1. Karvasarsky B.D. Klinicheskaya psykhologiya. Uchebnik dlya vuzov. - SPb.: Izdatelstvo "Pyter", 2004. - 553 s.
2. Lakin G.F. Biometriya. - M.: Izd-vo "Vyshaya shkola", 1989. - 291 s.
3. Osnovy psykhologii: Praktikum / Red.-sost. L.D. Stolyarenko. - Rostov-na-Donu: Feniks, 2002. - 704 s.
4. Praktikum po psykhologii. / Pod red. A.N. Leontyeva, B. Hyppenreiter. - Izd. Mosk. Un-ta, 1972. - 248 s.
5. Tonkovtseva V.V., Yarosh A.M. Vliyaniye na nervnuyu systemu cheloveka kursovogo vozdeistviya efirnym maslom kotovnika koshachyeva // Tavrichesky medico-biologichesky vestnik. - 2012. - T.15. - № 1(57). - S. 321-327.
6. Anwar H., Gilani A.H., Abdul J., Shah F.J., Zubair A., Khalid S., Kiani J., Amir A., RasheedM., Viqar U. Ahmad V.U. Chemical composition and mechanisms underlying the spasmolytic and bronchodilatory properties of the essential oil of Nepeta cataria L. // Journal of Ethnopharmacology. - 2009.- Volume 121.- Issue 3. - P. 405-411
7. Bernardi M.M., Thiago Berti Kirsten T.B., Joao Henrique Ghilardi Lago J.H.G., Tatiana Marisis Giovani T.M., de Oliveira Massoco C. Nepeta cataria L. var. citriodora (Becker) increases penile erection in rats // Journal of Ethnopharmacology. - 2011. - Volume 137, Issue 3, - P. 1318-1322.
The article was received at editors 13.10.2015
Tonkovtseva V.V., Bekmambetov T.R., Bakova N.N., Yarosh A.M. Essential oil of Nepeta Cataria and its effect on psychophysiological state of elderly people breathing it in low concentration // Bull. of the State Nikit. Botan Gard. - 2015. - № 116. - P. 66-69.
Essential oil (EO) of Nepeta Cataria didn't make any effect on psychoemotional state of tested people. In a test proof the EO stimulated mental capacity and improved its accuracy a bit. EO of Nepeta Cataria possesses some hypotensive and bradycardial effect.
Key words: essential oil; aroma session; aromatherapy; Nepeta Cataria; psychorelaxing record; mental capacity; psychoemotional state
UDC 547.913:634.334:331.103.2:599.89
Yelena Stanislavovna Koval, Valentina Valeriyevna Tonkovtseva, Timur Rustemovich Bekmambetov, Aleksandr Mykhailovich Yarosh
Nikita Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Centre 298648, Republic of the Crimea, the city of Yalta, urban village Nikita
Essential oil of Salvia sclarea L. is quite popular in aromatherapy [6]. It was found as an antidepressant [8], stress-limiting [9] and hypotensive remedy [5]. Salvia sclarea L. composition is rather close to Lavandula angustifolia: its main components are linalil acetate, linalool, geranyl acetate and terpineol [7]. To minimize body burden in terms of aromatherapy is an important task. Its possible due to reduction of EO content in the air. It
especially concerns elderly people. But at the same time this result can be achieved on account of aromatherapy effect.
Research objective is to investigate effect of Salvia sclarea L. EO of low content on some functions of human central nervous sytem and cardiovascular system to rate if it does for aromatherapy.
Objects and methods
Researches involved a group of 20 people, mainly women aged by 55-80 years old. There was a control group, the same by composition and number. Tested people of a control group were in rest listening to psychorelaxing record for 20 minutes. Experimental group were placed in the same room during the same time listening to the same psychorelaxing record but breathing evaporated EO of Salvia sclarea L. till the final concentration in the air of 0,1 mg/m3. Tests were conducted before and after procedures.
To assess procedure effect on cardiovascular system we measured heart rate (HR), systolic (BPS) and diastolic (BPD) blood pressure (BP).
Correction task, WAM test (well-being, activity, mood) and mental speed test were applied to rate EO effect on nervous system [1,3,4].
Results were processed statistically due to paired test t-criterion by Student [2].
Results and discussion
According to parameters of WAM test experimental and control groups didn't have any reliable difference (table 1).
After psychorelaxation session (control) well-being and mood of tested people improved reliably.
After aromapsychorelaxation session (experiment) well-being tended to improve. Otherwise, aroma session with Salvia sclarea L. EO didn't influence on psychoemotional condition of tested people.
Table 1
Effect of Salvia sclarea L. EO on psychoemotional condition of tested people (Parameter of WAM-test, standard units)
Parameter Experimental group initially Control group initially after test Po b/a< Control after test Pk b/a<
General condition 118,2±6,6 115,5±6,0 127,4±5,5 118,2±6,0
Well-being 115,1±6,7 113,0±6,7 128,1±5,6 0,06 118,3±6,4 0,02
Mood 125,7±7,5 124,6±11,8 129,9±5,7 138,3±9,3 0,06
Weakness - capacity to work 111,4±8,5 113,5±7,9 123,6±6,4 116,4±8,0
Tension - relaxation 115,2±7,0 108,2±6,4 125,5±6,1 113,1±7,3
Inertness -vivacity 120,2±8,3 122,2±9,6 125,8±6,9 126,7±6,6
Absend-mindedness -attentiveness 118,8±8,6 122,6±6,5 128,7±6,2 121,3±6,9
Procedures effect on mental capacity of tested people from both groups (experimental and control) according to correction task (numeric variant) didn't present any reliable differences (table 2).
Session of psychorelaxation didn't reveal any reliable variations of test parameters in control group, while session of aroma psychorelaxation considerably increased work rate during the second minute of the test in experimental group. At the same time a number of mistakes rose reliably during both test minutes.
Table 2
Effect of Salvia sclarea L. EO on mental capacity of tested people (according to data of correction task)
Parameter Group Before procedure After procedure P b/a<
Tempo 1, symbol/min control 285,20±16,98 305,30±17,05
experimental 284,70±20,36 306,80±20,63
Mistakes 1, symbols control 1,70±0,45 2,50±0,59
experimental 1,50±0,39 3,20±0,37 0,0002
Tempo 2, symbols/min control 283,45±20,04 274,80±23,02
experimental 288,60±17,17 330,20±24,96 0,01
Mistakes 2, symbols control 2,35±0,75 2,95±0,66
experimental 1,60±0,48 3,85±0,81 0,01
Test that included more complicated intellectual processes (restore of missed letters in words) initially didn't present reliable differences between groups (table 3). A lack of reliable variations became a result of psychorelaxation procedures in a control group and aroma psychorelaxtion in experimental group.
Table 3
Effect of Salvia sclarea L. EO on mental speed (according to test of restoring the missed letters)
Parameter Group Initially After procedures
A number of words, units control 23,50±1,58 22,70±1,67
experiment 24,30±1,20 25,00±1,91
A number of mistakes, units control 1,20±0,29 1,85±0,44
experiment 1,20±0,25 1,80±0,37
Initially (before test) reliable differences between values of BP and HR in both groups (control and experiment) weren't registered (table 4). At the same time either experimental or control group presented normal average value of BPS, BPD - optimum by JNC6, HR were normal as well.
After session of psychorelaxation parameters of BP and HR in control group didn't differ from initial data. But in experimental group session of aromarelaxation caused reliable reduction of BPS and HR.
Table 4
Relaxation effect on BP and HR using Salvia sclarea L. EO
Group Experimental group initially Control group initially Experimental group after test Po b/a< Control group after test
BPS, mm of 124,75 126,10 118,25 0,003 124,25
mercury ±3,93 ±4,14 ±3,68 ±4,24
BPD, mm of 78,35 78,85 76,50 77,45
mercury ±2,11 ±1,96 ±1,76 ±2,29
HR, 77,00 73,40 73,95 72,15
hearbeat/min ±2,49 ±1,89 ±1,94 ±1,86
Therefore Salvia sclarea L EO breating it in low concentration didn't have any effect on psychoemotional condition of tested people and complicated mental work. Though it stimulated mental capacity (reliable increasing of work rate during the second minute of the test), accuracy went down.
Consequently the principal result of Salvia sclarea L EO effect on human higher nervous activity is stimulation of quite simple processes. Light hypotensive and bradicardial influence of Salvia sclarea L EO is considered as a positive property for its practical appliance, especially in work with people suffered from hypertension.
Pointed positive changes were registered in case of very low Salvia sclarea L EO concentration in the air, that is 0,1 mg/m3.
1. Salvia sclarea L. EO didn't effect on psychoemotional condition of tested people.
2. Salvia sclarea L. EO presented a light stimulative effect on mental capacity making rather simple tasks.
3. Salvia sclarea L. EO possesses light hypotensive and bradicardial effect.
1. Karvasarsky B.D. Klinicheskaya psykhologiya. Uchebnik dlya vuzov. - SPb.: Izdatelstvo "Pyter", 2004. - 553 s.
2. Lakin G.F. Biometriya. - M.: Izd-vo "Vyshaya shkola", 1989. - 291 s.
3. Osnovy psykhologii: Praktikum / Red.-sost. L.D. Stolyarenko. - Rostov-na-Donu: Feniks, 2002. - 704 s.
4. Praktikum po psykhologii. / Pod red. A.N. Leontyeva, B. Hyppenreiter. - Izd. Mosk. Un-ta, 1972. - 248 s.
5. Geun Hee Seol, Yun Hee Lee, Purum Kang, Ji Hye You, Mira Park, Sun Seek Min Randomized Controlled Trial for Salvia sclarea or Lavandula angustifolia: Differential Effects on Blood Pressure in Female Patients with Urinary Incontinence Undergoing Urodynamic Examination // J Altern Complement Med. - 2013. 19(7). - July. - P.664-670.
6. Peana A.T., MorettiM.D.L. Pharmacological activities and applications of salvia sclarea and salvia desoleana essential oils // Studies in Natural Products Chemistry. - 2002. -VoI.26. P.391-398
7. Pitarokili D, Couladis M, Petsikos-Panayotarou N, Tzakou O. Composition and antifungal activity on soil-borne pathogens of the essential oil of Salvia sclarea from Greece. // J Agric Food Chem. - 2002. - 50(23). - Nov 6. - P. 6688-6691.
8. Seol GH, Shim HS, Kim PJ, Moon HK, Lee KH, Shim I, Suh SH, Min SS. Antidepressant-like effect of Salvia sclarea is explained by modulation of dopamine activities in rats // Ethnopharmacol.- 2010. - 130(1). - Jul 6. - P. 187-90.
9. Yang HJ, Kim KY, Kang P, Lee HS, Seol GH. Effects of Salvia sclarea on chronic immobilization stress induced endothelial dysfunction in rats // BMC Complement Altern Med. - 2014. - Oct 14. - 14:396. doi: 10.1186/1472-6882-14-396.
The article was received at editors 13.10.2015.
Koval Ye.S., Tonkovtseva V.V., Bekmambetov T.R., Yarosh A.M. Essential oil of Salvia Sclarea L. and its effect on psychophysiological state of elderly people breathing it in low concentration // Bull. of the State Nikit. Botan Gard. - 2015. - № 116. - P. 69-73.
Essential oil of Salvia Sclarea of 0,1 mg/m3 didn't effect on psychoemotional state of people being tested, it called forth some stimulant influence on mental capacity only in case of a quite simples tasks, some hypotensive and bradycardial effect was fixed as well.
Key words: essential oil, aroma session, aromatherapy, Salvia sclarea L., psychorelaxing record, mental capacity, psychoemotional state.