ENGLISH PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS IN THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Batunova I., Lobineva E., Nikolaeva A.

Many works of linguists are devoted to the study of English phraseology, since their correct understanding broadens the horizonts of a person studying a foreign language, brings his/her speech closer to the speech of a native speaker and helps in translating and understanding scientific texts in various branches of knowledge, which makes the study of this aspect interdisciplinary. In this regard, the relevance of the study of phraseological units with coloristic components acquires special meaning due to their incomplete study, as well as the difficulty of perception and the need for a comprehensive study of this linguistic phenomenon.

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Batunova I.

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate professor Department of Foreign Languages for Engineering Science School of Philology and Language Communication of Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk

Lobineva E.

PhD in Culture Studies, Associate professor Department of Foreign Languages for Engineering Science School of Philology and Language Communication of Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk

Nikolaeva A.

PhD in History, Associate professor Department of Foreign Languages for Engineering Science School of Philology and Language Communication of Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk


Many works of linguists are devoted to the study of English phraseology, since their correct understanding broadens the horizonts of a person studying a foreign language, brings his/her speech closer to the speech of a native speaker and helps in translating and understanding scientific texts in various branches of knowledge, which makes the study of this aspect interdisciplinary. In this regard, the relevance of the study of phraseological units with coloristic components acquires special meaning due to their incomplete study, as well as the difficulty of perception and the need for a comprehensive study of this linguistic phenomenon.

Keywords: English phraseology, coloristic components, interdisciplinary aspect, linguistic

Each person trying to understand the English language passes through himself a range of colors in his various physical and mental manifestations: color affects a person emotionally and creates a spiritual mood and atmosphere. Since ancient times, somatic manifestations in this area have come from the national and cultural development of men in general and in the English language in particular. Each nation formed its own mental perception of color, its main series, which was formed by phraseological units with coloristic components.

Studying the general aspects of these phraseological units, that are features of the composition, semantic structure, use in speech, industry differentiation, it is necessary to distinguish between the following concepts: phraseological unit, phraseological turnover, speech turnover, idiom - this is a stable combination of words characteristic only of this language, the meaning of which has a holistic character. For example: «to be white-hot» - to be brought to white heat (быть доведенным до белого каления), «white light» - impartial judgment (беспристрастное суждение). [1]

Phraseological splices are such lexically indivisible word combinations, the meanings of which are not determined by the meaning of the individual words included in them. For example, in Russian: бить баклуши - «бездельничать», с бухты-барахты -«необдуманно», in English: «red-eye flight» - night flight, «to look blue» - to have a dull look, «to cost an arm and a leg» - very expensive. [3]

Phraseological unit - lexically indivisible, stable in its composition and structure, integral in meaning, the phrase reproduced in the form of a ready-made speech unit: «to be in the blues - to go astray, to fail» (сбиться с пути, потерпеть неудачу ), «to paint the town red»-(загулять, кутить) to go out, to have a fun «Black dog» - (тоска зеленая ) green longing. [2]

Phraseological combinations are the most stable combinations in terms of the degree of semantic cohesion of the components, in which understanding the meaning of individual words is necessary for understanding the whole, and substitutions of components are also possible «bosom friend» means закадычный друг, «a pitched battle» - ожесточенная схватка, «to frown one's eyebrows» - насупить брови.

Color within the framework of the psycholinguis-tic approach is considered from the point of view of national and cultural-mental differences. The theory of linguistic relativity emphasizes this difference in color perception and, accordingly, the difference in phraseological units with coloristic components. Maslova took the concept of a specific culture as a unit of mentality. A. Gurevich believed that mentality is a way of seeing the world, it is by no means identical to ideology dealing with invented systems of thought, and remains logically not identified.

The mental and emotional impact of color on a person determines his/her system of endowing color with symbolic meaning that is why they have such a wide and complex spectrum. It is very difficult to analyze the origin and connection of color symbolism, because it comes from historical and traditional conditions. Of course, in any culture there is a color antonyms: black and white have different meanings in both Russian and English. In English, white is the color of nobility, nobility, grandeur, privilege. Therefore, the symbols of statehood include this color. «White Rose» is the emblem of the York Royal House, «Whitehall (Palace)» - the seat of the British government or the government itself, «Whitehall Street» - a street in London where government offices are located, «The White House» - the residence of the US government. As a rule, black has a negative connotation: «black money» - dirty money, «black market» - черный рынок,

«blackmail» - шантаж, «black-bag job» - illegal entry into privacy. [6]

Phraseological units with coloristic components containing red color in English are associated with life, activity, abundance, but in other cultures, red means death or threat and warning, as well as highlighting something important. «Red coat» - a person organizing entertainment in recreation camps, to catch / take red-handed - to be caught red-handed, «to be in the red» -to be in debt; work at a loss; «to be out of the red» - to pay off the debt. [5]

Scientists' experiments have shown that some color associations claim to have universal human significance. Red is universally noted as strong, «heavy»

and emotional. Blue has a positive meaning. However, in the English language, a lot of phraseological units with a composite component «blue» imply loyalty, high origin, and also have a negative meaning - they denote longing, boredom, despondency, «blue ribbon (reband)» (English / Amer) is the main prize, «the blues» - a feeling of sadness and loss, «blue devils» - loss of spirit, depression; «to have (a fit of) the blues» - to mope; «it gives me the blues» - it makes me sad. [6]

Also, some linguists divide phraseological units with coloristic components into the following expressing subgroups:

a) the emotional and psychological state of a person white rage white rage ярость, довести до белого каления

black dog тоска

blue (green, yellow, white around the gills иметь бледное лицо от страха или болезни; болезненный; тошнотворный

green with envy позеленевший от зависти

in a blue funk глубоко несчастный

blue fear паническое состояние

look rosy иметь здоровый вид

get gray hair поседеть от стресса

brown off недовольный раздражённый чем-либо

squeezed orange выжатый лимон, полностью использованный

purple in the face красный (от ярости, злости)

b) social status, mental ability, professional qualities white collar работник умственного труда, белая кость

greenhorn человек, в чем-то неопытный

blueblood аристократическое происхождение

redblood мужество

born in/to the purple человек знатного рода

c) the characteristics of a person black heep негодяй

white man порядочный человек

yellow streak склонность к трусости, предательству

yellow belly желторотый птенец

golden boy/girl тот, кто успешен и кем восхищаются

silver-tongued сладкоречивый человек

d) a person's appearance as white as snow чистый лицом, красивый

green years молодые годы

green old age счастливая старость

get grey постареть

to play the shrinking violet разыгрывать из себя невинность

e) human activities climb into the black начать получать прибыль

hang out the white flag сдаться

show the white feather показать малодушие

see the red light подозревать об опасности

be in the red работать с убытком, влезть в долги

be tickled pink веселиться

be in the brown study погрузиться в мрачные раздумья

to turn purple with rage побагроветь от ярости

Analyzing the presented phraseological units with color symbols have, as a rule, a positive connotation, in a coloristic component, the authors conclude that in the contrast to the negative meaning of phraseological units English language, phraseological units with warm light with cold and dark colors. The range of colors that

made up the phraseological units was determined by the mental and emotional structure of the historical cultural heritage of the English language. Industry activities have determined the symbolism of color components and reflected a person's attitude to professional activities and representatives of different professions, covering all aspects of human life.

English phraseological units with coloristic components reflect all the basic human feelings, emotions, vital activity in general, forming a wide range of units that have positive and negative meanings.


1. Arakin, V.D.: Sravnitel'naja tipologija an-glijskogo i russkogo jazykov [Comparative typology of English and Russian]. 3rd edition. M.: FIZMATLIT (2005)

2. Kunin, A.V.: Anglijskaja frazeologija: Teoret-icheskij kurs [English phraseology: Theoretical course]. M.: Vyssh. Shk (1970) https://nashol.com/2017010592438/angliiskayafrazeo-logiya-kunin-a-v-1970.html [Accessed: 17.09.2020].

3. Kunin, A.V.: Anglo-russkij frazeologicheskij slovar' [English-Russian phraseological dictionary] / Lit. ed. M.D. Litvinova. M.: Rus. jaz. (1998)

4. Courtney, R.: Longman Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. Harlow: Longman (1984)

5. Cowie, A.P., Mackin, R., McCaig, I.R.: Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English. Vol. 2: Oxford Dictionary of English Idioms. Oxford: Oxford University Press (2000)

6. Kunin, A.V.: Kurs frazeologii sovremennogo anglijskogo jazyka [The modern English language course of phraseology]. M.: Vyssh. shk. (1996) https://www.razym.ru/57325-kunin-av-kurs-frazeo-logii-sovremennogo.htm [Accessed: 15.09.2020].


Biyumena A.

PhD, associate professor,

Doctoral student at the department of Speech Studies and Theory of Communication,

Minsk State Linguistic University


Биюмена А.А.

канд. филол. наук, доцент, докторант кафедры речеведения и теории коммуникации, Минский государственный лингвистический университет


The article deals with nouns - names of manual and agricultural professions in the print media discourse of the Soviet period. Their axiological characteristics in the context of newspaper messages and pragmatic potential for influencing the audience are revealed.


В статье рассматриваются имена существительные - наименования рабочих и сельскохозяйственных профессий в печатном медиадискурсе советского периода. Выявлены их аксиологические характеристики в контексте газетных сообщений и прагматический потенциал воздействия на аудиторию.

Keywords: media discourse, press, nomination, identity, evaluation, ideology

Ключевые слова: медиадискурс, пресса, номинация, идентичность, оценочность, идеология

Окружающий мир во всем разнообразии своих образов, ценностей и значений для каждого человека конструируется не только посредством его собственного чувственного опыта, но, в значительной степени, в результате влияния средств массовой коммуникации. Совокупность медиатекстов создает своеобразную виртуальную реальность в виде чувственной проекции социального мира в сознании членов конкретного коммуникативного сообщества [1, с. 4]. Как пишет Л. И. Гришаева, «меди-атексты представляют собой сегодня для так называемых наивных носителей языка образец освоения вербальными средствами внеязыковой действительности» [2, с. 185].

В поле притяжения медиакартины мира оказываются языковой, социальный, мифологический, идеологический инварианты образа мира, а также

элементы индивидуального видения мира авторов медиасообщений [1, с. 14-15]. По мнению представителей теории социального конструирования реальности, медийное пространство одновременно предстает миром общения и пространством конструирования социального [3]. Медиатексты охватывают максимально широкую область общественной действительности и раскрывают широкий спектр социокультурных отношений, являясь, таким образом, феноменом информационной культуры общества [4, с. 6].

Прагматический потенциал воздействия ме-диасообщений обусловлен их функциональным многообразием - они способны привлекать внимание реципиента к предлагаемой тематике, заинтересовывать его и с помощью различных средств воздействовать на восприятие адресатом сообщаемой

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