Научная статья на тему 'Evaluation of particle concentration in a diesel car : exposure of driver and passengers'

Evaluation of particle concentration in a diesel car : exposure of driver and passengers Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Limam K., Doumongue M., Boulbair A., Benabed A.

Our study is part of the field of Internal Environmental Quality (IEQ) of confined atmospheres. Its essence is to position the level of particle pollution in a diesel powered car. As a comparative analysis compared to the normative data, this study makes it possible to highlight the exposure of the driver and the passengers and to evaluate the health risk posed by the detected levels. Methods. In order to highlight the level of exposure to particles, drivers and users of cars, we conducted an experiment to quantify particle concentrations in a diesel vehicle in a static position following a protocol highlighting the influence of starting the engine. A metrology was implemented, mobilizing two different particle counters (GRIMM and OPC ALPHASENSE). Conclusions. The various measurements show that the levels of exposure to PM1 particles are low in both cases and in good safety conditions against the standards. The levels measured pose no risk to the health of users.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Evaluation of particle concentration in a diesel car : exposure of driver and passengers»

УДК 504.05/06

DOI: 10.30838/J.BPSACEA.2312.040719.73.466


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LIMAM K.1 ; Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Ass. Prof., DOUMONGUE M.2; Stud., BOULBAIR A.3; Stud., BENABED A.4; Postgrad. Stud.

.1 Laboratory of Engineering Sciences for Environment (LaSIE), University of La Rochelle, Ave. M. Crepeau, 17042, La Rochelle Cedex 01, France, tel. +33-5-46-45-86-23, e-mail : [email protected], ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1534-4565

2 Laboratory of Engineering Sciences for Environment (LaSIE), University of La Rochelle, Ave. M. Crepeau, 17042, La Rochelle Cedex 01, France, tel. +33-5-46-45-72-72, e-mail : [email protected]

3 Laboratory of Engineering Sciences for Environment (LaSIE), University of La Rochelle, Ave. M. Crepeau, 17042, La Rochelle Cedex 01, France, tel. +33-5-46-45-72-72, e-mail : [email protected]

4 Laboratory of Engineering Sciences for Environment (LaSIE), University of La Rochelle, Ave. M. Crepeau, 17042, La Rochelle Cedex 01, France, tel. +33-5-46-45-72-72, e-mail : [email protected], ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4283-3636

Abstract. Problem statement. Our study is part of the field of Internal Environmental Quality (IEQ) of confined atmospheres. Its essence is to position the level of particle pollution in a diesel powered car. As a comparative analysis compared to the normative data, this study makes it possible to highlight the exposure of the driver and the passengers and to evaluate the health risk posed by the detected levels. Methods. In order to highlight the level of exposure to particles, drivers and users of cars, we conducted an experiment to quantify particle concentrations in a diesel vehicle in a static position following a protocol highlighting the influence of starting the engine. A metrology was implemented, mobilizing two different particle counters (GRIMM and OPC ALPHASENSE). Conclusions. The various measurements show that the levels of exposure to PM1 particles are low in both cases and in good safety conditions against the standards. The levels measured pose no risk to the health of users.

Keywords: particle pollution; environmental quality; health risk; air quality standards; diesel vehicle


i *

Л1МАМ K.1 ; д. т. н., проф., ДУМАНЖ M.2; студ., БУЛБАР A.3; студ., БЕНАБЕД A4; астрант

1 Лабораторш шженерних наук з навколишнього середовища, Унгверситет Рошель, пр. M. Крепо, 23, 17042, Ля-Рошель CEDEX 01, Франщя, tel. +33-5-46-45-86-23, e-mail : [email protected], ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1534-4565

2 Лабораторiя шженерних наук з навколишнього середовища, Унгверситет Рошель, пр. M. Крепо, 23, 17042, Ля-Рошель CEDEX 01, Франщя, phone: +33-5-46-45-72-72, e-mail : [email protected]

3 Лабораторш шженерних наук з навколишнього середовища, Унгверситет Рошель, пр. M. Крепо, 23, 17042, Ля-Рошель CEDEX 01, Франщя, phone: +33-5-46-45-72-72, e-mail : amir.boulbair1 @univ-lr.fr

4 Лабораторш шженерних наук з навколишнього середовища, Унгверситет Рошель, пр. M. Крепо, 23, 17042, Ля-Рошель CEDEX 01, Франщя, phone: +33-5-46-45-72-72, e-mail : [email protected], ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4283-3636

Анотащя. Постановка проблеми. Дослвдження е частиною сфери якосп замкнутого середовища. Його суть полягае в визначенш рiвня частинок в повп^ дизельного автомоб™. Виконано порiвняльний аналiз з нормативними даними. Дослщження дае змогу показати вплив на водiя та пасажирiв та оцшити ризик для здоров'я, пов'язаний з виявленими рiвнями. Для мониторингу концентрацш забруднюючих речовин були використаш два типи лiчильникiв частинок. Цд фотометри (оптичш системи з лазерними променями) призначеш для негайного або тривалого вимiрювання рДвнДв часток у повирг Вони дозволяють миттево i безперервно вимiрювати масову концентрацш i розмДр частинок пилу. РозмДр вимiрюваних частинок змiнюеться вДд 0,3 до 20 мкм в дiаметрi. Вимiрювання концентрацп здшснюються одночасно на 16 каналах сканування дiаметром 0,3...20 мкм. Зважаючи на розмДр частинок, ми зосередилися на дiапазонi 0,3... 1 мкм. Спостертаеться явне збшьшення рДвня частинок в шршД хвилини тесту. З самого початку роботи транспортного засобу спостертаеться дегресивна тенденщя. Це прискорюеться початком двох фаз вентиляци, що, очевидно, викликало зниження рДвня частинок. Зупинка вентиляци призводить до зростання концентрацш, що тдсилюеться зупинкою двигуна i бшьш-менш ввдкриттям вДкон. СлДд зазначити, що рДвнД частинок дуже

низьк1 1 не становлять жодного ризику для людини, з урахуванням граничного значения, визначеного Всесвгтньою оргашзащею охорони здоров'я. Висновок. Для того, щоб тдкреслити р1вень впливу частинок на водив та користувач1в автомобшв, ми провели експеримент для шлькюного визначення концентраци частинок у дизельному транспортному засоб1 в статичному положенш тсля запуску двигуна. Впроваджено метрологш, що використовуе два р1зних л1чильника частинок. Р1зш вим1рювання показують, що р1вш впливу частинок е низькими 1 вщповвдають вимогам стандарпв. Вим1ряш р1вш не становлять ризику для здоров'я користувач1в.

Ключовi слова: забруднення частинками; яюсть навколишнього середовища; ризик для здоров'я; стандарти якостi повтря; дизельний автомобиль

Introduction. Humans spend more than 80 % of their time in confined environments. These are mainly indoor environments of buildings used for housing or offices but also means of transport such as buses or personal cars. Within these environments and given the activities they conduct, individuals are exposed to relatively high pollution thresholds [1].

The majority of cities around the world experience periods when high levels of air pollution exceed international air quality standards based on health. Some of the highest levels of air pollution can be found in expanding cities such as Delhi, in developing countries. Exposure to high concentrations is related to a wide range of acute and chronic health effects in adults and children depending on the constituents of the pollutants [2-5].

It is now accepted that particles play an important role in the health effects of air pollution. Faced with this health issue, French and European regulations are evolving, with the definition of reduction targets aimed at limiting atmospheric concentrations and limiting the potential exposure of people [6].

The majority of the scientific studies carried out on vehicle pollution concentrate on the emissions they emit, because, in spite of the tightening of the polluting emissions requirements of vehicles, the problem remains particularly relevant for the cities of the world. European Union, United States and Russia [7].

Since air renewal processes, including in vehicles, use outdoor air, we have decided, in this article, to characterize the level of particule pollution in a diesel engine with the engine running. This paper presents the results obtained and their positioning in relation to the standards in force and concludes on the exposure of the driver and the users to the measured thresholds.

Metrology and experimental protocol. As part of a static experiment, we mobilized a WOLKSWAKEN brand vehicle model GOLF with diesel engine. The manipa was conducted on the parking lot near the street of the staysail in La Rochelle in France, as illustrated in the image below, the red spot indicating the exact point of positioning of the vehicle used.

Fig. 1. Location of the experimental site

Fig. 2 : Positionning of metrology Fig. 3 : OPC ALHPASENSE N3

In order to monitor pollutant positioned on the cockpit as shown in Figure 2

concentrations, two types of particle counters below. were used: OPC ALPHASENSE N3

GRIMM 1.108 : It is a particle counter that allows an

In order to monitor pollutant assessment of the concentration of particles in

concentrations, two types of particle counters the air. This device allows the instantaneous

were used: - These photometers (optical measurement of PM10, PM2.5 and PM1

systems with laser beams) are intended for the particle concentrations exclusively. Our study

immediate or long-term measurement of the focused on the measurement of PM1, which

levels of particles in the air. They allow the corresponds to fine particles, which are more

instantaneous and continuous measurement of harmful to health because of their ability to sink

the mass concentration and the particle size of to the bottom of the lungs, even into the alveoli.

the dust. The size of the particles measured The OPC is visible in Figure 2 (placed on the

varies from 0,3 to 20 pm in diameter. GRIMM). However, Figure 3 below illustrates

Concentration measurements are carried out this more clearly.

simultaneously on 16 channels scanning For the purpose of this experiment, we put in

0,3...20 pm diameters. In view of the particle place a very precise and well-defined protocol,

size present we focused on the range: which we carried out over a fiw mmute tert peri°d.

0,3.1 pm. A Grimm apparatus was used and This protoco! is detailed in the foll°wing tabb.


Measurement protocol

Schedule Activities

11h08 Beginning of the experiment / start of counters / closed windows

11h13 Starting the vehicle

11h18 Ignition of ventilation (medium speed) / Figure 4

11h23 Acceleration of ventilation (full speed) / Figure 5

11h28 Cut off ventilation

11h33 Engine shutdown

11h38 Opening windows

11h43 Closing windows / End of the experiment

Fig. 4: Medium-cycle Ventilation

Results and discussions. After discharge of our devices we obtain the following results: GRIMM

This graph illustrates the evolution of the level of particles measured over the period of the test. There are significant variations according to the various sequences (1 to 7) of the protocol implemented. A large particle distribution is noticeable. In any case, we measure particle levels very appreciable under the international regulations in force (the World Health Organization recommends 25 p/m for a 24-hour exposure).

OPC ALPHASENSE N3 In the graph below, there is an obvious increase in the level of particles in the first

Fig. 5: Full-Flow Ventilation

minutes of the test. A degressive trend is observed from the start of the vehicle. This is accelerated by the start of the two phases of the ventilation which obviously caused the flop of the level of particles. The breakdown of the ventilation causes a rise in concentrations which is boosted by the engine shutdown and more or less by the opening of the windows. It should be noted that PM1 particle levels are very low and do not pose any risk to the individual despite their fluctuations through the phases of our measurement protocol; in view of the threshold value defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) for 24-hour exposure, ie 25 p/m3.


Fig. 6 : Variation in particule concentration measured by the Grimm


15 20 25

Temps (minutes)


Fig. 7 : Variation in particule concentration measured by the OPC

Conclusion. In order to highlight the level of exposure to particles, drivers and users of cars, we conducted an experiment to quantify particle concentrations in a diesel vehicle in a static position following a protocol highlighting the influence of starting the engine. A metrology was implemented, mobilizing two

different particle counters (GRIMM and OPC ALPHASENSE). The various measurements show that the levels of exposure to PM1 particles are low in both cases and in good safety conditions against the standards. The levels measured pose no risk to the health of users.


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Hagmm^a go pega^iï: 15.06.2019 p.

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