Научная статья на тему 'Evaluation of quality of common pine seeds single sowing under controlled conditions'

Evaluation of quality of common pine seeds single sowing under controlled conditions Текст научной статьи по специальности «Электротехника, электронная техника, информационные технологии»

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Ключевые слова
single-seed sowing / single seed sowing in a greenhouse / tool carrier / seedlings quality / однонасіннєве сіяння / висівання в теплиці / тримач пристрою для сіяння / якість сіянців

Аннотация научной статьи по электротехнике, электронной технике, информационным технологиям, автор научной работы — Józef Walczyk, Paweł Tylek, Maria Walczykova

The work concerns design and construction of tool carrier, appropriate for mounting on it a precision drill. Pneumatic single-seed drill Omega S079 was adapted to sowing seeds of common pine. Seeding made in a greenhouse was subject to evaluation. Number of seedlings per square meter obtained was close to the sowing rate. Single-grain sowing was compared with traditional hand sowing. The seedlings distribution in the first case was better as well as their quality.

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Оцінка якості однонасіннєвого сіяння сосни звичайної в контрольованих умовах

Розглядається конструкція тримача для монтування на ньому точних бурів. Пневматичний однонасіннєвий бур Омега S079 пристосований для висівання насіння сосни звичайної. Було проведено порівняння парникових посівів, посаджених за допомогою пневматичного бура та вручну. Кількості отриманих сіянців на квадратний метр площі були приблизно одинакові. Однак якість та розподіл сіянців при висіванні з допомогою пневматичного бура були кращими.

Текст научной работы на тему «Evaluation of quality of common pine seeds single sowing under controlled conditions»

Наукрвий híchiik. 2004, вип. 14.3

дячи з дослiджень, виконаних в робот! [1], можна прийняти, що lHmin = 0,35 гст, а 1Нтах = 0,55 гст, де гст - статичний радiус ведучих колю, м; и - швидюсть руху ма-шини, м/с. Знаючи середш довжини нерiвностей дороги, як найчаспше трапля-ються на опорнiй поверхш, можна обчислити дiапазони швидкостей, на яких мо-жуть виникати низькочастотний i високочастотний резонанси.

Потрiбно, щоб зони резонансiв АЧХ вертикальних коливань машини не збiгалися з дiапазонами збурення коливань, якi найбiльш ймовiрно можуть траплятися в експлуатацiйних умовах.

Викладена методика дослiдження залежносп швидкосп руху вiд вiдстанi мiж нерiвностями опорно! поверхнi реалiзована на ПЕОМ в середовищi EXCEL.

Отриманi результати аналпичних дослiджень дають змогу зробити висновок, що взаемозв'язок критично! швидкосп руху машини i вiддалi мiж нерiвностями опорно! поверхнi мають лшшний характер. Збiльшення вiддалi мiж нерiвностями на 0,2 м призводить до збшьшення критично! швидкостi в 1,3 раза. Це свщчить про те, що чим рiвнiша дорога, тим забезпечуеться вища швидкiсть руху нею, а це, в свою чергу, призводить до шдвищення ефектив-носп використання i збiльшення довговiчностi машини.

Позитивно впливае на збiльшення швидкосп руху лiсотранспортного засобу й жорстюсть шин. Чим бiльший статичний прогин шин, тим менша власна частота коливань. Тому застосування м'яких шин у вщповщному дь апазонi [3] покращуе плавнiсть руху машини i унеможливлюе виникнення низькочастотного резонансу.


1. Вибрации в технике: Справочник. Т. 5. Измерения и испытания/ Под ред. М.Д. Генкина. - М.: Машиностроение, 1981. - 496 с.

2. Анисимов Г.М. и др. Лесные машины. - М.: Лесн. пром-сть, 1989. - 512 с.

3. Библюк Н.1., Борис М.М., Герис М.1., Кщул А.Я. Вплив параметр1в компонуван-ня та жорсткосп шин на плавнють руху люотранспортно! машини// Вюник ХДТУСГ: Зб. на-ук.-техн. праць. - Харюв: ХДТУСГ. - 2004, вип. 23. - С. 348-354.

Prof. dr. hab. Jozef WALCZYK1; dr inz. Pawel TYLEK1; dr. hab. Maria WALCZYKOVA2, prof. AR - Agricultural University of Cracow, Poland


The work concerns design and construction of tool carrier, appropriate for mounting on it a precision drill. Pneumatic single-seed drill Omega S079 was adapted to sowing seeds of common pine. Seeding made in a greenhouse was subject to evaluation. Number of seedlings per square meter obtained was close to the sowing rate. Single-grain sowing was compared with traditional hand sowing. The seedlings distribution in the first case was better as well as their quality.

Keywords: single-seed sowing, single seed sowing in a greenhouse, tool carrier, seedlings quality.

1 Department of Forest Works Mechanization

2 Department of Farm Machinery Management

1. TexHiKa та тeхнoлoгiï лicoвoгo государства


УкраТнський державний лкотехшчний унiверситет

Проф. Йозеф ВАЛЬЧИК; др. Павел ТИЛЕК; проф. Марш ВАЛЬЧИКОВА -

Аграрний ун-т Кракова, Польща

/Ч • • • • О ••

Ощнка якосп однонасшневого сшння сосни звичаинот в контрольованих умовах

Розглядаеться конструкцiя тримача для монтування на ньому точних 6ypÍB. Пневматичний однонасiнневий 6ур Омега S079 пристосований для виавання насш-ня сосни звичайно!. Було проведено порiвняння парникових посiвiв, посаджених за допомогою пневматичного бура та вручну. Кiлькостi отриманих сiянцiв на квадрат-ний метр площi були приблизно одинаковь Однак якiсть та розподш сiянцiв при ви-сiваннi з допомогою пневматичного бура були кращими.

Ключов1 слова: однонасiнневе сiяння, виавання в теплицi, тримач пристрою для аяння, якiсть сiянцiв.

At the present stage of silviculture in Poland artificial regeneration and a great amount of farmland afforestation become a necessity. It requires large quantity of good quality seeds, which undoubtedly creates problem for the modern nursery and entails necessity of a thrifty seeds management [1]. One of the possible methods of saving seeds is application of single-seed sowing in producing seedlings [2].

Single-grain sowing means placing the single seeds in even distance along the row, which distance depends on the plant species or production purposes i.e. on expected size of the seedlings.

Using single-seed drills it is possible to achieve high horizontal and vertical precision of grains distribution in soil, securing optimal space of growth and development for seedlings. Single-grain sowing allows keeping the required sowing rate, eliminating tiresome handwork and randomness in seed distribution. Placement of seeds in even distances along rows makes also the seedling cultivation easier.

In seedlings production under controlled conditions smaller inter-row spa-cings are applied, in order to use effectively the given area. This makes application of typical single-grain seeders, like those used in horticulture production, difficult. Another limitation is the fact that work is carried out in closed area (greenhouses, plastic tunnels) and drills cannot be combined with tractors.

In Department of Forest Works Mechanization an aggregate containing single-seed drill was designed and made. It is free from the above-mentioned shortages and meets all requirements for performing high quality sowing under above described conditions.

Material and methods

The following tasks were undertaken as objectives of the presented work:

• design and construction of a tool carrier appropriate for use in closed areas;

• adaptation of a single-seed drill for sowing common pine seeds in a greenhouse;

• sowing seeds in the greenhouse and evaluations of seedlings obtained from single-

seed sowing;

• comparison of seedlings grown from single-seed and hand sowing.

Research was done in the greenhouses of Olkusz forest division, on the area of 400 sq. meters. Sowing was made into peat substratum, using 0.06 m inter-row spacing and 0.031 m seeds distance in rows.


Лкова iнженерiя: техшка, технолопя i довкшля

HiiyK'QBiiii BiciiiiK, 2004, BHn. 14.3

Construction of the tool carrier

As the tool carrier is designed for use in closed areas it is driven by an electric engine making possible change of revolutions direction. Another problem encountered during construction was created by the fact that the smallest width of the drilling section was 0.22 m and the inter-row spacing only 0.06 m. For this reason it was not possible to get the required inter-row spacing for a multisectional drill, performing seeding of the whole bed in one pass. Use of a guide for the running gear, and mounting the section sliding on the carrier arm solved this problem. The running gear guide secures the tool movement along the same pass each time, and simplifies the carrier design by making the steering system unnecessary. The tool carrier motion, always along the same pass, allows obtaining any inter-row spacing corresponding with the seed section displacement. Shift of the section is made by an adjusting screw, sets by a hand crank.

To carry out seeding a drilling section of Omega S079 pneumatic drill with a disc having 22 holes of 1 mm diameter was mounted on the carrier. As a source of negative pressure, a vacuum cleaner with 1200 W of power and regulated capacity was used. Seeding was done only in one direction; backwards the drilling section was lifted.

The frame of the tool carrier lies on 4 wheels. Two front wheels are fixed on the shaft that is connected with the engine by chain transmission. Additionally, on the shaft there are two chain wheels of different diameter that together with the toothed wheels on the laygear form a multistage transmission. Such solution of the drive gives 10 speeds of the drilling disc, and for the disc with 22 holes it makes possible adjustment of distances in the row within 15 and 77 mm (Table 1). The rear supporting wheels can deflect and are self-adjusting to the direction of movement.

Figure 1. Sowing in the greenhouse; drilling section is mounted on the designed

tool carrier

The operating speed of the tool carrier is constant and amounts to 0.4 m-s-1. Figure 1 shows the way of operating the drilling section; the view of the carrier is shown on Figure 2.

1. TexmKa Ta TexHO.rorii .mcoBoro rocnogapcTBa


yKpaiHCbKHH icp^aBMMM .ricoTexMiHMMH yMiBepcMTeT

Table 1. Distance between seeds along the row for different gears

Number of gear Distance between seeds (mm)

Disc with 22 holes Disc with 44 holes

1 77 38

2 70 35

3 63 31

4 56 28

5 48 24

6 46 23

7 42 21

8 38 19

9 34 17

10 30 15

Figure 2. View of the drive system together with the vacuum cleaner and the guide securing the direction of movement

Course of research

Germination was measured on 15 randomly chosen one-meter long segments of seeded rows. Number of seedlings in rows and distance between them were measured. Measurements were also done on the reference control areas, where hand sowing was applied. Here number of seedlings was determined on randomly chosen six squares of 0.5x0.5 m dimensions. The obtained results were expressed in number of seedlings per sq. meter.

a) b)

Figure 3. View of germinated seedlings: a) single-seed sowing, b) hand sowing


^icoBa iH^eHepm: TexMiKa, TexMO^oria i goBKimH

HiivKOBiiii BiciiiiK, 2004, BHn. 14.3

Measurements of seedlings quality were done according to Polish standard, concerning planting stock. In spring of the following year after sowing, 300 seedlings were randomly collected. For evaluation, the following dimensions of the seedlings were considered: height of the above-ground part, root-neck diameter, length of mainroot. It must be pointed out here that there is lack of standards for evaluation of seedlings grown under controlled conditions, on shallow substratum, that naturally have shorter roots. Criteria of Polish standard PN-R-67024 are shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Polish standard PN-R-67025 concerning "Seedlings of trees and bushes for forest culture and plantation"

Genus and species Symbol of production Quality class Min. height of above-ground parts (cm) Min. diameter of root-neck (cm) Min. length of mainroot (cm)

1\0 K I 14 2 20

II 10 1,5 15

2\0 K I 20 3,5 25

II 15 3 20

Common pine (Pinus sylwestris) lowland conditions 1\0 I 6 1,5 20

II 4 1 15

2\0 I 15 3 25

II 10 2 20

1p1 I 12 3 20

II 8 2 15

1\1 I 12 4 20

II 8 3 15

1\2 2\1 I 20 6 25

II 18 4 20


For single-seed sowing, germinated seedlings were distributed in uniform rows; on one-meter long segment of a row the average number of seedlings amounted to 29. As a result, the average distance between seedlings was as much as 30 mm, which corresponded with the applied adjustment. The calculated number of seedlings per sq. meter amounted to 464. In autumn, number of seedlings decreased by 7 %. Results are given in Table 3.

Table 3. Number of seedlings obtained at single-seed sowing

Amount Stand. dev. Distance Stand.dev. Amount Loss

(number per meter) (number) (mm) (mm) (number per sq. meter) (%)

spring autumn spring autumn

29 27 3 30 25 464 432 7

Table 4. Number of seedlings obtained at hand sowing

Amount Stand. dev. Loss

(number per meter) (number per sq. meter) (%)

spring autumn spring autumn

607 528 144 128 13

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1. TexHiKa Ta TexHO^oriï ^icoBoro rocnogapcTBa


yKpaÏHCbKHH .icp^aBUMÜ .ricoTexmHHMH yHÏBepcHTeT

Hand sowing resulted in more chaotic seedlings distribution. Areas of densely growing plants and voids occurred. Average number of seedlings amounted to 607 per sq. meter; it dropped by 13 % in autumn. Results are included in Table 4. Quality of seedlings was determined in spring of the following year (Table 5).

Table 5. Evaluation of seedlings quality

Variant Average length of above-ground parts (mm) Stand dev. (mm) Average thickness of root-neck (mm) Stand. dev. (mm) Average length ofroot (mm) Stand. dev. (mm)

Single-seed sowing 156 13 2,1 0,1 204 18

Hand sowing 164 25 2 0,4 203 2,8

On the basis of carried out evaluation it can be stated that concerning the length of above-ground part all seedlings fall into I quality class (Figure 4), nevertheless single-seed sowing resulted in more even growth. Similar tendency can be observed in the length of roots (Figure 5), as well as root-neck thickness (Figure 6).


SO 50 40 30 20 10 0


10 12


16 18 -2




24 26 28 30

h (10 m)


Figure 4. Structure of the above-ground part: 1 - single-seed sowing, 2 - hand sowing, n - frequency %, h - height of the above-ground part




□ m

L (10 "2 m)


Figure 5. Structure of mainroot length: 1 - single seed sowing, 2 - hand sowing,

n - frequency %, L - length of roots


Single-seed sowing resulted in best quality of seedlings. Losses of seedlings during vegetation period amounted to 7 % for single-seed sowing and 13 % for hand sowing.

Seedlings from hand sowing were characterized by greater height - luxuriancy.


^icoBa ÏH^eHepia: TexHiKa, TexHO.roriH i .obkï^^h

Науковий вкчшк', 2004, вип. 14.3

70 п 60 -50 40 30 -20 -10



0,8 1 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2


2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8


G (10" m) 1

Figure 6. Structure of root-neck thickness: 1 - single-seed sowing, 2 - hand-sowing,

n - frequency %, G - root-neck thickness


1. Kloskowska A. 1992. Szkolkarstwo lesne. Praca zbiorowa pod redakj Ryszarda Sobczyka. Oficyna Edytorska "Wydawnictwo Swiat" Warszawa.

2. Walczyk J., Tylek P. 1996. Analiza przydatnosci nasion drzew lesnych do siewu punktowego z uwzglçdnieniem ich cech geometrycznych. Zeszyty Problemowe Postçpôw Nauk Rolniczych z. 425.

УДК 630.*377.4 Ст. викл. M.I. ГЕРИС - УкрДЛТУ


Дане дослщження присвячене виявленню впливу napaMeTpiB компонування, тех-нiчних параметрiв (тиску пов^я в шинах) та умов експдуатацл (вагового стану i швид-кост руху) на курсову стшюсть i керованiсть руху колiсних люотранспортних машин.

Ключов1 слова: курсова стшюсть, керовашсть руху, колiснi лiсотранспортнi машини.

Senior teacher M.I. HERYS - USUFWT

The experimental research of the road surface and manoeuvrability

of timber transport machinery

The research is dedicated to an investigation of the influence of component parameters, technical parameters (air pressure in tires) and terms of utilisation (weight and velocity) on the road surface and manoeuvrability of timber transport machinery.

Keywords: the road surface, the manoeuvrability, the timber transport wheel machinery.

Одним i3 важливих шлях1в тдвищення продуктивност пращ в люовш га-луз1 Украши е широке використання на люозагот1вл1 спещальних люових машин з колюними руш1ями, як мають цший ряд переваг пор1вняно з гусеничними.

Як свщчить досвщ краш Захщно! Свропи та Америки, на сьогодшш-нш день колют руши е базою для широко поширених харвестор1в i форвар-дер1в. Ц машини мають шаршрно з'еднану раму, 6 чи 8 колю, як зазвичай

1. Техшка та технологи лкового господарства


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