Научная статья на тему 'Ensuring sustainable economic growth by financing support of small business'

Ensuring sustainable economic growth by financing support of small business Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
modernization / small business / enterprise / microfirms / financial resource / innovation / модернизация / малое предпринимательство / предприятие / микрофирмы / финансовый ресурс / инновации

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Нodjimetova D. Z., Musaev R. M.

today, small business plays an important role in the development of the national economy, the development of financial support for their activities, the implementation of economic reforms. The article highlights the practical significance of small business development as one of the locomotive areas of the national economy. Particular attention is paid to the content of the financial relationship of small businesses, providing financial resources for the activities of small businesses, equipping with new techniques and technologies, etc. The paper presents the place of small business in GDP, the problems of financial support for small businesses at the national level, factors providing financial resources, and the analysis of financial support for small businesses. There are also recommendations in the main directions for small business development

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сегодня малый бизнес играет важную роль в развитии народного хозяйства, развитии финансовой поддержки их деятельности, реализации экономических реформ. В статье подчеркивается практическая значимость развития малого бизнеса как одного из локомотивов народного хозяйства. Особые внимание уделено вопросам содержания финансового отношения малого бизнеса, обеспечению финансовых ресурсов деятельности малого бизнеса, оснащению новыми техниками и технологиями и т.д. В работе представлено место малого бизнеса в ВВП, проблемы финансовой поддержки малого бизнеса на национальном уровне, факторы, обеспечивающие финансовые ресурсы, и анализ финансовой поддержки малого бизнеса. Также изложены рекомендации по основным направлениям развития малого бизнеса.

Текст научной работы на тему «Ensuring sustainable economic growth by financing support of small business»


OF SMALL BUSINESS ^djimetova D.Z.1, Musaev R.M.2 (Republic of Uzbekistan) Em ail: Н[email protected]

'Hodjimetova Dildora Zokirovna - Master's Degree;


Abstract: today, small business plays an important role in the development of the national economy, the development of financial support for their activities, the implementation of economic reforms. The article highlights the practical significance of small business development as one of the locomotive areas of the national economy. Particular attention is paid to the content of the financial relationship of small businesses, providing financial resources for the activities of small businesses, equipping with new techniques and technologies, etc. The paper presents the place of small business in GDP, the problems of financial support for small businesses at the national level, factors providing financial resources, and the analysis offinancial support for small businesses. There are also recommendations in the main directions for small business development.

Keywords: modernization, small business, enterprise, microfirms, financial resource, innovation.


'Ходжиметова Дильдора Зокировна — магистр; 2Мусаев Рахмат Мусаевич — доцент, кафедра финансов, факультет банковско-финансовых услуг,

Самаркандский институт экономики и сервиса, г. Самарканд, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: сегодня малый бизнес играет важную роль в развитии народного хозяйства, развитии финансовой поддержки их деятельности, реализации экономических реформ. В статье подчеркивается практическая значимость развития малого бизнеса как одного из локомотивов народного хозяйства. Особые внимание уделено вопросам содержания финансового отношения малого бизнеса, обеспечению финансовых ресурсов деятельности малого бизнеса, оснащению новыми техниками и технологиями и т.д. В работе представлено место малого бизнеса в ВВП, проблемы финансовой поддержки малого бизнеса на национальном уровне, факторы, обеспечивающие финансовые ресурсы, и анализ финансовой поддержки малого бизнеса. Также изложены рекомендации по основным направлениям развития малого бизнеса.

Ключевые слова: модернизация, малое предпринимательство, предприятие, микрофирмы, финансовый ресурс, инновации.

At present, small businesses play a significant role in the structural development of the national economy. Small business has now emerged as one of the most effective tools in the economy, an important factor in increasing employment and living standards. Providing them with financial resources and ensuring financial stability is a key factor for successful economic reforms.

In the Republic of Uzbekistan, in the implementation of the Strategy of Action, the creation of a competitive environment for small businesses through financial support and sustainable economic growth is an important factor. Especially in this area, it will be possible to create new jobs and increase incomes and welfare by ensuring economic growth. Therefore, one of the most important tasks is to pay special attention to the accelerated development, promotion and financial support of small businesses. The share of small businesses in GDP is remarkable (Fig. 1).

20 10 0

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Source. Site of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics https://stat.uz/

Fig. 1. Share of small business in GDP in percentage to total volume

It is not by chance that the Strategy of Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021 focuses on the implementation of comprehensive measures to further improve the business environment for sustainable development of small businesses. Only 211 billion soums were directed last year to open new small processing enterprises and equip them with high-tech equipment and 147.5 billion soums to support women-entrepreneurs. 1131 billion soums were allocated for implementation of investment projects on modernization, technical and technological renovation of small enterprises in various sectors of economy [1].

It should be noted that international experience shows that government support for the development of small business is very slow [2].

It should be noted that thanks to the state support of small businesses in the country, this sector has been developing very rapidly. The largest number of small businesses is in the industrial sector, trade, agriculture, forestry and fisheries, and construction. The number of employed in small business was 4.3 million in 2000, and by 2019 this figure exceeded 10.0 million. If it is compared that the number of employed in small businesses and micro firms, the number of employed in small business and private entrepreneurship, and the number of employed in small businesses and micro-firms, has been steadily increasing. The share of small business and private entrepreneurship in the sectors of economy has a tendency to grow year by year, mainly in agriculture. The share of small business and private entrepreneurship in the service sector in the economy was 52.2% in 2005 and reached 59.0% by 2019. This small business and private entrepreneurship in the country over the years, a trend increase in the share of exports of the product, the proportion of total trade, and foreign trade.

It should be noted that further development of this sector requires consideration of its specifics. One of them is the provision of financial resources for the industry.

When providing small businesses with financial resources, it is necessary to consider the following:

- New reorganization of the majority of subjects in this area;

- Although the amount of start-up capital required to operate is relatively small, not all entities have access to these funds;

- relatively low sustainability of the industry, high risk of commercial banks' lending due to high risk, etc.

At present the main directions of development of this sphere by the state are reflected in the following:

- processes associated with the establishment of business and private entrepreneurship;

- provision of tax incentives on the basis of budget funds to increase the efficiency of private equity;

- the freedom to purchase or rent vacant spaces and to use resources efficiently;

- Providing information on the demand for products and services that are in demand, both in the domestic and foreign markets.

It is worth noting that the business is developing as any economic activity that generates income, income or any activity that involves personal gain. Today, economic development cannot be imagined without entrepreneurs. Certainly, entrepreneurship is a socially active type of work, which is one of the most important factors in self-employment.

In addition, small business as an integral part of the socio-economic system of the country is an important factor in ensuring the stability of market relations. Enterprises of this sphere occupy a special place in the employment of the population. In the course of economic reforms in the country, special attention is paid to the comprehensive support for small business and private entrepreneurship, and provision of benefits and preferences. In modern conditions, the latest scientific advances in entrepreneurship are the basis for sustained economic growth and economic activity in the sectors of the economy through the use of innovation [3].


During the last three months of 2019 can be seen in the changes in the economic situation of small businesses in the future (Fig. 2).


Agriculture, forestry and fisheries


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

4.2 34,5 61 3

3,3 33.5 63.2

3 44.2 52.7

3.5 29.9 66.6


2.7 32.8 64.6

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ■ worsen ■ unchanged ■ improvement

Source. Site of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics https://stat.uz/

Fig. 2. Changes in the economic situation, prospects for the next three months, assessed in percentage

For that reason, it is necessary to equip the existing enterprises with new techniques and technologies by investing in modernization. Purpose:

- Acceleration of economic, financial and technical development;

- have a stable source of funding;

- modernization of production funds;

- establishing links with foreign markets;

- increasing competitiveness, etc.

It should be noted that at present, due to the lack of own funds of project financing enterprises, especially small businesses, there are problems in the production of competitive products.

On these issues, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev needs to go out and explore the possibilities of every homeowner to solve entrepreneurial problems, expand access to finance, and persuade entrepreneurs to help them.

It is important to focus on supporting small business and private entrepreneurship. Particular attention should be paid to financial support without harm [4].

Particular attention was paid to the development of industrial sectors, which are the locomotive of the economy in the economic reforms, implemented in the country in the first months of 2020. The Strategy of Action for the five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021 is also aimed at accelerating the development of high-tech industries for the development of industrial sectors, first of all, through the deep processing of local raw materials. further modernization and diversification of the industry. The role of small businesses We believe that ordering their further investment financial support should be a requirement of the time.

However, financial support for small businesses should not be a seasonal event. In the long run, the development of such a network should be innovative. That is why the funds attracted to small businesses as financial aid should be reflected in all economic policy directions of the state.

In the long run, small business has to play a very important and significant role in the life of the state and society, so that any industry can replace them. Consistent development of small business has always been an important factor in employment, income generation and further improvement of living standards.

References / Список литературы

1. Tendetsiya sotsial'no-ekonomicheskogo razvitiya Uzbekistana (2017-2018 gg) / pod obshchey redaktsiyey d.e.n. A.M. Sadykova/ Tashkent: IFMR, 2015. 97 s. Ekonomika Uzbekistana. Informatsionno-analiticheskiy byulleten' za yanvar' - dekabr' 2017 goda: T.: Senterforeconomic Research. JICA, 2018.

2. Win I.Ye. Malyy biznes v Rossii: problemy i perspektivy // Bankovskoye kreditovaniye, 2008. № 2.

3. Mirziyoev Sh.M. Critical analysis, strict discipline and personal accountability should be the daily routine of every leader's work // Public speech. Dated 16.01.2020.

4. Ahrorov Z.O., Khanova N., Khusanova D.Sh. Problemy finansovoy podderzhki bezubytochnogo funktsionirovaniya khozyaystvuyushchikh sub"yektov // Napravleniya povysheniya strategicheskoy konkurentosposobnosti agrarnogo sektora ekonomiki, 2018. S. 122-126.

5. Kuluyev R.R., Saidova F.S.K. Kachestvo produktsii kak kriteriy konkurentosposobnosti predpriyatiya // European science, 2020. № 1 (50).

6. Guliyev Sh.R. Analiz indeksa biznes-ozhidaniy predprinimateley ot mer gosudarstvennoy podderzhki // European science, 2017. № 10 (32).

7. Eshkuvvatov Sh., Ahrorov Z.O., Zaynalov M.N. Ukrepleniye i sovershenstvovaniye upravleniyem platezhno-raschetnykh otnosheniy // Aktual'nyye problemy upravleniya, 2018. S. 204-209.

CLASSIFICATION AND TYPES OF TOURISM Dilmonov K.B. (Republic of Uzbekistan) Email: [email protected]


Abstract: this article describes classification and types of tourism. International tourism is the departure of a citizen of a country to foreign countries for tourism purposes and the visit offoreign citizens to this country for tourism purposes. According to the concept of international tourism, tourists who come for a period of at least 24 hours and temporarily pay for their qualification activities enter a foreign country. Organized tourism is the journey of individuals or groups of tourists organized by tourism organizations. Keywords: tourism, classification and types of tourism.

КЛАССИФИКАЦИЯ И ВИДЫ ТУРИЗМА Дилмонов К.Б. (Республика Узбекистан)

Дилмонов Кудрат Бахтиёривич - старший преподаватель, кафедра туризма и гостиничного хозяйства, Бухарский государственный университет, г. Бухара, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в данной статье описаны классификация и виды туризма. Международный туризм - это выезд гражданина страны в зарубежные страны в туристических целях и визит иностранных граждан в эту страну в туристических целях. Согласно концепции международного туризма, туристы, которые приезжают на срок не менее 24 часов и временно оплачивают свою квалификационную деятельность, въезжают в чужую страну. Организованный туризм - это путешествие отдельных лиц или групп туристов, организованное туристическими организациями. Ключевые слова: туризм, классификация и виды туризма.

In order to determine the features of modern tourism, it will be necessary to identify its important classification features. In particular, it is advisable to classify organizational and legal forms in terms of geographical and tourist demand, destination of travel, mode of transportation, means of accommodation for tourists and the number of participants.

The following types of tourism can be indicated in terms of geographical and tourist demand:

Domestic tourism is a trip of citizens permanently residing in the Republic of Uzbekistan throughout the territory of Uzbekistan. Domestic tourism is not associated with crossing state borders and tourist formalities. National currency, language, documents will remain the same. Domestic tourism accounts for 80-90 percent of world travel. The cost will be 5-7 times less than the cost of international tourism. This type of tourism is especially popular in the United States, France and the United Kingdom.

Inbound tourism is a trip of citizens who do not permanently reside in the Republic of Uzbekistan throughout the territory of Uzbekistan. Outbound tourism is a trip of citizens permanently residing in the Republic of Uzbekistan to other countries.

Tourism of historical monuments - interest in visiting historical monuments in Bukhara, Khiva, Samarkand, Shakhrisabz, Tashkent and regions of the republic.

Archaeological tourism - the study of archaeological finds about the remains of Samarkand, Bukhara, Khorezm and other cities, the ruins of ancient fortresses, the life of the ancient peoples of Central Asia.

Recreational tourism - for recreational purposes, like tourism, also includes the goals of recovery and physical rehabilitation. Recreational tourism is a popular form of tourism for a number of countries. Also tourism for health and medical purposes - a health and fitness tour or a spa tour. Sanatorium or sanatorium -sanatoriums, resorts, boarding houses are carried out with the help of health organizations, spa zones, healing

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