Evaluation of the aesthetic component of the performance skill of childers in group exercises
UDC 796.012.68
PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Pozdeeva1 PhD M.A. Ovsyannikova2 PhD, Associate Professor Yu.V. Korichko3 A.A. Korichko3
1Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University, Moscow 2Russian University of Transport, Moscow Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Received by the editorial office on 06.12.2023
Objective of the study was to determine the aesthetic indicators of performance skills in cheer sports and clarify the judge's assessment.
Methods and structure of the study. The study analyzes in detail the criteria for refereeing in cheer sports (judging provisions in the competition rules and protocols); identified single indicators of performance skills (on the example of group exercises); the most significant aesthetic indicators of the performance skills of cheerleaders were identified. To solve problems, the following methods were used: analysis and synthesis, abstraction and concretization, analysis of scientific and methodological literature, rules and protocols of competitions; questioning; mathematical methods.
Results and conclusions. An analysis of the refereeing system in Russia for this sport showed the need to improve methods for evaluating group exercises. The paper presents a way to objectify refereeing in chir sports - the introduction of three teams of judges: performance, synchronism, choreography.
Keywords: performance skills of cheerleaders, judging criteria, cheer sports, aesthetic indicators, assessment of skill in group exercises.
Introduction. Cheer sport is a complex coordination sport that combines gymnastic, acrobatic, dance movements and show elements. At the present stage, high demands are placed on athletes in terms of movement technique, performance quality, coordination accuracy, artistry, and in group exercises - to synchronism and "homogeneity of movements" by all members of the group. These parameters relate to the performance skills of athletes (PSA) in cheerleading. The holding of high-level competitions and the growth of the skill of cheerleaders in Russia raises the problem of an objective assessment of performance skills. There is an opinion among practitioners that each expert determines the quality of performances, focusing on his personal coaching experience and knowledge. And in the scientific community, the problem of the quality of refereeing is emphasized, the need for additional development of methods for quantitative assessment of the performance skills of athletes is not-
ed [1, 2]. Indeed, despite the fact that chir sports are subjective sports and are evaluated by experts based on aesthetic categories, such as expressive, artistic, synchronous, rhythmic, smooth, drawn out, sharp, clear, etc. However, it is still necessary to evaluate the performance of athletes according to certain parameters.
There is not enough information in this area in the specialized literature that specifies the methodology for assessing performance skills in cheerleading. The competition rules reflect only the general criteria for judging competition programs. This is due to the fact that this kind of gymnastics is relatively young, and so far has insufficient scientific and methodological support. In accordance with the foregoing, the chosen research topic is relevant and promising in the study.
Objective of the study was to determine the aesthetic indicators of the performance skills of athletes in cheer - sports and specify their assessment.
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I September I № 9 2023
Research objectives was to analyze in detail the criteria for refereeing in cheer sports; determine single indicators of performance skills (on the example of group exercises); identify the most significant aesthetic indicators of the performance skills of cheerleaders. To solve problems, the following methods were used: analysis and synthesis, abstraction and concretization; analysis of scientific and methodological literature, rules and protocols of competitions; questioning; mathematical methods.
Methods and structure of the study. With the growth of performing skills in cheer sports, more and more controversial situations arise in judicial practice. These contradictions are apparently related to the underdevelopment of the normative and regulatory documentation of the sport. The rules of the competition set out the minimum brief requirements for the execution of programs. For example, in the criteria for evaluating the discipline "cheer-hip-hop group" it is indicated that "... technical performance, amplitude, use of musical accompaniment, team interaction are evaluated, special attention is paid to some acrobatic elements included in the choreography of street dances" [5]. What is meant by each criterion remains unclear.
This problem in sports gymnastics is solved by a number of measures. For example, the introduc-
tion of three teams of judges (performance, artistry, complexity); concretization and detailed description of each criterion of judicial evaluation; drawing up individual exercise maps indicating the elements of complexity, cascades and their cost. In cheer sports, the performance evaluation system needs to be improved. Let's take a closer look.
Let us first turn to the structure and content of the performance skills of athletes. According to the results of our own research on performance skills both in the sports of gymnastics and in cheer sports, it has a two-component structure: aesthetic and technical [3, 4]. The criterion "technique", which assesses the control of the positions of body parts, the quality of performance of elements, the intensity of movements, characterizes the technical component of the performing skills of spotmen. Indicators "synchronism, homogeneity of movements" and the composition of the program (coordination complexity of movements, novelty, compliance with musical accompaniment, expressiveness of movements and artistry of athletes) emphasize the aesthetics of the program, its entertainment. Next, we compare this model of performance skills in cheer sports and the criteria reflected in the score sheet (Figure 1).
Table 1. Aesthetic indicators of PSA in cheer sports (on the example of group programs)
Indicators Description
Originality Characterizes the demonstration by the athlete of new forms of movements
Dynamism Sealing connections (cascades), minimizing the number of «accelerating» movements. Formation of a composition of compounds from several elements and cascades
Complexity Reflects the degree of objective and subjective (difficulty) requirements for the athlete's psychomotor capabilities
Novelty Forms of connection of elements (lack of stereotyped and trivial connections, standard connections and compositional stereotypes)
Danceability Compliance of the composition and individual movements with the style of a particular dance
Musicality Perception and interpretation of music through movement. Reproduction of rhythm, mood, accents, musical phrases
Artistry Performing movements with "subtext" (introducing semantic shades into them with facial expressions, gestures, elements of pantomime) The use of artistic techniques (repetitions, «play of motives», contrast and nuance, elements of surprise)
Amplitude Manifestation and demonstration of the greatest deviations from the zero value of the value (the body of the performer, parts of the body)
Synchronicity Performance to the rhythm of music; synchronized performance by all members of the group in accordance with the music
Uniformity Execution of elements, movements and combinations "as one", clear execution by all team members (angle in the joints, the same range of motion), "similarity".
Alignment Maintaining distances by all members of the group during rebuilding, building, moving
Entertainment The ability to make a strong impression on the viewer using creative elements, transitions, compositional layering, visual effects, etc.
Note: the characteristics of the indicators are presented based on the research data of Plekhanova M.E. [6].
• Technique (30 points)
1. Strength of performance and range of motion
2. Controlling the position of body parts
3. The level of performance of the elements
• Group performance (30 points)
1. Synchronicity
2. Uniformity
3. Leveling
• Choreography (30 points)
1. Musicality/Creativity/Novelty
2. Spectacular composition
3. Level of difficulty of connections
• General Impression {10 points)
Artistic/Influence on the audience/ Entertainment/Dynamics
Components of an athlete's sportsmanship in cheer sports
<= <= <=
Figure 1. Components and criteria for assessing PSA in cheer sports
The evaluation sheet, which is offered to the judges, has four criteria: technique, group performance, choreography, overall impression. A detailed analysis of these protocols and provisions for evaluating performances made it possible to identify the following points. Firstly, the terms and descriptions used in judicial practice are ambiguous and replace each other. So, for example, both the "choreography" and the "general impression" include the indicator of entertainment. There is no description of the terms "novelty", "creativity", "artistry", "dynamics" and others in the competition rules. It is necessary to clarify and concretize the terms. Secondly, in terms of content, the last three judging criteria (group performance, choreography, overall impression) refer to the aesthetic component of the performance skills of athletes. It is also clear that 70 points out of a possible 100 are indicators of the content and composition of the competitive exercise. Thus, a significant contribution to the final assessment for the performance of group teams in the artistic disciplines of chir sports is made by the aesthetic component of performing skills. However, the system for evaluating the "aesthetics" of exercises needs to be improved and clarified. Further, an attempt was made to streamline all the requirements for the content of the exercises and determine the meaning of the aesthetic categories that are reflected in the judging channels. On the example of team performances in the nomination "cheer-freestyle group", "cheer-jazz group", "cheer-hip-hop group", 12 indicators were identified and a description was given to each (Table 1.).
To identify the degree of influence of these indicators on the outcome of the performance, a questionnaire was developed and a survey of specialists in cheer sports was conducted. 12 experts took part in the survey - highly qualified coaches and judges from Omsk, Tyumen and Moscow. The studied indicators
were ranked by experts according to the degree of influence on the overall impression.
When processing the results of the survey, single indicators are combined into 4 groups. Group indicators according to the degree of significance were distributed in the following order: "Entertainment", "Synchronicity", "Musicality", "Use of space" (Fig. 2).
No. Aesthetic Indicators that affect the final grade Rank number Indicator group
1. Artistry; expressiveness; originality and novelty or movements and ligaments; visual effects; amplitude (dynamic). 5,22 {^Entcrt ai amccT^
2. Use of musical accents; danceabilily (correspondence of movements to the chosen style or choreography); rhythm (performing movements to the rhythm of music). 6,75 "Musicality"
3. Consistency of actions jn the group; homogeneity of movements by all members of the group; clarity of lines, drawings (alignment). 5,53 ( "SynchronicIty"' )
4. Levels of space; compositional drawings (constructions and reconstructions). 10,32 "Use of space"
Figure 2. The results of ranking the aesthetic indicators of performance in the artistic disciplines of chir sports.
To determine the consistency of expert opinions, the concordance coefficient was calculated. At a 5% significance level, its value (W=0.65) indicates the consistency of the opinions of the interviewed experts. So, according to the obtained data of the ranking of indicators, we see that the indicators of the groups "Entertainment" and "Synchronicity" were classified by qualified experts as more significant in assessing the "aesthetics" of exercises.
Conclusions. The study revealed a way to improve the methods for assessing group exercises in cheer sports. It is necessary to introduce three teams of judges: technique, synchronism, choreography, which will make up equal shares in the overall assessment. Adjust or remove the "general impression" criterion, as it presents the parameters previously described in the "choreography". We recommend using the developed aesthetic indicators and their description in the judging protocols. The aesthetic component of the performing skills of athletes in cheer sports is represented by the following indicators: artistry; originality and novelty of movements and ligaments; amplitude; musicality; danceability; dynamism; rhythm; synchronicity; homogeneity of movements by all members of the group; entertainment. These indicators must be expressed in points to objectify the assessment of the skill of athletes. Significant in assessing the performance of group exercises are the groups of indicators "Synchronicity", "Entertainment" and "Musicality".
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I September I № 9 2023
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