Nikola P. Zegarac
Serbian Academy of Inventors and Scientists, Belgrade,
Republic of Serbia
e-mail: [email protected],
ORCID iD: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1766-8184
FIELD: engineering, energy, shipbuilding, automotive industry,
military industry, innovations, economy ARTICLE TYPE: Original Scientific Paper ARITCLE LANGUAGE. English
The paper presents an innovative device for dismantling and assembling parts of not-easily detachable assemblies of mechanical and electrical plants for on-site overhaul. The novelty is that the device offers fast and efficient dismantling and assembling of parts, without the possibility of damage. It is easy to use and easy to carry. It is used for all types of plants and higher levels of overhaul in field conditions. This quality device has been in the market for 4 years. The device is expected to be used over the next 10 years, and probably longer. Many years of experience in solving maintenance and repair problems resulted in this device for dismantling and assembly of mechanical and electrical assemblies. Many assemblies could not be dismantled and assembled in field conditions. The new device enabled developing a new technology of on-site overhaul and new methods of organization work and overhaul execution. It took only six months from an idea to its implementation due to producer's extensive experience in these and similar jobs. This innovative device is sold with the contractual obligations regarding the protection of the confidentiality of its construction and application.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT: The author would like to thank the organizers of the Competition for the best technological innovation NTI-2016, prominent experts who actively participated and significantly contributed to training competitors in the competition for the best technological innovation: dr Vesna Raskovic-Depalov, dr Borde Celic, mr Sanja Zagorac Knezevic, and dr Viktorija Petrov. The results achieved in the field of innovation and creativity of our researchers, inventors and scientists, from the knowledge and research results to successful innovative enterprises, deserve the attention of the domestic and foreign public.
The device is in the process of obtaining patent rights from the Intellectual Property Office in Belgrade, and after that it will be filled as an international patent application to the PCT.
Key words: innovation, new device, dismantling and assembly, not-easily detachable assemblies, overhaul, mechanical and electrical plants, mini hydro power plants, shipbuilding, military industry, business model, innovative company, techno-economic analysis.
An innovative product, a complete device for dismantling and assembling parts of not-easily detachable assemblies on mechanical and electrical installations during on-site overhaul, is a new and original product in the country and the world. Research and development have been done as well as design, testing in the laboratory conditions and checking the functionality under field conditions in accordance with the requirements of the customer. Verification has been finished together with the certification and homologation of the system for the purpose of its application (Zegarac, 2012a). All device components met the required standards in the domestic and foreign markets (Zegarac, 2012b).
This new device for disassembling and assembling parts of not-easily detachable assemblies solves many problems in the field overhaul conditions. It is used for a higher level of overhaul in field conditions: intermediate level overhaul, general revision and general overhaul. Until now, in the country and the world, assemblies have been transported to specialized workshops or technical overhaul institutes for higher-level overhaul. In addition, existing devices are not applicable under field conditions on mechanical plants of different manufacturers. All this makes repairs significantly more expensive, up to 50%, compared to the value of the overhaul itself. Operating systems are not in use for a long time, which causes significant production losses.
The universal new device can be used in many mechanical and electrical assemblies of various manufacturers, which is its main feature and advantage compared to the existing systems of a conventional type. The overhaul time is now significantly reduced, even up to 2 months if a general system overhaul is carried out (Tehnicka dokumentacija firme Flender, 1975), (Tehnicka dokumentacija za MHE, 1980).
The innovative device has enabled the development of a new, on-site overhaul technology, new ways of working in the organization and overhaul execution (Zegarac, 2012), (Zegarac, 2013). The device has been on the market for 4 years. Twenty sets have been delivered so far. The new
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device for dismantling and assembly has a wide range of applications: mechanical engineering, energy, automotive, shipbuilding, ship and vessel repair, aircraft industry, process industry, private firms that perform system maintenance and other industries. Potential market is not saturated. It is estimated that about 5.000 sets of various tools from over 80 manufacturers in the world are used to carry out overhaul. Such tools are not effective in field conditions. There is a continuous need to purchase high-quality devices and equipment. It is expected that, in the next 5 years, the sales of the new device will increase for 200 to 300 sets. In addition to purchase, customers often engage the manufacturer of this innovative product to make a higher level of service repair, which represents a significant inflow of profits for the company. Additional delivery of 30 sets is planned in 2017. Customers are electro industry, private companies and steel producers. The plan is to sell at the market of the Republic of Serbia, for the needs of the Electric Power Industry of Serbia (EPS) and several private companies. Years of experience in sales, application of the device for dismantling and assembling parts of not-easily detachable assemblies and providing overhaul services have helped in recognizing customer requirements.The innovative company can perform all forms of on-site overhaul. Customers are very satisfied with customer care and personal support. Selling a dismantling and assembly device is performed through the Know-How system.
Customers are mainly contacted in the public and on sites. So far, there have been no complaints regarding the new device and the repair service. The company possesses the necessary technical, financial, intellectual, market and human resources for the job. It has more than 30 years of professional experience. Key partners produce high-quality components to customers' satisfaction. The company has a highly qualified and professional staff to perform all types of repair and overhaul. The company has 12 employees, out of whom three make a special team. One of them is an academic, patent engineer, engaged in research and development and design of mechanical and electrical systems; as a team leader, he provides jobs on the market and cooperates with many companies. He participates actively during the overhaul of mechanical and electrical installations. He also performs the function of supervisory authority in the company affairs and monitors whether customers are satisfied with the quality of devices, installation and services. The second team member is a specialist for the repair of thermal power plants, hydro power plants, nuclear plants and other complex technical systems. He finished secondary school of mechanical engineering and secondary electro-technical school, has all authorizations and licenses to work in our country and abroad, overhauls mechanical and electrical systems and other complex systems. He mana-
ges the team that carries out repairs of plants. The third team member is an MSc specialized in the installation and repair of electric power systems, a specialist in electric power plants and control. He has all authorizations and licenses to operate in the country and abroad. He performs tasks as an electrical engineer. The team has demonstrated success in previous sales of the device and in providing services of technical maintenance of mechanical and electrical installations.
This innovative device solves numerous problems in repair both in field conditions and in specialized workshops. The innovative company builds its competitive advantage on simplifying the technology of higher level overhaul, increasing the quality and reliability of plants in operation and reducing overhaul cost and time by 50%. The possibility of damage to the parts during dismantling and assembly is excluded. The price of the dismantling and assembly device is acceptable to customers (6.000 Euros).
In the process of device production and delivery, the innovative company charges the value of the production materials in advance. The rest of the payment is made within 30 days upon delivery to the customer's warehouse. The profitability threshold is achieved by sales of 2 device sets (Petrov, 2016a). The first year of operation covered all costs. The business model is highly profitable, the level of security is such that the business model can withstand drastic market turbulences without any loss. The company is planning to deliver about 300 equipment sets at domestic and foreign markets over the next 5 years. All variable and fixed costs of the company are also covered.
Part I - Innovation
The novelty of the innovative device
This universal device enables overhaul of assemblies of different manufacturers in field conditions. It has a wide range of applications, which until now was not the case. The universality of the device in application is achieved through various combinations of its components, which does not mean that the number of components is increased, but it means that individual components are constructed and adapted to cover a variety of sizes and dimensions of many assemblies being overhauled.
Analysis of the current state of technical installations
Many owners of mechanical and electrical installations require that technical maintenance and repair be performed in their plants, which greatly complicates the work. Technical maintenance of systems includes activities in the area of operational (basic) maintenance, light repair, inter-
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mediate repair, general overhaul and general plant overhaul. Operational maintenance and light repair are performed mainly by the users of the system. Many mechanical and electrical assemblies are transported to specialized workshops or overhaul depots for dismantling and reassembling parts being replaced. Almost 60% of assemblies could not be repaired on the spot. Besides, the transport of some assemblies is very complex, and there are many problems during loading and unloading, and security measures during transport. This used to consume a lot of time for system repair and maintenance, which significantly increased overhaul costs, in some cases up to 50%. In addition, there are significant losses in production since the plant is out of operation for a longer period, especially in cases such as hydro and thermal power stations and other production systems.
The innovative device for dismantling and assembling not-easily detachable mechanical and electrical assemblies has been adapted to field conditions providing that all aspects of maintenance and overhaul can be performed on site. This universal innovative device can be used for the repair of many mechanical and electrical installations of various manufacturers such as German companies: Flender, Siemens, Vulkan, Stromag, Ossenberg, Geislinger, AEG, FAG, SKF and many others. These companies are the largest manufacturers of assemblies for the systems of large hydro power plants and mini hydro power plants, where this innovative company provides services of technical system maintenance. These mechanical and electrical assemblies make a whole system, and it is therefore necessary to have such a device available.
The innovative device is modular and can also be used in other types of plants. In the application of the device, the device elements are selected and combined, depending on the type and dimensions of components thus solving the overhaul problems. The device is easy to use and easy to carry. Systems for dismantling and assembling of domestic and foreign manufacturers do not have such characteristics. The main drawback of the existing devices is that they cannot be used in the field conditions. In addition, each manufacturer has adapted the dismantling and assembly of parts for their own plants, so they cannot be applied to plants of other manufacturers. Such systems are some kind of special tools, devices or equipment.
Innovative product and service
The unit of a new product is a set for dismantling and assembling mechanical and electrical assemblies. At the same time, buyers are provided with quality services and technical maintenance of the system. The
new device allows easy, fast, high-quality disassembly and assembly of parts of not-easily detachable mechanical and electrical assemblies, on the spot. The innovative device consists of 3 parts (Figure 1).
Figure 1 - Device for dismantling and assembling not-easily detachable mechanical
and electrical assemblies Рис. 1 - Монтажно-демонтажное устройство для сложно разбираемых узлов машиностроительного и электротехнического оборудования Слика 1 - Приказ уре^а за демонатжу и монажу тешко растав^ивих машинских и електросклопова
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The first part consists of mechanical components, the second part is a hydraulic unit and the third part is a unit for heating parts of mechanical and electrical assemblies which are dismantled and re-assembled. The device is used in all areas where mechanical and electrical assemblies are used. In electrical installations there are also built-in machine elements which after a certain period of exploitation should be replaced. For example, bearings of generators and electric motors, damaged covers and frames of assemblies, seals and many other parts of these plants. On several occasions since 2002, the innovative company has conducted, for the Electrical industry Montenegro, technical maintenance services based on overhaul plans at 18 mechanical and electrical plants: intermediate repair, general revision and overhaul. Within overhaul services, vibration analyses and vibration measurements were performed, as well as vibrodiagnostics, dynamic balancing of systems, laser alignment of assemblies, thermal imaging measurements (remote measurement of temperature at certain plant points) and others. The innovative company performs intermediate repair every 3 years in prescribed intervals, general revision every 4 years and overhaul after 6 years. Systems of mini hydro power plants are in continuous operation when there is sufficient water, i.e. in the period from late September to early June. In addition to regular overhaul activities, the company had to deal with damage to plants due to uncontrollable groundwater flows. Concrete foundations of assemblies broke resulting in major damage to assemblies.
Figure 2 presents the damage to a flange of flexible couplings ARPEX series K 430, size 270 mm on the flywheel shaft (right side in Figure 2), of the German manufacturer Flender. The flange was damaged due to inadequate removal. There were visible hammer blows and the distorted flange rim, which, during mini hydropower operation, causes elastic couplings to break with a possible breakdown of the entire system due to the dynamic unbalance and misalignment of the drive shaft.
Figure 3 presents a boken flange on the generator shaft of a mini hydro power plant due to improper dismantling and assembly of parts. Overhaul service had been carried out by companies not sufficiently specialized, professional and equipped to carry out complex overhaul tasks.
Figure 2 - Damage to the flange of flexible elastic couplings on the flywheel shaft of a mini hydro power plant Рис. 2 - Изображение повреждений фланца упругой муфты на оси маховика мини-ГЭС Слика 2 - Приказ оштеЬе^а прирубнице еластичне спо]ницие на осовини замаща
Figure 3 - Broken flange of the elastic coupling on the mini hydro generator flywheel Рис. 3 - Изображение сломанного фланца упругой муфты на оси генератора мини-ГЭС Слика 3 - Приказ полом^ене прирубнице еластичне спо]нице на осовини генератора мини-хидролектране
Figure 4 presents a mini hydro power plant flywheel damaged due to inadequate removal. The lower wedge for a clamping screw on the underside of the flywheel (left side of Figure 4) was broken. The "naked" screw that has no tightening function can be seen. Huge damage was inflicted. Creating a new flywheel is very complex, expensive and time-consuming with a foreign manufacturer. Installing a new flywheel on a mini hydro power plant requires dynamic balancing and vibration measurements.
Figure 4 - Damaged flywheel of a mini hydro power plant Рис. 4 - Изображение повреждений маховика мини-ГЭС Слика 4 - Приказ оште^е^а замаща мини-хидроелектране
Figure 5 presents a high-quality assembly in the aggregate hall of a mini hydro power plant on the site, (view to right), using the new device for dismantling and assembling mechanical and electrical assemblies. A part of the assembly device and the device heating unit can be seen. A part of Flender couplings N-EUPEX type 480 is mounted on a new mechanical assembly, the drive shaft of the plant multiplier produced by Flender, Germany. The second half of the coupling is mounted on the turbine shaft of the hydro power plant.
Figure 5 - High-quality installation of assemblies using the new device for dismantling and assembling Рис. 5 - Изображение качественной сборки узлов с помощью нового
монтажно-демонтажного устройства Слика 5 - Приказ квалитетне монтаже склопова помогу новог уре^а за демонтажу и монтажу
Previous sales and many offered services of technical maintenance of mechanical and electrical plants have proven successful use of the device. The appendix, Business Model, shows the Minutes on providing overhaul services in the Electrical industry Montenegro (Annex 1 and Annex 2).
Market potential of the innovation
Market size and market potential
The innovative device for dismantling and assembling has wide possibilities of application: power plants, thermal power plants, nuclear power plants, aviation industry, turbine systems in the process industry, ships, reciprocating compressors, gas turbines, automotive industry, internal combustion engines, diesel generator sets used as a backup source of
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power supply, machine tools, steel mills, mines, and many other plants where it is necessary to install new mechanical elements, or dismantle assemblies for replacement of worn or damaged system parts. Potential customers of the innovative product and services are companies engaged in the production and technical maintenance of mechanical and electrical installations.
Potential customers are also owners of mechanical and electrical installations in mechanical engineering, energy systems, automotive industry, shipbuilding and repairs of ships and other vessels, steel mills, cement plants, process industry, technical overhaul institutes and many others.
There is a continuous need for the procurement of new devices and equipment. So far, customers have been buying systems with a variety of special tools, equipment and accessories for dismantling mechanical and electrical installations, which are not universal. Complex forms of plant maintenance were carried out in specialized workshops or technical overhaul institutes.
Such devices were more like toolkits. Sets of tools are strictly personalized - each plant has its own set of tools.
Tools can be used for operational maintenance and some works in the field of light repair. They did not meet the requirements and conditions of a higher overhaul level. It is estimated that there are around 5000 sets of tools currently used.
Works in ship repair are important in particular. There is limited space available for overhaul works. The propulsion systems of ships are especially challenging: diesel engines, gearboxes, various flexible couplings, replacement of the shaft bearings, or replacement of the shaft bearings on the propeller.
It is expected that sales could grow by 200 to 300 pieces of equipment sets for dismantling and assembly.
In its previous work, the innovative company was particularly involved in the systems of mini hydro power plants in the Electrical industry Montenegro. Twenty devices have been delivered, out of which 18 are in the system of maintaining mini hydro power plants and 2 devices are used in HPP Piva and HPP Perucica for the repair of water pumps.
Table 1 shows the placement of the new product, the market size and the market potential.
Table 1 - Market size and market potential Таблица 1 - Размер рынка и рыночный потенциал Табела 1 - Величина тржишта и тржишни потенциал
For the needs For the needs For the For the needs For the needs
of of purposes of automotive of other
electroindustry, electroindustry- of industry, customers:
large thermal power shipbuilding, process and utilities public
hydropower plants and repair of ships aerospace enterprises,
plants, mini pumping plants and industries, technical-
hydropower other cement overhaul
plants and vessels factories, mines institutions
pumping plants and other customers and other customers
100 sets of 60 sets of 70 sets of 40 sets of 30 sets of
equipment equipment equipment equipment equipment
Competition analysis
On the domestic market and the market of the neighboring countries, there are reputable companies, manufacturers of mechanical and electrical systems, such as Siemens, AEG, Flender, Stromag, Geislinger, Voith Andreas, Uljanik Pula, and Rade Koncar Zagreb. Manufacturers of mechanical and electrical plants produce their special systems, accessories, tools and equipment for dismantling and installation of assemblies from their manufacturing programs, which are not applicable to plants of other manufacturers. In addition, such systems are not sufficiently adapted and applied to field conditions, which is their main disadvantage. Some manufacturers have developed systems for technical maintenance and repairs on the principle of aggregate replacement of complete mechanical and electrical assemblies. This means that they deliver new or overhauled mechanical assemblies to the customer, where the need arises. They take over the complete existing assembly from the client and overhaul it, for extra charge. The innovative device solves the problems of competition (Petrov, 2016a).
The innovative company has gained the trust of customers. Very often it is engaged by foreign manufacturers of devices and equipment to carry out the installation of new devices or overhaul of existing circuits at the user's facility. The innovative company has a personal support and direct relationships with purchasers and service recipients. It is very fast to react on the ground and resolve the existing problems within 24 hours. Additionally, it acts preventively to avoid early failures and system crashes.
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The innovative company provides training to technical staff responsible for the correct plant operation. It develops plans for current and regular technical maintenance. All this provides the innovative company with a huge advantage when participating in public tenders for obtaining jobs.
Part II - Business model Target customers in 2017
Target customers of the innovative device for dismantling and mounting assemblies for 2017 are: Electrical industry Montenegro, owners of commercial, passenger ships, cruise ships, war ships and ships carrying cargo (barges) and several private companies that provide services in the field of technical system maintenance.
For the purposes of the Electrical industry Montenegro (EPCG), the innovative company needs to supply an additional quantity of 17 sets of equipment for dismantling and assembly. The customer wants to have the devices at all locations where their plants are located. The locations of their systems are quite distant from one another. The other 13 sets of equipment are to be delivered to private companies engaged in overhaul of diesel generating sets, pump plants in the field and to owners of ships and vessels. There is also some interest from the steel mills and cement factories from neighboring countries.
Description of the offer value to targeted customers
Since this new product, a device for assembling and dismantling not-easily detachable equipment sets, has been on the market for a long time, it is fully known what new customers want and what they need. Their request for overhaul is to be performed on the plant site, to be of good quality, and with no damage to parts and assemblies. This innovative technology significantly reduces the price of the overhaul for 50% of the total overhaul price, which is very important for customers. The buyer has much higher costs if mechanical or electrical assemblies are disassembled, transported and overhauled at some Overhaul Institute and returned to the facility for installation. The price of the entire device is 6.000 Euros. In addition, the customer does not have high device maintenance costs. Additionally, the customer gets free on-site training of technical staff to be able to perform some simple repairs on their own, which is sometimes very important.
Sales channels to target customers
So far, the innovative company has had direct relationships and personal support from customers for the sale of the new device for dismantling and mounting assemblies, a Know-How based-system. The company participated in published public tenders. The tender documentation was not only about the requirement of the lowest price but also about the quality of overhaul, duration of the execution of works and many other parameters. On that basis, the innovative company has always won contracts to mutual satisfaction. This significantly has contributed to the increased reliability of technical devices and systems (Senk, 2016).
Relations with target customers
Relationships with customers are maintained through a personal support system. The company has direct relations with many customers, which proved to be the best way of cooperation (Raskovic-Depalov, 2016). They have no significant costs in contacts with customers. They retain their customers with responsibility and professionalism. Customers expect to get a high-quality device (no complaints up to now) with quality repair services on site. If there are any unforeseen failures, the innovative company comes quickly to the site to solve the problem.
Based on years of experience and real needs, the innovative company proposes the specification of spare parts. Many spare parts are imported and foreign suppliers sometimes need considerable time to deliver their goods.
Bearing all this in mind, customers appreciate the planned activities of this innovative company and keep it in their operational systems. Service costs are quickly paid by the buyer.
The innovative copany sells the finished product, a device for dismantling and installation and provides technical maintenance services to target customers. The revenue projections for the twelfth month are shown in Table 2. There are no restrictions on the production and service capacities. Customers accept the price in full (Celic, 2016).
Table 2 - Projected revenues in the twelfth month Таблица 2 - Прогнозируемые доходы в XII месяце Табела 2 - Проjекциjа прихода у XII месецу
Pcs (Currency) € Currency) €
A 3 sets of devices 6.000 18.000
B 1 technical maintenance service 12.000 12.000
IN TOTAL 30.000
Key resources
The innovative company has technical, financial, intellectual, marketing and human resources. It has more than 30 years of professional experience. In the work organization, the manufacturers of the components of the device for dismantling and assembling mechanical and electrical assemblies are very important. They are required to deliver device components of high quality. The new device as an innovative product was developed a few years ago, tested and put to use, which is proved by appropriate technical documentation on the development, design and quality of the device.
The innovative company has highly qualified and professional people to perform overhaul services. Professionals have a number of licenses and authorizations to work. Repair services are specifically agreed upon, depending on the type of plants, the scope of work, quantity of spare parts, locations of the facility, etc.
The description of the key resources is shown in Table 3 and Table 4 (investments to start the business).
Table 3 - Description of the key resources: Team, intellectual property and material resources Таблица 3 - Описание основных ресурсов: Команда, интеллектуальная собственность и
материальные ресурсы Табела 3 - Опис к^учних ресурса: тим, интелектуална своjина и матер^ални ресурси
Innovative team consists of:
1. Academic, patent engineer, working on research and development, design, mechanical and electrical systems,
2. Specialist for overhauling thermal power plants, hydro power plants, nuclear power plants and other complex technical systems,
3. Master of Science, a team of specialists in the installation and repair of electric power systems, a specialist in power plants and control.
Device for dismantling and installation, after sales system Know-How. The company intends to apply for patent protection, and after that to go to the PCT protection.
The innovator has 5 world-recognized patents in the field, he is the author of over 90 scientific papers published in national and international journals of the highest category. He participated in many scientific conferences in the country and abroad. He has worked on many projects and scientific studies. Intellectual property and human resources support their business model.
The innovative company has capacity to produce devices for dismantling and assembly that can meet all customer needs. The subcontractor for the production of the mechanical component of the device is Jeep Commerce Belgrade (delivery of quality materials), high-quality machining is performed by Alatnica Lazarevic Belgrade, and Nitro Jon company, Stara Pazova, perform thermo-chemical processing of machine parts. The hydraulic component of the device is performed by Sloga company, Nova Varos, while alternative suppliers are companies Lincos from Hungary, and Womax and Einhell from Germany. The unit for heating device parts is supplied by the firm Teleoptik, Zemun. The innovative company is specialized in performing a variety of services of technical maintenance. They are equipped with special tools, fixtures, appliances and other equipment. They also have official motor vehicles for the transport of the team, parts and tools to the field.
In the last four years, they have sold 20 devices. In agreement with our customers the plan is to sell another 30 sets of equipment in the current year, following the production plan and delivery schedule.
Innovative company achieves significant inflows by selling the device for dismantling and installation, and by providing quality services of technical system maintenance. The expected cash at the end of the period amounts to 120,030 Euros, covering all the costs of the business.
Table 4 - Description of the key assets: Investments to start the business Таблица 4 - Описание основных активов: Инвестиции в запуск бизнеса Табела 4 - Опис к^учних ресурса: инвестици]е за почетак послова^а
Fixed assets Investments whose effect is expected in the period> 1 year
• Intangible assets Investments in the development of products / services Investments in concessions, patents, licenses and similar rights 1.600
• Real Estate Investments in land Investments in facilities
• Equipment Investments in machinery and equipment Investments in vehicles Investments in furniture Investments in tools and fixtures 30.000
Current assets Investments whose effect is expected in the period <1 year
• Supplies Investments in raw materials Investments in goods Investments in spare parts
•Prepaid expenses Costs that must occur before the start of generating revenue
• Cash Money The necessary funds in the account / cash register
Total Cost: 31.500
Key activities
The innovative company has provided that the production capacities of the key partners (subcontractors) are not a bottleneck. They have established such a work system to plan in advance the production and to order in advance the amount of equipment necessary to be delivered to the market. The costs of the device production are covered by customer's advanced partial payment.
The device for dismantling and installation of mechanical and electrical assemblies must be of high quality and made according to all requirements of technical documentation, which is the responsibility of producers of device components - the key partners. This satisfies the placement of the device on the market and customer requirements. The current device customers are very satisfied with the new device and the possibilities that the device allows in overhauling assemblies. The sales promotion and marketing of the innovative device were very successful in direct relations and on the Internet (Zagorac-Knezevic, 2016). The higher sales performance was achieved in direct relations with customers. The whole team was maximally engaged while the negotiations with end customers were done by the team manager. In the previous work, the innovative
company has had no complaints for the new device and the repair service.
Key partners
The key partners for the production of the device for dismantling and installation of not-easily detachable mechanical and electrical assemblies are the producers of the device components. Machine components of the device for dismantling and assembling are produced by the companies engaged in the manufacture of mechanical component and device parts, on the basis of the device technical documentation. In this process, tolerances or accuracy of parts are very important as well as their chemical-thermal treatment. Jeep - Commerce, Belgrade, supplies the material; parts are machined in Alatnica-Lazarevic, Belgrade; and chemical-thermal treatment of mechanical elements is carried out by Nitro Jon, Stara Pazova.
The hydraulic part and the heating unit are purchased on the market from known and reputable manufacturers who supply them with the product quality assurance reports and certifications. The hydraulic part is delivered by Sloga, Nova Varos, and other companies such as Lincoss from Hungary or Einhell and Womax from Germany. The heating unit is supplied byTeleoptik, Zemun. In this way, the innovative company provides high quality of its product. The key partners are very responsible so that there are no delays in deliveries to customers.
Cost structure
In the production of the device, significant funding goes for: materials, mechanical and chemical-thermal treatment of mechanical components of the unit, the hydraulic unit and the heating unit. In addition, there are also fixed costs in the company business. The cost of communications with customers is not particularly pronounced (Zagorac-Knezevic, 2016). The variable and fixed costs are provided in Table 5.
Table 5 - Variable and fixed costs Таблица 5 - Вариабельные и фиксированные расходы Табела 5 - Вари]абилни и фиксни трошкови
(Currency) € (Currency) €
The selling price set device Price of services per one engagement
1. The selling price of the product / service 6.000 12.000
2. VARIABLE COSTS (per unit of product
2.1 Cost of raw materials / materials 1.800
2.2 Costs of distribution and sales 200
2.3 The costs of packaging 100
2.4 Energy costs 100
2.5 Variable operating costs 650 1.000
2.6 Costs of communication with customers 150
4. TOTAL PRICE OF-VARIABLE Per-unit cost (1.-2.) 3.000 11.000
Fixed salaries of the employees 2.400 3 employees within the team
• Electricity 100
• Depreciation 350
Other fixed costs:
• Accounting services 50
• Telephone / internet 100
• Maintenance / Cleaning 100
• Other
Contribution coverage = The selling price of the unit-Variable unit costs
Contribution coverage = 6.000 € - 3.000 € = 3.000 €
Breakeven point = Fixed costs / contribution to cover
Breakeven point = 3.100/3.000 = 1.033 € ¡5
The breakeven point is reached by selling two sets of equipment for dismantling and assembly.
Part III - The value of the company
Pitch to investors
Expansion Potential - Scalability
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The innovative company performs overhauls of plants in the field, using its new device simply, with good quality and without damaging parts. This team is very professional. It has been selling the device for 4 years, 1 with a plan to sell 300 sets of equipment over the next 5 years (Raskovic-Depalov, 2016).
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The new device has broad application possibilities. The innovative company is sure that it can be successful in the market for the next 10 years. The device is not easy to copy or reproduce. It takes a lot of knowledge in the field of materials and many years of experience in the |j technical maintenance of systems. In the first year of production, the business model requirements regarding research, development, certification and implementation of the new device were met. The g n breakeven point was realized with the sale of the first 2 device sets. In the first year, 5 sets were sold, which means that certain financial profit was made. In addition, overhaul services largely contributed to the increase in profits. This shows that the project is highly profitable. It has been successful on the market for 4 years. The device has various possibilities of application and may satisfy an increase in requests and the large number of customers, without changing the application itself. The aim is to achieve linearity in the speed of response to requests from customers (Petrov, 2016a), (Petrov, 2016b). g
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The parameters for determining the value of the company
For the first 12 months, the innovative company is planning to sell 30 sets of equipment. The unit price is 6.000 €. The variable costs per 1 unit amount to € 3,000. The fixed cost is 3.100 €. One repair service is planned at a price of 12.000 €. Variable costs amount to 1,000 € (travel expenses, accommodation and daily allowance). The planned earnings are 54.230 Euros. The income statement is presented in Table 6.
Table 6 - Balance sheet Таблица 6 - Баланс Табела 6 - Биланс успеха
INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE FIRST 12 MONTHS OF OPERATIONS (after completion of development)
Revenues from sales 1. VARIABLE COSTS
A -1 Device set 180.000 90.000 90.000
B- 1 service of theplant overhaul 12.000 1.000 1.000
2. FIXED COSTS 37.200
Other income
Interest income Interest expense
Other finance income Other financial expenses
INCOME TAX (15%) 9.570
In the previous period (Year 0), the innovative company sold 20 sets of equipment at a price of 6,000 Euros each. One overhaul service was performed. The cash outflow for variable costs was in the amount of
64,000 Euros, which amounts to 168,000 Euros. The fixed costs were 12,400 Euros. The profit was 91,600 Euros. In the current year (Year 1), there is a plan to sell 30 device sets and to perform one overhaul service. The plan is to purchase a service vehicle and equipment in the amount of 30,000 Euros. The planned total earnings are 28,430 Euros.
The cash flows for the previous year and the current year operations are given in Table 7.
Table 7 - Cash Flow Таблица 7 - Потоки денежных средств Табела 7 - Новчани токови
Years Years
0 1
Cash flow from operating activities
1. Cash inflow from products and services 168.000 192.000
2. Other cash inflow
3. Outflows from variable costs 64.000 91.000
4. Outflows of fixed costs (excluding depreciation 12.400 33.000
5. Other outflows
I Net cash flow from operating activities (1st + 2nd-3rd-4th-5th). 91.600 68.000
Cash flow from investing activities
1. Sale of property, plant and equipment
2. Purchase of property, plant and equipment 30.000
II Cash flows from investing activities (1.-2.) -30.000
Cash flow from financing activities
1. Capital Increase
2. The resulting credits
3. Donations, subsidies, grants
4. Loan repayment
5. Income tax 9.570
III Net cash flow from financing activities (1st + 2nd + 3rd-4th-5th). -9.570
IV Net cash inflow / outflow period (I + II + III) 28.430
V- In Cash at the beginning of the period 91.600 91.600
Cash at the end of the period (IV + V) 120.030
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Appendix: Documentation on services of performed overhaul
Appendix 11nstallation of the geared motor in MHE- Podgor-Montenegro
Na osnovu Ugovora br.3541 od 18.10.2013 izmedu Elektroprivrede Cme Gore (naruCilac radova) i firme (isporufiilac i izvrgilac radova), izvrgena je
nabavka i isporuka zupiastog reduktora tip Flender WOW SAN 280/S0-Nrema£ka, fab.br. 88212-0-1078/22410.
IsproruCilac reduktora imao je obavezu da montira zupCasti reduktor u MHE Podgor. Dana 10.04.2014. struiSna lica iz firme 0c, izvrSila su
demontazu neispravnog reduktora u hidroelektrani Podgor. Izvrgene su sve pripreme i radovi radi montaze novog reduktora. ProizvodaC reduktora sipao je originalno ulje u reduktor Total Carter EP 220. Na novi reduktor ugradeni su ispravni delovi na pogonskom vratilu reduktora glaviina Flender spojnice tip N-EUPEX velidine A 480 i na gonjenom vratilu reduktora prirubnica Flender- lamelaste spojnice tip Arpex, veliCina 270, serija K 430.
Izvrgena je zamena elastiCnih gumenih umetaka (10 komada) u spojnici tip Flender N-Eupex A 480.
Izvrgena je nivelacija i centracija novog zupiastog reduktora na temelju, a nakon toga izvrgena je provera da li je reduktor Cvrsto vezan za temelj s obzirom da nisu dozvoljena pomeranja sklopa u toku rada.
Prema tehniCkoj dokumentaeiji za montaiu reduktora i flenderovih spojnica, izvrgena je provera razmaka prirubnica na Flender spojnici tip Arpex veliCina 270. Propisano je da se taj razmak meri na 6 mernih mesta i da se nalazi u granicama od Slmin=22.5 mm do Slmax=23.5.mm. Izmerene vrednosti nalazile su se u tim granicama.
Propisane vrednosti razmaka izmedu glavcina spojnice tip Flender moraju se nalaziti u granicama S= 5 do 10 mm, gto je zadovoljeno kod montage novog reduktora. U toku montage novog reduktora zadovoljeni su svi uslovi koji su propisani po tehniCkoj dokumentaeiji kao gto su momenti pritezanja zavrtnjeva (vijaka), spajanje ostalih delova instalacije 11a reduktor-cevi za hiadenje reduktora, merni instrumenti i ostalo.
Nakon izvrgene montaze reduktora, mini hidroelektrana je pugtena u probni rad i izvrgena su testiranja rada 11a razlifiitim re2imima rada i optereienjima elektrane. Utvrdeno je, da elektrana ispravno radi. Radne temperature ulja u reduktoru nalaze se u propisanim granicama. Reduktor mirno radi bez povigenih vibracija i buke.
Nakon svih aktivnosti MHE Podgor pugtena je u oprerativni rad u sistemu Elektroprivrede Cme Gore.
Naruiiilac radova nema primedbi na isporufieni sklop, rezervne delove i izvrgene radove. Preuzeo je obavezu da ¿e se pridr2avati svih normi u garantnom roku.
U Podgoru, 10.04.2014.
Zapisnik dostavljen: -HE Peruéica, -Sluibi MHE,
Appendix 2 - Minutes on the repair of damage to the assemblies of the MHE Montenegro
Na osnovu Poziva br. 57/06 na otvoreni postupak javne nabavke od 26.10.2013. za reSavanje problema grejanja lezaja u MHE "PODGOR" u periodu od 11.12. do 13.12.2013. izvrSeni su sledeCi radovi:
1. Demontaza elastiCnih spojnica tipa Flender ARPEXK 430-Veliéina 270, koje povezuju multiplikator i generator MHE,
2. Demontaza prirubnica sa osovine zamajca postrojenja,
3. Demoníaca kotrljajnih lezajeva tipa SKF22220 HLK+H 320 sa osovine zamajca,
4. Vizuelni pregled demontiranih delova, osovine zamajca, elemenata elastiCne spojnice, kotrljajnih leáajeva, kuóiSta i postolja leíajeva zamajca,
5. Utvrdivanje uzroka pregrejavanja kotrljajnih leáajeva zamajca,
6. Merenje rukavaca osovine zamajca,
7. Izrada alata za propisnu montaiu ¿aura (hilzni) kotrljajnih lezajeva zamajca,
8. Montana novih kotrljajnih lezajeva sa pripadajuóim hilznama 22220 EK+H 320. Delove je obezbedio naruCioc posla u skladu sa zahtevima tehniCke dokumentacije,
9. Montaba prirubnica na osovnu zamajca,
10. Montaáa elastiCnih spojnica tipa Flender-Arpex K 430 velidina 270, izmedu zamajca i reduktora odnosno zamajca i generatora MHE,
11. Centriranje zamajca u odnosu na multiplikator i generator MHE.
12. PuStanje MHE u probni rad.
13. Merenje vibracija (prema planu merenja) u tri medusobno okomita smera: vertikalni smer, boCni smer i uzduzni smer. Merenje vibracija izvrSeno je na odredenim mernim mestima na: turbini, multiplikatoru, lezajevima zamajca i lezajevima generatora.
14. IzvrSena je laserska provera centriCnosti sklopova MHE. Na osnovu izmerenih nivoa vibracija nije bilo potrebe za dinamiCkim uravnote£avanjem sistema.
Radove pod t6. 13. i 14. izvodila je firma a sve ostale
radove firma (kao §to je naznaceno u datoj ponudi za sanaciju grejanja
legaja). Izvegtaji o merenju dostavljeni su naruCiocu posla, firmama (urudeni g.
i (izveStaj 6e dostaviti firma ).
15. Nakon ¡zvsenog testiranja konstatovano je da se MHE-Podgor moie pustiti u operativni rad.
16. PuStanje u operativni rad MHE-Podgor u sistem EPCG.
Mast za podmazivanje lezajeva tipa Shell Alvania RL -3 obezbezbedio je izvodaC radova.
NaruCioc posla obezbedio je odgovarajuée rezervne delove i uslove rada: struéno lice za rad u elektrani-puStanje u pogon elektrane, rukovanje sa razvodnim onnarima, elektriénim uredajima, ispravnu kransku dizalicu i sajle za podizanje zamajca. Garancija na izvedene radove je 30 daña. Garancija se daje za kvalitetu usluge. NaruCioc posla odgovoran je za kvalitet rezervnih delova.
NaruCioc posla ima obavezu da u roku od 7 daña izvrSi uplatu za izvrSene usluge u celosti (po§to nije uplaóen avans) za izvodenje radova firmi koju je angaáovala firma prema
naznaCenim partijama radova u tenderu.
U Podgoru-Crna Gora, 13.12.2013.
Zapisnik dostavljen: -FE-Peruéica-MHE-Podgor,
The paper presents the experience in the development of an innovation in terms of its scientific verification and its placement on the market. The techno-economic analysis of the new device was carried out.
An example of developing a business model based on the innovative product is given.
The new device for dismantling and assembling the parts of not-easily detachable assemblies on mechanical and electrical installations has enabled the company to develop an innovative new technology of on-site overhaul, new ways of organizing work and the execution of light and intermediate level repair, general revision and overhaul in field conditions. In addition to the placement of the device on the market, the innovative company carries out planned system maintenance and specialized measurements: measurement and analysis of vibrations - vibrodiagnostic assessment of the technical condition of the system, the laser alignment of assemblies, thermal imaging, developing various types of software, delivery and installation of modern monitoring systems, and others. The construction of the new device combines two basic functions: dismantling and assembly of assemblies. The device is modular and consists of 3 parts: the mechanical part (mechanical components of the device), the hydraulic part and the unit for heating parts that are dismantled or assembled.
It is easy to use, there is no possibility of damage to parts during operation and it is easy to carry. The unit weighs 25 kg. This universal device enables overhauling assemblies of different manufacturers in the field conditions. It has a wide range of applications, which until now was not the case.
The universality of the device application is achieved through various combinations of the constituent parts of the device - it does not mean that the number of component parts increases, but that individual components are constructed and adapted to cover different sizes and dimensions of various assemblies to be overhauled.
The device is intended for the external dimensions of assemblies in the range of 0 100-1000 mm, external shaft diameter 0 from 50 to 300 mm, for extremely large overlaps in the firm shaft - aperture fitting to 0.02 mm The length of fitting can reach up to 300 mm. The dimensions smaller than the above measures do not represent a problem for dismantling and assembly since they can be done with bearing pullers and spatial tools and kits.
The assembly weight is not a problem for the implementation of the §
new device, because assemblies are pulled up, moved, and pulled down back to their original position by means of various cranes in aggregate rooms where overhaul is carried out.
In addition to the new device delivered, end customers are provided with technical maintenance service, delivery of spare parts and training of technical personnel.
The new device reduces the cost of plant maintenance up to 50% compared to earlier overhaul technologies, when assemblies were transported to specialized workshops and overhaul institutes. The time
required to perform overhaul is significantly reduced. For example, if the |j
intermediate-level repair of a mini hydro power plant of 500 KW used to n take 30 days, now overhauling can be executed in 15 days with the overhaul costs halved.
In the period from 2002 to 2016, in the system of the Electrical industry Montenegro, higher overhaul levels in 18 mini hydroelectric power § plants were carried out according to the plans. On some systems, overhauls were carried out several times, since the hydro power plants are in continuous operation, because of the huge influx of water in the operation season and opportunities for major electric power generation. This enables the customer to realize substantial profits, with minimal maintenance costs. In addition, the customer has gained significant financial resources for the purchase of new energy systems to replace the existing old systems or for the purchase and installation of systems on new locations.
The innovative company enabled similar gains to other customers as well.
ro >
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Tehnicka dokumentacija za MHE, 1980. EPCG. S?
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Никола П. Жегарац
Сербская академия изобретателей и ученых, г. Белград, Республика Сербия
ОБЛАСТЬ: инжиниринг, энергетика, судостроение, автомобильная промышленность, военная промышленность, инновации, экономика
ВИД СТАТЬИ: оригинальная научная статья ЯЗЫК СТАТЬИ: английский
В данной статье описано инновационное монтажно-демонтажное устройство сложно разбираемых узлов машиностроительного и электротехнического оборудования, разработанное для условий полевого ремонта. Новизна состоит в том, что с помощью данного устройства намного ускорен процесс сборно-разборочных работ, а возможность повреждений практически исключена. Это переносное устройство, которое отличается легкостью в использовании. Оно применяется на всех этапах полевого ремонта любых видов станций и сооружений.
Данное устройство присутствует на рынке сбыта уже 4 года. Предполагаемые сроки его эксплуатации составляют 10 и более лет. При разработке данного монтажно-демонтажного устройства для машиностроительных и электротехнических узлов, были учтены все выявленные за время многолетнего опыта в области содержания и ремонта станций и сооружений
проблемы, в частности невозможность выполнения разборочно-сборочных работ в условиях полевого ремонта.
Инновационное устройство обеспечило возможность развития новой технологии ремонта станций и сооружений, внедрены новые методы организации и выполнения ремонтных работ. Благодаря большому опыту и знаниям команды разработчиков, для осуществления идеи не понадобилось много времени (потребовалось всего 6 месяцев для осуществления целого проекта).
Продажа настоящего устройства производится в конфиденциальном порядке, оговоренном договорными обязательствами, которые подразумевают неразглашение информации о конструкции, а также инструкции по эксплуатации устройства. В настоящий момент в Институте интеллектуальной собственности города Белград оформляется защита интеллектуальной собственности данного устройства, и по его завершении планируется подача международной заявки на патент (защита РСТ).
Ключевые слова: инновация, новое устройство, монтажно-демонтажные работы, сложно разбираемые узлы, ремонт, машиностроительные и электротехнические сооружения, мини-ГЭС, судостроение, военная промышленность, бизнес-модель, компания по инновационным проектам, технико-экономическое обоснование.
Никола П. Жегарац
Српска академи]а изумите^а и научника, Београд, Република Срби]а
ОБЛАСТ: инже^еринг, енергетика, бродоград^а, аутомобилска
индустри]а, во]на индустри]а, иноваци]е, економи]а ВРСТА ЧЛАНКА: оригинални научни чланак иЕЗИК ЧЛАНКА: енглески
Иновативни уре^а] за демонатжу и монтажу делова те-шко раставъивих склопова на машинским и електропостро]е-ъима у теренским условима ремонта омогуЬава брзу и ефикаса-ну демонтажу и монтажу делова, без могуЬности оштеПеъа. Jедноставан}е за употребу и лако се преноси. Може се примени-
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ти за све врсте постро]еъа и више нивое ремонта у теренским условима рада.
Уре^а] се налази на тржишту четири године, а очеку}е се да Яе се користити наредних 10 година, а вероватно и дуже. Током дугогодишъег рада на пословима одржаваъа постро]ек>а било }е много проблема у ремонту, па }е развц'ен уре^а] за демонтажу и монтажу машинских и електросклопова. Многи скло-пови нису могли бити демонтирани и монтирани у теренским условима рада. Нови уре^а] омогуЯио }е да се развц'е нова техно-логи]а ремонта постро]ек>а на местима где су инсталирана, за-тим нови начини рада у организации и извршеъу ремонта. Од иде}е до реализаци}е уре^а]а прошло }е само 6 месеци, пошто тим има велико искуство на овим и сличним пословима. Инова-тивни уре^а] купцима се испоручу/е уз уговорне обавезе о прода-]и уре^а]а и ремонту система, а дефинише се и заштита та}но-сти конструкци}е и примене уре^а]а.
У току ¡е поступак заштите уре^а]а код Завода за инте-лектуалну сво}ину у Београду, а након тога биЯе поднета и ме-%ународна при]ава за патентну заштиту (заштита РСТ).
К^учне речи: иноваци]а, нови уре^, демонтажа и монтажа, те-шко растав^иви склопови, ремонт, машинска и електропостро]е-жа, мини- хидролектране, бродограджа, во]на индустри]а, послов-ни модел, иновативна компани]а, техно-економска анализа.
Paper received on / Дата получения работы / Датум приема чланка: 26.10.2016. Manuscript corrections submitted on / Дата получения исправленной версии работы / Датум достав^а^а исправки рукописа: 27.11.2016.
Paper accepted for publishing on / Дата окончательного согласования работы / Датум коначног прихвата^а чланка за об]ав^ива^е: 29.11.2016.
© 2017 The Author. Published by Vojnotehnicki glasnik / Military Technical Courier (www.vtg.mod.gov.rs, втг.мо.упр.срб). This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/rs/).
© 2017 Автор. Опубликовано в «Военно-технический вестник / Vojnotehnicki glasnik / Military Technical Courier» (www.vtg.mod.gov.rs, втг.мо.упр.срб). Данная статья в открытом доступе и распространяется в соответствии с лицензией «Creative Commons» (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/rs/).
© 2017 Аутор. Обjавио В^нотехнички гласник / Vojnotehnicki glasnik / Military Technical Courier (www.vtg.mod.gov.rs, втг.мо.упр.срб). Ово jе чланак отвореног приступа и дистрибуира се у складу са Creative Commons licencom (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/rs/).