ETYMOLOGY OF UZBEK AND ENGLISH ARCHITECTURE-CONSTRUCTION TERMINOLOGY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
construction and architecture / building terms / systematization / specialization / the formation of terms / generalization / architectural meaning / строительство и архитектура / строительные термины / систематизация / специализация / терминообразование / обобщение / архитектурное значение.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Saloydinova, Nargiza Shuhratovna

This article describes Uzbek and English architecture and construction terminology. Also in this article we analyze the etymology of some old terms of Uzbek and English languages with their translation in Russian, which were created by grammatically and syntactically meaning of two or more words with independent meanings.

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В данной статье описывается узбекская и английская архитектурно-строительная терминология. Также в этой статье мы анализируем этимологию некоторых старинных терминов узбекского и английского языков, которые были созданы грамматически и синтаксически значением двух или более слов с самостоятельными значениями


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 3 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7


Saloydinova Nargiza Shuhratovna

Tashkent institute of architecture and civil engineering.


This article describes Uzbek and English architecture and construction terminology. Also in this article we analyze the etymology of some old terms of Uzbek and English languages with their translation in Russian, which were created by grammatically and syntactically meaning of two or more words with independent meanings.

Key words: construction and architecture, building terms, systematization, specialization, the formation of terms, generalization, architectural meaning

В данной статье описывается узбекская и английская архитектурно-строительная терминология. Также в этой статье мы анализируем этимологию некоторых старинных терминов узбекского и английского языков, которые были созданы грамматически и синтаксически значением двух или более слов с самостоятельными значениями.

Ключевые слова: строительство и архитектура, строительные термины, систематизация, специализация, терминообразование, обобщение, архитектурное значение.

Ushbu maqolada o'zbek va ingliz arxitektura va qurilish terminologiyasi yoritilgan. Shuningdek, ushbu maqolada o'zbek va ingliz tillaridagi ikki yoki undan ortiq mustaqil ma 'noli so 'zlarning grammatik va sintakttikyo 'l bilan yaratilgan ayrim qadimiy atamalarining etimologiyasini tahlil qilamiz.

Kalit so'zlar: qurilish va arxitektura, qurilish atamalari, tizimlashtirish, ixtisoslashtirish, atama hosil qilish, umumlashtirish, me'moriy ma 'no.


Formation of a real scientific terminology in Uzbekistan has began since the 1930s. In this case, great benefit was provided by the "Central Committee for the New Alphabet and terminology". Under this direct supervision and with the participation of this committee, the first Russian-Uzbek terminological dictionaries, teaching aids was created. Business was settled on translation and publication of a



Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 3 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

number of literatures on agriculture, mechanization, industries. By this time there was interest to the study of theoretical issues of terminology. In this respect of particular interest are the works of U.L. Ursunov, S. Ibragimova and a number of other researchers.


Later, S. Ibragimov created a monograph of 3 parts under the general title "Professional vocabulary of Fergana dialects" plastering / knife making, lock making, tin work, etc.

From a scientific point of view, particularly, the research of I. Ibragimov, which is devoted to the study of the vocabulary of plasterers, has a great importance for Uzbek terminology. The work contains a number of statements regarding the emergence and further functioning of hundred building terms. In general, the specific fundamental work of S. Ibragimov "To illuminate the material and cultural history of our people, to develop the history of the Uzbek language and dialectology" is great contribution to the vocabulary of professionals.

In recent years, a lot has been done in "solution of theoretical questions terminology of the Uzbek language: scientific papers have been written, monographies, a large number of articles, a number of dissertations were defended. For example, articles, brochures and monographs such as S. Usmanov, R. Daniyarov, H. B. Bazarova, T. Tursunova and others, discertificates of R.Daniyarov /doctoral/, H.Jamalkhanova, A.Kurbanov,L. Reshetova, M. Asamutdinova, L. Danilova, A. Ramazanova, S. Azizov, H. Bakaeva, A. Khusanov, A. Kasymov.


The listed monographs, brochures, articles and dissertations, published dictionaries, undoubtedly, will assist in solving issues of terminology by theoretical and practical point of view with deeply scientific thoughts.

But so far, a separate monographic study has not been devoted to the study of the construction terminology of the Uzbek language. Meanwhile, the rapid development of construction, its transformation into one of the branches of industry, the widespread use of mechanization and automation are primarily reflected in terms. It goes without saying that these changes taking place in this branch of terminology / the formation of terms, their systematization and a number of others / require the development of scientific and theoretical issues and practical solutions - the compilation of a terminological dictionary of construction terms.

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 3 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

The construction theme is also reflected to some extent in individual works devoted to construction and architecture, i.e. in special scientific works, in historical and ethnographic studies. In these works, of course, building terms are not subjected to linguistic analysis. But they contain sufficient data on tools, building materials, buildings and their parts, as well as processes related directly to construction, about their names '. In this regard, we can highlight the monographs of A.K. Pisarchik "Building materials and constructive techniques of folk craftsmen of the Fergana Valley in the XIX - early XX centuries".So, in the work of A.K. Pisarchik, although the goal was to analyze the achievements of the Uzbek people in the field of national architecture in ethnographic terms, using the example of the construction of the Ferghana Valley, it contains sufficient information about the etymology of the building terms he himself collected. In his opinion, in the lexicon of builders and residents of the Fergana Valley and in a number of other regions of Uzbekistan, along with Uzbek / general Turkish terms, Persian-Tajik / devol, loy, ayvon, peshayvon, etc. / are used, and mixed Tajik-Uzbek and Uzbek- Tajik terms: kush sinch, du sinch also were used.From the research work of A.K. It becomes clear that Samarkand architects used the following terms to build the foundation, wall, ceiling: sandhari - a foundation made of large bricks, khishtfarch - a floor lined with bricks, devol - an adobe wall, bolodori - the upper beam of the door frame, zaborrav //zavarrav - upper strapping from beams, chorchub - a square or rectangle of four beams, vassa - slabs -halves or thirds of hacked perches, buyra - reed braid, etc.

The merit of the author's is that it describes parts of the construction art of Samarkand, from ancient times to the present in detail. The most important thing is that the research work of A.K. Pisarchik reflected a large number of construction terms that were in the everyday life of the population. From his work it becomes clear that to design a city dwelling in the dialects of the builders, such terms were used as: peshayvon - передний отвал, berun - внешний городской дом, dorun-внутренний городской дом, mehmonhona - гостинная для мужчин, zinai minori- минаретная лестница, tula // tagtula - полуподвальное помещение, darvozahona - сооружение над входной калиткой and etc.

The research work of A.K. Pisarchik is interesting because it reflects a large number of terms denoting architectural details and artistic and decorative techniques. Such terms include, in particular: болари вассажут - открытый балочный потолок, болори лула - балки круглого сечения, мадохил - плоскость среза, образующая трехполостную фигуру, пилтавасса - васа в виде фитилей, тахмон - ниша для хранения постели, токча/yреза -глубокая узкая ниша, гирех

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 3 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

- арабески, геометрический орнамент,багдоди - род двери, дарвоза - ворота и мн.др.

The foregoing give us the following conclusion: the issues of terminology are constantly in the field of view as an object of linguistic research not only in Russian, but also in other linguistics of peoples, they are also intensively studied in Uzbek linguistics. Despite this, construction terminology, whose origins go back to the distant past, has not yet become the object of a special linguistic study.

If we look through the terms of the English language, you can find out that usually the specialization of the meanings of words is associated with the awareness of a certain area of activity as a special one. In the studied array of terms, there were 10 lexical units formed in this way. All of them are quite old, the last of them appeared in 1835. The first of them -pendant - an architectural detail, designed in the form of a pendant, was formed from the commonly used ""pendant" in 1322. Слово volume со значением «объем» в 1621 г. приобрело специальное значение «внутренний объем здания».В 1626 г. слово fret (прямоугольный орнамент) образованное от значения «дамская сетка для волос из драгоценных камней» приобрело специальное значение «архитектурный орнамент из пересекающихся прямоугольных линий, лепнина на потолке.Термин lucarne со значением «отверстие на чердаке или в крыше для пропуска света» в 1631 г. приобрел значение «круглое небольшое окно в классическом фронтоне». The word volume with the meaning "volume" in 1621 acquired the special meaning "internal volume of the building".-rectangular lines, stucco on the ceiling. The term lucarne with the meaning "a hole in the attic or in the roof to let in light" in 1631 acquired the meaning of "a small round window in a classical pediment."

The term design - architectural design - appeared in 1644 from a word with the general meaning "plan, design." In the middle of the 17th century, from the long-existing English word with the meaning "color" (now replaced in this sense by the word color) a term was formed with the meaning "architectural coloring".


The word knop, with the general meaning of "growth, bump" in 1730 acquired the specialized meaning of "a round protrusion at the end of the profile or intersection of the ribs." in 1760. The word label, which had the general meaning of "label, brand", in 1823 received the architectural meaning of "a teardrop over a door, window or other opening in the form of molding." The word transition, meaning

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 3 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

"transition, transition", in 1835 acquired a specialized meaning of an intermediate architectural style between earlier and later styles.

Along with the specialization of the meaning, two cases of generalization of the meaning were noted: The word pier, which had the meaning "bridge support", in 1666 received a wider meaning "a massive stone vertical supporting structure"; The word fanlight, which meant "a window above a door in the form of a semicircular fan", in 1886 expanded its meaning and was also used in the meaning of "a window above a door of any shape." All these terms were borrowed from Latin, Greek and French.


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2. Polivanov E.D. Russian grammar in comparison with the Uzbek language. -Tashkent, 1934.-182s.

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