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ENERGY SOURCES Norkhojaeva N.N.1, Sobirov M.N.2 Email: Norkhoj [email protected]
Abstract: the article under discussion discusses energy saving through the use of alternative energy sources. The authors of the article consider that in today's world, the condition for the preservation and development of civilization on Earth has become the provision of mankind with sufficient fuel and energy. Limited reserves of traditionally fuel and energy resources made us turn to energy saving as one of the main elements of the modern concept of global energy development. Energy saving means rational use of energy at all levels of energy transformation - from primary energy production to consumption of all types of energy by end users. Energy saving measures can be different. One of the most effective ways to increase the efficiency of energy use - In the modern world, the condition for the preservation and development of civilization on Earth has become the provision of mankind with a sufficient amount of fuel and energy. Technologies of energy saving not only give considerable reduction of expenses on power expenses, but also have obvious ecological pluses.
Keywords: alternative, energy saving, use, energy, technology, application, modern, method, efficiency, resources, user, fuel, energy.
1Норхожаева Наргиза Носировна - старший преподаватель;
2Собиров Муродилжон Нусротижо угли - ассистент, кафедра электротехники, электромеханики, электротехнологий, факультет энергетики, Ферганский политехнический институт, г Фергана, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: данная статья рассматривает вопросы энергосбережения за счёт использования альтернативных источников энергии. Авторы статьи считают, что в современном мире условием сохранения и развития цивилизации на Земле стало обеспечение человечества достаточным количеством топлива и энергии. Ограниченность запасов традиционно топливно-энергетических ресурсов заставила обратиться к энергосбережению как одному из основных элементов современной концепции развития мировой энергетики. Энергосбережение означает рациональное энергоиспользование во всех звеньях преобразования энергии - от добычи первичных энергоресурсов до потребления всех видов энергии конечными пользователями. Мероприятия по энергосбережению могут быть разными. Один из самых действенных способов увеличения эффективности использования энергии -применение современных технологий энергосбережения. Технологии энергосбережения не только дают значительное уменьшение расходов на энергетические затраты, но и имеют очевидные экологические плюсы. Ключевые слова: альтернативный, энергосбережение, использование, энергия, технологии, применение, современный, способ, эффективность, ресурсы, пользователь, топливо, энергетика.
UDC 629.039.58
At the dawn of the twenty-first century, people increasingly began to think about what would be the basis for their existence in the new era. People have travelled from the first fire to nuclear power plants, but energy has been and remains a central part of human life. Now, as never before, the question has arisen, what will be the future of the planet in the energy plan. What awaits humanity - energy hunger or energy abundance? Newspapers and various magazines are increasing publishing articles about the energy crisis. Because of oil, wars arise, states flourish and become poorer, and governments change. Newspaper sensations include reports of the launch of new installations or new inventions in the field of energy. Giant energy programs are being developed, which will require huge efforts and huge material costs [1].
For a long time mankind has found some variants of solving the problem of alternative energy sources, but the real breakthrough in the history of energy was the emergence of nuclear energy.
Nuclear theory has come a long way before people have learned to apply it to their own purposes. It all began in 1896, when A. Becquerel registered the invisible rays, which emitted uranium ore, and which had a great penetrating ability. This phenomenon was later called radioactivity.
Fuel is required for normal operation of a nuclear power plant. As a rule, it is uranium. This element is widespread in nature, but difficult to access. There are no deposits of uranium in nature (like oil), it is as if "smudged" all over the Earth's crust. The richest uranium ores, which are very rare, contain up to 10% pure uranium. Uranium is usually found in uranium minerals as an isomorphic replacement element. But despite all this, the total amount of uranium on the planet is enormous. Perhaps in the near future, the latest technology will increase the percentage of uranium production [2].
Such a powerful source of energy, and hence power, cannot but cause concern. There is an ongoing debate about its reliability and safety. It is difficult to assess the environmental impact of nuclear power. However, if tomorrow our planet were to run out of conventional energy sources, nuclear power would probably be the only area that could really replace it. Its advantages cannot be denied, but the possible consequences should not be forgotten.
By definition, bioenergy is an alternative energy sector, i.e. energy that is considered renewable. The amount of energy consumed by the entire humanity per year is enormous. Therefore, the question arises as to whether any resource can be restored at least at the rate of its consumption. Bioenergy is a combination of a whole range of alternative energy sources. This spectrum is united by one common concept of biomass. In fact, it is the result of all living organisms of our planet.
Today, more than 99% of car owners use fuel produced from oil. And every day the number of cars on the roads is growing. Oil fuel can hardly be considered renewable. The amount of oil is inexorably decreasing from year to year, which leads to an increase in its price. And since many economies are only growing, demand for oil will continue to grow despite rising prices. A vicious circle, with biofuels as a way out [2] .
For a long time, biofuels were considered uncompetitive because they were inferior to fossil fuels in terms of both capacity and complexity. But constantly evolving technologies have helped to solve these problems. Biofuels are of different types:
• liquid: methanol, ethanol, biodiesel;
• gaseous: hydrogen, liquefied petroleum gas (propane-butane fractions);
• solid: wood, coal, straw.
Recently created liquid biofuels are ecologically friendly and affordable, but they also have another important advantage. The transition to liquid biofuels will not require significant changes in the structure of engines and equipment. Biofuels themselves are raw materials that are usually produced by processing rape seeds, soybeans, sugar cane stems or corn. Many other areas of fossil fuel production (e.g. from cellulose) are still being developed.
The newest inventions in the field of nanotechnologies have come to the aid - the project on creation of nanocapsules for storage of hydrogen and other explosive gases is being developed. Each nanocapsule (modified nanotube) will be filled with a certain number of gas molecules and "clogged" with fullerene, which will allow dividing the gas into portions, making it safe.
But this is not the end of the benefits of bioenergy. In addition to the fact that it answers topical questions about the search for alternative energy sources and its ecological compatibility, it is important to note the material aspect [1].
References / Список литературы
1. Jaloldinova N.D., Sultonov R.A. Renewable sources of energy advantages enddisadvantages [Electronic Resource]. Zhurnal «Dostizheniya nauki i obrazovaniya». № 8-3 (49), 2019. С. 26-28. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/v/renewable-sources-of-energy-advantages-and-disadvantages/ (date of access: 16.12.2019).
2. Umurzakova G.R., Mukhtorov D.N., Mukhammadzhonov M.Sh. Preimushchestva al'ternativnykh istochnikov energii // Vestnik nauki i obrazovaniya, 2019. № 19-3 (73). [Electronic Resource]. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/preimuschestva-alternativnyh-istochnikov-energii/ (date of access: 16.12.2019).