ПОЛИТИКА, ЭКОНОМИКА И ИННОВАЦИИ № 1 (30), 2020 УДК 339.564(595)
Ahmad Hamizan Hadi Bin Ahmad Hakimi, student of the international faculty, Kursk State Medical University
e-mail: hamizan.hadi.07@gmail .com
Abstracts: Malaysia is a south-east Asian country which was ranked in 3 largest economy in south-east Asian region. This statement shows that Malaysia has one of the largest GDP in that region. The positions of Malaysia in the map give an extra advantage because it was posited in the middle of the path which connects the west and the east through ocean, a cheaper and safer path for trading. This position will affect the product that was exported. Therefore this article will talk about the exportation of Malaysia and the type of the products that Malaysia export. In this article the differences value of exportations for 3 years before and the products that Malaysia provides to being exports are presented.
Keywords: Malaysia, exports, value of exportations
Ахмад Хамизан Хади бин Ахмад Хакими, студент международного факультета Курского государственного медицинского университета
e-mail: hamizan.hadi. 07@gmail .com
Аннотация: Малайзия-страна Юго-Восточной Азии, занимающая 3-е место по величине экономики в юго-восточном азиатском регионе. Этот факт показывает, что Малайзия имеет один из самых больших ВВП в этом регионе. Географическая позиция Малайзии дает дополнительное преимущество, потому что она расположена в середине торгового пути, который соединяет
ПОЛИТИКА, ЭКОНОМИКА И ИННОВАЦИИ № 1 (30), 2020 запад и восток через океан, что благоприятно сказывается на экспорте страны. В статье представлен анализ экспортных показателей Малайзии за 3 года.
Ключевые слова: Малайзия, экспорт, стоимость экспорта
In 2019 Malaysia shows a growth in economy for 4.9 percent from previous quarter year of 2019 which is 4.4 percent. This economy growth was supported by the services and manufacturing sector [3]. Even there was a growth in exportations but the reality is the number is decreasing from the previous year [4]. Ministry of International Trade and Industries (MITI) said that the biggest trading partners of Malaysia in 2019 are China and Singapore with the value US$34.4 billion (13.9% of total Malaysian exports). It was followed by the United States: $22.5 billion (9.1%) then Hong Kong $18.5 billion (7.5%), Japan $17.1 billion (6.9%), Thailand $14.1 billion (5.7%), India $9 billion (3.6%), Vietnam $8.5 billion (3.4%), South Korea $8.3 billion (3.4%), Australia $8.3 billion (3.3%), Taiwan $8 billion (3.3%), Indonesia $7.9 billion (3.2%), Germany $7 billion (2.8%), Netherlands $6.4 billion (2.6%) lastly Philippines $4.2 billion (1.7%) [5] [6]. Figure 1 shows the data of the exportation value that was recorded from the year of 2017 until 2019 [9,10,11]
Table 1 - Exportation value of Malaysia from the year of 2017 until 2019
Year Value
2017 $239.6 billion US Dollar
2018 $247.3 billion US Dollar
2019 $135.5 billion US Dollar
In the Figure 2 the graph was being drawn to see clearly the path of the exportation value of Malaysia from the year of 2017 until 2019.
300 250 200 150 100 50 0
2017 2018 2019
Figure 2 - Dynamics of Exportation value of Malaysia from the year of 2017 until
2019, billion USD
Based on the table 1 and figure 1 the data show that Malaysia doesn't have stable and strong value of exports. Malaysia exports the product and service that have high level of competition such as crude petroleum, refined petroleum products, electrical and electronic products, liquefied natural gas, palm oil and palm oil-based products and natural rubber timber and timber-based products. Those are example of the product. In figure 2 there are the type of the products that were exported and the percentage of the product that was exported in 2019 [12].
Figure 2 - The structure of exports in Malaysia in 2019
From the Figure 2 we can clearly say that Malaysia gained their profit by exporting the manufactured good due to some factor. The most influence factor is the market situation which Malaysia was listed as business-friendly destination even Malaysia only be known as agrarian country for past century ago [12].
From the data that was gained, Malaysia shows that the value of exportation in 2019 is the lowest value which is only $135.5 billion US Dollar. In 2018 Malaysia has the highest value of exportation which is $247.3 billion US Dollar. These data shows that Malaysia doesn't have a stable value of exportations.
1. Wee, Rolando Y. . "The Economies Of Southeast Asian Nations." WorldAtlas, Apr. 25, 2017 https:// worldatlas.com/articles/the-economy-of-the-southeast-asian-nations.html.
2. Department of Statistics Malaysia, press release of Malaysia economic performance third quarter 2019 on https://www.dosm.gov.my
3. Trading value of Malaysia // https://tradingeconomics.com/
4. Malaysia import partner // http://www.worldstopexports.com/malaysias-top-import-partners/
5. Biggest trading partner of Malaysia // https://www.nst.com.my/business/2019/01/455955/china-remains-malaysias-largest-trading-partner- 10-years-running
6. Export value of Malaysia country in 2017 // https://www. miti.gov. my/miti/resources/MITI%20Weekly%20Bulletin/MITI_Weekl y_Bulletin_Volume_422-14_February_2017.pdf
7. Export value of Malaysia country in 2018 // http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2018-02/07/c_136956690.htm
8. Export value of Malaysia country // https://wits.worldbank.org/CountryProfile/en/Country/MYS/Year/2018/TradeFlow/E xport/Show/NMBR-XPRT-HS6-PRDCT;XPRT-TRD-VL;XPRT-PRTNR-SHR;/Sort/Export%20(US$%20Thousand)
9. Summary report on Malaysia trading in 2019 // http://www.matrade.gov.my/en/malaysian-exporters/services-for-exporters/trade-market-information/trade-statistics/28-malaysian-exporters/trade-statistics/4542-summary-of-malaysias-monthly-trade-2019
10. Malaysia Market Overview // https://www.export.gov/article?id=Malaysia-Market-Overview
11. Department of Statistics, Malaysia,MATRADE // https://www.dosm.gov.my/
12. Importance and advantages of exports towards country // https://www.economicshelp.org/blog/7164/trade/importance-of-exports-to-the-economy/