Khurramov K.M.
Senior teacher department of school management Chirchik State Pedagogical University
Abstract. The article provides suggestions and recommendations on the experience offoreign countries in the field of corporate personnel management.
Key words: personnel, employee, management, personnel management, corporate governance, economic management, corporate human resource management, humane approach to personnel.
In developed countries, such as the United States, Germany, and Japan, as the productive forces evolved, there was a qualitative shift in the corporate management of personnel. Approaches to corporate personnel management in foreign countries can be classified as follows (Figure 1).
1. Working with staff. This was typical of the management of companies and firms in Western countries in the 1920s and 1930s. During this period, corporate personnel management was limited to the registration of employees being hired, control over their compliance with labor discipline, and the registration of dismissals of employees.
2. Corporate personnel management. In this management that began to take shape in the first half of the last century, the cost of labor was seen as the cost of production. That is, the labor market price of labor should not only cover the costs of hiring employees, but it should also be profitable for the company.
Registration of those who are being recruited
Control of labor discipline
Formalization of dismissal
Treating personnel as production costs
Formation of personnel management functions (recruitment, evaluation, promotion, career management, training, conflict management, etc.)
Treating personnel as an irreplaceable main resource of the enterprise
Strategic corporate management of personnel
Corporate management of personnel powers
Forecasting needs and resources
Treating personnel as the main subject of the enterprise and a separate object of corporate management
Treating every employee of the enterprise as a member of the enterprise family (Japanese management)
Figure 1. Stages of the development of corporate personnel management in foreign countries.
3. Corporate human resource management is a great way to do that. This approach to management began to be defined by treating the workforce as an irreplaceable primary resource of the enterprise. This required the introduction of strategic corporate personnel management in the enterprise. The scope of staff responsibilities has been significantly expanded so that employees can fully realize that making a conscious, meaningful contribution to achieving the goals of the enterprise serves their personal interests. That means that external control in companies and firms has been replaced by self-control by the staff. Special attention was paid to the fact that employees understand that they are personally responsible for the quality of the products and services provided.
Strategic corporate human resource management also requires forecasting the needs and resources of an enterprise.
4. A humane approach to staffing. It has largely a Japanese management practice that became popular in the last quarter of the 20th century. In this model, personnel are treated as the main subject of the enterprise and as a separate object of corporate governance.
In Japanese management, the company is considered a family, and the staff are considered members of the family. Based on this principle, loyalty to the company, that is, to work for the same company for life, is consider the most important quality of an employee.
There are both Michigan and Harvard models of corporate human resource management in the United States.
The Michigan model is based on the idea that corporate human resource management is aligned with the company's strategic development goals. Therefore, the personal contributions of managers at the highest level of corporate governance to all areas of the company's activities are regularly evaluated and their management activities are highly encouraged based on the rating indicators.
The Harvard model also emphasizes that a company's human resource issues require comprehensive strategic solutions. According to one of the founders of this theory, Robert M. Boxall R.F., corporate personnel management should be done with a long-term perspective. This concept is based on:
- personnel should be treated as a potential asset, not as a variable expense;
- corporate human resource management should cover all management decisions and operational activities related to the relationship between the company and its personnel;
- corporate human resources management is the duty not only of personnel managers, but also of all managers of the company;
- it is necessary to achieve coordination of personal interests with the owners of the company;
- in corporate human resources management, it is necessary to ensure the active participation of personnel in decision-making, improving methods of labor organization and management, and other processes.
There's also a German (dual-band) model. In this system of corporate governance, the powers of the Supervisory Board and the executive body are clearly and rigidly defined. The same person cannot be a member of both bodies. Between 70.0 and 80.0% of the total number of shares in German companies and firms are owned by strategic investors, including banks. That is, they have a centralized equity capital. This characteristic ensures that the common interest prevails over private interests aimed at maximizing profit.
And in Japan, the career of personnel consists of probation, basic training, and rotation. During the probationary period of up to three years, the knowledge of the employee acquired in the educational institution is tested by tests. After that, the specialist gets acquainted with the activities of the corporation in detail and his loyalty to the enterprise is checked.
In the average enterprise, the human resources manager is expected to be part of the corporate governance system. In large companies, the corporate management of personnel is handled by the vice president of human resources of the company or firm. In addition to the personnel manager, the system will include a manager dealing with personnel training and retraining, and managers for incentives and benefits, labor protection and labor relations.
The qualification of professional managers is certified by the Institute for Certification of Corporate Managers of Human Resources and is regularly tested through tests. It is a branch of the Society for Corporate Human Resource Management.
Overseas, in general, the level of corporate governance of personnel is emphasized. The results of a McKinsey investor survey indicate that corporate governance plays as much (or more) of a role in their assessments of the performance of Eastern European firms as the financial condition of those firms. In particular, 73.0% of investors investing in companies in the region said that they would be willing to buy shares in these companies at a premium if they had a corporate system that effectively managed personnel.
It is advisable to study the experience of foreign companies and firms in corporate personnel management in the enterprises of our country, to apply them taking into account their own characteristics, paying special attention to the development of human resources, effective use of incentives, methods of managing the careers of employees.
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