1(Ph.D. Scholar, The University of Lahore, Lahore. Lecturer, University of Sargodha. ) 2(Assistant Professor, The University of Lahore, Lahore.
Islam represents a comprehensive way of life, characterized by meticulous planning and organization. When we contemplate the divine system governing the universe, we discern an intricate, unswerving plan devoid of ambiguity or randomness. This inherent principle underscores the significance of formulating a well-defined framework before embarking on any endeavor. The essence of successful execution lies in methodically determining strategies, resources, goals, and their respective advantages and disadvantages.
This holds true across all domains, encompassing politics, economics, academia, practical pursuits, spirituality, and the secular world, as well as administrative and pastoral matters. Contemporary demands have elevated planning and organization to a permanent and indispensable art form, prompting the establishment of dedicated departments in universities, management institutions, and government entities. In personal and domestic spheres, this method has become an essential practice and a hallmark of a purposefully structured society.
The biography of Prophet (peace be upon him) offers invaluable insights into management principles. By applying the leadership principles derived from his life, we can significantly enhance our effectiveness, surpassing modern management principles. It is evident that a sustainable administrative society and state can only materialize when there is a clear delineation of rights and responsibilities between individuals, the state, and society. The authentic and natural allocation of duties and functions to the three major state institutions—judiciary, legislature, and administration—serves as a guarantor of sustainable development. Although modern administrative structures are rooted in these principles, the ideal level of harmonious coexistence has not been fully realized.
Muhammad (peace be upon him) masterfully transformed the Ummah from an amalgamation of individuals into a cohesive familial and societal unit through meticulous prophetic planning. With the exception of divine laws, ignorance was dispelled, and the population was assimilated into the holistic Islamic way of life. The Prophet's teachings enjoin humanity to employ management skills to alleviate the burdens of daily life, thereby facilitating ease in all aspects of existence. Keywords: Management, Organizational Departments, Strategic Planning, Islam, Seerat (Biography of the Prophet).
Islam is a complete system of life a tenacious way, a succinct methodology, prearrange and planning are remarkably seen in every teaching. Hence if the Super system of creator of universe is considered. It is found that it is running under a complete planning. In which there is no flexibility nor any doubt. To make a program before doing any work.
Allocating the methods and resources along with setting the ambitions and objectives. Recognizing with its benefits and defects play an important role in making the insights easy adamant and successful that's way planning and organizing has great importance in every field, either be political or economic, academic or religious or secular or administrative or pastoral. Contemporary concerns have given it the status of permanent art.
Everlasting departments are established in universities management institutions and in government departments. Even in personal or domestic life the convention of this method is essential. Moreover it is the aphorism of a purpose fully developed organized nation.
In the system of universe it is clear from its deliberate that everything in the universe is running under some rules and regulations. As the rising of sun, its setting, the rotation of earth, shining of the moon and stars, the change of day into night and conversion of seasons are due to some law. Animals' plants and minerals are also subject to some rules and regulations. Therefore, there are rules and regulations for everything present in the universe.
Because of them there is discipline, coherence, properness and decency in everything. In the Holy Quran, there is an indication of a special discipline related to universe. As Allah almighty says:
" "1 Ijj^iJ sj^B e^ü ¿j^j ;^ ''''I ^ ü-j fJj l^j fJj ^J® ^
"He to whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth: no son has He begotten, nor has He a partner in His dominion. It is He who created all things, and ordered them in due proportions".
" "2 IjjiiS Ijpi Jíl JJl ¿lí-j
"And the command of Allah is a decree determined".
" 3 j^ajJlj Siklj VI IJJJJI LájOjíij eljll^ e^ü 0- tjj"
"Verily, all things have we created in proportion and measure. And Our Command is but a single (Act), - like the twinkling of an eye".
In the prophetic® hadith, the teachings related to management are also in these words;
^ot^l ¿I j tj^JU Vj Í^IJ ¿*3lulj ^Aijj ^jc- ^iajkl tjj^. (S j " ñj-.'^'l ¿jjjJl ¿J ^Ikl j jji. ¡^j^Jl ¿JJJJI'' 4"-ji UjA'i (JC. ^J¿J "JJ" ¿i! t(jil ^i^i^j AI ü^Jj 'lis jlis ¿is tiil^i JJ (J
"A strong believer is more loved by Allah than weak believer. There is fairness and goodness in everyone. Be esurience to achieve what is useful for you. And seek help from Allah for its success. Do not lose hope. Nor make excuses of humbleness despite all these efforts and struggles. If trouble still comes. Do not say that if I had done this, then this would have happened. Rather say Allah has predestined this. And he did what he wanted. Because saying 'if' gives an opportunity to devil to do this work". Before studying rules and regulations of management it is necessary to explain the meanings of management. Meaning and definition of management:
The word discipline and planning are used in Urdu for management.
According to the Qamos ul waheed dictionary, Waheed Uzman says, in urdu the word 'Nazm' is collection of three words. But it has extensions in its meaning. That is the word is suitable the owner of beautiful harmony, a balance that dominates all life, without that life is ugly and vulgar. Similarly, the word 'Zabt' is combination of three words in Urdu which means in reason means imprisonment, restriction and slavery, which keeps all irregularities under control The meaning of control is to guard, safety to protect, to be careful, to arrange, to rule, to bind and to occupy5.
According to the Misbah ul lughat dictionary, control refers to endurance, adjustment manuals, while system refers to good layout system, and handiness. They came under the same category of discipline as respect for rules and regulations. While the meaning of word "Nazam" is to string pearls in a thread and to arrange etc6. Management in English is defined as:
'Management is the coordination and administration of task to achieve a good goal'7. It is clear from the above explanation that there are four main areas of management planning, organization, leadership, management and its control. Determining the form of development of the society or any organization's activities in future and implementing a predetermined plan to carry it
1 Al-Furqan:2
2 Al-Ahzab:38
3 Al-Qamar:49,50
4Al Jami Sahih, Muslim:6774
5 Al Qamos ul waheed, Waheed Uzman Qasmi, Published from Idara Islamiyat, Karachi. 2001.page: 102
6 Misbah ul lughat, Abdul Hafeez Bulyavi,Published from maktba qudsiya,Lahore.1999. page: 197
7 Financial Management, James C.Van, Pearson India education served Ltd,27 .November 2016.page18
out by determining. The essential resources and the means to achieve the goals, can be constructed through planning.
This plan can be comprehensive and inclusive as well as partial. It means that there can be planning of a single part and also of whole work. It is an inevitable requirement for every phase of development.
Management is a process of planning, decision-making, organizing, leading, motivation and controlling the human resources financial, physical and information resources of an organization to reach its goals, efficiently and effectively8. Research questions:
1. Are there guidelines and principles related to management in biography the peace be upon him?
2. Is it possible to solve modern problems by using Islamic management in this era? Introduction to the subject:
The specific study of the prophetsS biography related to the management has not come to the light. However, partial work has been done on this topic from several aspects. Be it the biographies of the prophet'sS or the books of hadiths, all the books contains partial information from Prophet's life, like planning, organizing and administration etc.
Books contain fragmentary information about the prophet'sS understanding, strategies, sympathy, planning and leadership. However, many books have been written on leadership, planning, organization, which are mentioned below.
Doctor. Muhammad Yaseen Siddiqi presented a critical and detailed work on organization and formation, development and completion of the institutions of the prophetsS testament, above all the state and government, under the title "Ahde Nabvi main tanzeem riyaset o hakumat".( Public Library, Lahore. 2015).The example of which is not found in any previous work. The history of evaluation in the first Islamic welfare state has been presented in the right context based on solid research and historical information, has presented the analytical and research view of its methods and objectives9.
Doctor. Lee in his book that is titled as: "administrative law of Islam" (research Centre dial sing trust library, Lahore, 2018). Describes the feature of the Islamic constitution, the Shura system, laws of state, the process of accountability and the accounts of the scholars and contemporaries. Rasul e Akram ki sifarat kari aur kharja policy, it is a book by professor Doctor. Hussain Bano, (raheel publication Karachi.2008) in which she described the foreign policy of Islam is unique and have excellence policy. We see in the prophetic conveniently which the author has mentioned in her book with detail. Which provides the best guidance for the goals and objectives of Islam and un-Islamic countries. As well as it can play significant role in eradicating operation, class, discrimination war and conflict from the world. And despite the lack of ideological harmony in different nation, it can bring them close to each other10.
A famous religious scholar Dr. Tahir Ul Qadri has written a book on "Seerat ur RasulS ki intizami ahmiyat". (Minhaj ul Quran publications, Lahore, 2006). In which the purpose of prophet'sS biography is to create a society and a world where all can live with peace and security. The biography of propheti is not just a personal biography, but universal and international biography a guide to life. The solution to all the problems of the modern age, both nationally and internationally is hidden in the management aspect of biography of the holy propheti . Like previous biographical books it has
8 Gray L.Sundem, Introduction of management according Charles T.Horngen, Kindersley India Ltd, 2005.page 20
9Ahde Nabvi main tanzeem riyaset o hakumat,Dr. Yaseen Muzhar Sadiqqi, awami kutab khana,Lahore.2015. page:111
10 Rasul e Akram ki sifarat kari aur kharja policy, Doctor. Hussain Bano, raheel publication Karachi.2008 page: 113
not only described the directions and events, but it has guided the way in light of the biography to get rid of bad position from the new challenges11.
In addition to regular books related to management several research articles have also been written. Among them, the prominent one is the article of Asad Ullah Khan Shaheedi, Ahedi Nabvi ka shahri nizam. (Monthly magazine darul Uloom, volume no: 95, issued March, 3, 2011). In this article, he has described the planning, decision making and strategy of the Prophets in every case from the migration of Madinah to the establishment of the state of Madinah. How with the best management prophet ^established peace and order in Madinah, provided employment opportunities and provided all the necessities of life in a regular manner. Due to which the city state of 'Madinah' became a great Islamic state in short period of 10 years by passing through different stages of evaluation and practically the entire Arabian Peninsula will be ruled by Islam12.
After the conquest of Banu Quraiza in 6 A.H, new construction in Madinah were started by him, which will be completed until the victory of Makkah, also built markets and streets with residential houses. Even the water and education management garbage throwing and also accountability market. And fixed the boundary of city at so cubits. Later on the construction was stopped and he said that now a new city should be settled and this city should not be expanded. In the era of today many problems are because of extensions of cities and more populations.
Research scholar 'Abdul Malik' has cast detailed light on the war strategy of messenger. In his proper entitled "Ghuzwat main Rasul e mujahid ki jughrafiy hikmat amli" The researcher has made it clear that he prevailed at every turn through his ability, wisdom and tactics. And took advantage of everything also he managed everything, also he managed everything with planning. Keeping in mind the maps geography and paths, he used to and advance with information go out in a safe manner choose a suitable place. He used to choose the place and field for battle in advance. He would adopt such military measure that enemy would be left behind. All famous battles are mentioned in detailed are search article "entitled responsibilities of authorities and people in state discipline: 'guidelines from the prophetsS life'13.
Riyast e nazim o zabit main hukam aur awam ki zimadarian, was wrote down by research scholar the Zafar Iqbal. (Research magazine of Islamic studies volume: 1 issue 2, 2017) In which he has explained the meaning of this discipline in detail. He has written the code of these aspects. In which there is reflection of discipline, in regard of discipline, the responsibility of individual has been represented in points14.
And for its implementation the responsibilities of rules have been written, that row each person has to abide by these rules so that peace and security, improvement and also bring prosperity in the society. From about all subjects, research articles, books and compilations, it is clear that there has been no regular research work related to management and the specific study of the prophet'sS biography. Therefore it is necessary that the study of management of prophet'sS biography will prove to be very useful so that principles of modern management are studied analytical in the light of prophet'sS life.
Need and importance of the subject:
Islam is a perfect religion, which covers all areas of human life. Where the religion of slam provides fundamental teachings on every aspect of life. It also describes religious affairs in detail. Since Islam was sent to mankind until the day of judgment and is the last message of Allah, therefore it lays great emphasis on this discipline, unity, harmony and collectivity comprehensive complete and historical biography of Hazrat Mohammad Sall invitational, educational, political, social, moral
11 Seerat ur Rasul ki intizami ahmiyat, Dr. Tahir Ul Qadri, minhaj ul Quran publications, Lahore. 2006.page: 67
12 Ahedi Nabvi ka shahri nizam, Asad Ullah Khan Shaheedi, Monthly magazine darul Uloom, volume no: 95, issued. March, 3, 2011
13 Ghuzwat main Rasul e mujahid ki jughrafiy hikmat amli, Abdul Malik, Baha ud din Zikria Univesity,Multan.2011
14 Riyast e nazim o zabit main hukam aur awam ki zimadarian, Zafar Iqbal, research magazine of Islamic studies volume: 1 issue 2, 2017
activities are high standard examples of planning from the initial stages of invitation all stages of invitations, the meaning of Sunnah is fully considered. How the problems of refugees in the state of Madinah was successfully implemented through economic and social, residential and also brotherhood planning. A good administrative must possess the following qualities:
Honesty, righteousness, faithfulness, justice steadfastness, pure ideas, good knowledge of rights of citizens the study of biography of make it clear that he was not only defined by these qualities, but had reached the peak of each quality15.
Although the messenger had difficulties in his Makkah life, despite this we see him as an excellent administrative here. Since the purpose of the religion of Islam was to practically recognize the orders of Allah to his servants. To achieve this goal management in the best way at each stage. Whether it is preaching the religion, traveling, immigration, state of Medina, relationship and brotherhood, individual affairs, family affair or state and international affairs. Every aspect of biography of prophet'sS was consist on planning, sketch before actions decision making, accounting, reform and excellent leadership. Following are some of the important incidents related to management from biography of and prophetic management. Defiance management and Seerat un NabiS:
About 88 wars were fought under the command of Prophets as a general. It is due to the good management of that Muslims lost was so little that common sense is not ready to accept it that is total of 259 Muslims and 1018 disbelievers were killed, while 6564 were taken to prisoners. Contrast to it, if we look at the first phase of modern Westernization; if we take look at the First World War, 1million people were killed in it16. Management of public peace and Seerat un Nab№
The prophets led down rules for both the people and workers to eradicate crime. so he said to the people make your causes depending on the actions, because the righteous in Imam will be blessed with the shadow of Allah almighty on the day of judgment. While he said to the workers avoid the curse of the oppressed, because there is nothing hidden in there supplication and acceptance. The result was that the level of crime decrease to surprising level. So that only when we focus about it in which he raised the knowledge of his prophecy in which such a perfect set of laws has been prepared that the national, religious and cultural guidelines of the world.
Establishment of public peace and prophetic management laid down rules and regulation for both the people and the workers to eradicate the crimes. the result was that the level of crime decreased to a surprising level therefore only 27 cases of Kisas, took place during prophetsS region, 18 cases of Hadod, 2 cases of Qazaf,2 cases of Izhar, 7 cases of Layan,8 related to Alcohol, 15 thieves and only 10 divorce cases.17.
Educational management and Seerat un NabiS:
Below in the light of the prophetsS biography, to prophetic style of teaching and preaching in mentioned. In the story of beginning of revelation, 'Sayeda Khadijac' also made us believe that new the battle between knowledge and ignorance begin. In first revelation, there was advice for reading. Education and learning, and also pen and paper. So the undertook to spread it among the nation and started teaching and learning. It was not the struggled that the method and saturated the adopted worldly and political point of view, this method is the balance of propheticS reformation and also the original source of divine law. In spite of ignorance opposition in Makkah prophets became a dynamic institution 'Dar e Arkam' become an ideal school of learning.
Educational reforms and prophetic management the holy prophetS has guided the Ummah through his actions and sayings on many occasions in relation to education and preaching and has mentioned, several rules and regulations
15 Seerat ibn hsham, page:249
16 Islam aur amen aalim, ifaa publications,Dehli....
17 Islam ka nizam aman o jung, Dr.Mustafa Sabayi,maktba islami,New Dehli,
Prophet® also built 'Safa hostel', where new students would stay and also did the management of food. in his moral and religious training, where prophets was doing the basic work the senior students but also trained by him and also welcome the new arrivals.
They help in their Better trainings prophets used to talk them and supervise small and big actions and also make the corrections. In this era, he also suited more than 40 scribes for writing of revelations. Holy prophets encouraged his companions to learn and teach knowledge. In order to improve this effort, 'Hazrat Jibreel' also came in human form and manners of assembly. It belief and obtaining it from the correct teacher. On this way ignorance was replaced by light in the land of Hijaz, in a period of 23 years. Prophets informed about the honor and high status of knowledge and scholars.
Haram became a means of meeting with pilgrims- Haram when some students became rich in this knowledge, the prophetSin Madinah, it become the center of knowledge. The Ansar answer began to set out on their journey of knowledge is the company of emigrants. As soon as they came to Madinah, he prophets said to Hazrat Zaid (r.z), learn the languages of the Jews. The prophets mosque became a prominent center18.
Economic management and Seerat un Nab№:
Economic reforms and prophetic management economy and trade are the backbone of any country. The more prosperous the people are the more freely they will be able to practice their religion, tradition and culture. Having a look at the economy and trade during the era of prophets. Any state has the following source of wealth, mall ghaniemat, khiraj,Jizya, trade, cultivation, product, donation, charity and zakat etc.
He neither imposed an illegal tax on anyone nor took away. The wealth of the rich and distributed it among poor. As if neither established the capitalist system nor socialism. Rather, he established a system that not only helped the poor, but also provided relief to the rich. Prophets gave the system of Zakat, charity and ushar.
And then organized the system in such a way that a rate has been fixed for the giver of zakat and also for the receiver. He made every Muslim Sharia booty and used it for the welfare of the state. Also appointed market supervisors to solve commercial problems. The surprising thing is that during this time he did not leave even a piece of land aside from creating any kind of Property for your cast or tribe. There is lesson in this for these who after receiving a Kingdom for a few days deprive there children of earning for many generations19. Administration management and Seerat un Nabi «:
Determination of administrators and officials and prophetic management: he preferred the 'Sharia system' instead of the 'democratic' or 'royal system'. After studying the period of the messenger of Allah, it is known that he divided the urban administration into two parts central and provincial administration. But when there was a need for travel he would appoint some of his deputies, including Hazrat Ali» , Hazrat Saad bin Abadah» , Hazrat saad bin Moid» and Hazrat Abdulla Bin Umme Makhtom
According to Burhan Halbi, Number of secretaries of prophets was 42, the number of ambassadors was 38, the number of commissioners was 14, and the number of poets were hundreds. In which the names of Syedina Hasaan bin Sabit and sayedina Kab bin Zubair were more famous. Judiciary management and Seerat un Nab№:
During the reign of prophets Islamic state expanded further towards earth. It was the strategy of the prophets or it was natural things that the governments of Romme and Iran were on the same side it had provinces like Azed, Yeman, Hezar moit and Humdan. On which about 38 governors were appointed by the prophets at different times whom Hes has given widely powers in the directions of Quran and Sunnah. He advised the Hazrat Muaz bin Jabal, while making him the governor of Yemen.
18 Manhaj dawet e nabvi,Shukat Ali Shukani,mktba daniyal, Lahore 2003,page :41
19 Islam ka muashi nizam, Dr.Israr Ahmad, Quran ikadmi, Lahore 2005.page:88
Consider the Quran, Sunnah and your own Ijtehad when making a decision. Along with this he appointed around 25 local administrators, 12 Naqibs (family heads) and 8 Qazi in the province, they completely independent in making decisions20.
Religious reforms were also necessary for the education and training of new Muslims. Therefore for, this purpose he had appointed a few companions and wives of the saints as teachers, including Muftis, Imams of Mosques obligations he had appointed, Hazrat Atab bin, Syed, Hazrat Abu Baker Sadiq and Hazrat Ali for Hajj.
Political and governance management and Seerat un NabiS:
Achieving invitational and preaching goals and prophetic management: in view of the broader concept of good management and planning in the life of messengers of Allah, many western thinkers were forced to study the management and planning in the life of messenger of Allah and seeing the good management westerners' thinkers and orientalists are forced to give a praise21. Therefore, 'Rousseau' the founder of the French resolution writes: 'MuhammadS was a man of sound mind and a high level political thinker'. According renowned famous Westerner thinker 'George Bernard' :
'The only way to get relief from the present human suffering is that MuhammadS to become the dictator of this world'.
'Rousseau' the founder of the French resolution writes: 'MuhammadS was a man of sound mind and a high level political thinker'. According to renowned thinker 'Reymond',
NabiS Arabi is the founder of this social and international revaluation, of which cannot be found in history before. He laid the foundation of government which was to spread over the whole earth and we benevolence was to prevail his teachings was the equality, mature sport and universal brotherhood of all human beings.
The political system he established was very wonderful our prophetS is able to make the world understand his message and accept the system given by him so that the corruption spread in the countries will eradicate.
Today the world is in dire need for this system as it was fourteen and half hundred years ago. It is clear from the above discussion that there are principles and regulations related to management in the life of Prophet.
It is also affect that to the light of the prophetsS biography, are sustainable administrative society and state is possible only when the rights and powers of individuals and determined between the state and the society22.
The real and natural determination of the duties and responsibilities of the three major institutions of the state, judiciary and administration can be guaranteed of sustainable development. MohammadS changed the Ummah from the individual to family and the whole society through from prophetic planning, he ... removed it from ignorance and added it to Islamic system of life. In the teachings of the profit., it has been declared a duty to create ease for humanity by using skills for all areas of life. Research findings:
1. The life of prophetS is a complete reflection of planning and management. In every field of life there is guidance of prophetic management and order.
20 Ahede nabvi main nizam e hukmrani,Dr. Hamidullah, urdu academy,Sindh.1997.page:102
21 Riyasti nazm o zabt main hkam awr ewam ki zimadarian: Seerat e nabvi sy rehnma aswol, Zafar Iqbal, uloomy Islamiya ka tehqiqi mujlah,jld no.1 shumara no.2. 2017
22 Ahed e nabvi ka shahri nizam, asad ullah khan shahidi,mahnama dara ulu loom,jild no:95, shamara:3, March.2011
2. If we understand and follow the principles related to leadership in the life of prophets those principles will surely be more effective than modern management principles.
3. By doing an analytical study of the current management principles and rules of management offered by Islam, the doubts of modern minds can be eliminated that there is no concept of management in Islam.
4. In a short time, Prophets obtain best and excellent results with the best management and administration, in education, politics and administrative matters. Islamic management can be used to solutions to contemporary social, economic, political, and academic problems as well as to improve the individual and society through the provision of political leadership and management.