Научная статья на тему 'Environmental pollution and its impact on the biosphere'

Environmental pollution and its impact on the biosphere Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Ermatova Surayo Mutalovna, Khаnhodzhaeva Nodira Bakhtiyarovna

This article reveals the goals and objectives of "ecology" as a complex scientific discipline. Highlights one of the major problems is the anthropogenic influence on the soil cover of the Earth. Materials on the natural chemical composition of the soil, as well as on the chemical pollution of the soil environment and determining the degree of chemical pollution by the total content of soil nitrogen and the number of Khlebnikov are presented. The authors provide information on the monitoring of soil cover and offer practical steps aimed at awareness of chemistry students of the importance of their tasks for the protection of the Earth.

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В данной статье раскрываются цели и задачи «экологии» как комплексной научной дисциплины. Освещается одна из основных её проблем антропогенное влияние на почвенный покров Земли. Приводятся материалы о естественном химическом составе почвы, а также о химическом загрязнении почвенной среды и определении степени химической загрязнённости по общему содержанию азота почвы и числу Хлебникова. Авторы приводят сведения по мониторингу почвенного покрова и предлагают практические шаги, направленные на осознание студентами-химиками важности стоящих перед ними задач по охране Земли.

Текст научной работы на тему «Environmental pollution and its impact on the biosphere»



ON THE BIOSPHERE 1 2 Ermatova S.M. , Khanhodzhaeva N.B. (Republic of Uzbekistan)

Email: [email protected]


Abstract: this article reveals the goals and objectives of "ecology" as a complex scientific discipline. Highlights one of the major problems is the anthropogenic influence on the soil cover of the Earth. Materials on the natural chemical composition of the soil, as well as on the chemical pollution of the soil environment and determining the degree of chemical pollution by the total content of soil nitrogen and the number of Khlebnikov are presented. The authors provide information on the monitoring of soil cover and offer practical steps aimed at awareness of chemistry students of the importance of their tasks for the protection of the Earth.

Keywords: ecology, soil, chemical pollution, household waste, environment, anthropogenic factor.


НА БИОСФЕРУ 12 Эрматова С.М. , Ханходжаева Н.Б. (Республика Узбекистан)

1Эрматова Сурайё Муталовна - кандидат биологических наук, доцент, кафедра биологии и методики её преподавания; 2Ханходжаева Нодира Бахтияровна - кандидат биологических наук, доцент,

кафедра ботаники, факультет естественных наук, Ташкентский государственный педагогический университет им. Низами, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в данной статье раскрываются цели и задачи «экологии» как комплексной научной дисциплины. Освещается одна из основных её проблем - антропогенное влияние на почвенный покров Земли. Приводятся материалы о естественном химическом составе почвы, а также о химическом загрязнении почвенной среды и определении степени химической загрязнённости по общему содержанию азота почвы и числу Хлебникова. Авторы приводят сведения по мониторингу почвенного покрова и предлагают практические шаги, направленные на осознание студентами-химиками важности стоящих перед ними задач по охране Земли.

Ключевые слова: экология, почва, химическое загрязнение, бытовые отходы, окружающая среда, антропогенный фактор.

On February 2, 2017 a meeting was held under President of Republic of Uzbekistan which was dedicated to ingoing work to improve environmental situation and environmental protection and to identify current issues in this area.

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In the speech of our President about the recycling of household waste, he noted the need to study and widespread introduction of experience of foreign countries. As Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted: «We have a wide range of tasks ahead of us to improve the environmental situation, collection, storage, transportation, utilize and recycling of household waste that needs to be solved in advance».

In accordance with the decree of the head of our state on April 21, 2017 improvement of the system of public administration in the field of ecology and environmental protection. A comprehensive program was also adapted to radical improvement in the management of household waste, which pollutes the soil and increases the human impact of man on the biosphere. Upon 2017-2021 number of activities and laws are planned to reduce the risk of pollution of soil and water pollution in Uzbekistan. In terms of financing, a number of specific sources of financing for its implementation have been derived.

It should be noted that the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan pays special attention to the problems of waste disposal and soil pollution. For the fight against environmental disasters was formed from December 8, 2019 "Environmental Party" of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The system of the Ecological Party organized 13 state unitary enterprises "Toza Hudud" and 174 district (city) branches 1,3 thousand units of special equipment for waste disposal without instillation into the soil, 1 thousand waste collection sites, 5,8 thousand containers and 172 landfills were transferred to the balance of enterprises.

In the last year an additional 305 collection sites were built waste they are provided with moose than 2 thousand containers. A full inventory of 295 landfills was conducted throughout the repreblic, their cadastre documentation was compiled, and 97 landfill sites are listed in ardor. An environmental inspection has set up an inspection to control the handling of household waste, as well as controlling soil contamination in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The environmental party periodically conducts raids in the regions and districts of Uzbekistan to identify and destroy wasters that are closed into fertile soil.

One of the problems of soil pollution is also its chemical pollution. The problem of chemical pollution of the environment the environment has both scientific and social significance. Soil perform a basic role in the sustainable functioning of the biosphere, therefore soil degradation on a global scale and leading to transformation their biogeocenotic properties violate the mechanisms of functioning ecosystems and the biosphere as a whole. An impotent feature of the soil environment is the absorption of biological and chemical pollutants, that is, the soil is natural sorbent [1].

The soil is compassed of mineral, organic and organomineral complexes, substances and soil liquids, air, soil microorganisms, insects, animals and infections. For hygienically mark of soil importantly know the natural chemical composition. Mineral substances make up 60-80 % -silica quartz, alumina silicates. Special there is interest in trace elements - F, J, Mn, Se - their increased or the reduced content affects the formation of natural geochemical provinces with their endemic diseases (fluorosis, caries, endemic goiter). The cause of chemical contamination of soils can be not only human activities, but also the natural conditions of the area. In some areas of the Earth natural content of individual elements and their chef compounds in soils and waters are significantly higher than the background values and usually confined to mineral deposits or areas of volcanism A.P.Vinogradov collide this phenomenon biogeochemical al province.

Organic substances are represented in the soil by organic acids (humic and et al) substances, micro - organisms collide humus and substances coming from the outside synthesized soil alien to the soil.

About the soil pollution is juried by the total nitrogen of the soil and the number of Khlebnikova. If the content of total nitrogen in a particulars place increases 2-3 times, then they talk about soil contamination. On the degree of soil organic pollution substances is evidenced by the ratio of nitrogen of humus (processed substances) to all organic nitrogen in the soil:

the number Khlebnikova = nitrogen humusnorm = 0,98-1,0 dl organic mtrogen

The cleaner the soil, the closer to 1,0.

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The moisture of soil pays an important role. Only in it all move chemical and biological processes occur, carrying out self-cleaning of the soli and supply with food of everything in it and on her living [2].

By the way of entering the soil, pollutants are divided into 2 groups:

1. made purposefully, systematically - pesticides, fertilizers, peanut growth stimulants, etc.;

2. accidentally, with technogenic liquid or solid emissions - exhaust gases of motor vehicles, gases of factories, heat and power plants, etc.

By origin they can be: industrial (metals, petroleum products), automotive (soot, lead), agricultural (manure, litter), the result of accidents, nuclear bomb tests or military action (increased radioactivity, use of defoliants).

One of the theories of the origin of HIV infection atomic tests in Bikini Atoll -release of radioactive dust-its deposition on the soil and plants of Central Africa - the intake of feeding on fruits monkeys - mutation of the natural monkey causative agent of AIS - infection man (human AIS).

Existing around steel peants increased emissions fluorosis, disease liver, kidney, gastrointestinal tract in humans and hematopoietic in children; nickel - to increase the incidence of schizophrenia mercury - diseases endocrine and nervous systems genitourinary organs of men and decrease leads disorder hemopoiesis, fertilities womens reproductive system and malignant neoplasm [3].

The desire for faster and more volume to grow a crop of vegetables preshes producers to increased application of fertilizers to the soil - nitrates. For plants nitrates are necessary for building protein and chlorophyll. If on adult person does not react to a daily dose of 200-300 mg of nitrates per kg, then the child's reaction starts with 4-5 mg /kg [4].

Thus, soil contamination with exogenous chemicals prevalent education artificial technogenic biogeochemical provinces, which indirectly, trough contact with the soil among (drinking water, food, air) formed increased chemical lood on the human body dangerous for health's. So that people would have chemically safe food, drinking water, atmospheric air and the process of self - purification in the soil would not be disturbed, it is necessary to limit (regulate) the entry of chemicals into the soil to certain concentrations.

References in English / Список литературы на английском языке

1. Karimov I.A. Uzbekistan on the threshold of the XXI century: threats to security, conditions and guarantees of progress. Т., 1997 [in Russian].

2. Khanhodzhaeva N.B., Tursunbaeva G.S. Ecology and nature protection. Educational and methodical manual. Т., 2015 [in Russian].

3. Mizina N.G. Hygienic risk assessment for the health of children under the influence of heavy metals polluting the environment: (on the example of Omsk): autoref. dis. ... Ph. D. Kemerovo, 2012. 22 р. [in Russian].

4. Motuzova G. V., Karpova E.A. Chemical pollution of the biosphere and its environmental consequences. M.: publishing House of Moscow University, 2013. 304 р. [in Russian].

References / Список литературы

1. Каримов И.А. Узбекистан на пороге XXI века: угрозы безопасности, условия и гарантии прогресса. Т., 1997.

2. Ханходжаева Н.Б., Турсунбаева Г.С. Экология и охрана природы. Учебно-методическое пособие. Т., 2015.

3. Мизина Н.Г. Гигиеническая оценка риска для здоровья детского населения при воздействии тяжелых металлов, загрязняющих окружающую среду: (на примере г. Омска): автореф. дис. ... к.м.н. г. Кемерово, 2012. 22 с.

4. Мотузова Г.В., Карпова Е.А. Химическое загрязнение биосферы и его экологические последствия. М.: Изд-во Московского университета, 2013. 304 с.

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