ISSN: 2181-1385
Kamuna Babajanova
Senior Teacher, Nukus State Pedagogical Institute kamunababaj anova@mail .ru
Teachers are one of the most influential and powerful resources for achieving equity, access and quality in education and are the key to sustainable global development. However, their training, recruitment, retention, status and working conditions remain a matter of concern. In effective school systems there is an understanding that the only the best way to improve results is to increase the quality of teaching. For this reason firstly pedagogical competence should be paid more attention by government and modern educationalists themselves. This article purposes to explore some ways of developing pedagogical competence of teachers in education.
Keywords: competence; professional competence of a teacher; competence-based methods.
It is essential for the formation of teachers' professional competence to create an innovative environment based on creative collaboration, which enables the possibility of jointly solving important problems. The development of professional competence is a dynamic process of learning and upgrading of professional experience, leading to the establishment of individual professional qualities, which involves continuous development and self-improvement. However, they do not answer the question "how specific the teacher must improve his level of professional competence". Each the teacher has the right to choose his own trajectory of development. But very often this is the main difficulty. A modern teacher, due to his large professional employment (you need to prepare for lessons, check student assignments, fill out reporting documents) it is easier to follow the "do it this way" path when an instruction is offered according to which he can achieve a certain goal. In this context, the goal means increasing the level of professional competence to select specific methods for developing professional competence. It is necessary to
define the very concept of "teacher competence". The work formulates a model of professional competence of a teacher, obtained on the basis of an analysis of educational standards, the law on education and modern scientific publications on the competence-based approach. Before addressing the meaning of teacher competence, we must first establish the meaning of competence. Competency is a term used extensively by different people in different contexts; hence, it is defined in different ways.
The term "competence" first appeared in an article authored by Craig C. Lundberg in 1970 titled "Planning the Executive Development Program", and then in David McClelland's seminal 1973 treatise entitled, "Testing for Competence Rather than for Intelligence" (cited in 2). The term has since been popularized by Richard Boyatzis and many others. Teacher education and job performance are two contexts in which this term is used. According to Houstan, 1987 "Competencies are the requirements of a "competency-based" teacher education and include the knowledge, skills and values a teacher-trainee must demonstrate for successful completion of a teacher education programme". Also some scholars see "competence" as a combination of knowledge, skills and behavior used to improve performance, or as the state or quality of being adequately qualified and capable of performing a given role.
During their professional careers, teachers pass through the following levels of professional growth to achieve the acme of professional competency. In 2007 Buharkova and Gorshkova mentioned following levels:
1st level: pedagogical ability - characterized by detailed knowledge of the subject;
2nd level: pedagogical skill - perfected teaching skill;
3rd level: pedagogical creativity - marked by implementation of new methods and techniques into educational activities;
4th level: pedagogical innovation - distinguished by the incorporation of essentially new, progressive theoretical ideas, principles and methods of training and education.
Currently, there are a variety of diagnostic techniques that are used to one degree or another to solve the most pressing problem of assessing the teacher's
professionalism and the level of his professional competence. On the one hand, the teacher cannot be driven into the formula "knowledge-skills-skills", and there is no instrument that can measure all the nobility of the teacher's soul, the unique moments of his work in a repetitive educational process. Nothing is measured in the teacher's work and insights that do not arise out of nothing and nowhere, but are prepared by the entire teacher's previous experience, his endless dialogues with himself. On the other hand, a "dossier of successes" is accumulated in the teacher's work, which reflects "everything that is joyful, interesting and worthy of what happens in the life of the teacher". Based on modern requirements, it is possible to determine the main ways of developing the teacher's professional competence:
- Work in methodological associations, creative groups;
There are thousand named groups or associations that serve to assist teachers or future teachers in order to raise skills in terms of methodological, critical or technical. They can be found by the internet web -sites or at least almost every educational establishment. Therefore, only spending several hours to learn something new in this kind of groups is really important and helpful to develop pedagogical competence.
- Research activities; It is a process of students study the specific knowledge system by specially developed means and methods with the aim of cognitive skills developing, world perception, moral and other qualities of the person, as well as creative power and abilities improving. These activities are great opportunity for increasing critical -thinking, problem-solving and decision making skills that are current abilities which both teachers and students should have, By them people can not only decide for something fast and correctly, but also be out-of the box and treat creatively.
- Innovative activity, development of new pedagogical technologies;
Pedagogical competence is connected inseparably with innovative activities.
There is an ocean of teaching methods and activities which are being created or recreated by teachers. As people are learning and focusing on new knowledge, professional educationalist refresh his/her pedagogical technologies and approximations that should be modern an innovative in order to attract learners easily and teach the subject effectively.
- Various forms of pedagogical support;
One of the main and important things for teachers is pedagogical support. It is modern requirements to teachers in terms of pedagogical competence; therefore collaborative working is great example for this. Teachers should be given time to work together in a collaborative work will strengthen relationships,provide
new or struggling teachers with an outlet to gain valuable insight and advice,and allows teachers to share best practices and success stories.
- Active participation in pedagogical competitions and festivals;
Pedagogical competitions are organized because of many aims. One important
benefit of competition is a boost to innovation. Competition among companies can spur the invention of new or better products, or more efficient processes. Firms may race to be the first to market a new or different technology. Innovation also benefits consumers with new and better products, helps drive economic growth and increases standards of living. As a platform for the organization of professional interaction among teachers, the Festival allows integrating various forms of teachers' intellectual and sociocultural activities and providing an opportunity for a free exchange of views on the development of education, self-presentation, as well as a discussion of a set of problems in their totality and interrelationship. In addition, the festival form implies an intensive program of events that unite the participants of the festival in the unique atmosphere of education as a form of life and activity (Merson; Savina, 2012, p. 337).
- Use of ICT
ICT helps teachers to interact with students. It helps them in preparation their teaching, provide feedback. ICT also helps teachers to access with institutions and Universities, NCERT, NAAC NCTE and UGC etc. It also helps in effective use of ICT software and hardware for teaching process. ICT enables self-paced learning through various tools such as assignment, computer etc as a result of this the teaching learning enterprise has become more productive and meaningful.
In conclusion, but none of the listed methods will be effective if the teacher himself does not realize the need to improve his own professional competence. Hence the need for motivation and creation of favorable conditions for pedagogical growth it is beneficial to create the conditions in which the teacher independently realizes the need to improve the level of his own professional qualities. The analysis of one's own pedagogical experience activates the teacher's professional self-development, as a result of which the skills of research activities are developed, which are then integrated into pedagogical activities. The teacher must be involved in the process of managing the development of the school, which contributes to the development of his professionalism.
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