© Malibayeva A.*, Baktybaeva L.K.
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
The use of ICT in biology class allows me, as a teacher, to keep abreast of trends in the development of science teaching. Raise the professional level, to broaden my horizons and most importantly allows you to enhance the motivation of teaching the student through active dialogue with the computer, by targeting the teachings of success; learn the basic knowledge of biology, they organize; to form skills of independent work with the textbook and additional literature. Using ICT source of information is not only a teacher but also the student.
Key words: multimedia technology, associative memory, studying process.
To date, the introduction of technical innovations in the learning process became apparent. Many teachers and students in the preparation for classes and teachers in preparing for and carrying out studies of various types of lessons using a variety of multimedia technology. I would like to highlight some of the commonly used forms of communication and available technical resources.
Multimedia presentations
Using multimedia presentations allows you to introduce educational material as a system of support images of bright, full of comprehensive structured information in an algorithmic manner. In this case, exploit various channels of perception that allows you to lay the information not only to the facts, but also in the form of an associative memory into long-term students.
Presentation - of the material in the form of slides, which can be represented by tables, diagrams, drawings, illustrations, audio and video.
Features presentations:
1) demonstration of films, animation;
2) selection (desired area);
3) hyperlinks;
4) the sequence of steps;
5) interactivity;
6) the movement of objects;
7) modeling.
* Магистрант.
To create a presentation, you need to formulate the theme and concept of the lesson; determine the location of the presentation in the classroom.
Internet Resources
The Internet carries enormous potential of educational services (e-mail, search engines, e-conference) and becomes an integral part of modern education. Getting out of the network of educational and meaningful information, students acquire skills:
- purposefully find the information and organize it according to specified characteristics;
- view the information as a whole, not fragmented, the main highlight in the announcement.
Using the resources of the Internet in the classroom in the study of the new material makes the lesson more interesting, increased student motivation to acquire knowledge. On the Internet you can find related sites in all subjects of a school course, problem books with detailed solutions, tests, reports, models of various experiments.
For none of the teachers is not a secret that as a source of information, the vast majority of today's students are not used literary sources and Internet resources. This has a big advantage, at least in the fact that the guys save personal time. The task of the teacher to teach the students the right to work with the found information to be able to structure it, be it logic, questions, allocate important. For example, when studying the theme «The origin of living matter» children receive pre-mission to find information online. Quests can be both individual and group character. The organization of research resources of the Internet have become indispensable in the search for theoretical information, to get acquainted with other research projects, and, finally, on the Internet you can find information on tenders and to take part in those.
Electronic encyclopedia
Electronic encyclopedia - are analogous to conventional reference and information publications - encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books, etc. To create such encyclopedias used hypertext systems Hypertext Markup Language, for example, HTML. Unlike their paper counterparts they have additional features and capabilities:
- they typically support a convenient search engine for keywords and concepts;
- easy navigation system on the basis of hyperlinks;
- the ability to include audio and video clips.
In recent years become very popular information products company «Cyril and Methodius». Their catalog features a large selection of designs that can be used on the biology and ecology classes and for individual work at home, includ-
ing students and teachers. A striking example is the «Big Encyclopedia». In it for the lesson, you can find: reference tables and charts, various interactive, including the classification of living beings and plants, multimedia panorama («Evolution of Life», «Earth's ecosystem»), video applications («wildlife»), library («voice of animals»), albums («Russian nature», «wild beasts»), the Red book of the Russian Federation, and much more.
Teaching materials
Didactic materials - collections of tasks, dictations, exercises, and examples of papers and essays submitted in electronic form, usually in the form of a simple set of text files in the .doc, .rtf and .txt. The disadvantage of this, almost traditional, the control of knowledge is that you still have to check your own hand-written work of pupils and to stand for their score and assessment.
This work can be automated. The teacher has the ability to create didactic material itself, without the help of a text editor to use for this specialized program. This program is a «designer of tests».
«Test Constructor» - is a universal system of examination. The program has the following features:
- the use of an unlimited number of topics, questions and answers;
- questions can include music, sounds (files mp3, wav, mid), image (files jpg, bmp, ico), videos (avi files), formatted text unlimited length (Bold, tilt, italic, color, etc.);
- support for the five types of questions: choice of one right answer, the choice of several possible correct answers, the installation sequence of correct answers, the installation of an appropriate response, response to manually input from the keyboard;
- printing out and saving to file those questions and answers, the test results;
- the possibility of testing on the same computer multiple users (each user start up your user card);
- the opportunity to ask questions in random order; ask price and answer each question in points; conduct psychological testing; limit testing on time; interrupt the test and continue it at another time; skip questions and come back to skipped questions;
- ability (can be adjusted from 2 to 100-point rating scale system) puts assessment at the end of the test;
- centralized collection and analysis of the results obtained after testing on different computers over a local network;
- backup and database synchronization (with the help of this feature, you can easily share data with other users and to transfer data from computer
to computer); up of issues and questions (with the help of this function you can copy the subject entirely or selectively copy questions from one topic to another);
- spellchecking;
- search the database.
Programs simulators
Programs simulators serve as teaching materials and can track the progress of decisions and report bugs.
An important item on the use of computer technology becomes a preparation for the exam. There are a large number of e-tutors to prepare.
With students who have decided to take the exam in biology, I use software simulators «New School: Express exam preparation. Biology «and» Tutor Cyril and Methodius».
The convenience of these simulators is that they mimic as much as possible holding of the exam: there are jobs all the parts and time counts down. Students can find out what percentage of correct and incorrect data of the responses, and how many points they have obtained. Wrong answers there and then can be adjusted with the help of theoretical material and brief summaries. In such simulators, as a rule, there is a diary, where student knowledge is carried out monitoring. In the «tutor Cyril and Methodius» is also an opportunity to conduct free training and free examinations, ie mini-exams on specific topics or on specific issues.
System virtual experiment
System virtual experiment - a software package that allows the student to conduct experiments in a «virtual laboratory». Their main advantage - they allow the student to carry out such experiments, which in reality would be impossible for reasons of safety, timing, etc. The main drawback of these programs - the natural limitations inherent in their model, beyond which the learner can not go out in the framework of the virtual experiment.
In studying the topic «ciliates» in 7th grade I planned laboratory work «The structure and movement of ciliate-shoes», but ciliates culture is not always possible to grow. Therefore, as a virtual experiment can show the finished work from the disc «Open Biology 2.5»; LLC «Physicon», 2003.
Electronic textbooks and courses
Electronic textbooks and courses are combined into a single set all or some of the types described above. For example, the first students are invited to view a training course (presentation), and then put down the virtual experiment based on the knowledge obtained by viewing the training course (virtual experiment sys-
tem). Often at this stage, students can also access electronic reference book / encyclopedia for students of the course, and finally, they must answer a set of questions and / or to solve some problems (software knowledge control system).
Issued by Cyril and Methodius «Virtual School: Lessons from Biology» for 6-11 classes contain more than 180 topics and lessons for the study, more than 2,600 mediaillyustratsy, over 80 interactive simulators, over 2340 terms and concepts in the directory, a 1230 test and verification activities and more 30 interactive models and diagrams. All this just need to use the teacher in the classroom.
Often used «Electronic lessons and tests» - a series of educational programs, which are electronic manuals on selected topics of basic school subjects. They can be used with any of the existing textbooks. Programs of this series are the organic combination of the latest computer technology with promising areas of school education and are indispensable for students, making the learning process more effective and interesting.
Software control
By software control systems of knowledge are questionnaires and tests. Their main advantage - quick convenient, impartial and automated processing of the results. The main drawback - inflexible system response that prevents the subject show their creativity.
In the study of the course «Man» in the 8th grade I used the multimedia textbook «Biology. Anatomy and physiology, 9», which contains a large number of tests, tasks like «finish the sentence», «correctly comparable» and others.
Video and audio
Conducting lessons using the video player creates students' interest in the subject. Foreign manufacturers of popular documentaries such as National Geographic, Discovery, etc, are a huge range of subjects to show their biology lessons. In 6-7 classes at lessons on diversity of plants and animals, I use a series of films «Life» («Life»), which tells about the life of reptiles, amphibians, mammals, fish, birds, insects and plants.
Currently, there are few audio materials that you can use during biology lessons. The most popular are the company IDDK audio courses: «Biology, 6», «Botany and Zoology, 7», «Biology: Human, 8», «Lectures for students: The flora of Russia», «Lecture for students: Fauna of Russia». All submitted entries in a format mp3. Each collection of audio materials contained lectures, some of them repeated the text of the textbook.
At the present stage of development of school education problem is the use of computer technology in the classroom can be very important. Information
technology provides a unique opportunity to develop not only the student but also a teacher. A computer can not replace the living word of the teacher, but the new resources make it easier to work the modern teacher, make it more interesting, effective, increase students' motivation to study biology.
Advanced video technology and the use of specially designed computer graphics allow you to follow the work of the body, as it were, «from the inside», to open their features and puzzles. What causes a great emotional lift and increases the level of mastery of the material, stimulate initiative and creative thinking. And the result - prizewinners at competitions and gatherings.
1. Andreev A. Introduction to Internet education: Textbook. manual / A. An-dreev. - M.: Logos, 2003. - 73 p.
© Медведко К.В.*, Медведко Н.И.Ф
Южный федеральный университет, г. Таганрог МБДОУ д/с «Золотая рыбка»
В данной статье рассказано об истории возникновении педагогики как отдельной науки, о ее новых отраслях. Особое внимание уделено тому, что современная педагогика является системой наук о воспитании. Также в статье представлена взаимосвязь педагогики с другими гуманитарными науками.
Гуманитарные науки - дисциплины, изучающие человека в сфере его духовной, умственной, нравственной, культурной и общественной деятельности. По объекту, предмету и методологии изучения часто отождествляются или пересекаются с общественными науками, противопоставляясь при этом естественным и абстрактным наукам на основании критериев предмета и метода. В гуманитарных науках, если и важна точность, например описания исторического события, то ещё более важна ясность понимания.
Ключевая проблема гуманитарных наук - это проблема понимания.
Как отмечает Н.И. Басовская: «Гуманитарные науки отличаются интересом и вниманием к человеку, его деятельности, и в первую очередь - дея-
* Магистрант.
* Заместитель заведующего МБДОУ д/с «Золотая рыбка».