2. Daniel, R. (2016). Creative artists, career patterns and career theory: Insights from the Australian context. Australian Journal of Career Development, 25(3), 91-98.
3. among_entrepreneurs_in_the_creative_and_cultural_industries.pdf
A. Abdurakhmanova
Abstract: The paper presents the Erasmus+ programme developments in Uzbekistan, selection results of Call-2022 and encourages starting preparation of new applications to be submitted within the next Call-2023 to be launched in November 2022. Information activities of the National Erasmus+ Office and Higher Education Reform Experts for the period of 2015-2021 towards the effectiveness of the Erasmus+ projects and promotion of best practice and innovations are briefly described. The programme impact on modernisation and the overall reform process of the national higher education system, as well useful information sources and tips are provided to potential applicants.
Key words: Erasmus+ projects, impact, modernisation of higher education, innovations, best practice, information activities.
Abdurakhmanova A.
Annotatsiya: Maqolada dasturning O'zbekistondagi faoliyati, 2022 yilning tanlov natijalari, shuningdek, joriy yilning noyabr oyida e'lon qilinadigan 2023 yil uchun navbatdagi tanlov doirasida yangi loyihalarni ishlab chiqishni boshlashi mumkin bo'lganlar uchun ma'lumotlar keltirilgan. Shuningdek, Erasmus+ milliy ofisi va Milliy ekspertlar guruhining 2015 yildan 2021 yilgacha bo'lgan davrda Erasmus+ loyihalari samaradorligini oshirish hamda ilg'or tajriba va innovatsiyalarni tarqatishga qaratilgan targ'ibot tadbirlari tavsifi berilgan. Dasturning davlatimiz oliy ta'lim tizimini modernizatsiya qilishdagi ta'siri, shuningdek, zarur axborot va maslahat manbalari navbatdagi dastur tanlovining potensial ishtirokchilari uchun foydali bo'ladi.
Kalit so'zlar: Erasmus+ loyihalari, ta'siri, oliy ta'limni modernizatsiya qilish, innovatsiyalar, ilg'or tajribalar, targ'ibot ishlari.
Абдурахманова А.
Аннотация: В статье представлены деятельность программы в Узбекистане, результаты конкурса на 2022 год, а также информация для тех, кто может начать разработку новых проектов в рамках нового конкурса на 2023 год, который был объявлен в ноябре текущего года. Дано также описание информационной деятельности Национального офиса Erasmus+ и команды экспертов в период с 2015 по 2021 годы, направленной на повышение эффективности проектов Erasmus+ и распространение передового опыта и инноваций. Влияние программы на модернизацию системы высшего образования страны, а также необходимые источники информации и советы будут полезны для потенциальных участников очередного конкурса программы.
Ключевые слова: проекты Erasmus+, влияние, модернизация высшего образования, инновации, передовой опыт, информационная деятельность.
Erasmus+ in Uzbekistan 2014-2020
The second part of the 1st phase of the Erasmus+ programme (2017-2021) has coincided with period of rapid transformations and important decisions aiming to improve the quality of higher education system of Uzbekistan. It has greatly increased the relevance and importance of rapidly developing international cooperation. One of the important areas of this cooperation in Uzbekistan is the Erasmus+ programme, involving a total of 65 universities from all regions of the country. Erasmus+ programme is one of key directions of cooperation not just with the European universities, but also with universities in Central Asia, CIS member states and other regions of the world.
Thanks to Tempus and Erasmus+ programmes the higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan could greatly enrich their experience of cooperation with universities in the European Union and in the neighbouring countries, develop a number of joint master's programmes, create joint departments and unique scientific laboratories, which had a significant impact on improving their international recognition and ranking.
The relevance of the Erasmus+ programme, its wide range of activities and opportunities for long-term cooperation are aligned with the goals outlined in the Concept for the Development of Higher Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030. The advanced teaching technologies introduced within the framework of joint projects, educational platforms established, and access provided to the educational resources of European universities greatly supported the transition of the entire education system to the online format in the context of the pandemic in 2020-2021. Virtual mobility and combined mobility allowed for the personal development of teachers, participation in joint publications and continued joint research studies for the researchers at the universities in the country.
Tempus&Erasmus+ projects, their participants and European countries' experience in general have contributed to capacity building of the Uzbekistan HEIs for the introduction of ECTS and gradual transition to a credit-modular system structure. Undoubtedly the benefits of ECTS are numerous in a view of internationalisation in overall. The specific seminars of HEREs on ECTS were positively evaluated by participants thanks to practically oriented approach and involvement of the participants of on-going projects aimed on development of new ECTS-based curricula, who shared their experience. Undoubtedly 26-year cooperation within Tempus, Erasmus Mundus and Erasmus+ and enhanced capacity of teams facilitated the decision of the Government in 2019 to follow the Bologna principles and to introduce ECTS to all HEIs of Uzbekistan by 2030. It was clearly highlighted in the Concept of HE development by 2030 adopted by Presidential Decree on 8 October 2019.
The NEO and HEREs considerably contributed to the development of the Concept. The working group on ECTS established in the Ministry directly involved HEREs and also the Erasmus project coordinators/participants. To this end, the Cabinet of Ministers' Resolution No 824 dated 31/12/2020 "On measures to improve organisation of education process in higher education institutions" can also be named since it was heavily influenced by the CBHE and International Credit Mobility projects.
Within six Calls of Erasmus+ programming period 2014-2020 in total 43 Erasmus + CBHE projects were financed for Uzbekistan, including 12 national projects, involving European and Uzbek universities, 11 cross-regional projects, and 20 regional projects with the participation of HEIs both from Uzbekistan and other Central Asian countries.
The total project budget allocated for 43 Erasmus+ CBHE projects is €36.6 million euro, including about €11.5 million (31.4%) particularly for HEIs in Uzbekistan.
The first three places among 10 leading Uzbek HEIs in the Tempus IV and Erasmus+ CBHE projects are occupied by the Tashkent University of Information Technologies (TUIT), Bukhara State University and the National University of Uzbekistan (NUUz). For the first time in the history of Tempus and Erasmus+ CBHE projects, TUIT became the Project Grantholder, which demonstrates the enhanced capacity of the project teams in Uzbekistan, the high quality of applications with the participation of Uzbek HEIs and a certain level of trust with regards to the HEIs of Uzbekistan.
Erasmus+ information and promotion activities
The National Impact Study (NIS) report (2014-2020)22 itself and in particular the findings and recommendations have been considered and applied as one of the key sources for overall promotion and dissemination activities of the NEO&HEREs thanks to description of impressive facts on Erasmus+ programme impact in Uzbekistan justified by statistics and infographics of NIS posters.
The following finding could be considered as a slogan for the content of the overall Erasmus+ promotion activities: "... without the impact of the Tempus and Erasmus+ projects it would hardly had been possible to achieve such a rapid modernization of higher education in Uzbekistan in 2017-2020."
During 2021 the main focus was put on promotion of the findings, conclusions and recommendations of a number of studies, conferences and round table discussions which were held in 2020 - the last year of the previous Erasmus+
22 National Impact Study was carried out in November-December 2020. The report was published on NEO website:
phase (2014-2020) with the aim to evaluate the programme impact on higher education at the regional level in Central Asia.
Annual NEO publications "Erasmus+ in Uzbekistan" and ICM publication23 proved to be very useful for promotion of programme impact by describing specific project success stories. Copies of both annual NEO publication and HERE journal "Perspectives of HE development" 24 have been submitted to the National Library of Uzbekistan in order to be accessible to wide public. Also they are submitted to the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialised Education (MHSSE), the State Inspectorate for Supervision of Quality in Education (SISQE) and made available on UZ NEO booth at the entrance of the EU Delegation.
Thanks to online format of majority Erasmus+ events organised in other partner countries the local NEO& HEREs in Uzbekistan benefited of access and had an opportunity to promote the regional and cross-regional cooperation. The video recordings on Zoom Platform and YouTube were well exploited for the overall promotion activities.
Joint promotion activities of the NEOs in partner countries has been strengthened during preparation of Virtual CBHE Fair 25organised by EACEA on 26-27 October 2021. The focus was put on interesting information and inspiration for future projects and the presentations of all projects as well as video recordings of the Project Results sessions. The website is quite relevant to find out the already covered thematic areas/subjects and to consider synergy opportunities.
In the framework of the Erasmus + programme, in addition to financing of joint projects for higher education institutions, support has been provided for the National Teams of Higher Education Reform Experts-HEREs in cooperation with the Ministries of education in the partner-countries.
The HEREs activities are focused on support to modernization of higher education according to the national policy and its strategy of higher education development.
The main goal of the national Higher Education Reform Experts' team is to disseminate information about the developments in the country's higher education system as well as transformations in the European Higher Education Area covering 49 countries of the Bologna Process.
The membership of the National team was updated following the proposal of the MHSSE, respectively designated by the EU Delegation to Uzbekistan and approved by Executive Agency.
25. The Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) Virtual Fair took successfully place from 26 - 27 October 2021, raising awareness and inspiring on how results of CBHE projects can improve the Higher Education sector in Partner countries. Thematic sessions showcased best practices and results achieved by 2015-2020 funded projects.
Initiated by the National team the HEREs' annual publication "Perspectives of HE development", which has been published as a scientific and methodological collection since 2011, was officially registered as a peer-reviewed scientific and methodological journal "Perspectives of higher education development" in 2020.
The MHSSE supports this publication, which was stated in regular foreword for each issue. One of the strengths of EU HE cooperation programmes is prompt and flexible reaction to the latest developments of higher education. It is also characterized the activities of the National team similar to activities of CBHE and ICM projects. For example, during pandemic period a number of seminars on the most relevant topics for HEIs were organised by the NEO and HEREs with support of the MHSSE and SISQE:
•The main problems faced by the Erasmus+ projects for the pandemic period and recommendations on their solving.
•Online teaching and training.
Online photo and video exhibition of Tempus and Erasmus+ projects organised within two Erasmus+ weeks a year (in spring and autumn) have been a tradition to undertake with online voting for the best ones and awarding them with Erasmus+ promotion materials.
Specific efforts have been undertaken by the NEO team for joint preparation of opening project events and final dissemination conference, including invitation of relevant stakeholders, press-release and event agenda drafting.
Continuous cooperation with press-service of the MHSSE and the consolidation of efforts on promotion and information of Erasmus activities and different programme actions contributed to better structured cooperation and considerable raise of programme visibility.
A number of activities/traditional events have been organised jointly or under auspices of the EU Delegation to Uzbekistan: Education Fairs, Pre-departure orientation meeting (PDO) for the successful Erasmus Mundus students, European Film festivals, Erasmus+ Week within Europe Days in May, including traditional meetings of the EU ambassador with students and teachers at the local universities in country regions.
The results and best practice of the completed Erasmus+ CBHE projects can be found on project websites and specific news/posts published by NEO in Telegram and other social networks. The following projects have promoted the results on project websites: NICOPA, HIEDTECH, UNICAC, DECIDE, TALENT, ELBA.
There are 18 on-going CBHE projects (October 2022) involving 43 local HEIs, including 14 HEIs from Tashkent and 19 HEIs from 10 country regions and
Karakalpakstan, 58 HEIs from 24 EU MS, 71 HEIs from 8 Partner Countries. The MHSSE has been involved in HIEDTEC, MechaUz and MUSAE projects.
Results of 2022 selection of Erasmus+ Capacity Building for Education
In total 145 new projects have been selected as a result of the 2022 Call for Proposals for Erasmus+ 'Capacity Building in Higher Education'. This is the first Call of the second phase of Erasmus+ (2021-2027).
The following number of projects is selected under three new Strands:
•27 "Strand 1" projects: smaller-scale projects aimed at newcomers;
•105 "Strand 2" projects: partnerships for transformation in higher education, similar to the joint projects pre-2021;
•13 "Strand 3" projects: aimed at higher education reform, previously known as to structural projects and with a role for Higher Education national authorities.
A further 27 projects are on a reserve list, including 2 projects with Uzbekistan universities. Due to high level of ineligibility only 429 proposals out of 620 submitted applications went on to the evaluation process. The success rate is therefore 33% of eligible applications.
According to Erasmus+ Multiannual Indicative Programme a total budget of EUR 34.5 m is envisaged for CBHE action for Central Asia (Region 6). Eight new projects with budget of EUR 5.76m involving only partners from the region have been selected for Central Asia, except cross-regional projects. Uzbekistan HEIs will be involved in one cross-regional project for development of new Master programme in Eco-Mining and Innovative Natural Resources Management.
The increasing interest of the local HEIs throughout the country (in the regions in particular) to extending cooperation opportunities within Erasmus+ has been supported by their gradually enhancing absorption capacity. The outcomes of the annual Erasmus+ Calls for proposals have once again demonstrated the high level of interest of the universities of Uzbekistan in participating in the programme, as number of applications increased by average 20% every year.
Seven new "Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE)" projects involving Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) of Uzbekistan have been selected for funding as a result of the Call-2022.
Within newly selected projects 19 universities of Uzbekistan, including 9 Tashkent HEIs and 10 HEIs from 5 country regions will cooperate with 18 universities from 13 countries of the European Union, 19 universities from Central Asian countries and 3 universities of Ukraine.
The total budget of 4.5 million Euro will be allocated to 7 newly selected projects, including 2.1 million Euro envisaged for participation of 19 universities of Uzbekistan.
Four projects will be realised in the field of Bio-medical Engineering, Food Science and Technology, Water Sector for Climate Resilience and Security in
Central Asia, Building Educational and Research Capacities in Nutrition and Dietetics in Central Asia. Three projects will be aimed on development of new Master programmes in the field of Medical Engineering in Uzbekistan, Photonics and Optical Communications, Eco-Mining and Innovative Natural Resources Management.
The enhanced capacity of the Uzbekistan HEIs in project design and project management has been proved by fact, that for this round there are three university-grantholders from Uzbekistan: Andijan Machine Building Institute and Tashkent Chemical-Technological University for the first time and the Tashkent University of Information Technologies with the on-going experience of CBHE project Grantholder. It is evident that capacity of the local universities has been considerably enhanced and the level of project ownership raised as this round three Erasmus+ CBHE projects will be coordinated by universities of Uzbekistan.
Five universities-newcomers to CBHE will join Erasmus+ community of Uzbekistan: branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies in Urgench, branch of the Tashkent Medical Academy in Urgench, Navoi State Mining Institute, University of World Economy and Diplomacy and Yeoju Technical University in Tashkent.
Within the last call four new Jean Monnet projects and one Marie Sklodowska Curie project for Uzbekistan have been selected for funding as well. The results of Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility will be available soon.
Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM)
Most of the ICM projects with the participation of Uzbek HEIs are based on cooperation established by the joint implementation of CBHE projects. The mutually beneficial combination of simultaneous participation in CBHE and ICM projects was many times noted by the members of project teams in the HEIs of Uzbekistan. Within the framework of mobility, opportunities for advanced training are used in the course of implementation of CBHE projects.
ICM partnerships support the CBHE projects aimed at improving curriculum, expanding opportunities for professional development and exchanging experience in universities of EU member states. A good example of this relationship is the cooperation of the National University of Uzbekistan and the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers with Paris Lodron University of Salzburg (PLUS) in Austria at the same time under the CBHE DSINGIS project ( and the ICM partnership.
Due to participation in CBHE projects and the establishment of new partnerships, as well as effective interaction, European partners decided to develop cooperation under the ICM as well. It allows to expand cooperation and exchange of faculty and students. For example, the cooperation of TSAU with the University of Porto initiated under the framework of BUzNET ( was
expanded due to winning an ICM project, as which is also the case for a number of other universities, and they also used the opportunity to deepen and expand bilateral cooperation
Improved academic mobility in the national HEIs has significantly contributed to the increase in education accessibility, improvement of quality and efficacy of education, as well as improvement of functioning of international departments, mutual recognition and ensuring the mobility of human capital.
ICM partnerships serve as a guarantee of continued cooperation under the joint projects, which contributes to further study of advanced pedagogical technologies, improvement and development of curricula and teaching materials based on international best practices, improvement of teaching quality and increasing efficiency of the international and student service units.
The faculty and administrative staff of departments in HEIs that were not directly involved in ICM projects had the opportunity to acquire certain experience and knowledge from their colleagues through workshops conducted by participants of mobility to Europe.
Short-term mobility in European universities has become an important tool for the faculty supporting their professional and personal development, due to the unique opportunity to enhance their qualifications and come back with new teaching approaches and methods.
Mobility projects also helped in establishing friendly contacts with colleagues at partner universities, which was followed by the publication of joint scientific papers and articles, invitations to international events and exhibitions, as well as submitting new project proposals and joint participation in the next ICM projects or in other areas of the Erasmus+ programme.
Currently in the national HEIs the period of mobility for the faculty and administrative personnel is recognized as professional development. Due to the government decisions on the introduction of a credit and module system in 35 national HEIs from the 2020-2021 academic year, and the transition to ECTS for all HEIs, the mobility experience in European universities has become even more popular and recognized. In the welcoming speeches of the MHSSE management at Erasmus events there was a reiteration of a direct connection and influence of the EU funded Erasmus+ programme on the adoption of the key decision on the transition to ECTS as one of the key instruments for the internationalization of higher education. Particular importance is attached to increasing the involvement of professors and doctoral students from European universities in the teaching process of the national HEIs, as they can visit under the credit mobility initiative. More than 640 representatives of European universities took the opportunity to lecture and conduct classes, workshops and master classes at the national HEIs. Due to this, many Uzbek lecturers and students were able to build their qualifications
without leaving the country. In addition to the academic activities, the visits of the European partners facilitated the increase in the number of joint scientific works and joint research in scientific centres and laboratories, development of joint publications and expansion of scientific contacts in general.
Jean Monnet in Uzbekistan
Considering a small number of qualitative applications from Uzbekistan for 2015-2020 the NEO&HEREs have undertaken specific efforts to provide support to Jean Monnet applicants through a number of methodological seminars on project development. The efforts resulted in 4 new Jean Monnet projects selected within 2022 Call.
• Jean Monnet Module "EPOCA: European Economic Integration: Policies, Mechanisms and Lessons for Central Asia", submitted by Bukhara State University
• Jean Monnet Module: "EUCAA: EU foreign policy in Central Asia and Afghanistan", submitted by University of World Economy and Diplomacy
• Jean Monnet Chair "CACETL: Central Asian Centre for European Trade Law", submitted by Westminster International University in Tashkent
• Jean Monnet Center of Excellence "ECESBF: Erasmus Center of Excellence in Sustainable Business and Finance", submitted by Tashkent State University of Economics
Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions (MSCA) project in Uzbekistan
The first-ever MSCA project of Horizon Europe27, involving Tashkent State University of Economics and Tashkent State University of Law, has been selected for funding. The project "Caucasus and Central Asia Research Social Innovation: Development Assistance, Innovation and Societal Transformation-CARSI" is a training and research programme bringing together 16 leading institutions across two continents with a major focus on the Caucasus and Central Asia to train fellows through secondment and eventually produce new empirical evidence on the region. By processing first-hand data and thus identifying the gap between declarative approaches and reality with regards to social innovation CARSI teams will define new relationships between global social innovation approaches and social theory while working to translate research findings into policy recommendations.
26More detailed information about Jean Monnet projects in Uzbekistan can be found on NEO website The database of overall worldwide Jean Monnet activities for 1995-2021 is available on EACEA website
The forthcoming 2023 Call will be launched in November 2022, however the information campaign has been started as no major changes are expected in the next Programme Guide. Therefore the previous version of Erasmus+ Programme Guide28 should be considered as the main source of information on the programme actions. For Strands 1 and 2 of CBHE projects, proposals must respect pre-defined regional priorities, which are published on the Funding and Tenders Portal (FTOP)29.
Considering the fact that within 2022 Call only 429 out of 620 submitted proposals went to evaluation process the eligibility criteria would be clarified repeatedly and ineligibility levels will be tackled in promotion of the 2023 Call. The following Actions are open for Uzbekistan: Key Action 1. International Credit Mobility Key Action 2. Capacity building in the field of higher education Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Erasmus Mundus Design Measures Key Action 3. Jean Monnet actions.
All necessary information about application procedure is available on the website of the Erasmus+ and EACEA website.30
Partner search and electronic submission
Electronic submission (eSubmission) is mandatory for international open, restricted and negotiated procedures in direct management for tenders of EU External Actions DGs since March 2022. This means that paper submissions are no longer applicable for these procedures. Before submitting their application online via eSubmission, the tenderer (the leader and all the members in case of consortium) must first register in the Funding&Tenders Portal (OPSYS ecosystem) to obtain a 9-digit Participant Identification Code. If the leader and/or participant have already registered in the Participant Register and know their credentials, they can search for their PIC and use it when submitting tenders or requests to participate in eSubmission, otherwise they will need to register their entity in the Funding & Tenders Portal.
In the course of the procedure, tenderers (including consortium members) may be contacted by European Research Executive Agency (REA) validation services and requested to submit documents. Based on these documents their PIC will be validated once and for all. The validated PIC will then allow tenderers to
30 and
subscribe to any future call, as well as to manage their contract(s) electronically in the Funding & Tenders Portal.
For potential applicants
Within the last Call for Proposals-2022 a number of information and methodological seminars "How to prepare a good project proposal" took place for the period of November- December 2021 in each country region. The features of Strand 1 of CBHE have been presented for newcomers in more detailed way.
Specific efforts of the NEO have been undertaken in order to mobilise new partners in Uzbekistan through organisation of Erasmus+ events for representatives of faculties and departments without any international experience and supporting them in partner search both in Europe and Uzbekistan. Specific training session on how to prepare high quality project applications and how to enhance the role of local partners ensuring high level of local project ownership was a compulsory part of any Erasmus information event organised by the NEO and HEREs in different country regions.31
The local CBHE, JM and ICM teams contributed to methodological seminars as well by sharing their experience in partner search, project development and management. Therefore the specific results and achievements of Erasmus+ cooperation can be found as well.
Involvement of newcomers and exploring new subject areas for future projects has been supported by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specilased Education (MHSSE). University-newcomers had a privilege to host Erasmus+ methodological seminars on how to develop good project proposals. Special sessions for MHSSE staff was organised by the NEO in order to explain the Strand 3 features (ex-structural projects with direct involvement of Ministry) and their role/benefit in this type of Erasmus+ projects.
During the information campaign a number of efforts of NEO&HEREs team, in particular individual meetings with potential applicants contributed to enhancing quality of applications with involvement of Uzbekistan HEIs, as well as to diversification of project topics, new thematic/subject areas and attracting HEIs/faculties/departments-newcomers.
Within new NEO workplan for 2022 the consolidated methodological seminar was organised in on-line format on 7 January 2022 with the aim to present the cooperation opportunities and to provide clarifications to the most frequently asked questions which were collected during 12 methodological seminars in December 2021.32
The Erasmus+ project results platform33 and Virtual CBHE Fair of October 202134 are particularly useful information sources for potential CBHE applicants in a view of avoiding duplication, diversification of thematic areas and innovativeness of their future proposals.
Useful materials for potential applicants covering partner search, project development, application submission, Funding&Tenders portal can be found on NEO website and social networks.35
The recommendations developed by participants of the Central Asian Erasmus+ CBHE cluster meeting36 (November 2020) should also be considered while developing new project proposals.
November 7-8-10, 2022 the European Commission and the European Education and Culture Executive Agency are organising a worldwide webinar37 on the opportunities available under the Erasmus+ programme and its global dimension. ( This seminar is on Erasmus+ opportunities for exchange and cooperation that are open to organisations and individuals across the globe. It offers a unique opportunity for participants to better understand all aspects and benefits of these programmes. The webinar will be webstreamed.
The National Erasmus+ Information Day within new 2023 Call will be organised in close cooperation with MHSSE, SISQE and EU Delegation following the launch of the Call and publishing the Programme Guide. The Information Day will be followed by methodological seminars "How to develop a good project proposal" in the country regions. The NEO events calendar is regularly updated and made available through NEO telegram channels and social networks.
1. National Impact Study Report - NIS (;
35; archive UZ NEO website: and current NEO website:,; Facebook:; Telegram channel:
37 This link provides some initial news, which will be upgraded.
7. Erasmus+ projects results platform
8. Capacity Building in Higher Education impact in Central Asia
9. Erasmus+, Capacity building in higher education (CBHE) action Regional report :Central Asia aa75ed71a1/language-en
10. Study on Structural Impacts of projects funded by the Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) action (EN) 1 .pdf