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Танева Светлана Йорданова
дф, старший преподаватель, Факультет общественного здоровья. Медицинский университет. София, Болгария. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1348-0029.
E-mail:[email protected]
PhD, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Public Health. Medical University. Sofia, Bulgaria. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1348-0029. E-mail: [email protected]
Цели работы: сделать краткий обзор недавнего когнитивно-теоретического предложения Памелы Фабер - Фреймовая теория терминологии (FBTT); определить специфику, положительные/отрицательные стороны и функции медицинского эпонимного термина; продемонстрировать разнообразие эпонимных терминов в медицинском домене на англо/русско/болгарских примерах (имена литературных персонажей и мифологических героев) и акцентировать внимание на семаническую информацию, которую они передают; применять результаты исследования в иноязычной терминологической подготовке медицинских вузов. Материалы и методы исследования. Выделено и обсуждено 24 (двадцать четыре) сложносоставных эпонима на английском, русском и болгарском медицинских академических языках с применением методов дефиниционного анализа, концептуальной интеграции, когнитивного анализа, эпонимного моделирования, этимологического анализа. Обсуждение и результаты исследования. Терминология рассматривается с точки зрения наших мыслей; связей, которые мы устанавливаем между вещами и тем, как мы их видим; организации мира вокруг нас, которую мы создаем. Категоризация указывается как ключевой момент в изучении жизни и науки, респективно терминологии. Рассматриваемые медицинские эпонимные терминологические единицы в настоящем исследовании обозначают психические или неврологические расстройства и синдромы. В отношении каждого эпонима предлагается медицинское описание и краткие сведения о персонаже, имя которого увековечено. Рассмотрены как процессы эпонимизации, так и де-эпонимизации. Выявлены положительные и отрицательные аспекты эпонимного термина. Эпоним рассматривается как «носитель» номинации, экспрессивности, увековечивания памяти и специализированного знания, обладающего энциклопедической информативностью. Выводы. Сделаны следующие выводы: 1. Терминологию следует осмысливать и изучать посредством категорий. 2. Процесс эпонимизации знаменует собой превращение имен собственных в имена нарицательные. 3. Номинативная, экспрессивная, мемориальная и информативная функции - четыре основные функции эпонимного медицинского термина. 4. Сложность произношения, низкая словообразовательная валентность, неполная репрезентация понятия, наличие омонимов и вариантов написания -отрицательные стороны эпонимного медицинского термина. 5. Начался процесс де-эпонимизации медицинской терминологии. 6. Медицинскими эпонимами обозначаются различные заболевания, синдромы, симптомы. 7. Медицинские эпонимы служат
«носителями» специализированных знаний с высокой энциклопедической информативностью.
Ключевые слова: английский / русский / болгарский эпонимный термин, медицинский домен, расстройство, болезнь, синдром.
Objectives: to make a brief overview of the recent cognitive theoretical proposal by Pamela Faber - Frame - based Terminology Theory (FBTT); to determine the specificity, positive/ negative aspects and functions of medical eponymous term; to demonstrate eponymous terms variety in medical domain basing on English/Russian/Bulgarian examples (names of literary characters and mythological heroes) and focusing on the semantic information they convey; to apply the study results in foreign language terminological training at medical universities. Materials and research methods. Twenty-four (24) compound eponyms in English, Russian and Bulgarian medical academic languages have been excerpted and discussed applying the methods of definition analysis, conceptual integration, cognitive analysis, eponymous modelling, etymological analysis. Discussion and results of the study. Terminology is viewed as what we think about, the way we link things and consider them, the way we organize the world around us. Categorization is indicated as a key point in the study of life and science, respectively terminology. The considered medical eponymous terminological units debated in the current study denote mental or neurological disorders and syndromes. Medical description and brief information about the character whose name is immortalized has been suggested in respect of each eponym. Both processes of eponymization and de-eponymization have been considered. Positive and negative aspects of eponymous term have been laid out. Eponym is seen as a "carrier" of nomination, expressiveness, immortalization and specialized knowledge with encyclopedic informative value. Conclusions. The following conclusions have been made: 1. Terminology should be thought about and learnt by means of categories. 2. The process of eponymization marks turning proper nouns into common nouns. 3. Nominative, expressive, memorial and informative are the four basic functions attributed to eponymous medical term. 4. Difficult pronunciation, low derivational valence, incomplete concept representation, presence of homonyms and spelling variants are the negative aspects of eponymous medical term. 5. The process of de-eponymizing medical terminology has started. 6. Various diseases, syndromes, symptoms are denoted by medical eponyms. 7. Medical eponyms serve as "carriers" of specialized knowledge with a high encyclopedic informative value.
Key words: English / Russian / Bulgarian eponymous term, medical domain, disorder, disease, syndrome.
Terminology is more than "a bunch of words" - it is what we have in our minds, it is the way we link things and think about them. Moreover, it is how we organize the world surrounding us.
Terminology is a discipline of study facilitating specialized communication and translation, transferring knowledge between user groups of various language communities and with similar knowledge levels. Although it may stem from Philosophy, Linguistics, Sociology, Cognitive Science, terminology is regarded basically as a linguistic and cognitive activity.
Purpose and objectives of the study
Consequently, the objectives we have set ourselves in the current research are as follows:
1. To provide a brief overview of the recent cognitive theory in terminology: Frame - based Terminology Theory (FBTT), proposed by Pamela Faber and to highlight its key points.
2. To determine the specificity of medical eponymous term.
3. To outline the positive and negative aspects of medical eponymous term.
4. To point out the functions of medical eponymous term.
5. To illustrate the variety of eponymous terms in medical domain (names of literary characters and mythological heroes) with examples in English, Russian and Bulgarian focusing on the semantic information they convey.
6. To apply the study results in foreign language terminological training at medical universities, lectures and seminars on general linguistics and applied terminology issues and expand the linguistic medical competence of medical students and professionals.
Materials and Methods
English, Russian and Bulgarian medical eponymous terminology, collected at random from articles, textbooks, monographs, terminological dictionaries, reference books, Internet catalogues, etc. was involved in the current study. Twenty-four (24) compound terminological units (including synonymous variants and translation equivalents of the three languages) have been debated.
The following methodology has been applied in the semantic analysis of the eponymous terms: 1. Method of definition analysis; 2. Method of conceptual integration; 3. Method of cognitive analysis; 4. Method of eponymous modelling; 5. Etymological method of analysis.
Discussion and results
One of the recent theoretical cognitive proposals aiming to postulate a set of principles organizing terminology is to Pamela Faber's credit. She proposed Frame - Based Terminology Theory (FBTT, 2005 - 2007) basing on Frame Semantics (Fillmore, 1976, 1982, 1985; Fillmore & Atkins, 1992) cognitive psychology and neurology. In Frame Semantics the meanings of words are depicted within semantic frames. Semantic frames schematically represent concepts, their structure and patterns of images, institutions, practices as well as syntactic properties of words in relation to their semantic ones (Fillmore, Johnson, & Petruck, 2003).
FBTT determines term as unit inseparable from word and consequently it needs to be studied by its behaviour in textual discourse it appears. Particular emphasis is placed on categorizing as a key point. Categories are everywhere - disease symptoms necessitate categorizing, natural disasters are put into categories, personal belongings at the airport are subject to categorization, as well. So, categories are on our mind and they are altered depending on the context. Terminology is not an exception. There are structural categories, procedural categories that affect or cause an impact and how they are related is notable for proper usage.
Regarding FBTT definitional structure of concepts belonging to the same category are represented by category templates (frames). Templates themselves involve "semantic roles (agent, patient, instrument, result), concept types (entity, event, property) and qualia roles (formal, constitutive, telic, agentive)" (Faber, et al., 2012). Adding terminological data and having coherent relations between all listed factors on each conceptual level lead to creation of conceptual metaconstructions that can be represented in concept types - events and physical objects. Faber marks that concepts constituting the same terminology system share the same template. Therefore, explicity of category membership, reflection of the concept relations with other concepts and specification of its differentiating properties is achieved. As a whole, FBTT unites semantic, linguistic and pragmatic information in representation of a certain concept. It is exemplified in EcoLexicon - a database of ecological terminology where a certain terminological unit is associated with all other concepts that have to do, with synonyms, grammatical categories, other languages so that to obtain an overall complete image of the term (Faber, et al., 2006, 2007, 2012; Faber, Márquez Linares, & Vega Exposito, 2005).
Eponymous terminological units occupy a special place in professional language due to the fact that proper nouns are present in their structure elements. In the process of eponymization proper nouns change into common nouns (Curie - Curie unit of radioactivity - Ci). They appear due to the need to nominate a new object, phenomenon, process, unit of measurement, etc.
Generally, linguistic community shares contradictory opinions regarding eponymous terms.
On the one hand, a number of positive aspects are highlighted. According to Superanskaya eponyms have a nominative function - "proper nouns are an inexhaustible reserve of terms and nomenclatural units, as they contribute to the concretization and specification of more general concepts and situations" (Superanskaya, 2003). Eponyms serve as a key to immortality of the names of the greatest minds of science, famous literary characters, mythological and biblical characters (expressive and memorial functions). In the circle of narrow specialists they provide a quick outline of the situation and continuity of knowledge (informative function). Moreover, eponyms demonstrate stylistically reduced neutrality, a typical parameter of the scientific term in general. The main functions of eponymous term are indicated in figure below.
Fig. Eponymous term functions
On the other hand, eponymous terms are thought to be difficult to pronounce as they are distinguished by a multi-word structure. Furthermore, they have low derivational valence and do not comply with the requirements of classifications. Incomplete concept representation is another negative side. Presence of homonyms and spelling variants in eponymous terms makes it difficult to use and learn them, as well. Hence, de-eponymizing medical terminology is a topic that has been deliberating about for recent years. A hypothesis that more often than not there is an alternative to a proper noun for most anatomy structures, diseases, syndromes, procedures, instrumentarium has been advanced.
Nevertheless, implementation of eponymous terminology in medical domain is a fact and this process has not ended yet. Eponymous terms, like any terminological unit, are part of medical education at every medical university. Foreign language training at Medical University - Sofia, Bulgaria includes in its curriculum eponymous units in Bulgarian, English, German, French and Russian. Teaching and learning eponyms is consistent with the overall curriculum in humanitarian medicine, dental medicine and pharmacy.
Medical eponymization of literary characters
Due to eponymous terminology a number of provocative literary characters "invade" the medical domain with their oddities and contradictions to illustrate particular aspects of a mental disease or a neurological disorder and along with this give a human dimension to a certain medical condition. In the current study seven literary eponyms in English, Russian and Bulgarian academic languages are discussed as a mere reflection of mental disorders.
1. Cheshire cat syndrome / Синдром Чеширского кота / Синдром на Чеширската котка - The medical term is named after a literary character from Lewis Caroll's novel "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland". It was first depicted by British physician Eric George Lapthorne Bywaters in 1968. The name comes from the famous mischievous grin of the cat which is the only visible trace after its disappearance. Alice's problem is that she she sees Cheshire cat's grin without seeing the cat itself what makes convincing the others of its existence really difficult. As a whole two clinical dilemmas are denoted: A. There are symptomatic manifestations of medically defined and frequently curable disease but no histological and laboratory evidence can prove this; B. A disease with few of its characteristic manifestations is present. A clinician is unable to put forward persuasive evidence for disease existence.
2. Huckleberry Finn syndrome (Truancy syndrome) / Синдром Гекльберри Финна / Синдром на Хъкълбери Фин - The eponymous term is named after Mark Twain's protagonist Huckleberry Finn from both novels "The adventures of Tom Sawyer" and "Adventures of Huckleberry
Finn". The teenage boy who neglects his duties and refuses to follow his obligations has inspired psychiatrists to define "a psychodynamic complex in which the obligations and responsibilities avoided as a child eventuate into frequent job changes and absenteeism as an adult" (Segen,1995). Parental rejection, low self-esteem and depression in an intelligent individual who is capable of solving various issues and adapting to different situations may lead to Truancy syndrome. Two typical characteristics of the syndrome stand out: A. An intense feeling of existential void - patient feels that something very essential to his life is missing and this could induce a state of constant dissatisfaction and a feeling of permanent emptiness, a state close to what we know as depression; B. Eternal persuit - due to the state described above in Huckleberry Finn syndrome there is an endless search for something that finally may fill the feeling of emptiness. It is typical for patient to be willing to find out some reality to feel complete individual. Living a life lacking stability patient afflicted with such a syndrome constantly changes his job, partner, friends. A newly codified therapeutic approach applying in such patients has been reported - Narrative therapy approach aiming to externalize the disorder in verbal dialogues with patient.
3. Peter Pan syndrome / Синдром Питера Пэна / Синдром на Питър Пан - The term Peter Pan syndrome was coined by the psychologist Dan Riley though it is not included in any diagnostic manual of mental disorders. As J. M. Barrie's literary character individual suffering from this syndrome is persistently unwilling or unable to take on adulthood responsibilities. His behaviour could be a result of a spoiled childhood with overprotective parents and lack of discipline and teaching any life skills. An abusive childhood is defined as another possible prerequisite - being away from parents makes person feel unsafe and he may experience regression into a child seeking protection. Longing for childhood and feeling nostalgic; economic hopelessness, fear of commitment, lack of direction and escapism from life and reality; lack of adult skills; narcissism can lead to a pattern of unreliability, as well. Most common therapies applied are considered to be couples' therapy and life coaching therapy. Peter Pan syndrome is a complex condition as other psychological issues are likely to emerge during treatment.
4. Jekyll and Hyde syndrome / Синдром Джекила - Хайда / Синдром на д-р Джекил и г-н Хайд - This eponymous term is named after the literary characters created by Robert Louis Stevenson in1886 - Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Dr. Jekyll, a good-natured, honest and respectable person, struggles against his second personality Mr. Hyde, embodiment of evil.
In medical domain this is a well-known pattern of behaviour referring to Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) in which splitting personality into two or more distinct and opposing identities is observed. Both dissociated personalities gain control over person's behaviour alternatively. Thus patients complaining of the syndrome depicted are likely to experience depression, suicidal tendencies, mood swings, panic attacks, anxiety, phobias, sleep disorders, eating disorders, alcohol and drug abuse, hallucinations, etc. Inexplicable memory impairment is seen as an indicator of Jekyll and Hyde syndrome. Borderline personality disorder therapy is claimed to be effective in maintaining control over destructive behaviour and emotional suffering.
5. Munchausen syndrome / Синдром Мюнхгаузена / Синдром на Мюнхаузен - Carl Friedrich von Munchausen, known for his fantastic stories about the battles he took part in, is the prototype Richard Asher used when described first the condition in his article "The lancet" (1951).
Named after the famous Baron, Munchausen syndrome is a type of mental disorder in which people constantly tend to self-induce or mimic physical symptoms in search of sympathy from relatives, friends, doctors. They systematically simulate complaints, provoke the appearance of physical scars, self-harm, falsify laboratory results, insist on being operated aiming only to draw attention. Adults aged 20-40 are most likely to develop Munchausen syndrome and it is more common in subpopulations diagnosed with psychosis or fever of unknown origin. The cause of this condition still remains unsolved. Such individuals usually are diagnosed with other mental disorders, the reason for which may be due to emotional or physical trauma in the past. The symptoms involve diverse and serious complaints, frequently incompatible with each other or illogical combinations with a tendency to progress over time. Being familiar with medical terminology and clinical features of certain diseases patients are even capable of imitating the clinical picture with abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, seizures, convulsions, respiratory problems, hallucinations, loss of consciousness, etc. Munchausen syndrome differs from hypochondria, where the person incorrectly perceives normal physiological functions and is convinced of their pathological nature. He fears them
and wants to be cured unlike patients suffering from Munchausen syndrome who do want to be sick. Munchausen by proxy (MSBP) is a variant of the main syndrome mental disorder in which most frequently a parent presents his child as sick and insists on him undergoing various manipulations, tests and interventions in order to arouse sympathy.
Treating Munchausen syndrome can be challenging and empathetic professional support is of high significance. It is expressed in showing empathy for the difficulties that may have contributed to the development of the disorder as well as encouraging the sufferer to develop new ways of managing his/her feelings. Tactical referral to a psychiatrist is another aspect of treatment. Cognitive-behavioral therapy conducted by a specialist is a good choice that could get control of the tendency to undergo drug or surgical treatment and even prevent the suicidal risk possible for this condition.
6. Pickwickian syndrome / Синдром Пиквика / Синдром на Пикуик - Pickwickian syndrome is named after Charles Dickens' character Joe the Fat Boy ("The Pickwick Papers") who suffers from extreme obesity and constantly falls asleep at any time and in any situation.
Pickwickian syndrome is clinically known as obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS) and it is a condition that affects blood. This occurs when blood does not have enough oxygen and has too much carbon dioxide. In fact this medical condition is a type of sleep-disordered breathing that causes long-term health changes in the body. In people with such a diagnosis no structural pulmonary pathologies are detected, respiratory failure develops only due to excess weight. Several factors can be listed as causative agents for Pickwickian syndrome: obesity, which is measured using body mass index (BMI); brain inability to control breathing properly; improper functioning of respiratory system due to extra weight in chest area, difficulty for lungs to draw oxygen from the air and successive obstructive sleep apnea; chronically low oxygen levels in brain, heart and other important organs which necessitates altering body functions. Frequent symptoms of this condition are, as follows: prolonged drowsiness; alveolar hypoventilation; cyanosis (oedematous or bluish fingers, toes or legs); morning headaches due to high levels of carbon dioxide in blood; depressive or even suicidal thoughts; secondary polycythemia (excess amount of red blood cells); right-sided heart failure.
Treatment options involve body weight reduction; keeping sleep hygiene; bariatric surgery; treatment of accompanying diseases; avoiding risk factors. Simultaneous treatment with a PAP apparatus (positive airway pressure) or bariatric surgery (gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch) is required, as well.
7. Rip Van Winkle syndrome / Рип Ван Винкль синдром / Синдром на Рип Ван Уинкъл -This eponymous term is associated with a lazy Dutch farmer from Washington Irving's short story who fell asleep for 20 years.
Rip Van Winkle syndrome is clinically known as Kleine- Levin syndrome (KLS) and commonly adolescent males are susceptible to this condition. Well-defined clinical features can be identified: hypersomnia (sudden tiredness, reluctance to wake up, aggressive when being awaken); cognitive disturbances (confusion, loss of concentration, memory dysfunction, temporal and spatial disorientation); megaphagia (increased food intake with altered food choices); mood disorders (anxiety, panic, irritability, aggression, depression); hypersexuallity; derealization (altered perception of surroundings); hallucinations (visual and auditory). Generally patients have symptomatic episodes lasting from a week to 1-2 months alternating with completely asymptomatic ones. Spontaneous disappearance of symptoms are reported with median disease duration of 4 years.
Rip Van Winkle syndrome is thought to be intriguing, severe medical condition studied over the years but still no etiology and treatment have been clarified. Regarding etiology some possible causative agents have been detected: electroencephalographic slowing, diffuse brain hypoperfusion, viral and autoimmune factors, inflammatory lesions in the thalamus, abnormalities in serotonin and dopamine metabolism etc. Stimulants, antidepressants, mood stabilizers (lithium), electroconvulsive therapy are shown as possible agents preventing from recurrent hypersomnia and managing the disorder. Further research on etiology and management of Rip Van Winkle syndrome is needed.
Medical eponymization of mythological characters
In the field of mythology one eponymous term has been selected reflecting a psychiatric syndrome.
1. Electra complex/Комплекс Электры/Комплекс на Електра - Electra was the daughter of Clytemnestra and Agamemnon, king of Greeks during the Trojan War. Seeking revenge for the murder of her father, whom she feels an irresistible attraction to, she urges her brother Orestes to murder their mother and her lover.
Electra complex is a psychiatric syndrome equivalent to Oedipus complex. It was described by Sigmund Freud - an Austrian neurologist and psychologist, the founder of psychoanalysis. The state is characterized by daughter's unconscious strong sense of affection for her father accompanied by constant competing with her mother for his attention. The progression of Electra complex is known to be in phallic phase between 3 - 6 years. Great importance is attached to experiencing this complex as it determines children's emotional lives afterwards in adolescence and their sexual behaviour as adults. Six - seven years age marks the period of child's leaving the emotional state induced by the complex. Attachment to the father is replaced by identifying with mother and accepting her patterns of behaviour and role in the family. It is believed that Electra complex invariably influences the choice of a life partner. Adequate parental reaction is necessary to overcome Electra complex without negative consequences. Conclusions
1. Think about and learn terminology by means of categories.
2. The process of eponymization marks turning proper nouns into common nouns.
3. Eponymous medical term has four basic functions: A. Nominative; B. Expressive; C. Memorial; D. Informative.
4. Negative aspects of eponymous medical terms are as follows: A. Difficult pronunciation; B. Low derivational valence; C. Incomplete concept representation; D. Presence of homonyms and spelling variants. De-eponymizing medical terminology has started.
5. Eponymous medical terms denote diseases, syndromes, symptoms immortalizing the names of greatest minds of science, famous literary characters and mythological heroes.
6. Applied and didactic aspects of eponymous medical terminology have been proved. Eponyms serve as "carriers" of specialized knowledge with a high encyclopedic informative value.
Библиографический список:
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Calm. Seoul: Hanshin, 1982. pp. 111-137. Fillmore, C. J. Frames and the semantics of understanding. Quaderni di Semántica. 6 (2): 1985. pp. 222-254.
Fillmore, C. J. & Atkins, S. Towards a frame-based organization of the lexicon: The semantics of RISK and its neighbors. In A. Lehrer and E. Kittay (eds.). Frames, Fields, and Contrast: New Essays in Semantics and Lexical Organization. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1992. pp. 75-102. Fillmore, C. J., Johnson, C. R. & Petruck, M. R. L. Background to Framenet International Journal
of Lexicography. 16(3): 2003. pp. 235-250. https://doi.org/10.1093/ijl/16.3.235 Segen, J. C. Current Med Talk: A Dictionary of Medical Terms, Slang & Jargon. New York: Appleton & Lange, 1995. p. 6.