Gaybullayeva M.F. PhD Senior Lecturer
Department of Botany, Biotechnology and ecology
Fergana State University ORdD ID: 0000-0001-6329-7137
Annotation: this article examined the environmental problems and the measures that are being carried out in a wide range to eliminate them and the causes and consequences of the greenhouse effect, ozone hole, drinking water shortage, desertification processes and their consequences. Environmental problems threaten the lives of all human beings and also undermine the living conditions of people. In order to eliminate these consequences, to find a solution to the problem, our opinion and the necessary recommendations are covered.
Keywords: desertification problem, drought, environmental insecurity, environmental problem, socio-economic backwardness of states and the problem of poverty, underground resources, water, forests, Environmental Protection.
The interaction of Man and nature is so close that each, even the smallest, movement of it is reflected in the state of the environment that surrounds it. Unfortunately, recently people began to more actively interfere in the measured life of the surrounding nature. In this regard, humanity is faced with the environmental problems of our time. They demand an immediate solution. Their scale is so large that it affects not one country, but the whole world.
In the decision of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan on measures to effectively organize the activities of the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and climate change, PQ-171 dated 31.05.2023, the decision of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan on measures for the effective organization of the activities of the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and climate change, including the implementation of, important tasks were set out to increase their productivity and ensure their rational use.
The reasons for the emergence and aggravation of environmental problems consist in the fact that the number of World residents has grown several times in a short time, the rapid development of industry and other production sectors, the violation of the balance in the natural environment under the influence of human economic activity, the formation of international economic ties in the world economy as a single global system, the Among the main global problems are usually included: the problem of maintaining peace and ensuring world security, environmental problems, socio-economic backwardness of developing countries and the problem of poverty, demographic problem (high-rate growth of the
population of developing countries and demographic crisis in developed countries), food problem, energy problem, raw material resources problem.
As a result of human economic activity, there are increasing impacts on the environment to varying degrees. Such negative influences are the cause of environmental problems. For example, part of the waste ( solid, gaseous and liquid ) accumulates over time, affecting the atmosphere, another-water, earth, flora and fauna. It is now fully confirmed that their gradual accumulation over the years will cause various problems, sometimes extremely dangerous for human life.
Human economic activity is causing major environmental problems not only in Uzbekistan, but also in the world. They are: greenhouse effect, ozone hole, shortage of drinking water, desertification.
"Greenhouse effect". The concentration and evaporation of heat from the sun at ground level is called the greenhouse effect. That is, light from the sun is also returned to the universe by the Earth in turn through the atmosphere. Some of these rays are absorbed into various gases released from humans instead of escaping into the universe. As a result of its failure to escape back into the universe, the earth heats up beyond normal and a greenhouse layer is formed that affects the climate. As a result, there is little difference between the highest and lowest temperature during the day. That is, people and nature remain exposed to warm and dim air at night, as well as during the day. Such daily heat, on the other hand, causes a sharp warming phenomenon.
Since the 50s of the 20th century around the world, in connection with a sharp increase in energy production, large amounts of waste began to be released into the atmosphere. The amount of emissions into the atmosphere was 5 billion tons per year. This amount began to increase year after year. This caused the average temperature on Earth to increase from 14.5 c in 1890 to 15.2 C in 1980, which is 0.7 degrees Celsius. This indicator has the property of increasing every year. This is causing the" greenhouse effect " to occur. Scientists believe that if the current rate of increase in the gases that give rise to the" greenhouse effect " is maintained, then every 10 years, as a result of an increase in temperature by 0.20.5 degrees, the North shift of the tundra, forest-tundra, Taiga, mixed and broad-leaved forests, forest-steppe and steppe nature zones is expected in Eurasia. In addition, in Europe and Africa, the water flow of rivers increases. According to the prediction of American Scientists, by 2100, the world ocean level can rise by 1.42.2 meters. This causes most of the states located on the ocean coasts to be submerged.
Ozone "hole". Since the 50s of the 20th century, an increase in the amount of freon gases (chlorine, fluorine, carbon) began to be observed in the air. These gases began to erode the ozone layer at an altitude of 25 kilometers. It is known that the ozone layer traps harmful ultraviolet rays coming from The Sun. The erosion of the ozone layer resulted in the formation of an ozone "hole". The penetration of ultraviolet rays from this hole to the surface of the Earth has been
found to drastically reduce the yield of grain crops, causing people to experience skin cancer. The world community has taken and is taking several measures while understanding the importance of maintaining the ozone layer. The Montreal act of 1987 compiled a list of the most dangerous chlorphtoruglerodes, and manufacturers of these substances took it upon themselves to reduce the volume of production. The act was amended in June 1990. According to it, it was envisaged to double the production of freon in 1995, to be completely discontinued in 2000. But even if things in this regard are all heartfelt, the first positive result, the effect of the work done, is visible only by going to 2050. Because millions of tons of chlorphtoruglerodes released into the atmosphere will have time to deliver considerable damage until they are exhausted.
Chlorine in the atmosphere acts as a specific catalyst in ozone degradation, and despite the reactions, its amount is practically not reduced. A single chlorine atom can break down 100,000 ozone molecules before it is exhausted or it can fall back into the non-ozone lower layers of the atmosphere.
According to data, in 1998, the volume of the hole in the ozone layer at the top of the North Pole reached a record level - 26 million. kv. reached. This means an area 3 times larger than the entire Australian continent.
Drinking water shortage. Currently, the demand and need for water is growing more and more than ever. As a result, there is a shortage of water around the world. This issue has not bypassed the Central Asian region either. Experts estimate that water resources are expected to decrease by up to 5% in the Syrdarya Basin and up to 15% in the Amudarya basin by 2050. On the other hand, due to population growth, Uzbekistan has a water demand of 7 billion by 2030. it can reach cubic meters, and by 2050 it can double. The use of Water Resources in our country is being radically reformed. According to the data, in 2017 - 2023, a total of 1.2 million tons. water-saving technologies were introduced on hectares, about 31% of agricultural arable land. This includes technologies such as drip, raining, discrete irrigation, flexible pipe, film bed irrigation, with 630,000 hectares of land laser leveled in these years.
Concrete measures are being implemented in order to eliminate the existing shortcomings in the introduction of water-saving technologies, mitigate the negative effects of water shortages, as well as more efficiently use water resources in the cultivation of agricultural crops. Today, serious attention is paid to the introduction of digital technologies into the water industry as well. To this end, 5,479" Smart Water "devices were installed, 1,446 online control devices were installed at pumping stations, as well as 5,055" Dayver " devices that control the degree of mineralization online to reclamation observation wells, the management process of 45 large water farm facilities was automated. It is undoubtedly gratifying that Uzbekistan is the first in Central Asia for the introduction of water-saving technologies, the second among the CIS countries, the fourth in Asia and the 13th in the world. This is the result of the effective implementation of measures aimed at further reforming the system's activities.
Currently, in order to further accelerate the reforms in this direction, climate change is expected to make some areas drier and some more humid. It has measured and assessed water shortages occurring in 167 countries as of the 2030s and 2040s. In Chile, Estonia, Namibia and Botswana, it has been found that water tension can increase particularly significantly by 2040. This means that businesses, farms and communities in these countries may be exposed to more waterlessness in the future than they are today. This problem also applies to other countries. Water is an important part of the decades-long conflict between Palestine and Israel. The dependence of the population of Saudi Arabia on grain imports has increased. The U.S. National Intelligence Council wrote that water problems would put the major states of North Africa and the Middle East at risk of instability and state failures, and distract them from foreign policy relations with the United States.
Although Africa and the Middle East are not Indigenous, global powers such as the United States, China, and India also face water-related risks. In all three countries, the situation is projected to remain approximately constant until 2040. However, in individual areas of each, such as the southwestern United States and Ningxia province in China, Water Scarcity can be observed to increase by 40-70 percent.
Desertification. In order to implement the UN Convention on the fight against desertification in countries experiencing desertification, as well as to promote public awareness of desertification and the problem of drought, the UN General Assembly declared 17 June 1994 World desertification and drought day. This day reminds us that desertification problems can be effectively solved, and that public participation and all-scale cooperation in achieving this goal are considered an important tool.
For example, as a result of a catastrophic drought in the coastal region of Sub-Saharan Kabir in 1968-1974, more than 60% of Lake Chad's may-grain, Neger, Senegal rivers dried up, the lack of moisture resulted in a sharp decrease in pasture productivity, with the desert invading Savannah for 100-150 kilometers. As a result of human misuse of land, large areas of fertile land are becoming desolate.
Currently, under the influence of human activity, a desert was formed on an area of 9 million square kilometers. Approximately 21 million acres of land is being completely degraded and turned into a desert every year. Every year, 6 million hectares of irrigated land Become Desert. In one of the methods used by China against desertification, a plant called Halochlon ammodendron, known as the "Desert Guardian", is planted on the highway in the border area between northwest China territory and the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Republic. This plant is considered a wind protector and sand strengthening plant. Through this experiment, China has preserved more than 6.7 million hectares of land from desertification until 2021. This information was published from the eve of June 2021-17, the day of the fight against desertification and drought. Also according to data before 2021, China saved about 11 million hectares of land from
desertification from 2016 to 2020. These achievements are the result of financial support from the Central Government, years of research by scientists, international cooperation, etc. Now the method that Israel developed in the experiment against desertification is the drip irrigation method. In this method, plants are not given water to all parts of the entire field by drip irrigation-instead only water is injected into each plant root by drip. The main purpose of this is to save water. That is, in the past, water was included in all parts of the cultivated area (both in the regions where the plant grew and did not grow). Since this method is carried out through special rubber pipes, these pipes are placed between the rows of crops and only water is supplied to the plants themselves. And the water spent on the part of the area where the pipes are located is saved.
Below we will share some of them. "When desertification occurs, people starve and leave their land and are forced to find other places to live," says U.S. soil scientist Jeff Herrick. The U.S. Representative to the Agricultural Research Service and the United Nations Convention on the fight against desertification (UNCCD), however, said "We all provide people with the information they need to better manage the land by helping them stay on their land."he said. Both of the above scientists are concerned that the population is abandoning its habitat due to desertification. Indeed , it is necessary to combat desertification by not letting the population living in the areas where desertification is taking place leave for other areas, but by engaging the same population itself as a labor force.
Compared to the last century, the way of human existence has changed to such an extent that it is clear to all that a number of negative situations are also occurring, such as global warming, unprecedented depletion of marine and terrestrial ecosystems, desertification, drought in different regions of the Earth's surface, floods, which are not yet completely observed in human civilization. Human intervention in nature has had time to reach an unthinkable level.
A number of recommendations and their results on the elimination of environmental problems are important to discuss scientifically and legally, and environmental legal responsibility is manifested in violation of the established requirements and norms of nature protection and environmental law, excessive use of natural resources, violation of conservation regulations, pollution of the environment, pollution of nature, illegal and unholy use of Natural Resources,
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10. https : //www.israeltoday.