DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2020-15-1-120-126 European experience of sports cluster associations creation and development
LiliyaSh. Shitova'*, Victor B. Myakonkov2
'Velikie Luki State Academy of Physical Culture and Sport
Velikie Luki, Russia ORCID: 0000-0001-5385-5350, [email protected]* 2P.F. Lesgaft National State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Health
Saint-Petersburg, Russia ORCID: 0000-0003-0314-4168, [email protected]
Abstract: Sport is an important economic sector and plays a great role in national economies. Moreover, sport can play an important role in solving the range of serious social problems, such as the absence of physical activity, steady development and the gaps in education. It should be noted that in Russia the existing mechanisms of physical culture and sport control, possessing several advantages, also have serious drawbacks, which restrict their effectiveness. In these terms there is a constant search for scientific-theoretical models of effective control over this sphere. In our opinion, the most prospective instrument of authority, sports organizations, federations and population integration into the considered sphere can become a cluster approach. Materials. Information about the activity of European territorial sports clusters for the present research work organization was received from the official sites of the studied European sports cluster associations. Research methods. The documents of European sports cluster associations study; strategic programs of European sports cluster associations study; comparative method; the method of theoretical modeling. Results. The potential of European Union countries sports clusters was considered as the main power of innovative development. During sports cluster associations creation cluster initiative belongs to the organizations of the national and international level. On the territory of European Union countries such organization is European Commission. Owing to it "European Platform of Sports Innovations" (EPSI) was created in 2008. "EPSI" generates international sports and innovative projects in sports sphere, including modeling sports business-clusters. Nowadays "EPSI" realizes 6 big regional and national projects. "EPSI" presents itself in the context of the European regional and municipal associations social-economic changes. "EPSI" projects give new opportunities for sports clusters capitalization. Conclusion. As there is no practical experience of sports clusters formation and development and their associations on the territory of Russia we analyzed the experience of European sports cluster association functioning. Such kind of analysis is useful for methodological substantiation of formation strategy and territorial sports clusters program development in Russia. Keywords: physical culture and sport, sports cluster, the aim and objectives of creation, participants, projects.
For citation: Liliya Sh. Shitova*, Victor B. Myakonkov. European experience of sports cluster associations
creation and development. Russian Journal of Physical Education and sport. 2020; 15(1): 98-103. DOI:
In accordance with different research works, the part of gross value added (GVA), connected with sport, in general volume of GVA of European Union countries varies from 1,76% till 3% in a wide sports sector. General involvement in European Union, created by sports events, is 7,3 million people and is similar to 3,5% from general involvement in EU [1012]. These numbers prove that sport is an important economic sector in EU and plays an important role in national economies.
Moreover, sport can play an important role in
several social problems solution, such as the absence of physical activity, steady development and gaps in education.
In terms of the sports clusters formation and development and their associations experience absence on the territory of Russia we analyzed the experience of European sports cluster association functioning.
Such kind of analysis is useful for methodological substantiation of formation strategy and the programs of territorial sports clusters development in Russia.
The aim of the research - to analyze the experience of European sports cluster association functioning for methodological substantiation of formation strategy and the programs of territorial sports clusters development in Russia.
The information about the activity of European territorial sports clusters for the present research work organization was received from the official sites of the studied European sports cluster associations.
The documents of European sports cluster associations study; strategic programs of European sports cluster associations study; comparative method; the method of theoretical modeling.
According to the information presented on the official site of "European Platform of Sports Innovations" (EPSI) [3], the organization is an official partner of the European Commission. It was created in 2008 during the first European conference dedicated to sport and innovations in Brussels (Belgium).
"EPSI" was created in a form of non-commercial European association with three layer system of management: General Assembly, board of directors, president. Two executive-directors control everyday activity: Alberto Beachi and Renee Veyles [3].
"EPSI" presents a net organization. Nowadays the members of organization are 65 national innovative organizations. They present 19 countries, oriented toward innovations in the sphere of sport, sports industry, active rest, health service, tourism and many other spheres.
The key objectives of "EPSI" are the following: more favorable innovative environment creation for sports industry of EU countries, technological innovations stimulations and enterprises creation. They use innovative technologies [4].
Since December 2010 "EPSI" generates International sports and innovative projects in sports industry and models sports business-clusters [9].
In "EPSI" sports clusters activity special attention is paid to quadruple helix conception use, where together with science, business and state key
role in the sphere of physical culture and sport plays society, as the final consumer of sports product.
Every year, since 2008,"EPSI" organizes meetings both for the participants of the associations and for all people that are interested. The meetings are held in terms of conferences and forums.
The representatives of the organizations, connected with the technologies and innovations used in sport take part in the conferences. They are experts in the discussed questions. As a result of conferences different recommendations for the participants of "EPSI" are produced.
International "EPSI" forums give the opportunity to exchange information, present new information, discuss the future directions and priorities in the sphere of sport, sports innovations and sports products creation, improve partnership and create mutual projects.
During 10 years the themes of conferences didn't change greatly and was in terms of the aims. They were defined in the strategic program of "EPSI" development and presented during the first "EPSI" conference.
The sphere of sport was always considered by the participants of the International conferences and "EPSI" forums as a multidimensional social phenomenon. The organizers of the conferences had the aim to intensify the activity of sport clusters according to different directions. They were urgent for the society and demanded special attention at the definite stage of activity. For example, realizing that sports clusters have high potential for intersectorial interactions and interconnections in different social and economic spheres, one of the first conferences was dedicated to the following topic: "Sport as the driver of industry and economic growth modernization".
Later the attention of the sports cluster association participants was paid to the following topic: "Sports innovations in town" [2].
Achieving the definite social-economic results the participants of a sports clyster association broadened the limits of own activity. In terms of the International forums and conferences the progressive experience was studied and the key ideas were revealed. They provide the International integration of sports clusters.
The topic "Innovative technologies creation and use in the sphere of sport and other transboundary spheres" was specially discussed at all International forums and conferences of "EPSI".
Thus, "EPSI" International forums and conferences are the platform, which helps:
- the corporations demonstrate own products and projects;
- scientific-research organizations, which work in the sphere of innovative technologies in sport, reveal new partners and consumers of the services;
- Universities and other educational establishments to stimulate transboundary contacts and cooperation;
- Sports organizations/associations to find new partners in the sphere of business, in the sphere of new technologies creation and use and in the sphere of carrying out research works in sport;
- authorities to reveal the gaps in legislation in the sphere of sport, create, present and discuss new projects.
Nowadays "EPSI" realizes 6 big regional and national projects [9].
One of the most important and big projects is "Inno4Sports" project. The project is directed toward EU countries interaction in the sphere of sport and sports industry.
"Inno4Sports" project (Sport for Growth and Healthy & Vital Communities) lasts 54 months (the period since June, 1, 2018 till November, 31, 2022) [8].
Five "Erasmus+" programs. "Erasmus+" program is a new program of EU directed toward cooperation support in the sphere of education, professional teaching, youth policy and sport within the period since 2014 till 2020:
- "BIG4SPORTS" project - innovative control over sports sphere creation;
- "SCORES" project -skills and competencies development estimation, which provide employment in the sphere of sport;
- "SPHERE" project - sports health improvement and rehabilitation;
"EYVOL" project - the opportunities of youth volunteering in the sphere of sport. In terms of the project the following things would be created and introduced: innovative educational methodologies of sport use for the intercultural dialogue development, social-economic development, including social integration by means of sport and big sport events [9].
"Hema" project - healthy, mobile and active worker. "Hema" project has the aim to increase the level of awareness concerning the importance of health-improving training, especially at a working place.
According to the research results, held in 2017 in terms of the project, it was stated that 210 million European citizens were physically not active.
Revealing the forms of physical activity among European citizens the scientists received the following results:
13% of European citizens fulfill physically active actions at work;
36% of European citizens are physically active at home and this activity is realized in two directions: household chores and physical exercises fulfillment;
13% - in sports clubs;
40% - at outdoors town sports grounds and rest zones (parks, squares);
15% - in health and fitness centers;
25% - while they go home, go to work or to shopping centers (walking, going by bicycle, roller skates and etc.) [6].
The absence of physical activity cost 80 billion dollars a year for EU countries, almost 80% of regional managers don't have information about the existing situation [1].
In terms of competitive selection of the applications from the participants of cluster association for created by them projects "EPSI" realizes their examination and forms favorable conditions for modification if it is necessary. The information about the selected projects of "EPSI" is available.
"EPSI" realizes cooperation in the sphere of innovations and experience exchange. For this purpose sports cluster association realizes the following:
- "TRUST" project organizes special training for businessmen, who work in the sphere of tourism in the countryside;
- "TEAMS" project teaches sports specialists for athletes' psychic and psychological problems treatment;
- "ASEE" project provides the system of sports innovations creation and the level of engineering education improvement in the sphere of sport.
In order to support political reforms of "EPSI" "SPORTWIND" project is realized. The project integrates sports movement and a structured dialogue between young people and politicians. The project stimulates talents development and provides career creation of socially unprotected youth.
Special attention should be paid to "EPSI" projects. They are realized in terms of pilot project of the European innovative council (EIC) "H2020 INNOSUP" ("Horizon 2020").
The pilot project is oriented toward extremely new products, services processes or businessmodels creation. They would open new markets to European business [5]:
- "FEELGOOD" project creates intersectoral net of price creation of sport/tourism/way of life, in order to combine European business-structures;
- "SMARTS SPORTS 4 GOOD LIFE" project provides sports clusters and European business-structures cooperation;
- "DIGITAL SPORTS HUB" project-provides cooperation with SINN-i for new projects presentation in the sphere of sport and innovations.
Taking into consideration the existing situation on the territory of EU countries in terms of repeated flow of refugees and illegal migrants increase "EPSI" realizes "SPRINT" project.
The project is directed toward refugees integration through sport and physical activity [9].
The potential of EU clusters is considered the main power of innovative growth. Sports clusters have a great potential for cross-sectoral cooperation and interactions in different social and economic spheres. Nevertheless, sports clusters are not sufficiently developed at the municipal and regional levels.
The reason for the existing situation is in the absence of information among the authorities about potential and real opportunities of sports clusters for innovative technologies development, which stimulate business in the sphere of leisure, transport, education, tourism, environment, building and health and as a result, the opportunities of sports clusters are almost not reflected in regional programs of development.
In order to stimulate the activity of sports clusters at a regional and municipal level in summer, 2018 "EPSI" started to realize "Inno4Sports" project. "InnoSports" is presented in terms of social-economic transformations of regional and municipal associations of Europe. They open new opportunities for sports clusters capitalization [8].
The participants of "Inno4Sports" project are five regions, the activity of which, in terms of the project, is combines by one aim: "the effectiveness of territorial clusters increase in the sphere of sport".
The key objectives of the project are the following:
- the opportunities of cooperation revelation and strengthening among sports clusters according to "quadruple helix" (business, scientific associations, state authorities and consumers);
- synergy creation with intellectual processes of specialization;
- the problem of social role of sport change solution;
- the use of sport as the means of regional economic growth.
The activity of the regions-participants is directed toward their regional development programs' effectiveness increase. The participants of the project are the regions. They are able to support the processes of sports clustering on the basis of cooperation according to "quadruple helix" and provide innovative nets of added value in sport creation.
Taking into account different regional characteristics (for example, the level of economic development, expert knowledge about the processes of clustering) we defined the following directions of interaction:
- the opportunities creation for access to markets;
- studying the questions of transboundary cooperation;
- the processes of coordination development with regional programs of development;
- the needs of consumers and social tendencies revelation.
Deep cluster integration, an intensive process of interregional teaching, knowledge exchange and a long-term process of inter-cluster cooperation are directed toward the set aims achievement by the partners in terms of the project.
"EPSI" is not only the coordinator of the project, but also the consulting partner. Owing to it the results of the project became available not only for regional, national, but also for directive authorities at EU level. The experience of Project realization helps to reveal and level the problems of cooperation between sports clusters and regional authorities.
Thus, "EPSI" is a cluster of above-national level, as its participants are involved into transboundary cooperation. "EPSI" fulfills the function of the specialized organization of sports cluster associations, the activity of which is directed toward more favorable innovative environment creation in the whole sports industry of EU.
"EPSI" realizes the activity directed toward the projects creation, coordination and control in the sphere of sport. Owing to "EPSI" lobby activity the questions of sport and sports industry development were included into social-economic EU programs of development. In 2014 EU created special funds to support the sphere of sport and sport industry. Every year EU increases the volume of means, given for sports projects.
1. Report: Inactivity costs more than € 80 billion a year for European economy. URL:https:// report/The%20Economic%20Costs%20of%20 Physical%2 0Inactivity%2 0in%20Europe%2 0 (June%202015).pdf
2. "EPSI" conference 2015: sports innovations in town. URL: epsi-conference-2015-sports-innovation-in-the-city/
Official "EPSI" site. URL:
"EPSI" - European platform for sports innovations. URL:
H2020 INNOSUP. URL: https://www. attachment/h2020_sme innovation_associate_ presentation_.pdf
HEMA - Healthy Employee, Mobile and Active. URL:
"EPSI" History. URL:
"Inno4sports" project. URL: project/inno4sport/.
3. "EPSI" projects. URL://https://epsi. eu/projects/
4. Strategic research and innovation agenda 2016-2021. URL://
5. Laborde S., Dosseville F., Scelles N. Trait emotional intelligence and preference for intuition and deliberation: Respective influence on academic performance. Personality and Individual Differences. 2010; 49: 784-788.
6. Leung K. Methods and measurements in cross-cultural management. Handbook pf cross-cultural management research. 2008: 59-73.
7. Leung K., van de Vijver F.J.R. Strategies for strengthening causal inferences in cross-cultural research: The consilience approach. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management. 2008; 8:
8. Zuev V.N., Smirnov P.G., Yuryev Yu.N. Culture-centered paradigm of spectators at sports events. Pedagogico-psihologicheskie I medico-biologicheskie problem fizicheskoj kul'tury I sporta = Pedagogico-psychological and medico-biological problem of physical culture and sport. 2015; 10(2): 39-45. DOI: 10.14526/01_1111_05 [In Russ., In Engl.]
Submitted: 15.01.2020
Author's information:
Liliya Sh. Shitova - Senior Lecturer, Velikie Luki State Academy of Physical Culture and Sport, 183105, Russia, Velikie Luki, Yubileynaya square, House 4, e-mail: [email protected]
Victor B. Myakonkov - Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, P.F. Lesgaft National State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Health, Saint-Petersburg, 190121, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Dekabristov str., House 35, e-mail: [email protected]