UDC: 351.773: 303.625.3
Vasiuk Nataliia Olegivna,
PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Policy, National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 03057, Kyiv, Str. A. Tsedika, 20, phone: 0504103673, e-mail: natvasus@ gmail.com, https//orcid.org/0000-0002-8493-6644
Васюк Наталiя Олегiвна,
кандидат наук з державного управлтня, доцент кафедри сощальног i гумантарног полтики, Нащональна академiя державного управлтня при Президентовi Украг-ни, 03057, м. Кигв, вул. Антона ЦеШка, 20, тел.: 0504103673, e-mail: natvasus@gmail. com, https//orcid.org/0000-0002-8493-6644
Васюк Наталья Олеговна,
кандидат наук по государственному управлению, доцент кафедры социальной и гуманитарной политики, Национальная академия государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 03057, г. Киев, ул. Антона Цедика, 20, тел.: 0504103673, e-mail: [email protected], https//orcid. org/0000-0002-8493-6644
Petruchenko Nataliya Vyacheslavivna,
Director of the Municipal non-commercial enterprise "Center of Primary Health Care No. 2" of Svyatoshynsky district of Kyiv, 03148, Kyiv, 5 Str. Vasyl Kuchera, tel.: 0675007280, e-mail: [email protected], htt-ps//orcid.org/0000-0002-8322-6894
Петрученко Наталiя Вячеславiвна,
директор Комунального некомерцйного тдприемства "Центр первинног медико-сат-тарног допомоги № 2" Святошинськогорайону м. Киева, 03148, м. Кигв, вул. Кучера Ва-силя, 5, тел.: 0675007280, e-mail:[email protected], https//orcid.org/0000-0002-8322-6894
Петрученко Наталья Вячеславовна,
директор Коммунального некоммерческого предприятия "Центр первичной медико-санитарной помощи № 2" Святошинскогорайона г. Киева, 03148, г. Киев, ул. Кучера Василия, 5, тел.: 0675007280, e-mail: [email protected], https//orcid.org/0000-0002-8322-6894
condítíons of the medícal workers of the munícípal non-commercíal
Abstract. In 2018 the transformation of primary healthcare and the autonomy of healthcare facilities began. In many developed countries around the world primary care, namely family doctors, addresses the majority of patients' referrals, which is effective because it helps prevent many diseases before they require complex, expensive and not always successful treatment.
It has been determined that in the conditions of transformation of the healthcare sector the pressing issues for today are the development of human resources of the healthcare sector, in particular improvement of working conditions of the medical staff at the primary level of providing medical care.
It has been established that there is a need to analyze the needs of working conditions of the medical staff providing primary healthcare, which involves the complex application of both direct and indirect methods of obtaining statistical information.
The article is devoted to the research and determination of satisfaction of working conditions of the medical workers of the Municipal non-commercial enterprise "Center of Primary Health Care No. 2" of Svyatoshynsky district of Kyiv with the help of expert survey.
The article emphasizes the importance of developing and approving the "Regulation on the system of motivation and stimulation of work of the medical workers of the Municipal non-commercial enterprise "Center of Primary Health Care No. 2" of Svyatoshynsky district of Kyiv" as a normative-legal act regulating the management actions and relationships of motivation and stimulation of the work of the medical staff.
It is proved that in the conditions of transformation of the healthcare sector it is important to monitor and evaluate the activities of CPHC No. 2 as a whole, the structural units and the personal of each healthcare worker, in particular, as well as to analyze the work of CPHC No. 2 on the quality of care delivery by developing questionnaires for patients on the level of satisfaction of the provided medical services and introduction of an anonymous questionnaire for users of services in order to determine the level of satisfaction of the patients with the level of qualification of the medical stuff and others.
Keywords: healthcare workers, healthcare management, healthcare policy, motivation and stimulation of work of the medical staff, management of the staff in a healthcare facility.
Анотацiя. У 2018 рощ розпочалася трансформащя первинно!' медично!' допомоги та автономiзацiя закладiв охорони здоров'я. У багатьох розвине-них кра!'нах свiту первинна медична допомога, а саме сiмейнi лiкарi вир^ шують бiльшiсть звернень пащенпв, що е ефективним, адже допомагае за-побiгати багатьом хворобам до того, як вони потребуватимуть складного, дорогого i не завжди усшшного лiкування.
Визначено, що в умовах трансформаци сфери охорони здоров'я акту-альними питаннями на сьогоднi е розвиток кадрового забезпечення сфери охорони здоров'я, зокрема покращення умов пращ медичного персоналу на первинному рiвнi надання медично!' допомоги.
Встановлено, що виникае необхвдшсть в аналiзi потреб задоволеносп умовами працi медичного персоналу, яю надають первинну медичну допо-могу, що передбачае комплексне застосування як безпосередшх, так i опосе-редкованих методiв отримання статистично!' шформаци.
Дослiджено та визначено чи задоволеш умовами працi медичнi пращв-ники Комунального некомерцшного пiдприемства "Центр первинно!' меди-ко-санiтарноí допомоги № 2" Святошинського району м. Киева на основi експертного опитування.
Наголошено на важливостi розроблення та затвердження "Положення про систему мотивацп та стимулювання працi медичних пращвниив Комунального некомерцiйного шдприемства "Центр первинно!' медико-саштар-но!' допомоги № 2" Святошинського району м. Киева" як нормативно-правового акту, що регламентуе управлшсью ди i взаемини щодо мотивацп та стимулювання пращ медичного персоналу.
Доведено, що в умовах трансформаци сфери охорони здоров'я важли-вим е здшснення мошторингу та ощнка дiяльностi ЦПМСД № 2 загалом та структурних шдроздшв i персонально кожного медичного працiвника зокрема, а також проведення аналiзу роботи ЦПМСД № 2 щодо якост надання медично!' допомоги шляхом розроблення анкети для пащенпв щодо рiвня задоволеностi наданих медичних послуг та запровадження про-цедури аношмного анкетування споживачiв послуг з метою визначення ступеня задоволеносп пащенпв рiвнем квалiфiкацií медичних пращвниив тощо.
Ключовi слова: медичнi працiвники, управлшня у сферi охорони здоров'я, кадрова пол^ика в охоронi здоров'я, мотиващя та стимулювання працi медичного персоналу, управлшня персоналом в закладi охорони здоров'я.
Аннотация. В 2018 году началась трансформация первичной медицинской помощи и автономизация учреждений здравоохранения. Во многих развитых странах мира первичная медицинская помощь, а именно семейные врачи решают большинство обращений пациентов, что является эффективным, ведь помогает предотвращать многие болезни до того, как они будут нуждаться в сложном, дорогом и не всегда успешном лечении.
Определено, что в условиях трансформации области здравоохранения актуальными вопросами сегодня является развитие кадрового обеспечения здравоохранения, в частности улучшение условий труда медицинского персонала на первичном уровне оказания медицинской помощи.
Установлено, что возникает необходимость в анализе потребностей удовлетворенности условиями труда медицинского персонала, оказывающих первичную медицинскую помощь, предусматривающую комплексное применение как непосредственных, так и опосредованных методов получения статистической информации.
Исследовано и определено удовлетворены ли условиями труда медицинские работники Коммунального некоммерческого предприятия "Центр первичной медико-санитарной помощи № 2" Святошинского района г. Киева с помощью экспертного опроса.
Подчеркнуто важность разработки и утверждения "Положения о системе мотивации и стимулирования труда медицинских работников Коммунального некоммерческого предприятия "Центр первичной медико-санитарной помощи № 2" Святошинского района г. Киева" как нормативно-правового акта, регламентирующего управленческие действия и взаимоотношения по мотивации и стимулированию труда медицинского персонала.
Доказано, что в условиях трансформации области здравоохранения важным является осуществление мониторинга и оценки деятельности ЦПМСД № 2 в целом и структурных подразделений и персонально каждого медицинского работника в частности, а также проведения анализа работы ЦПМСД № 2 по качеству оказания медицинской помощи путем разработки анкеты для пациентов по уровню удовлетворенности предоставленных медицинских услуг и внедрение процедуры анонимного анкетирования потребителей услуг с целью определения степени удовлетворенности пациентов уровнем квалификации медицинских работников и т. п.
Ключевые слова: медицинские работники, управление в области здравоохранения, кадровая политика в здравоохранении, мотивация и стимулирование труда медицинского персонала, управление персоналом в учреждении здравоохранения.
Formulation of the problem. The
transformation of the healthcare system has been put to the forefront of reforms, as the current state of the nation's healthcare policy has a number of problems, as the preconditions for a real threat to public health arise. In 2018 the transformation of primary care and the autonomy of healthcare facilities began. In many developed countries of the world, primary care, namely family doctors, handles the majority of patients' referrals. This is effective because it helps prevent many diseases before they require complex, expensive and not always successful treatment [1].
Therefore, pressing issues today are the development of healthcare staff, including improving the working conditions of the medical staff at the primary level of care.
In this regard, there is a need to analyze the needs of healthcare staff that provide primary care, which involves the comprehensive application of both direct and indirect methods of obtaining statistical information [2].
Analysis of the recent research and publications. Questionnaire is the most popular method of quantitative sociological research [3]. H. Dvoretska notes that among the main methods of sociological research the special place is the questionnaire, which gives the most objective results [4]. O. Braichenko, T. Sachenko, N. Konyashyna determine that among other sources of information preparation are the methods of survey and questioning [5].
We agree with T. Lukina that questioning is one of the types of survey that involves respondent filling in a special questionnaire with questions, which
has become widespread especially in recent years in connection with the activation of civil processes around the world, the formation of open civil society, conducting a large number of opinion polls, etc. [6].
B. Savchenko and A. Danilenko emphasize the importance of questioning and its role in the sociological research, because it is used to simulate different experimental situations in order to obtain information directly from the specialist; to find out his opinion on various issues of collective activity, first of all, concerning what was not reflected in the official documents, in the results of observation and other methods of research [7].
Purpose of the article. Determination of satisfaction of working conditions of the medical workers of the Municipal non-commercial enterprise "Center of Primary Health Care No. 2" of Svyatoshynsky district of Kyiv (hereinafter — CPHC No. 2) by means of expert survey.
Presentation of the main material. The satisfaction of the healthcare workers with work affects the quality of healthcare. In addition, the satisfaction of healthcare workers is a criterion for the effectiveness of the personnel management in a healthcare facility [8].
The peculiarity of the problem of creating motivation for qualitative fulfillment of their professional duties among medical workers is that in the conditions of transformation of the healthcare system the existing mechanisms of labour organization become ineffective, and new ones must go through a difficult path of formation, which is the basis of an effective system of work
with the staff aimed at the formation and development of professional skills, to provide opportunities for their implementation [9].
By examining employee satisfaction, the management receives information about the strength of staff commitment to the organization in which he operates, including the healthcare facility [10]. Therefore, determining the level of employee satisfaction should be a priority of the personnel management system [11].
The purpose of the expert survey is to obtain the necessary information reflected in the knowledge, opinions and evaluations of the respondents that are competent persons who have deep knowledge of the subject or object of the research and have valuable practical experience in a particular field [12].
Thus, by means of an expert survey by the method of questioning can demonstrate the algorithm of conducting a survey of satisfaction with the working conditions of healthcare workers providing primary medical care and identifying measures to improve the mechanisms of improving the working conditions.
Thus, in the period from November to December 2019 an expert survey was conducted on the satisfaction with the working conditions of the medical workers of the CPHC No. 2.
The questionnaire was used as a tool that included the socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents and the criteria that influence the level of satisfaction of healthcare workers with the working conditions. The survey asked the respondents to answer the questions with detailed answers to
open-ended questions, as well as questions with specific options for answering them.
In total 101 respondents took part in the survey — medical workers of CPHC No. 2, including women -91,1 %, men — 1 % (7,9 % did not specify gender); age of the respondents: 18-24 years — 1 %; 25-35 years -18,8 %; 36-49 years — 37,9 %; 50-59 years — 11,9 %; 60 years and older —
19.8 % (10,9 % did not specify age); education of the respondents: incomplete secondary school — 1 %, medical secondary school — 24,8 %, professional secondary school — 14,9 %, incomplete higher — 1 %, higher — 58,4 %; category of the medical staff: junior medical staff — 2 %, secondary medical staff — 43,6 %, doctor — 36,6 %, head of the outpatient clinic of general practice of family medicine — 2 % (15,8 % did not specify the category); respondents' work experience in the medical center: less than a year — 5,9 %, 1-3 years — 5 %, 3-7 years — 17,8 %, 7-15 years —
12.9 %, more than 15 years — 47,5 % (see Table 1).
Based on the results of the expert survey we can draw the following conclusions.
The study of the motivation and stimulation of work of the healthcare workers showed that 71 % of respondents agree that wages at the enterprise are paid on time and in full. At the same time 51 % of respondents are dissatisfied with their wages. 39 % believe that they will be rewarded with high performance, and 55 % are not sure. 46 % — believe that being responsible by attitude to work — the initiative is encouraged, and 77 % of respondents have the opportunity to receive additional trai-
Table 1
Socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents - medical workers
of the CPHC No. 2
1 Gender: Woman -92 Man 1
2 Your age: 18-24 years 1 25-35 years 19 36-49 years 38 50-59 years 12 60 years and older 20
3 Your education: Incomplete secondary 1 Secondary medical 25 Secondary professional 15 Incomplete higher 1 Higher 59
4 Category of medical staff Junior medical staff 2 secondary medical staff 44 Doctor 37 Head of the OCGPFM 2
5 Work experience in the medical center Less than 1 year 6 1-3 years 5 3-7 years 18 7-15 years 13 More than 15 years 48
ning, which helps to perform the work at a higher level (Fig. 1).
Almost all the respondents (87 %) believe that CPHC No. 2 employees adhere to the rules, instructions and regulations adopted at the healthcare facility. 74 % believe that the unit in which they work is a reasonably secure and safe place to work. In the workplace comfortable working conditions are created — consider 65 %. 80 % of
respondents believe in the high qualification of the employees. 73 % of respondents believe that all employees carry out the production plan and are responsible for the quality of healthcare (Fig. 2).
Table 2 illustrates the level of corporate culture in CPHC No. 2. Thus, 64 % of respondents believe that the team is friendly and close-knit. In case of contradictions or conflicting points in
Fig. 1. Level of motivation and stimulation of work of the healthcare workers
of the CPHC No. 2 (%)
Bei ствробшшки виконують виробничий
план i ввдповщально ставляться до якосп 1 73,3
медичного обслуговування
Ствробшшки нашого медичного центру -
квал1фшоваш пращвншш, яю знають свою 1 80,2
справу На моему робочому М1сщ створет загалом комфортт, зручш умови для пращ
1 65,3
Шдроздш, в якому я працюю,- доешь захшцене i безпечне шеце для робота
1 74,3
Бшышсть пращвншав дотримуються
правил, шетрукщй, розпоряджень, 1 87,1
пршшятнх на нашому тдприемств1
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Fig. 2. Satisfaction with working conditions and observance by the medical workers of the current normative-legal acts regulating activity of the cPHc No. 2 (%)
the group, 71 % of respondents always manage to overcome the differences. 76 % consider themselves to be a member of the unified team of CPHC No. 2. 79 % of respondents believe that interaction with the immediate leader is built freely and openly. 58 % of respondents believe that the leadership of CPHC No. 2 builds with the employees fair, open relations.
The communicative connections in the CPHC No. 2 allowed the survey method to reveal the following data: 61 % of respondents were informed about different aspects of the Center's life and activities. Only up to 60 % of the required business information is communicated in a timely, clear and neatly manner. 75 % know exactly what results the management expects
Table 2
level of corporate culture in the cPHc No. 2
№ Assertion of the questionnaire agree % not sure % Disagree %
1 our medical center has a friendly and close-knit team 65 64,4 27 26,7 5 4,9
2 When there are conflicts in the team or conflicting moments, we almost always manage to overcome our differences 72 71,3 24 23,8 5 4,9
3 I can say for myself that I am a member of an unified team of our center 77 76,2 15 14,9 5 4,9
4 My interaction with the immediate manager is built freely and openly 80 79,2 16 15,8 5 4,9
5 The leadership of the medical center builds fair, open relationships with the staff 59 58,4 28 27,7 11 10,9
from their work. Only 56 % have sufficient capacity to express their opinion on emerging issues or problems to the immediate manager and senior management (Fig. 3).
Conclusions and suggestions. Thus, the conducted expert survey on satisfaction with the working conditions of the medical workers of the CPHC No. 2 gives grounds to conclude that, in general, the healthcare workers are satisfied with the existing working conditions. Thus, 58 % of respondents are ready to recommend work in our institution to their friends and relatives. 60 % of respondents will refuse to offer to work elsewhere with the same working conditions and wages. 68 % of respondents believe that they have everything they need to do their work in the best way. That the management of our Center does everything possible to provide decent working conditions are sure 72 % of respondents. 73 % believe that the Center pays sufficient attention to young workers. 59 % of respondents are satisfied with the work and 81 % plan to work in our institution for at least 12 months. 60 % are proud to
work at the CPHC No. 2. According to 71 % the colleagues with whom the respondents work do full-time work.
The survey also highlighted weaknesses in the staff motivation and stimulation processes. Thus, only 45 % in the last 6 months have received praise from their leader for their good work, only 52 % of respondents consider the CPHC No. 2 an excellent place of work, which allows to distinguish for the leaders of the CPHC No. 2 the directions of improvement of the activities for improvement and creation of conditions for formation of work satisfaction for the medical workers.
At the same time, 82 % of healthcare workers are ready to make additional efforts to participate in the improvement of the CPHC No. 2, which has a positive dynamic.
We believe that it is necessary to develop and approve the "Regulations on the system of motivation and stimulation of work of the medical workers of the Municipal non-commercial enterprise "Center of Primary Health Care No. 2" of Svyatoshynsky district of Kyiv" as a normative-legal act regula-
Fig. 3. Communicative connections in the CPHC No. 2 (%)
ting the managerial actions and relationships regarding motives and stimulating the work of the medical staff.
In the context of the transformation of the healthcare sector, it is advisable to monitor and evaluate the activities of the CPHC No. 2 as a whole, of the structural units and the staff of each healthcare worker, in particular, and to analyze the work of the CPHC No. 2 on the quality of care delivery by developing a questionnaire for patients regarding the level of satisfaction of the provided medical services and the introduction of an anonymous questionnaire of users of the services in order to determine the degree of satisfaction of the patients with the level of qualification of the medical workers, etc.
The prospects for further research are to perform a comparative analysis of healthcare workers' satisfaction with the working conditions and patients' satisfaction with the provision of medical care at the CPHC No. 2.
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