Секция «Актуальные на учные проблемы в мире (глазами молодьш исследователей)»
УДК 621.923.9
Г. В. Захаров Научный руководитель - С. К. Сысоев Руководитель по иностранному языку - О. В. Карчава
Сибирский государственный аэрокосмический университет имени академика М. Ф. Решетнева
Российская Федерация, 660037, г. Красноярск, просп. им. газ. «Красноярский рабочий», 31
Е-mail: [email protected]
Исследована возможность обеспечения заданного расхода компонентов через каналы деталей летательных аппаратов абразивно-экструзионной обработкой.
Ключевые слова: абразивно-экструзионная обработка (АЭО), рабочая среда (РС), летательный аппарат, вязкоупругий, абразивное зерно, техпроцесс, течение, поток, установка экструзионно-го шлифования (УЭШ), литье по выплавляемым моделям.
G. V. Zakharov Scientific Supervisor - S. K. Sysoev Foreign Language Supervisor - O. V. Karchava
Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation Е-mail: [email protected]
Possibility of providing the set expense of components via ports of details of aircraft by abrasive flow machining has been investigated.
Keywords: Abrasive Flow Machining (AFM), work medium, aircraft, viscoelastic, abrasive grain, technological process, flow, extrusion-grinding machine, casting.
In the aircraft broad application was found by the details having the difficult internal ports created by hot investment casting. Despite of the measures for providing strict requirements to the accuracy of models for molding, the most part of ready details has deviations from the parameters set in design documentation (components usage and surface quality). These deviations lead to no uniform distribution of components usage on individual ports and significantly influence the general usage of components. Finish processing of such surfaces is complicated by traditional methods.
We have investigated the possibility of using AFM for the set accuracy components usage via the channels of aircraft parts. The main purpose of this study was the experimental determination of dependence of accuracy of components usage via ports of the details having a large number of buckets from technological modes of AFM.
Experimental works are carried out on plant EGM-350, intended for processing of ports of details which dimensions with the facility (diameter x length) are 0,35x0,50 m.
Experiences are conducted under production conditions on the ports formed by adjacent buckets of gas guiding devices after hot investment casting of workpieces. The workpieces are subjected to pre-machining of the mating faces and had a total area of channels 49,5x10-2 m2. When watering it is necessary to provide general consumption of the water via all ports during 27,5 ± 0,41 sec. For details not processed by EHON, time of watering predetermined range from to 0,8 ... 5,6 sec.
The structure of work medium contained 75 % of white alumina F360 and F120 in the amount of 49x10-2 м3. Polymer base of the medium is obtained by mixing of rubber SKT and finely divided fluorine plastic F4 (5 %). Oil pressure in control system of EGM-350 made 12,0 MPas, and time of the
Актуальные проблемы авиации и космонавтики - 2016. Том 2
cycle-48...50 sec. The quantity of cycles with EHON was defined by the task of achievement of constant volume expense of water at its watering via ports for specified time interval 5t.
The analysis of details design showed that, as a rule, input and output parts of buckets are inclined toward axis of the detail and to the direction of flow of the medium under its extrusion via detail that leads to losses of flow on entrance to the port, which are caused by the rheological properties of WM.
For ensuring uniformity of processing of buckets surfaces on length, technological guiding devices (fig. 1) allowing to realize the demanded direction of the abrasive medium flow were used.
Based on the pre-watering of workpiece and coherent abrasive flow machining (after each 10 operation cycles) the schedule of dependence of time reduction of the watering via ports from quantity of cycles of processing is constructed (fig. 2).
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Линии потока среды
Fig. 1. The scheme of change of the line of current of Fig. 2. Dependence of time change St of watering of work medium by means of guiding devices constant volume of water on quantity of cycles AFM N
Experimental studies allowed finding out that the overall processing time before achievement of the desired components usage depends on the initial state of channel parts surfaces and varies in the range of 10...40 min. Thus, the geometrical sizes of the processed ports remained within the set admissions.
The roughness of surfaces in ports after EHON improves significantly (from Rz = 30...40 micron to Ra = 3,2...1,6 micron) and conforms to the requirements of construction documentation. After EHON arbitrary direction of roughness, characteristic for surface after molding, changes on a roughness with direction parallel to components flow in ports during details exploitation. It allows increasing unit efficiency due to reduction of wall resistance of liquid or gas flow.
Thus, the technology of extrusive honing allows successfully performing finishing operations of figurine ports of aircraft details with ensuring the set quality on the existing equipment.
1. Sysoev S. K. Jekstruzionnoe honingovanie detalej letatel'nyh apparatov: teorija, issledovanija, praktika [Extrusive honing operation of aircraft details: theory, researches, practice]: monograph. Krasnoyarsk, 2005. 220 p. (In Russ.)
2. Sysoev S. K., Suetov V. I., Levko V. A., Lubnin M. A. Ustanovka dlja jekstruzionnogo shlifovanija krupnogabaritnyh detalej UJeSh-350 [Extrusion-grinding machine of large-size details EGM -350]: inf. leaflet № 532-91. Krasnoyarsk, CNTI, 1991. 40 p. (In Russ.)
3. Levko V. A. Osobennosti reologii rabochej sredy pri abrazivno-jekstruzionnoj obrabotke [Features of rheology of work medium on abrasive flow machining] // Vestnik SibGAU. Issue. 7. P. 96-100. (In Russ.)
4. A.s.1161359 SSSR. MKI V24S 1/08. Sposob obrabotki detalej abrazivnoj massoj / S. K. Sysoev, M. A. Lubnin. Zajavleno 11.07.83; Opubl. 15.06.85, Bjul. № 22. 3 s.: il. [ A.s.1161359 USSR. MCI B24C 1/08. The method of machining with abrasive mass. Reported 07.11.83; Publ. 06.15.85, Bul. № 22. 3 p.: with images.] (In Russ.)
© Захаров Г. В., 2016