Научная статья на тему 'External threats to economic security of enterprises of shipping business'

External threats to economic security of enterprises of shipping business Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Khaiminova Y. V.

Розглядається морське піратство як загроза економічній безпеці підприємств судноплавного бізнесу. Досліджуються економічні наслідки морського піратства. Розглядаються напрями боротьби с морським піратством.

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Marine piracy as threat economic security of enterprises of shipping business was examined in the article. The economic consequences of marine piracy were investigated. Directions of fight of s are examined by marine piracy were considered.

Текст научной работы на тему «External threats to economic security of enterprises of shipping business»

Економжа пiдприeмства

дискуайносп поставлено! проблемы.


1. Алесинская Т. В. Основы логистики. Общие вопросы логистического управления: учебное пособие / Т. В. Алесинская. - Таганрог: ТРТУ, 2005. -261 с.

2. Вахович I. М. Методолопчш засади проектування лопстичних систем промислових щдприемств / I. М. Вахович, I. М. Камшська // Логiстика: теорiя та практика. - 2011. - №1. - С. 2736.

3. Гаджинский А. М. Логистика: учебник / А. М. Гаджинский. - М.: Издательско-торговая корпорация «Дашков и Ко», 2005. - 432 с.

4. Зборовська О. М. Особливосп проектування i розвитку логiстичних систем у промисловосп / О. М. Зборовська // Бюлетень Мгжнародного Нобелiвського економiчного форуму. - 2010. - №1(3). - Том 2. - С. 132-136.

5. Крикавський £. В. Лопстичш системи: навчальний посiбник / £. В. Крикавський, Н. В. Чорнописька. - Л^в: Видавництво Нац1онального

унiверситету «Л^вська полттехшка», 2009. - 246 с.

6. Миротин Л. Б. Логистика: учебное пособие / Л. Б. Миротин, В. И. Сергеев. - М.: ИНФРА-М, 2000. - 200 с.

7. Мишина Л. А. Логистика: конспект лекций / Л. А. Мишина. - М.: ИНФРА-М, 2008. - 160 с.

8. П'ятак Г. С. Теоретичт аспекта дослвдження поняття лопстично! системи промислового щдприемства / Г. С. П'ятак // Управлшня розвитком. - 2001. - №4. - С. 173-175.

9. Скоробогатова Т. Н. Логистика: учебное пособие / Т. Н. Скоробогатова. - [2-е изд.]. -Симферополь, Омега-Л, 2009. - 256 с.

10. Чужкова О. Ю. Процес побудови регионально! лопстично! системи торгiвлi / О. Ю. Чужкова // Лопстика: теорiя та практика. - 2001. -№1. - С. 144-151.

11. Шкодша О. С. Теоретично-методичт аспекта процесiв лопстазацп промислових щдприемств / О. С. Шкодша // Лопстика: теорiя та практика. - 2012. - №1(2). - С. 217-221.

Аннотация. В статье рассмотрены вопросы относительно построения логистической системы промышленных предприятий железнодорожного транспорта и предложено определение сущности процесса ее построения.

Ключевые слова: промышленные предприятия, промышленные предприятия железнодорожного транспорта, логистическая система, построение логистической системы, системный подход.

Summary. In the article questions are considered in relation to the construction of the logistic system of industrial enterprises of railway transport and determination of essence of process of her construction offers.

Keywords: industrial companies, industrial railway transport logistics system, logistics system construction, system


Рецензент к.е.н., доцент УкрДАЗТ Сухорукова Т.Г. Експерт редакцшноИ колеги к.е.н., доцент УкрДАЗТ Боровик Ю.Т.

UDK 347.799.4



Khaiminova Y. V., kand econ. sc., (National University "Odesa Academy of Law")

Розглядаеться морське тратство як загроза економiчнiй безпещ тдприемств судноплавного 6i3Hecy. До^джуються економiчнi на^дки морського тратства. Розглядаються напрями боротьби с морським тратством.

KnwHoei слова економiчна безпека, загрози еконожчнш безпецi, судноплавна компания, тратство.

Introduction. The activity of the enterprises of one of the most important and urgent problems in

shipping business is carried out under the conditions of functioning of shipping companies. increased competition and the crisis phenomena that The goal of economic security of a shipping

reduce their vitality. Crisis phenomena at the level of company is to ensure its effective functioning at the

enterprise form the basis of negative trends in the industry freight market and development of potential in the future. development and reduce national economic security. In Statement of the problem. There are various

modern conditions the provision of economic security is approaches to economic security. From the point of view

© Khaiminova Y.V.

BiciiiiK економжи транспорту i промисловост № 39, 2012

EKOHOMiKa niflnpneMCTBa

of resource approach economic security is such a state of corporate resources (capital, personnel and information technology, machinery and equipment, patents) and business opportunities for which their most efficient use is guaranteed for the stable functioning and dynamic scientific and technological and social development, to prevent internal and external negative influences (threats) [5]. From the perspective of adaptation to the environment, economic security is a practical application of such principles of modern management as timely response to changes in the environment [8]. From another point of view economic security is a set of conditions and factors that provide a stable, progressive, efficient development of the enterprise. Economic security of an enterprise is a system of continuous action aimed at preventing the negative impact of external and internal factors on the activity of the company and ensuring favorable conditions for its short- and long-term development in accordance with its goals [8].

Economic security of an enterprise can be interpreted as a state of being protected from internal and external threats. A threat is a set of conditions, processes and factors that inhibit the economic interests of business or create danger to them. The indicators of threats may be: loss of competitiveness of enterprises, significant deterioration in its financial condition, a loss of positive image, etc. [1].

The reasons, that reduce the economic security, can be divided into external and internal. External causes of weakening of economic security are political and economic instability, constant and unpredictable changes in legislation, strengthening of monopoly in the market, conflicts with domestic and foreign partners, industrial espionage, raiders' attacks, force majeure (natural disasters, catastrophes, armed conflicts, that have a negative impact on economic security), etc. [8].

The main internal causes of weakening of economic security are drawbacks in the organization of the production process; low level of business and professional quality of staff, who consciously or unconsciously cause damage to the company; poor management; conflicts between founders (owners) of the company; poor marketing policy; lack of scientific, technical and intellectual capabilities in the activity of the enterprise; unexpected wastes of resources or lack of funding [6, 8]. External and internal factors that reduce the level of economic security are interrelated. Late or improper response to their impact may lead to bankruptcy [8].

Internal and external threats to economic security are divided by the structural components of economic security: financial, personnel, technical and technological, legal and other components [1, 5].

Among the external threats to economic security maritime piracy becomes of particular relevance and importance. In 2011, GDP growth of 3,5 % was expected. The volume of world trade in 2010 amounted to 24,532 billion USD. [12]. The volume of shipping has

reached 8,4 billion tons of cargo. Since 95% of cargo is transported by sea, Somali pirates' attacks may adversely affect the transportation of goods and profits of shipowners. Every year in the Gulf of Aden towards / from the Suez Canal circulate about 20 thousand vessels.

Overview of recent research and publications. General theory aspects of the essence of economic security of enterprises are examined by Pokropyvnyj S.F. [5]. Classification of economic security threats is studied in works of Vasyltseva T.G., Pasichnic M.B., V.L.Ortynsky and others [1, 3, 6, 8]. Features of the economic security of maritime transport, characteristic of functional components of the economic security of maritime transport enterprises are investigated in the works of the author [9, 10].

Unsolved issues of the general problem. Despite the research problems of economic security in the business of maritime transport (commercial sea ports and shipping companies) there are still unresolved questions of definition and classification of the threats to economic security of the enterprises of shipping business. Threats to economic security of shipping companies are divided into external and internal. In [9] the external and internal threats to intellectual and human resources components of the economic security of shipping companies are researched in details. However, special attention among external threats to economic security should be paid to the issue of maritime piracy.

The aim of the article. The aim of the paper is the study of piracy as a threat to economic security of shipping companies.

The essential material of the research. A set of external threats to economic security that may be inherent in shipping companies, are presented in the tabl. [1, 9].

The power component of economic security includes: physical security of employees (directly saving their lives and health from the physical actions of damage), protection against malicious acts of third persons or organizations who seek to inflict moral damage to the employees of the enterprise, saving property of an enterprise from negative impacts that threaten with the loss of the property or decrease of its value, power aspects of informational security of the company [9]. In general theoretical works to the threats of force component are included raider attacks on the enterprise [1]. Maritime piracy currently poses a serious threat to commercial shipping, economic security of the international community, life and health of seamen [4]. Piracy should be considered an important issue of provision of force security of shipping companies.

Political instability in Somalia, absence of common effective legal framework for self-defense and protection of vessels against armed attacks, absence of common approaches in fighting the numerous acts of piracy on the international and national levels, low level of scientific and technical cooperation between the countries in the creation of a unified system of combating piracy in the region, insufficiently effective participation

BicHHK CKOMOMÍKIi TpaHcnopTy i iipomiic.ioboctí № 39, 2012

EKOHOMiKa niflnpneMCTBa

of international organizations in the system of providing law and order at sea leads to an increase in pirate attacks [4].

Since 2006 the pirates have made about 1600 attacks, which resulted in 54 killed people. According to the 1MB, in 2009 in the world there were 406 pirate takeovers of vessels with 1,052 team members on board. Pirate attacks off the coast of Somalia in 2009 made 53% of the total number of attacks on vessels. According to the 1MB, from January to September 2010 there were recorded 127 cases of piracy off the coast of Somalia. 682 sailors were taken prisoners. For April 14, 2011 Somali pirates made 107 attacks, captured 17 ships and 309 crew members, seven sailors were killed. In the hands of

Somali pirates there are 26 vessels with crews of 532 people of different nationalities [11].

Ukrainian sailors occupy the fifth largest part of the crews on commercial vessels and the second - by the number of hostages who each year fall into the hands of pirates [4].

From 2006 to 2010 the damage associated with maritime piracy has increased 5 times. Experts estimate that the amount of damage related to maritime piracy has reached 7 - $ 12 billion USD a year.

The most significant are the costs connected with insurance and change of route (respectively 30% and 28% of total damage) [7].


Threats to economic security

Functional component External threats

Financial component excessive tax burden; difficulty of access and high cost of financial resources; inflation; high level of competition; fines and penalties.

Personnel component better motivation in the companies of competitors; lack of highly qualified personnel.

Technical and technological component high cost of fixed assets

Food component actions of the mediators; changes in market conditions; unfair competition.

Political and legal component inadequate state laws and regulation, its frequent changes; actions of state authorities.

Informational component expensive and inadequate software; rapid moral wear of the software.

Environmental component miss-performing of international conventions on maritime safety; force majeure.

The power component of the criminal groups, raiding.

Increased number of pirate attacks affected the insurance market in shipping. Insurance premiums for shipping companies with vessels operating in the Gulf of Aden increased by 30 - 40% in 2009-2010. The sum of premium for insurance of risks of kidnapping and extortion of ransom reached 100 million USD in 2009.

Re-routing around the Cape of Good Hope adds 1,5 - 3 weeks to the time of transportation, which leads to increased transportation cost.

The sum of ransom paid to pirates for the release of seized vessel and crew makes up 1% of total costs. However, over the past five years the sum of ransom has increased 5 times. The average sum of ransom for the vessel in 2010 was 6,4 million dollars, compared to 3,4 million dollars in 2009 and 150 thousand dollars in 2005. According to experts, in the 2009 - 2010, the total cost of ransoms reached 425 million USD, and taking into account the costs on mediation and logistics - 830 million USD.

The share of the costs on protective systems of vessels and operations off the coast of Somalia are 23% and 18% respectively.

Long-standings of vessels in anticipation of ransom lead to the damage of cargo, violation of terms and thus adversely affect the owner's profits.

Areas of struggle against piracy should be stated at the national and global levels. It is necessary to solve the complex of economic, political, legal and informational issues. The basis of the struggle with the problem of maritime piracy is resolving a crisis economic and political situation in Somalia.

Ukraine should carry out common international legal efforts together with the leading states in the direction of improving the legal framework of anti-piracy [2]. It is necessary to create an effective international legal framework to prevent possible acts of piracy. Improvement of informational supply, cooperation with the families of seamen, a special center for rapid response to the cases of seizure of Ukrainian seamen and effective coordination of state bodies will serve the resolving of the problem of maritime piracy.

Conclusion. Investigation of threats by the influence of the individual components of economic security is carried out due to the complexity of the

BicHHK CKOiiOMiKii TpaHcnopTy i iipoMiic.iOBOCTi № 39, 2012

Економжа пiдприeмства

category of economic security. The important task of strengthening economic security of the enterprises of shipping business is to ensure safety of personnel of the enterprise. Increase of pirate attacks on vessels have a negative impact on international trade, commercial navigation and reduces the level of economic security of the enterprises of shipping business.


1.Бойкевич О. Р. Передумови та фактори еконотчжй безпеки торговельного щдприемства / О.Р. Бойкевич // [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу:

http://www.nbuv.gov.ua/portal/chem_biol/nvnltu/20_13/ 175_Boj.pdf.

2.Будаков М. О. Мiжнародно-правовi проблеми боротьби з морським тратством: аспекта кримшального переслвдування // [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: http://www.nbuv.gov.ua/e-journals/Chaau/2010-4/10bmoakp.pdf.

3.Васильцiв Т. Г., Паачник М. Б. Чинники та джерела погроз економiчнiй безпец шдприемства / Т.Г. Васильцiв, М.Б. Паачник // [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: www.nbuv.gov.ua/portal/chem_biol/nvnltu/.../128_Wasyl ciw_18_10.pdf

4.Давиденко Л. М. Мiжнародно-правовi проблеми боротьби з морським шратством / Л.М. Давиденко // Митна справа, 2009. - № 4 (64). - С.

19 - 24. ttp://www.nbuv.gov.ua/ ройа1/Ает_Ыо1/^пки/ 18_10.Wasy1ciw_18_10.pdf.

5.Економiка щдприемства: Щдручник / За ред. С. Ф. Покропивного. - К.: КНЕУ, 2000. - 528 с.

6.Ортинський В.Л. Екожмчна безпека пiдприемств, органiзацiй та установ / В.Л. Ортинський, 1.С. Керницький, З.Б. Живко - К.: Правова едтсть, 2009. - 544 с.

7.Пираты грабят экономику // [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: http://wor1d.eizvestia.com/fu11/piraty-grabyat-mirovuyu-ekonomiku.

8.Береза С. В. Суть та складовi економiчно! безпеки пiдприемства / С. В. Береза // [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: www.nbuv.gov.ua/porta1/soc_gum/nie/2009_4_2/059-064.pdf.

9.Дубовик Н. В. Функциональные составляющие экономической безопасности предприятий морского транспорта / Н.В. Дубовик // Розвиток методiв управлiння та господарювання на транспорта: Зб. наук. праць. - Одеса: ОНМУ, 2009. -№ 30. - С. 5 - 22.

10. Дубовик . В. Особенности обеспечения экономической безопасности предприятий морского транспорта / Н.В. Дубовик // Розвиток метода управлшня та господарювання на транспорта: Зб. наук. праць. - Одеса: ОНМУ. - 2009. - Вип. 29. - С. 2140.

11. www.IMB.com

12. www.ISL.org

Аннотация. Рассматривается морское пиратство в качестве угрозы экономической безопасности предприятий судоходного бизнеса. Исследуются экономические последствия морского пиратства. Рассматриваются направления борьбы с морским пиратством.

Ключевые слова: экономическая безопасность, угрозы экономической безопасности, судоходная компания, пиратство.

Summary. Marine piracy as threat economic security of enterprises ofshipping business was examined in the article. The economic consequences of marine piracy were investigated. Directions of fight ofs are examined by marine piracy were considered.

Keywords: Economic security, threats of economic security, shipping company, piracy.

Reviewer Doctor of Economics, professor of NU "Odessa Law Academy" Kibik O.N. Expert of an editorial board c.e.n., assistant professor of the UkrSART Volovelska I. V.

УДК 624.1:656.078.8


Чупир О.М., к.е.н., доцент (ХНТУБА)

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Розкрито етапи розробки стратегйрозвитку будiвельного потенщалу залiзничного транспорту. Ключовi слова: потенщал, стратегiя, розвиток, мехашзм, матриця выбору.

Постановка проблеми та iï зв'язки з удосконалення дiяльностi вичизняного

науковими чи практичними завданнями. В залiзничного транспорту е впровадження тепершнш час прюритетними напрямками швидшсних перевезень, розвиток комбшованих

© Чупир О.М.

BiciiiiK економжи транспорту i промисловост1 № 39, 2012

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