Shevchuk O., Kamyshna I.
I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
The article is devoted to the study of the effectiveness of early intervention, assessment of mental development and psychological state of the child, the importance of prevention of secondary disorders, normalization of child-parent interaction and overcoming behavioral problems.
Keywords: early intervention, physical rehabilitation, mental rehabilitation, prevention of disability.
Problem statement: In 25 years, the number of children with disabilities in Ukraine has more than doubled, from 72,086 at the beginning of 1991 to 151,125 at the beginning of 2015. The number of children with disabilities in the general structure of children during this period increased from 0.5% to 1.98%. Infant mortality has halved in the last quarter of a century, but remains 2-3 times higher than in European countries. Thus, during this period, the number of dead children under the age of 1 in Ukraine decreased from 13.9 cases to 7.8 cases per 1,000 live births and in 2014 amounted to 3656 children.
There are no official statistics on the number of young children with developmental disabilities and the risk of such disabilities in Ukraine. At the same time, the experience of international countries and current research show that in the first years of life 13 - 18% of children have developmental delays and the risk of their occurrence, and therefore need appropriate assistance.
International research and practice show that early intervention is an effective system for identifying and organizing care for young children with disabilities and their families, and helps prevent the disability of children.
To date, there is no single definition of "early intervention". In most countries, early intervention is understood as systematic work aimed at child development and normalization of family life, has a strong preventive focus on preventing child mortality, orphanhood, progression of disorders in children, their disability and institutionalization, helps children and parents to adapt to society.
Early intervention provides:
- the earliest detection of retardation and developmental disorders of the child;
- informational and emotional support and assistance to families;
- systematic assessment of the child's level of development;
- development and implementation together with the family of an individual child development assistance program;
- development of parents' competence in providing child care for its optimal development;
- coordination and interaction with other services that provide services for children and families;
- organization of support groups for families.
Early intervention programs were first developed in the United States and Western Europe for children in the first three years of life. Their goal is to identify problems or disorders in the child's development as early as possible and provide appropriate assistance to the child and his family. The early intervention system is designed for all children at risk of developmental delay or impairment and their families.
There are cases when children are born without any problems, but their development may be slower than other children, or may differ from the typical development. Sometimes babies are born prematurely, with low body weight, and after the baby has been discharged home from the hospital, parents may need to consult an early intervention specialist on how to develop the baby. Otherwise, from the birth of the child, it is obvious that the child and the family will need the support of early intervention specialists, such as children with Down syndrome.
Early intervention aims to develop all basic skills, as well as any skills that a child acquires during the first three years of life.
• Motor skills (reach out and pick-up toys, turn around, crawl, walk, etc.).
• Cognitive skills (thinking, remembering, solving problems and tasks, etc.).
• Communication skills (listening to the language addressed, understanding, speaking, etc.).
• Socio-emotional skills (play, interact with other people, express feelings, etc.).
• Self-care skills (eating, dressing, washing, etc.).
Early intervention system - a system of measures
aimed at the development of young children (from birth to 4 years) with physical, sensory, mental, intellectual disabilities or the risk of such disorders and aimed at supporting parents or legal representatives of such children. (Early Intervention Development in Ukraine Project, UNICEF, NAIU, Early Intervention Institute Foundation)
The purpose of the study: to justify the need for an early intervention program for children with psycho-motor developmental delays.
Advantages of the early intervention service (EI):
- Based on the priorities of the family and the needs of the child and provided in the child's natural environment; develops the child's ability to grow and
develop, learn, as well as helps the family to strengthen the family, raise awareness, "relieve stress", harmonizes society;
"The family has the right to comprehensive protection and support. The family has the main responsibility for the protection, upbringing and development of children. All institutions of society must respect the rights and well-being of children and accordingly help parents, families, legal guardians so that children can grow and develop in a safe and stable society, atmosphere of happiness, love, understanding... » (A world conducive to children. Special session for children of the UN General Assembly, 2002)
- is a professional service for children from birth to 4 years with developmental delay, disability, atypical behavior, social and emotional difficulties, etc .; In countries where preschool education uses inclusive early intervention programs, the RV system focuses on a critical period - from birth to 3 years, working with children and families, and focuses on increasing the role and opportunities of parents, their education and support . In other countries, the RV system operates from the birth of a child to school age (the moment the child "enters" the school system). Also, the system of early intervention may cover the period from prenatal diagnosis before the child reaches the age when he should go to preschool.
- is of great importance for the development of an inclusive society, because it enables children with developmental disabilities to become full and active citizens of society; In some countries, the system of early intervention is designed so that after the start of services, specialists immediately begin to work with parents on the choice of kindergarten or school. Parents are better informed about the available options and can make the right decisions.
- is economically advantageous for the country. Of course, it will be possible to assess all the effectiveness of the implementation of the RV system in Ukraine only in the future; The public benefits of implementing a full-fledged RV model outweigh the costs. Every $ 1 invested in early intervention services saves the state up to $ 17, which would be spent on medical services, specialized training programs, additional services. James Hackman, a Nobel laureate, in his new study (2016) concludes that every $ 1 spent on early childhood programs is returned to society with an investment of $ 6.30 through savings in government programs such as social protection. criminal justice, health care.
- ensures respect for the rights of the child. Every child has the right to grow up in a family; Early intervention prevents the process of "failure", helps prevent institutionalization. Parents who raise a child with a disability without proper support are more likely to abandon it and place it in public care; RV provides services to children and parents at the community / place of residence level.
- ensures the implementation of the social and legal model of disability in Ukraine in the field of health care. The system of access to services for children with various functional disorders, which currently operates in Ukraine, is based on the "medical" model of disability, including the health care system.
Thanks to the active work of public organizations in Ukraine today, early intervention teams work on the basis of the Charitable Foundation "Institute of Early Intervention" (Kharkiv), training and rehabilitation center "Source" (Lviv), Transcarpathian Regional Center for Comprehensive Rehabilitation "Road of Life" (Uzhhorod), NGO "Healthy Society".
Starting from 2010, structural subdivisions of the Regional Department were opened in the Kharkiv City Children's Polyclinic N° 23, the Kharkiv City Children's Polyclinic Polyclinic № 2 », school № 12 in Chuhuiv, Kharkiv region, which laid the foundation for the creation of a city network of early intervention services.
In October 2012, the experience of early intervention development in Kharkiv received official support from the Presidium of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine.
Since 2008, the Lviv team of early intervention within the project of the Kingdom of the Netherlands MATRA and with the expert support of the Dutch organization SOFT Tulip conducted trainings for specialists in various fields, seminars for parents, educational activities.
Since 2016, the movement of parents for early intervention in various regions of Ukraine has significantly intensified, the National Platform on Early Intervention is being created, trainings and educational campaigns are being conducted. The recommendations of the parliamentary hearings were a positive step for the development of the system of early intervention in Ukraine: "Education, health care and social security of children with mental and physical disabilities: problems and ways to solve them."
Introducing and ensuring the functioning of the system of early intervention services in order to create favorable living conditions for children with disabilities and the risk of their occurrence, support families in which they are brought up, prevent parental rejection of children with disabilities, disability of children is one from the expected results of the section "Ensuring the rights of the child".
The early intervention system provides an opportunity to improve access to services for young children and families raising children with certain functional disorders and children with the possibility of such disorders. This contributes to the further active inclusion of this group of children in public life, strengthening families and providing them with appropriate assistance.
1. Kravtsova AM, Kukuruza AV (2013) Early intervention: interdisciplinary care for young children with developmental disabilities and their families: a guide for professionals. Planet print, Kharkiv, 208 p.
2. Description of the program of early intervention. Dzherelo Training and Rehabilitation Center. Lviv, 2003- Standard requirements for the organization of the service of early intervention / O. Zh. Aksenova, N. Yu. Baranova, MM Emets, LV Samarina. - St. Petersburg, 2012. - 54 p
3. Formation of early intervention policy: training module / Col. authors: L. Yu. Baida, E. B. Pavlova, OL Ivanova, GV Kukuruza. - K., 2017. - 62 p.
4. Recommendations of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (2011).
5. Recommendations of the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities "Concluding Observations on the First Report of Ukraine" (2015).
6. International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF).
7. Natalia Dobrova-Krol. Early Intervention: Key Aspects and International Experience, UNICEF;
8. Pasichnyk IP, Kukuruza GV Interdisciplinary family-centered program of early intervention at the stage of primary health care for children: Proceedings of the conference.
Али Махаммад Али
магистрант 2 года обучения Института физической культуры ФГАОУ ВО «Тюменский государственный университет».
Прокопьев Н.Я.
доктор мед. наук, профессор, заслуженный деятель науки и образования, академик РАЕ, заслуженный рационализатор РФ, профессор ФГАОУ ВО «Тюменский государственный университет».
Христов В.В.
канд. пед. наук, доцент ФГАОУ ВО «Тюменский государственный университет».
Ali Mahammad Ali, Prokopyev N., Hristov V.
University of Tyumen
В статье представлены результаты изучения уровня адаптационного потенциала (АП, у.е.) по Роману Марковичу Баевскому у 11 юношей 18,3+0,6 лет, входящих в сборную команду Сирии по шоссейным гонкам в предсоревновательный период. Длина тела юношей составила 180,2±2,6 см (крайние значения 167 - 192 см), масса тела 70,2±2,5 кг (крайние значения 68,7 - 92,2 кг). Установлено, что у юношей в состоянии физиологического покоя частота сердечных сокращений (ЧСС, уд/мин) находилась в крайних значениях от 64 до 79 уд/мин (73,6±1,8 уд/мин). Величина систолического (САД, мм. рт. ст.) находилась в крайних пределах от 115 до 124 мм. рт. ст. (119,7±2,4 мм. рт. ст.). Величина диастолического (ДАД, мм. рт. ст.) находилась в крайних пределах от 68 до 74 мм. рт. ст. (71,7±1,9 мм. рт. ст.). Расчетные значения уровня АП у юношей составили 1,874 у.е., что свидетельствовало об достаточных функциональных возможностях центральной гемодинамики.
The article presents the results of a study of the level of adaptive potential (AP, u.u.) according to Roman Markovich Baevsky in 11 young men 18.3 (0.6 years old) who are part of the Syrian national road racing team in the pre-competition period. The body length of the boys was 180.2±2.6 cm (extreme values 167 - 192 cm), body weight 70.2±2.5 kg (extreme values 68.7 - 92.2 kg). It was found that in young men in a state of physiological rest, the heart rate (heart rate, bpm) was at extremes between 64 and 79 beats per minute (73.6±1.8 beats per minute). The systolic value (SBG, mmHg) was in the extreme range from 115 to 124 mm Hg. art. (119.7±2.4 mm Hg). The diastolic value (DBP, mmHg) was in the extreme range from 68 to 74 mm Hg. art. (71.7±1.9 mm Hg). The estimated values of the level of AP in young men were 1.874 c.u., which indicated sufficient functionality of central hemodynamics.
Ключевые слова: сборная команда Сирии, юноши-велосипедисты, адаптационный потенциал.
Keywords: Syrian national team, young cyclists, adaptive potential.
Введение. В Сирии на протяжении многих лет шоссейным гонкам уделяется пристальное внимание. В то же время недостаточно разработаны вопросы, касающиеся оценки уровня АП (уровня здоровья) у юношей, входящих в сборную команду Сирии и специализирующихся в шоссейных гонках.
Цель исследования: изучить уровень АП по Р.М. Баевскому у юношей сборной команды Сирии, специализирующихся в шоссейных гонках, в предсоревновательном периоде тренировочного процесса.