Научная статья на тему 'Experimental assessment of influence of composite fuel on diesel operation in idle mode'

Experimental assessment of influence of composite fuel on diesel operation in idle mode Текст научной статьи по специальности «Химические технологии»

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Аннотация научной статьи по химическим технологиям, автор научной работы — Godina E. D., Ukhanov A. P.

Unfavorable condition of the diesel engine is a separate idle mode, which is characterized by incomplete combustion, wasteful fuel consumption and increased emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere. To evaluate the feasibility of using radish oil (RadishO) as the biological component of the diesel composite fuel (DCF) the experimental studies of tractor diesel engine D-243 at idle were conducted and the degree of the effect of different composition of radish and mineral fuel on economic and ecological indicators of diesel engine is determined. The best ecological indicators are observed at diesel operation on composite fuel RadishO 50% + 50% DF.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Experimental assessment of influence of composite fuel on diesel operation in idle mode»

UDC 621.436


Godina E.D., Candidate of Technical Sciences North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov, Neryungri, Russia

E-mail: godlen62@yandex. ru

Ukhanov A.P., Doctor of Technical Sciences Penza State Agricultural Academy, Penza, Russia E-mail: [email protected]


Unfavorable condition of the diesel engine is a separate idle mode, which is characterized by incomplete combustion, wasteful fuel consumption and increased emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere. To evaluate the feasibility of using radish oil (RadishO) as the biological component of the diesel composite fuel (DCF) the experimental studies of tractor diesel engine D-243 at idle were conducted and the degree of the effect of different composition of radish and mineral fuel on economic and ecological indicators of diesel engine is determined. The best ecological indicators are observed at diesel operation on composite fuel RadishO 50% + 50% DF.


Diesel; Idling; Radish oil; Mineral diesel fuel; Diesel composite fuel; Radish and mineral fuel.

Increasing attention in the international practice is paid to bio fuel produced from oilseeds. In the scientific support of agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025, it is said that one of the priorities in the field of mechanization, electrification and automation is the equipment development with the use of alternative energy sources, including bio fuel [1,2].

In accordance with the State Standard GOST R52808-2007, diesel composite fuel (DCF) is a mixture of vegetable oil and mineral diesel fuel (DF). As a promising biological component for DCF production the oil from oil radish can be used. To use DCF, with RadishO bio component the experimental assessment of the influence of composite fuel for the diesel engine operation in idling was performed [3,4,5].

In the process of automotive aggregate in the start mode at forced stops associated with technological operations, stands with operating engine that runs at low revolutions (idling). In this mode, the engine operates with a reduced cycle supply of fuel, which leads to a deterioration of the operating process running in the cylinders. The visual signs of this unloaded mode are unstable operation of the engine, fuel non-productive expenditures and high content of harmful substances in the exhaust gases. According to a certain type of agricultural works time ratio of automotive vehicles in this mode is 5-30% from the fund of working time, which leads to inefficient burning of fuel, without producing useful work [6].

The objective of the research was to assess the influence of composite fuel on the diesel engine operation in idling, the tasks of research were: to determine the influence of the concentration of the claimed and unclaimed radish oil on the fuel and ecological indicators of a diesel engine in the idle mode, depending on the composition of the DCF.


Assessing of the influence of the concentration of radish oil in the DCF on the indicators of the working process was carried out in a pilot installation, which consisted of diesel D-243 (in the configuration with the high pressure fuel pump and injectors 4UTNM FD-

22) from the exhaust system, dynamometric machine KS-56\4 with the standard instrumentation, measuring and recording system (MRS) and the feeding system of the DCF.

The MRS consisted of meters of ambient air temperature and engineering maintenance materials [coolant, engine oil in the sump and the main oil line (device EMDP), fuel in the flow-meter and at input into the pumping cavity of the fuel high pressure pump FHPP (multimeter DF- 838 DIGITAL MULTIMETER with chromel - Kopelev temperature sensor)], air and fuel flow meters and the sensors ( TDC, crankshaft rotating frequency (KV), the marks of teeth flywheel, engine coolant temperature, engine oil), strain test station 8ANCH -7M, the device IMD- CM, analog-to- digital converter LA -2USB, personal computer (laptop ) based on the Pentium Dual-Core Inside, stabilized power supply. To record the fuel pressure trace at the input into the nozzle the strain gauge sensor membrane of structure CNIT and strain amplifier station 8ANCH -7M were used.

The measurement of gas pressure at the indexing the fourth cylinder of diesel engine (like the most heat-stressed) was done with gas pressure sensor HL - 612M with forced cooling. The sensor is mounted in a special adapter being screwed into the cylinder head and was connected with channel to the central part of the diesel combustion chamber. Coolant supply to the sensor was carried out by the water supply network. To convert the signal analog-to-digital converter LA-2USB was used. It was established in the circuit between the sensor and the computer [7]. Research was carried out at the diesel engine operation in the mode of the minimum stable rotation frequency in the idle mode (n = 800 min-1) at its operation on DF L-0,2-62 and DCF of the following compositions: 25% + 75% RadishO DF, 50% + RadishO 50% DF, 75% + 25% RadishO DF; RadishO 90% 10% DF.

To assess the influence of ultrasonic treatment DCF on the indicators of the operating process of diesel of composite type, the fuel 90% RadisO+10% DF was subjected to processing of low-frequency ultrasonic disperser UZDN-2T with magnetostrictive sources of 44 kHz (DCF RadishO 90% = 10% DF (u.s.)) during 50 minutes [8,9].

For estimates of diesel the maximum pressure of the cycle (PZ), air excess ratio (a), the filling ratio (nv), fuel consumption per hour(Gt), smoke (D), and the content of carbon oxide (CO) in exhaust gases were taken [10,11].


The research results show (Fig. 1,5), that the diesel operation at the minimum -stable crankshaft rotation frequency of idling 800 min-1 for all kinds of DCF maximum cycle pressure remains constant 6.3 MPa. At diesel operation on composite fuel RadishO 90 % + 10% DF the air ratio is reduced by 33% (from 7,187 to 4,818) at practically constant filling ratio equal to 0.87, the time of fuel consumption increased by 72.7% (c1,1 kg\h to 1.9 kg\h) in comparison with the work on mineral DF. After processing composite fuel RadishO 90 % + 10% DF with ultrasound the diesel indicators have improved : air ratio decreased by 29.2 % (7,187 to 5,085 ), time of fuel consumption increased by 63.6 % (1.1 kg\h to 1,8 kg\h).















Figure 1 - Maximum pressure of diesel engine cycle in idling at engine operation on composite radish and mineral fuels: 1) 100% of diesel fuel (DF), 2) 25% RadishO+ 75% DF, 3) 50% RadishO + 50% DF, 4) 75% RadishO + 25% DF, 5) 90% RadishO + 10% DF 6) 90% RadishO + 10% DF (u.s.)












6,006 5,78

5,286 5 085

--------4,818 5,085

Figure 2 - Air ratio of diesel engine in idling at engine operation on composite radish and mineral fuels: 1) 100% DF, 2) 25% RadishO + 75% DF, 3) 50% RadishO + 50% DF, 4) 75% RadishO + 25% DF, 5) 90% RadishO + 10% DF, 6) 90% RadishO + 10% DF (u.s.)





53 0,872





0,870 0,870 0,870 0,870 0,870

Figure 3 - The filling ratio of a diesel engine in idling at engine operation on composite radish and mineral fuels: 1) 100% DF, 2) 25% RadishO + 75% DF, and 3) 50% RadishO + 50% DF, 4) 75% RadishO + 25% R DF, 5) 90% RadishO + 10% DF 6) 90% RadishO + 10% DF (u.s.)


Figure 4 - Changing the parameters of the working process of a diesel at idle, depending on the structure of composite radish and mineral fuels:: 1) 100% DFl, and 2) 25% RadishO+ 75% DF, 3) 50%

RadishO + 50% DF, 4) 75% RadishO + 25% DF, 5) 90% RadishO + 10% DF;-------------------unclaimed

mixture;-------claimed mixture
















Figure 5 - Changing of the fuel and ecological indicators of diesel engine in idling, depending on the structure of composite radish and mineral fuels: 1) 100% DF, 2) 25% RadishO + 75% DF, 3) 50%

RadishO + 50% DF, 4) 75% RadishO + 25% DF, 5) 90% RadishO + 10% DF,---------unclaimed

mixture;------claimed mixture

At increase of radish oil to 50% the exhaust smoke reduction occurs and carbon oxide content decreases. Thus, at diesel operation on composite fuel 50% RadishO + 50% DF smoking at the exhaust is reduced by 33 % (from 2 to 6 %) and carbon oxide content - by 43% (from 0.07 to 0.04%) in comparison with operation on DF. With further increase of radish oil content (from 50 to 90%) in diesel composite fuel DCF smoking at the exhaust is increased by 67% (from 6 to 10%), carbon oxide content - 57% (from 0.07 to 0.11%). After processing the composite fuel RadishO 90% + 10% DF with ultrasonic sound smoking after exhaust gases increases by 50 % (from 6 to 9%), carbon oxide content by - 43 % (from 0.07 to 0.10% ) in comparison with the operation on mineral diesel fuel.


1. At operation of automotive diesel with combustion chamber TSNIDI on all studied compositions of radish and mineral fuels, some deterioration of the operating process indicators and fuel efficiency is detected in comparison with operation on mineral diesel fuel.

2. The best ecological indicators are observed at diesel operation on composite fuel RadishO 50% + 50% DF.

3. At processing of radish and mineral fuel with ultrasonic sound a dispersing mixture of

mineral and vegetable component of DCF is formed, which helps to improve fuel-

economic and ecological indicators of diesel.


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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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