IRSTI 03.20
A.T. Mami1 Z.O. Dukenbayeva2
L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan (E-mail: [email protected], [email protected])
Entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan: A brief history
Abstract. Entrepreneurship is a specific way of doing business and a special type of economic thinking based on independent work. Entrepreneurship is a system aimed at the privatization of state property, creating competition in the market and forming a market economy. The history of business development spans several centuries, and the emergence of modern understanding is associated with the period of formation and development of capitalism. The concept of entrepreneurship appeared in the XVIII century and received the concept of «owner». The process of formation of market relations in Kazakhstan has a great impact not only on the economy, but also on the politics, social relations, culture and mentality of our society. In this sense, the science of history, like all spheres of life, must respond to constant changes. Under their influence, there is a significant change in the research topic in modern historiography, a study is being made of the methods of theoretical understanding of the material in the context of modern social requirements for historical work. The article analyzes the course of entrepreneurial activity in Kazakhstan in 2010-2020 based on statistics, archival data and some information that never been used in scientific circles, identifies trends in the development of entrepreneurship. Key words: History of Kazakhstan; economic history; business history; small and medium entrepreneurship.
Introduction. Methodological foundations of this research based on determining the tools for identifying, organizing, systematizing, and summarizing documents and materials, a methodology that allows us to study the crucial transformational historical period. The methodological basis of this study will be the principle of historicism, which made it possible to approach the object of study, considering the studies of predecessors and the possibility of furthermore in-depth study of the research problem. An analysis of the work of predecessors will not only provide an opportunity to see the picture of the development of the issue under study and to avoid contradictions in the research work. The principle of historicism will be used in the formation of the empirical basis of research, interpretation and analysis of facts,
the construction of the historical picture, periods and stages of its development, the study of the object in dynamics, in the synthesis of the totality of historical sources in the time frame of our study. The comparative historical principle will make it possible to maintain the regional focus of the study, to reveal the features of the conditions for the formation of entrepreneurship in different regions of Kazakhstan. The study will also use the method of perspective lines in the development process of entrepreneurs, representing the allocation of practically significant goals, moving towards them and correlating with them in the process of moving towards achieving and defining new goals.
The revival of entrepreneurship took place in Kazakhstan. In fact, until 1917, entrepreneurship had a place in the country, but at the weak level of
development of the productive forces, then it did not receive the necessary distribution. During the Soviet era, the concept of «entrepreneurship» practically excluded from the economic vocabulary, and the term «entrepreneur» was perceived negatively. Over the past 30 years, Kazakhstan has developed its economy on the basis of a centralized system inherited from the Soviet system. This was a significant step based on statistical data provided by the areas for achieving the planned goals. In the works of Soviet historians, the conclusions about the purely capitalist, personal, operational nature of the market system are legalized. We conclude that such distortions of the past were rooted in the ideology of the time. The collapse of the Soviet totalitarian system not only shook such approaches, but also led historical science to turn to other ideological studies.
The official pre-revolutionary historiography on market relations and business development in Kazakhstan was characterized by a clear subtlety. Many Russian scholars have tried to strengthen the «civilized» role of the tsarist government and attribute positive phenomena to it. One of the leading historians who is currently studying the penetration of capitalism into Kazakhstan and the formation of the national bourgeoisie is T. Tulebayev. He followed the process of mastering the topic in several historiographic works and described all areas of its study, including the content of the trends accumulated in the works of Soviet and modern Kazakhstani historians. He strove to identify the points of growth of the problem and to form a holistic approach to the genesis of capitalism in pre-revolutionary Kazakhstan.
For the first time, the concept of an entrepreneur is encountered in the arena of the history of the emergence of slavery, when the opportunity arose to use the labour of slaves, and the war became the engine of economic entrepreneurship: after the conquerors - the generals, the conquerors -the business executives - followed. History has preserved the memory of many entrepreneurs, whose activities were closely associated with militant raids, piracy, and trade. The first
entrepreneurs - industrialists were associated with military affairs. The father of the famous Athenian orator Demosthenes was the owner of a sword factory, where 32 slaves worked. In Rome, there were schools of gladiators organized on an entrepreneurial basis.
Discussion. In the Middle Ages, economic conditions appeared for the formation of a new type of entrepreneurs. Aspiring entrepreneurs of that time were represented by merchants, traders, artisans, and missionaries. Trade reached a high level in the 9th-12th centuries in Central Asia. During the excavations, imported items were found in the hoards - artistic dishes, coins. The major centers of entrepreneurship were Ispidzhab, Keder, Otrar, Taraz, Navaket, Balasagun. Such cities of the north-eastern Zhetisu as Kallyk, Iki-Oguz were added to them. In Ispidzhab there were simple markets and a market for linen, a caravan - sarai. In addition to international trade, local regional trade and trade with nomads developed. Its development is evidenced by the finds of coins that served international and regional trade. The city>s trade with the region and the steppe was developing.
At the end of the 17th century, the first joint-stock banks appeared. Historically, banks have become the main form of not only keeping depositor's money, but also effectively placing funds in various industries, trade and services. The largest scale of banking operations was in England, where capitalism as a social system won out earlier than in other European countries.
At the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries the joint-stock form of organization of banking is widely developed in many countries. During this period, the property of previously existing large family firms is split into hundreds, thousands of shares of investors - owners of shares. The gap between small and large businesses is widening. In such conditions, it becomes more and more difficult for small firms to survive, they are unable to innovate, but medium and large firms are gaining widespread development.
Nowadays, the elements of market economy implemented in diverse forms in different
countries depending on their historical nature of bureaucracy and public sector management and reform objectives. The major donors have agreed that the developing countries must improve public sector management by sweeping away the traditional public administration paradigm that underpins their bureaucracies and introduce the new public management in order to develop market-based economy [1]. Kazakhstan is struggling to make public sector management better and more efficient to bring this system, which should give a rise to new opportunities for greater development in both government and private sector. However, it pointed out that the failure of the bureaucratic system of governance, the lack of accountability mechanisms, transparency and the deficit of democracy has affected its development.
After the collapse of the socialist system, radical political and economic changes occurred in most former socialist countries. According to Hesse the former socialist countries have several common characteristics:
1) a transition from one party rule to the multi-party, pluralist system with democratic and accountable government.
2) the de-concentration and decentralisation of political power;
3) the creation of distinct spheres of economics and politics;
4) economic liberalisation [2].
No socialist country has yet completed the full process of economic liberalisation. This is mainly due to the task of transforming a former socialist economy is significantly more complicated than the issues facing a typical developing country. Even rudimentary institutions that can easily converted to market concepts and terminology. The process characterised not simply by a transition to a new economic system but also as a fundamental transformation of the whole society and all of its institutions in line with the market philosophy.
In Kazakhstan analysing current situation civil service and political reforms represents '. . . a dilemma faced by most societies today, especially those whose governments claim to be based on
democratic principles' [3]. After announcement of Independence of Kazakhstan did the choice in favour of building democratic, market relations and accompanied by a restructuring of public administration and economics. In the first period of its independence from the Soviet Union aim was to gradually withdraw from the former administrative-command methods of management, to create a legal basis for the normal functioning of the private sector of the economy, create an adequate market relations, public administration and public service, and to involve the population in the reform process.
Political and socio-economical changes, which have taken place in Kazakhstan since 1991, public administration has remained the same until creation of legislation to regulate relations in the civil service in 1995. The organisation and activities of all levels of the former public management institutions were no longer appropriate for attaining the goals of the reforms in all spheres of economic and political life. This finds its expression in the weakening of the prestige of all state institutions, their inefficient and non-operational activities, in effectiveness of Kazakhstan legislation and decisions of public and management institutions.
Schumpeter (1934) visualised the entrepreneur as the main figure in economic development because of his role in introducing innovations. Parson and Smelser (1956) described entrepreneurship as one of the two necessary conditions for economic development, the other being the increased output of capital. Harbison (1965) includes entrepreneurs among the prime movers of innovations, and Sayigh (1962) described entrepreneurship as a necessary dynamic force. Development does not occur spontaneously as a natural consequence when economic conditions are in some sense "right": a catalyst or agent needed, and this requires an entrepreneurial ability. Entrepreneur searches for change, sees need and then brings together the Manpower, material and capital required to respond the opportunity [4].
When discussing the role of entrepreneurship in economic development varies from one
economy to another depending on its material resources, industrial climate and the reaction of the political system to the entrepreneurial function. Entrepreneurs contribute more to favourable conditions for opportunities than to economies with relatively less favourable conditions for opportunities. Furthermore, looking at this from the point of view of favourable conditions, underdeveloped regions due to lack of funds, lack of skilled workers and minimal social and economic costs are less suitable for the emergence of innovative entrepreneurs. In such areas, entrepreneurship not derived from industrial enterprises, and modern institutions support and encourage it. Therefore, entrepreneurs in such regions may not be an "innovator" but an "imitator" who would copy the innovations introduced by the "innovative" entrepreneurs of the developed regions [5].
The Government of Kazakhstan is currently engaged in major public sector reforms intended to complement the increasingly market-oriented economy. The First President Nazarbayev, in his Speach to the Nation presented the "Strategy for development of the Republic of Kazakhstan until the year 2050", main goal of it - the establishment of a welfare society based on a strong statehood, developed economy and universal labour opportunities, as well as Kazakhstan>s joining the thirty most developed countries of the world. It marked the implementation of administrative reform and modernization of the executive as following: 'We are creating a qualitatively new model of governance on the principles of corporate governance, efficiency, transparency and accountability to society, taking into account best international practices. To achieve this goal, the «Kazakhstan-2050» Strategy implies implementation of seven long-term priorities:
- The economic policy of the new course is a comprehensive economic pragmatism based on profitability, return on investment and competitiveness.
- Comprehensive support for entrepreneurship - the leading strength of the national economy.
- New principles of social policy - social guarantees and personal responsibility.
- Knowledge and professional skills are key points of the modern system of education, training and retraining of personnel.
- Further strengthening of statehood and development of Kazakhstan>s democracy.
- A consistent and predictable foreign policy is the promotion of national interests and the strengthening of regional and global security.
- New Kazakhstani patriotism is the basis for the success of our multinational and multi-confessional society.
Reforms of Kazakhstan designed to improve government decision making and accountability, and the cost-effectiveness of service delivery. The intent is to redesign the structure of the public sector, and to remove old institutional arrangements and 'ingrained habits' derived from the earlier period of centralised planning that are major obstacles to improving efficiency and accountability.
In 2010, several legislative acts amended to develop small and medium entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan. The main purpose of the amendments to the legislation is to liberalize the legislation in the field of business regulation. The law provides for a 30% reduction in state control functions and gives the Institute of Preventive Control an important role in crime prevention. It also provides opportunities to improve the activities of natural monopolies and the quasi-public sector. Inspections have been planned and conducted based on risk assessment system, according to which each government agency identifies where and how serious violations occur. They divide entrepreneurs into risk groups: high, medium, and low, government agencies inspect hazardous entities once a year, medium-risk entities once every three years, and insignificant entities once every five years depending on the risk group. In the country adopted the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On State Control and Supervision in the Republic of Kazakhstan» to form a single legal framework for state control and supervision in January 2011. The law regulates the general legal framework of state control and supervision
aimed at establishing common principles, as well as protection of the rights and legitimate interests of state bodies, individuals and legal entities subject to state control and supervision [6].
Government has approved the Industrial and Innovative Development Plan for 2010-2010 and adopted state programs for 2015-2019 for 10 years. The Industrial Plan of the First Five-Year Plan approved on March 19, 2010. This program implemented through the Program for Industrial and Innovative Development in 2010-2014 ensured growth and increased competitiveness. In 2010-2014 in Kazakhstan the number of small and medium enterprises increased by 25%,
output by 32.4%, employment by 12.9% (Table 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
When implementing the program in 20142019, it is obvious that the priority given to the manufacturing industry. It envisages the development of agro-chemistry, non-ferrous metallurgy, ferrous metallurgy, industrial chemicals, mechanical engineering, food industry, oil refining industry and petrochemical industry. 2015-2019 The number of active small and medium business entities increased by 2% during the period [7]. The number of active business entities decreased in Almaty, Pavlodar, East, and North Kazakhstan regions (Table 6, 7, 8,9).
Table 1 - Number of people employed in SMEs in Kazakhstan in 2010-2014, people
Table 2 - Number of people employed in SMEs in Almaty, Nur-Sultan city and Almaty region in 2010-2014
Table 3 -Top most employed regions in SMEs in 2010 and 2014, people
Table 4 - Output of SMEs in Kazakhstan in 2010-2014, mln. tenge
Table 5 - Number of active SMEs in Kazakhstan in 2010-2014, units
Table 6 - Number of people employed in SMEs in Kazakhstan in 2016-2019, people
Table 7 -Top most employed regions in SMEs in 2016 and 2019, people
Almaty dly
Kazakhstan ■ NllT-SllltALI
Kazakhstan Almaty dly
- Others
'Almaty city
■ Almaty city
■ Karaganda region
■ Others
Table 8 - Output of SMEs in Kazakhstan in 2016-2019, mln. tenge
Table 9 - 2015-2019 Number of active SMEs in Almaty, Pavlodar, East Kazakhstan regions, units
According to the Statistics Committee of the country, the share of operating entities in the structure of the small and medium business sector has doubled over the past 10 years. However, the share of peasants and farms decreased from 27.2% to 16.4%. This indicates a decrease in the number of entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector. The number of operating small and medium enterprises increased by 1.2% compared to the same date last year on August 1, 2020. The share of individual entrepreneurs in the total number of small and medium enterprises was 63%, legal entities of small business - 20.4%, farms - 16.4%, legal entities of medium business - 0.2% at this period [8].
When analysing inward investments to the entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan during 2010-2020 mainly the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) provided significant assistance to small and medium enterprises. In 2010, Kazakhstan recognized as the first country to receive EBRD-funded small business support programs. In 2013, it implemented 10 projects under the Business Advisory Services Program and 14 measures to develop the Module 1 market for the Damu Fund. In 2014, the EBRD implemented 142 projects in Kazakhstan with the involvement of local consultants from all regions. In 2015, the EBRD launched 148 projects in Kazakhstan. Supports from the EBRD contributed to the maximum development of private and
small business in the regions of Kazakhstan and has pursued a policy of accelerating the process of economic diversification. In addition, in 2016, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development allocated 8.61 billion tenge for micro, small and medium enterprises and women>s business in Kazakhstan. To develop entrepreneurship, the Government in 2010 subsidize interest rates on loans to entrepreneurs and to the banks as a financial agent for guaranteeing loans to entrepreneurs, the Fund «Damu» appointed as the operator of training and consulting programs under the state program «Business Road Map 2020». In 2015 the Fund «Damu» appointed as a financial agent of the 'Business Road Map 2020' that implements and monitors financial support (subsidizing interest rates on loans to entrepreneurs and guaranteeing loans to entrepreneurs to banks) under the Unified Program of Business Support and Development. The Fund has established 18 service centers and 14 mobile support centers in all regions of the country in 2012-2014 [9].
Today, many economists mentioned that the development of entrepreneurship is an indicator of the development of the state>s economy. In turn, the development of entrepreneurship depends on government support. Since independence, the government of Kazakhstan has amended a number of laws, focused on the development of the economy in accordance with the laws of the
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Серия Исторические науки. Философия. Религиоведение
market, and worked extensively on privatization policy. At present, Kazakhstan has created many legal and financial opportunities for the development of private and medium-sized businesses.
Kazakhstan officially announced the main purpose of 'administrative reform' is to improve bureaucracy within which they want to draw a clear boundary between these 3 functions:
1) development strategies (ministry);
2) monitoring and supervision service (internal controls);
3) implementation.
In this case, economists Kiefer and Shifli have justified a conclusion: 'Better do not develop those countries that rich in natural resources and who carry out sound economic policies, but those where stable and transparent system of rules.
It is visible tension existing between the different models of building good governance. The World Bank identifies six main components of such management:
1) civic participation and accountability;
2) political stability and absence of violence.
3) effectiveness of government operations;
4) quality of tools and regulatory institutions;
5) existence of the right of the state;
6) containment of corruption.
A researcher Janet Tay in her book "Civil Service Reform in Singapore" argues that the state needs to recruit professionals, implement effective reforms, and eradicate corruption in order to achieve its ambitious goals [11].
One of most vital issues in Kazakhstan the level of professionalism of entrepreneurs not satisfied poor quality of higher education institutions. Therefore, the predominance of exports of raw materials, the low share of SMEs in Kazakhstan>s GDP,therelativeunderdevelopmentofenterprises producing added products. The share of small and medium-sized businesses in GDP averaged 20.6%, in 2019 was 30.8%, and in January-March 2020 reached 27.7% in 2010. According to the World Bank, in developed countries the share of SMEs is 62-63%. The highest rate among the EAEU countries is in the Kyrgyz Republic, where it is 39.3%. In modern globalization, developed countries are building a strong economic system
by conquering world markets through innovation in entrepreneurship. By improving education system, we receive high quality specialists in the field of entrepreneurship. New ideas will create new business opportunities for citizen where they rise their income and a transparent support from government very important.
On the other hand, as shown by Kazakhstan experience of transformation, only the destruction of the old office of the state apparatus does not automatically lead to the birth of a new system of governance and public service, needs a package of measures aimed at radical staffing update. A competitive economy could not be competitive without the state apparatus and transparent national companies. Therefore, as international experience shows that any 'administrative reform' usually begins for several reasons. This may be due to financial and economic problems that have been in Kazakhstan and the public awareness of the inefficiency, as the existing management system and interaction between state and society. Often, this awareness comes to the country>s leadership, which sees that the bureaucracy did not have time to respond to the objective needs of economic and political development. The result of maturing internal bureaucratic tension, when the lower-level bureaucrats can no longer get richer and the upper does not want to share. Furthermore, the voltage should somehow remove, including through 'administrative reform'.
In order to remove any crisis there is a difference between systems of different countries. In this case, substantial assistance to the state apparatus can have numerous non-state actors, such as non-governmental organizations and political parties. Cooperation between NGOs, political parties and government agencies in conjunction with the mechanism of e-government would help solve many existing problems in the functioning of the state apparatus. On the other hand, transparency, accountability to society, many social elevators for career growth through professional data will help the administrative reform. Factors hindering the development of entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan may be a lack of information about the production, high interest
rates on business loans, administrative barriers and other issues.
However, today there are many critics of the ineffectiveness of these programs. Pradumna Bikram Rana, an expert at the Asian Development Bank and a scientist at Nanyang Technological University, wrote in "Strategic Reforms in Transition Economies: The Case of Asian Countries" that "a market economy planning policy cannot immediately replace a centralized system. It is a mistake to think that an independent market develops at the same time and destroys the centralized system. But it is one of the necessary steps in a market economy. The development of the market in the economy will be difficult and long if the institutions of the state not ensure the development of the market [10].
When summarizing the results of the program, the following system errors occurred:
1) Inefficient mobilization of available resources;
2) Lack of connection with other individual intersectoral programs;
3) Lack of speed of action between local authorities and development institutions;
4) Lack of a common methodology for data collection, monitoring, aggregation.
On the other hand, the World Bank global rating of quality of governance could not be the ultimate truth. The World Bank chief economist Philip Kiefer has mentioned that we should always bear in mind that management - very multi-dimensional concept. Flatten it even to the six parameters is very difficult. It is not so easy to determine the good governance, because for some, it is democratic governance, for others stable economic growth. German expert Florian Villerhauzen believes that authoritarian regimes can be successful in economic terms [12]. In addition, political scientists have traditionally argued that economic growth leads to the growth of democracy and vice versa. On the contrast, Aurel Croissant a political science professor from Heidelberg believes that the level of welfare does not a sufficient condition for the transition to democracy. However, it contributes to the fact that the political system remains stable. That is, economic growth strengthens any
regime, regardless of whether it is democratic or authoritarian.
Therefore, market economy policy and planning mechanisms have not yet replaced the previous systems. 'It is wrong to presume that a free market will develop overnight if central planning is eliminated and the market freed. Scrapping the central planning system is obviously a necessary step toward the evolution of a market economy, but unless existing institutions can readily be converted to facilitate production and distribution under market conditions, the transition process will be difficult and lengthy'.
Conclusion. To sum up, a good government must have a firm belief and stable continuously practised professional staff to achieve great goal in order to be an efficient, effective and non-corrupt. There is a need to shift from 'public administration' to 'public management'; the emphasis should be placed more onthe managerial functions, rather than representational. This means more independence and opportunities in the manifestation of initiatives for government agencies, which creates a high level of responsibility of public sector can give further development to the entrepreneurship. It is essential to improve governance in Kazakhstan, which provides an accurate diagnosis of the political situation in order to identify options for optimizing the control system to meet the requirements and expectations of the current situation.
Therefore, there is no doubt that it seems some reforms never intended to achieve the ideal-typical structure. The Robinson's intuition that politicians often have other goals besides improving the quality of policy makes it clear [13]. In addition, when designing the bureaucratic reform programs, politicians often are interested in building the state they want to govern but not necessarily the state one would want to live in. Since the beginning of the twentieth century 90s, many countries in the world have moved to a market economy, each country has its own path of development. A number of countries have made progress in this area. Learning from the past, Kazakhstan should strive to implement the following development strategies, correct mistakes and implement effective reforms.
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Серия Исторические науки. Философия. Религиоведение
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А.Т. Мэми, З.О. ДYкенбаева
Л.Н. Гумилев атындагы Еуразия улттъщ университетi, Нур-Султан, Казахстан
K,a3aK,eraHflaFbi кэсшкерл^: кыскаша тарихы
Авдатпа. Кэсшкерлш - бул шаруашылык ЖYргiзудщ белгШ бiр ада жэне езшше жумыс жасауга непзделген экономикалык ой-сананыц ерекше TYрi. Кэсшкерлш мемлекеттш меншшп жекешелещдруге багытталган, нарыкта бэсекелеспкп тудырып, нарыктык экономиканы калыптастыратын жуйе болып табылады. Кэсшкерлштщ даму тарихы бiрнеше гасырларды камтиды жэне казiргi замандагы TY^m-тщ пайда болуы капитализмнщ калыптасу жэне даму кезещмен байланысты. Кэсшкерлш TYсiнiгi XVIII гасырда пайда болып, «меншш иесЬ деген TYсiнiк алды. К,азакстандагы нарыктык катынастардыц калыптасу процеа тек экономикага гана емес, сонымен катар, бiздщ когамымыздыц саясатына, элеуметтш катынастарына, мэдениетi мен дiлiне Yлкен эсер етедi. Осы тургыдан алганда, тарих гылымы емiрдщ барлык салалары сиякты Yнемi болып жаткан езгерктерге жауап беруi керек. Олардыц эсершен казiр-ri тарихнамада зерттеу такырыбында айтарлыктай езгерiс орын алуда, тарихи шыгармага койылатын казiргi замангы элеуметтш талаптар аясында материалды теориялык тургыдан TYсiну эдiстерi зертте-луде. Макалада статистикалык мэлiметтерге, мурагаттык деректерге жэне гылыми ортада бурын-соцды колданылмаган кейбiр мэлiметтерге CYйене отырып, 2010-2020 жылдардагы Казакстандагы кэсiпкерлiк кызметтщ барысы талданып, даму тенденциялары аныкталды.
ТYЙiн сездер: Казакстан тарихы; экономикалык тарих; кэсшкерлш тарихы; орта жэне шагын кэсш-керлiк.
AT. Мами, З.О. Дукенбаева
Евразийский Национальный Университет имени А.Н.Гумилева, Нур-Султан, Казахстан
Предпринимательство в Казахстане: Краткая история
Аннотация. Предпринимательство - это особый способ ведения бизнеса и особый тип экономического мышления, основанный на самостоятельной работе. Предпринимательство - это система, направленная на приватизацию государственной собственности, создание конкуренции на рынке и формирование рыночной экономики. История развития бизнеса насчитывает несколько веков, а появление современного понимания связано с периодом становления и развития капитализма. Понятие предпринимательства появилось в XVIII веке и получило понятие «собственник».Процесс становления рыночных отношений в Казахстане оказывает огромное влияние не только на экономику, но и на политику, социальные отношения, культуру и менталитет нашего общества. В этом контексте историческая наука, как и все сферы жизни, должна реагировать на постоянные изменения. Под их влиянием в современной историографии происходит существенное изменение темы исследования, изучаются методы теоретического осмысления материала в контексте современных социальных требований к исторической работе. В статье анализируется ход предпринимательской активности в Казахстане в 2010-2020 годах на основе статистических, архивных данных и некоторой информации, никогда не использовавшейся в научных кругах, выявляются тенденции развития предпринимательства.
Ключевые слова: История Казахстана; экономическая история; история предпринимательства; малое и среднее предпринимательство.
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Information about authors:
Mami Anar Tanirbergenkyzy - corresponding author, the 2nd year doctoral student of the Faculty of History at L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, a graduate of the University of Sheffield (UK). Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
Dukenbayeva Zadash Orazgaliyevna - Doctor of Historical Sciences, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Professor of the Faculty of History, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan.
Мзми Анар Танибергепк;ызы - корреспонденция Yшiн автор, тарих факультетшщ 2 курс докторанты, Л.Н. Гумилев атындагы Еуразия улттыщ университет^ Шеффилд университетшщ TYлегi (¥лыбритания), Нур-Султан, Казахстан
Дукенбаева З.О. - тарих гылымдарыныц докторы, Тарих факультетшщ профессоры, Л.Н. Гумилев атындагы Еуразия улттыщ университет^ Нур-Султан, Казахстан.