebrating one's birthday") (# 4, 7, 8, 9, 13);
B) in the area of logistic support: means of alternative communication (# 4, 8, 9, 15); special equipment and information and communication technologies (ICT) (e.g., noise-reduction headphones, weighted vests for children with autistic spectrum disorders, visualization technologies) (# 4, 8, 13);
C) help in the process of participation and preparation for an activity: familiarization with the material in advance (# 1, 7, 8, 15); personal help (encouragement, coming up and explaining, showing, joint acting - the teacher takes the child's hands in his/her own and shows how to act, etc.) (# 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 14); arranging more frequent activities (# 9, 15); addressing of the host of the event to a particular child (# 11); arranging a place to rest (# 11) and "escape routes" (# 7: "Relative to some children, you need to think through in advance how to withdraw from the situation quietly in case of a violent reaction");
D) as concerns interaction of the participants: the presence of a much-esteemed pedagogue at the event (all respondents); the presence of an adult for situational assistance to the form master (# 5, 9, 10, 11, 15); participation in preparing the work of a speech therapist, psychologist (# 2, 3, 13); assistance in organizing outings through the efforts of both the school and the host party (# 8, 10, 13, 15).
Some respondents noted that methodological materials with a description of support measures would be of help for them. The respondents who had methodological experience said that not all of the form masters could organize proper support for extracurricular activity.
The "Participants" block contained questions about the range of participants engaged in extracurricular activity and the mechanisms of their interaction.
The form master's giving detailed information about the organization of extracurricular activity at the school level involved a lot of clarifying questions. The best-managed mechanism of including children with significant intellectual disabilities in extracurricular activity was practiced at schools that had special methodological associations for form masters of specialized classes for such children. The planning and realization of extracurricular activity were handled by their members (under the guidance of the deputy principal or the chairperson of the association). The form masters of classes for students with significant intellectual disabilities that were the members of the special methodological association also approached other event organizers with a proposal for their students' participation.
In other schools, the list of yearly activities was compiled by the deputy principal for education in a specifically directive manner supposing no feedback. The pedagogues did not apply for this official's help so as not to be considered incompetent. In such schools, any activities adapted for the children of the category in question were carried out rarely or were not envisaged at all.
The responsibility for preparing the events was divided among the teaching staff. In addition to the methodological structural units, the schools had informal creative groups of activists with virtually permanent membership. In some cases (# 4, 11, 12, 14), there existed a separate position of a pedagogue-organizer who acted as a link between the administration and the pedagogues. The form master was responsible for preparing children for all events. All events were held with his/her direct participation or in his/her presence.
The form masters regularly interacted with other form masters, educators, and the students' parents. They sought help from the chairperson of the methodological association (# 1, 2, 6, 7), their colleagues (# 2, 5, 9, 11, 14), a psychologist (# 2, 5, 6, 12, 14, 15), a physical education teacher (# 3, 4, 6), a handicraft teacher (# 6, 13), a music teacher (# 4, 8, 11, 15), a librarian (# 5, 15), a pedagogue-organizer (# 9, 11, 14), a choreographer (# 10, 11, 15), and volunteers (# 14).
Only in the school where the author of this article worked (School No. 108), the participants' responsibilities were distributed and the interaction schemes were made, but in other schools, the same was more situational in nature. The form master approached a due specialist depending on the specific task, personal characteristics of the participants, and their factual informal relations. In the absence of the form master's active position, the participation of his/her class in school life could be minimal (he/she did not take any initiative - and was "left alone"). The form masters of specialized classes generally had little opportunity to show creative initiative at the school-wide level.
The parents were regular participants in extracurricular activity. All of the respondents noted that the parents were generally interested in their child's participation. It was only the most active parents who participated in class discussions and decision-making, and the form master could ask them for help (# 1, 6, 8, 10, 15). The help involved preparing costumes, buying necessary items, scrutinizing the material at home, and making creative items for competitions.
The administration periodically monitored the parents' satisfaction in two schools only (# 11, 15). According to the form masters, the parents were generally satisfied with extracurricular activity, but would prefer more active and regular participation of their children in the events. In some rare cases, the parents were inclined to choose the less active participation of their children (# 9: " They think that the children's participation will be totally passive and will not yield any benefit").
The respondents noted poor awareness and passivity of most parents. However, the parents' attitudes toward extracurricular activity could change during their involvement with the help of the form master and their own observation of the child's participation and his/her progress in terms of social-emotional development (# 5, 7, 13, 15).
The cooperation with community organizations and cultural institutions did not cover all schools. The interaction took place very rarely (# 1, 2, 3, 7, 10) or was limited to joint activities with 1 or 2 organizations (# 4, 8, 12). It was only respondent # 11 who noted that her school cooperated with several mainstream schools and volunteer sports organizations; however, some of the activities organized by them were intended only for children with mild mental retardation.
The respondents were also asked to review the list of extracurricular event participants, to complement it if necessary, and to single out three key participants. The participants named first by the respondents were assigned 3 points; named second - 2 points; named third - 1 point.
The rating of extracurricular work participants, as based on the answers, was as follows: 1) form master -33 points; 2) conditional coordinator of participants' efforts (for instance, methodologist, head of the methodological association, pedagogue-organizer) - 13 p.; 3) parents - 11 p.; 4) vice-principal for education - 9 p.; 5) educator, psychologist - 8 p. each; 6) music teacher - 5 p.; 7) tutor - 3 p.; 8) social pedagogue - 2 p.; 9) librarian, physical education teacher - 1 p. each.
Some respondents made supplements to the list of participants: healthy siblings; entertainers; form masters' family members. Most often, the educators talked about their husbands' help: "We... ask them for help - my husband helps me personally. A colleague's husband is a computer specialist, he makes beautiful videos for us" (# 6); "My husband is a professional composer, he wrote music for us" (# 10); "All certificates, prizes, materials for creative work, costumes, color printer - everything was bought with my husband's money. The school «has no money»" (# 15).
The questions in the "Resourcing" block were aimed at clarifying how the organizational conditions for extracurricular activity have changed with the adoption of the FSES for Education of Students with Intellectual Disabilities and checking how the extracurricular activity was maintained in terms of staffing (the form masters' ability to acquire necessary competencies), availability of due software and methodological aids, as well as due inventory.
The role of the FSES in the development of extracurricular activity for children with significant intellectual disabilities was evaluated as follows: for the most part negatively (# 2); for the most part positively (# 1, 3, 5, 6, 9, 11); positively (# 7, 10, 13, 15); had difficulties in assessing unambiguously (# 4, 8, 12, 14). The same FSES requirements (inclusion of all children, cooperation of pedagogues and parents, diversity of extracurricular activity, number of hours allocated for such activity, etc.) were assessed differently by the pedagogues.
The reporting that reflected the children's participation in extracurricular activity was quite varied: reports (# 1, 3, 7, 12), registers (# 2, 4, 7, 11), achievement folders (# 8, 12), testimonials (# 11, 13), posts on the school website and in social media (# 5, 9). Not all of the respondents mentioned SIDPs (# 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 11, 14, 15 only).
Most of the respondents characterized their knowledge acquired at the university about the organization of extracurricular activity for children with intellectual disabilities as insufficient, and as concerns children with significant disorders (especially those with autistic spectrum disorders) - as close to zero. They had to learn everything while already working, and the experience of the first years was extremely difficult. Respondents # 3, 7, 14 rated their knowledge and skills as sufficient, but stressed that they used their prior work experience in the kindergarten.
The form masters believed that extracurricular activity had a great potential for development and that all pedagogues needed to be regularly acquainted with the related scientific and methodological innovations. At the same time, they were more interested in concrete issues and specific directions than in general approaches to the organization. They obtained new information episodically for the most part (Internet, books about extracurricular activity of students without disabilities, informal communication at out-of-school competitions, colleagues' pages in social networks, and webinars).
The pedagogues said they needed useful models when compiling extracurricular activity programs, but in general, they coped well (# 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 14). Respondents # 3, 6, 12 used ready materials, adapting them to their students. Only two respondents (# 10, 15) had experience in creating their own programs. Some pedagogues talked of the stagnancy of the school system and the tendency of the administration to work by inertia (# 8: "The principal may come and say: «What is this for? What in fact is this? What's up with the world nations' games? Let them better play lotto!»"; "It is impossible to approve authorial programs").
Some pedagogues had no experience in developing extracurricular activity scripts (# 1, 2, 12); a few educators had some minor experience (# 3, 7, 9, 10, 13); the remaining teachers had quite a broad experience. The pedagogues anticipated that creative freedom in the development of methodological support could turn into "must-do" and "endless paperwork" and were inclined toward different versions of its collective development.
Creativity and professional development were more important for the form masters than the situational saving of time and effort. Although they would like to use any available higher-level materials on extracurricular activity, they did not view them as a universal solution. First, the importance of extracurricular activity as a space for collaborative creativity was great not only for the children but also for the pedagogues. Second, the heterogeneity of the learners' contingent and the specificity of development in particular cases would make any ready-made material insufficiently effective.
As for the logistical aspect, the extracurricular activity proved to be materially secured only partially. Some schools centrally purchased the materials for creative work (# 4), regularly replenished the wardrobe room (# 3, 7, 13), equipped the assembly hall with audio equipment (# 6, 7) and the classrooms - with computers and projectors (# 9, 11, 14), as well as with good furniture (# 11, 14).
Some facilities were lacking: Internet equipment (# 1, 3, 5, 6), interactive boards or projectors (# 1, 6), modern computers (# 2, 6), printers (# 6, 11, 15), stage costumes (# 1), posters and symbols for public holidays (# 3), special inventory for children with autistic spectrum disorders (# 4, 13), modern didactic materials (# 8, 15), minor props (# 14, 15). Sometimes, there was a time lag of more than six months between the form master's request and the actual purchase of necessary items.
The pedagogues regretted that they had to take great efforts to "get hold" of the items and materials they needed for extracurricular activity. They were pessimistic about the possibility of resolving this problem. The respondents were going to "buy <these items> at their own expense" (# 3), "just go and buy" (# 7), "ask their husbands for money" (# 15), "work solely from the phone" (# 6), "bring the items that their own children no longer use for play and use them" (# 8), etc.
Some pedagogues said they faced a lack of basic equipment. The worst situation was in non-metropolitan areas: "The logistical base of extracurricular activity is in fact absent! The teachers who are not willing to spend their salary to form this inventory study in a bare classroom, they do not even have any posters. I used my own money to buy a TV set... I also donated my own laptop, my monitor, my teaching materials, even my own file cabinets and a bedside table. My father, a carpenter with gifted hands, made furniture for the classroom. The school administration only gave us some toys. Everything was brought in by either the children's parents from home or by me. This is the reason why I quit - it was really over the top. My contributions were not paid for, so I practically spent all my salary on it".
The pedagogues assessed the inventory and logistical management in their schools as: "absent" (# 5); "satisfactory" (# 3, 6, 7, 8, 15); "mediocre" (# 1, 2, 9, 11, 12, 13); "good" (# 14); and "excellent" (# 10 - the new digital school).
The "Summary" consisted of 3 parts: 1) the respondents' assessment of the current state of extracurricular activity; 2) discussion of desired trends of its development; 3) feedback.
The respondents concluded that extracurricular activity for children with significant intellectual disabilities was just in the process of formation in Russia. They assessed its condition "upfront" as quite positive, although focusing not on the achieved results, but on the dynamics of development. The most pressing problems, in their opinion, included the issue of shifting the whole responsibility for consulting and instructing the learners' families onto schools (and especially - form masters) and insufficient funding of special education.
After that, the pedagogues described how, in their opinion, the extracurricular activity for children of the studied category should change in order to maximize their efficiency (we used the method "In an ideal world").
The respondents shared the ideas of person-centered and continuous education, social inclusion, which was mirrored in their reflection. They believed it was necessary to intensify the scientific studies of the problem of participation in extracurricular activity of children with significant intellectual disabilities, to organize interdisciplinary research (special pedagogy, general pedagogy, sociology, and cultural studies). They deemed it extremely feasible to lift the schools' openness to a new plane, which applied as well to the inclusivity of the urban environment and tolerance on the part of the society.
The respondents associated the desired enhancement of the pedagogues' competence with the stimulation of scientific-pedagogical discussions and intensified exchange of experience. The pedagogues pointed out that they would like to have an opportunity to consult a specialist or group of specialists having in-depth knowledge and rich practical experience in the discussed problem. They considered setting up a separate position of a methodologistorganizer of extracurricular activity to be efficient, provided a competent staff selection is made.
The analysis of the interviewing data revealed three major topics in the participants' answers.
"Experience above all". The extracurricular activity of children with significant intellectual disabilities had certain specifics. It could be organized exclusively on the basis of the individual and differentiated approach, being based on the child's emotional sphere. The children retained interest in playing activity throughout the whole schooling period. Their inclusion in communication was difficult and required pedagogical support. The research made it possible to outline some preferred types and forms of extracurricular activity for the children of this category.
The pace of the children's activity and mastering its content was extremely slow. It required lengthy preparation for each event, as well as "immersion" in the topic. The children for a long time showed no orientation toward a concrete result or achievement of the assigned (especially deferred) purpose; competitive aspirations were poorly expressed.
At the initial stages of participation, the children showed the absence of any meaningful attitude toward extracurricular activity, as well as weak selectivity, inability to make a choice, stereotyped interests, dependence on external design and much-esteemed adults. The motivation toward participation, as well as the interest, preferences, and activity, were formed already in the process of participation, as the positive experience was accumulated. This feature, as revealed, seems to be the most significant factor for restructuring the national practice of extracurricular activity of children with significant intellectual disabilities, considering that the adult participants still have some strong restrictive attitudes ("these children should not participate"), protective ones ("participation is detrimental to them"), and expectant ones ("it is necessary to wait for the progress in the child's development and only after that include him/her in the activities").
"The form master as a «super-hero» of extracurricular activity". The circle of extracurricular activity participants turned out to be quite extensive; however, the decision-making and most of the responsibility fell on the form master. The form masters defended the interests of children in extracurricular activity more so than even the students' parents. The cooperation potential appeared to be insufficiently unleashed, which led to the form master's being overwhelmed with responsibilities. An important link was missing within the range of participants: a specialist for organizing, consulting, coordinating, promoting in the area of extracurricular activity.
The form masters were characterized by emotional involvement in extracurricular activity, a creative approach to its organization, the ability to take responsibility for both the process and the result, the desire to cooperate with other participants. Driven by truly humanistic values (respect for the child's personality, faith in his/her strength and ability for self-development, self-actualization, the child's choice), they helped the learners to unlock their potential despite the complicated socio-economic conditions for the realization of extracurricular activity.
Limitations of the study. All the respondents were initially interested in the subject, perceived their participation in the study as a socially useful undertaking, participated voluntarily. One cannot exclude that a number of form masters adhere to a different view (e.g., that children are uneducable, so it is appropriate to limit their participation in extracurricular activity to social presence purely in order to save resources). However, it is the most interested, active, and pedagogically optimistic teachers that will obviously serve as the drivers of extracurricular activity.
"The work for the future". Presently, there is a discrepancy between the requirements of the FSES for Education of Students with Intellectual Disabilities regarding the organization of extracurricular activity and its current state. The schools make certain efforts, but the measures taken at the level of individual educational institutions are insufficient.
The current "deficiency" of extracurricular activity is represented by the insufficient supply of scientific and methodological materials, logistical base, finance; lack of competency staff in questions of education about students with significant intellectual disabilities; poor awareness of parents; unwillingness for innovation on the part of school administrative bodies; not enough inclusion of the society.
The opportunities for restructuring of extracurricular activity related to pedagogues' personal qualities, the cohesion of their goals and humanistic values; accumulated experience of successful organization of extracurricular activity; the interest of the students' parents in participation in such activities; gradually achieved tolerance on the part of the society (children are more tolerant than adults). Thus, although extracurricular activity in Russia is yet at the stage of its formation, its development trends inspire optimism.
The use of the interview method made it possible to open the floor for the most important participants of the explored phenomenon and to achieve the set goal. The research results can serve as material for discussion and be useful for researchers of extracurricular activity, as well as educational practitioners. Many specific issues raised in the interview need further development (participation support; criteria of grouping children for joint activities; criteria of successful and unsuccessful participation in extracurricular activity; regional socio-economic and cultural specificity). The research needs to be continued, covering more respondents from different regions of the Russian Federation.
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Информация об авторах | Author information
Парфенова Вероника Владиславовна1
1 Московский городской педагогический университет; Школа № 108 г. Москвы Parfenova Veronika Vladislavovna1
1 Moscow City Teachers' Training University; School No. 108, Moscow
1 ver. kazakova@gmail. com
Информация о статье | About this article
Дата поступления рукописи (received): 06.01.2023; опубликовано (published): 28.02.2023.
Ключевые слова (keywords): внеурочная деятельность; школьники с выраженными интеллектуальными нарушениями (умеренной, тяжелой и глубокой умственной отсталостью); методология специальной педагогики; глубокое полуструктурированное интервью; специальное образование в России; extracurricular activity; schoolchildren with significant intellectual disabilities (moderate, severe and profound mental retardation); methodology of special (remedial) pedagogy; in-depth semi-structured interview; special education in Russia.