Научная статья на тему 'Electrophilic addition of polyaromatic o-quinones to an iron(II) diaminoclathrochelate leading to the macrobicyclic iron(II) tris-dioximates with extended annulated ribbed substituents'

Electrophilic addition of polyaromatic o-quinones to an iron(II) diaminoclathrochelate leading to the macrobicyclic iron(II) tris-dioximates with extended annulated ribbed substituents Текст научной статьи по специальности «Химические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по химическим наукам, автор научной работы — Burdukov Aleksey B., Vershinin Mikhail A., Pervukhina Natalie V., Kuratieva Nataliya V., Eltsov Ilia V.

Macrobicyclic iron(II) tris-dioximate with two inherent amino groups undergoes electrophilic addition with 1,10-phenanthroline-5,6-dione and phenanthrene-9,10-dione to give a cage complexes with extended ribbed substituents. These clathrochelates have been characterized using single crystal XRD, multinuclear NMR and other spectral techniques. They have been found to undergo the ligand-centered redox processes; the obtained phenanthroline containing iron(II) cage complex is proposed as a potent chelating clathrochelate ligand.

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Похожие темы научных работ по химическим наукам , автор научной работы — Burdukov Aleksey B., Vershinin Mikhail A., Pervukhina Natalie V., Kuratieva Nataliya V., Eltsov Ilia V.

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Электрофильное присоединение полиароматических о-хинонов к диаминоклатрохелату железа(II), приводящее к макробициклическим трис-диоксиматам железа(II) с расширенными аннелированными реберными заместителями

Трис-диоксиматный клатрохелат железа(II) с двумя амино-группами вступает в реакцию электрофильного присоединения с 1,10-фенантролин-5,6-дионом и фенантрен-9,10-дионом, приводящую к клеточным комплексам с расширенными реберными заместителями. Эти клатрохелаты были охарактеризованы методами РСА, мультиядерной ЯМР-спектроскопии и другими спектральными методами. Установлено, что полученные клеточные комплексы претерпевают лиганд-центрированные редокс-процессы; фенантролин-содержащий клеточный комплекс железа(II) предложен в качестве перспективного хелатирующего клатрохелатного лиганда.

Текст научной работы на тему «Electrophilic addition of polyaromatic o-quinones to an iron(II) diaminoclathrochelate leading to the macrobicyclic iron(II) tris-dioximates with extended annulated ribbed substituents»







DOI: 10.6060/mhc161068b

Electrophilic Addition of Polyaromatic o-Quinones to an Iron(II) Diaminoclathrochelate Leading to the Macrobicyclic Iron(II) tris-Dioximates with Extended Annulated Ribbed Substituents

Aleksey B. Burdukov,a@ Mikhail A. Vershinin,a Natalie V. Pervukhina,a Nataliya V. Kuratieva,a Ilia V. Eltsov,b Yan Z. Voloshin,c and Pavel E. Plyusnmab

aNikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry SB RAS, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia Novosibirsk State University, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia

cNesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds RAS, 119991 Moscow, Russia Corresponding author E-mail: [email protected]

Macrobicyclic iron(II) tris-dioximate with two inherent amino groups undergoes electrophilic addition with 1,10-phenanthroline-5,6-dione and phenanthrene-9,10-dione to give a cage complexes with extended ribbed substituents. These clathrochelates have been characterized using single crystal XRD, multinuclear NMR and other spectral techniques. They have been found to undergo the ligand-centered redox processes; the obtainedphenanthroline-containing iron(II) cage complex is proposed as a potent chelating clathrochelate ligand.

Keywords: Macrocyclic compounds, clathrochelates, ligand reactivity, electrophilic addition.

Электрофильное присоединение полиароматических о-хинонов к диаминоклатрохелату железа(И), приводящее к макробициклическим трис-диоксиматам железа(П) с расширенными аннелированными реберными заместителями

А. Б. Бурдуков,а@ М. А. Вершинину Н. В. Первухина,а Н. В. Куратьева,а И. В. Ельцов,ь Я. З. Волошин,с П. Е. Плюснина,ь

аИнститут неорганической химии им. А.В. Николаева СО РАН, 630090 Новосибирск, Россия ьНовосибирский государственный университет, 630090 Новосибирск, Россия сИнститут элементоорганических соединений им. А.Н. Несмеянова, 119991 Москва, Россия @Е-таИ: [email protected]

Трис-диоксиматный клатрохелат железа(11) с двумя амино-группами вступает в реакцию электрофильного присоединения с 1,10-фенантролин-5,6-дионом и фенантрен-9,10-дионом, приводящую к клеточным комплексам с расширенными реберными заместителями. Эти клатрохелаты были охарактеризованы методами РСА, мультиядерной ЯМР-спектроскопии и другими спектральными методами. Установлено, что полученные клеточные комплексы претерпевают лиганд-центрированные редокс-процессы; фенантролин-содержащий клеточный комплекс железа(11) предложен в качестве перспективного хелатирующего клатрохелатного лиганда.

Ключевые слова: Макроциклические соединения, клатрохелаты, реакционная способность лигандов, электрофильное присоединение.


Boron-capped metal tris-dioximates (cage complexes, clathrochelates), possessing rather high chemical stability combined with their ability to be functionalized with various substituents, are promising molecular platforms for the design of polytopic multifunctional molecular and supra-molecular systems, including those prospective as molecular electronic devices.[1-4] Recently we described an iron(II) clathrochelate with annulated ribbed quinoxaline fragment that exhibited the reversible ligand-centered redox transformations coupled with electrochromism.[5] Its annulated aza-heterocyclic moiety has been constructed using nucleophilic substitution of the reactive chlorine atoms in a dichloroclath-rochelate precursor FeBd2(Cl2Gm)(BF)2 (where Bd2- and Cl2Gm2- are a-benzildioxime and dichloroglyoxime dianions) (Scheme 1).

An alternative pathway to such annulated azahetero-cycles is based on the reactions of the appropriate carbonyl compounds as electrophilic agents towards the anionic derivatives of a diaminoclathrochelate FeBd2((NH2)2Gm)(BF)2 (where Gm is glyoxime residue) as a reactive macrobicyclic precursor (Scheme 2).[6]

The same synthetic approach (i.e. electrophilic addition) was successfully used to extend the family of the

iron(II) clathrochelates with redox-non-innocent azahetero-cylic fragments via condensation of the deprotonated form of this diaminoclathrochelate precursor with polyaromatic o-quinones, such as 1,10-phenanthroline-5,6-dione and phenanthrene-9,10-dione. The presence of donor phenanth-roline moiety in a clathrochelate molecule allows the synthesis of heterometallic coordination compounds with clathro-chelate ligands.


Materials and Methods

Diaminoclathrochelate FeBd2(Gm(NH2)2)(BF)2 was obtained as described elsewhere.[7] DMSO was dried over NaOH pellets and distilled in vacuo prior to use. Acetonitrile was purified according to the standard procedure.[8] The commercial reagents, 1,10-phenanthroline-5,6-dione, phenanthrene-9,10-dione and 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undecene-7 (DBU) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich® and used without their further purification. The solution UV-Vis spectra were recorded on a Specord UV-VIS and a Shimadzu UV-3101 PC spectrophotometers. 1H, 13C, 11B and 19F NMR spectra were recorded on a Bruker Avance III 500 spectrometer (working frequencies 500.03 (1H), 125.73 (13C), 160.33 (11B) and 470.49 MHz (19F)) in CDCl3 solutions. The 1H and 13C NMR chemical shifts are reported in ppm of the 5 scale



o-V^ "o H2

N""V^e2iNVCI (C2H®)3N





N.....LN N


N"T^ **'N i r> i



Scheme 2.

Scheme 1.

and referred to signals of the solvent (7.26 ppm for residual protons in 'H NMR spectra and 77.23 ppm in 13C{B} NMR spectra). nB and 19F NMR chemical shifts are referred to the external standards BF3 O(C2H5)2 (Siib=0 ppm) and C6H5CF3 (8i9F= - 63.72 ppm), respectively. Heteronuclear C-H correlations (HMBC and HSQC) were used for the signal assignment. NMR spectra of the clathrochelate FeBd2((PhenGm))(BF)2 are not complete due to its low solubility. Given JiH-iH couplings are not exact values but only illustrate the shape of the observed multiplets.

X-Ray Crystallography

Intensity data for the complexes FeBd2((Phn)Gm)(BF)2 ■ CHCl3 and FeBd2((Phen)Gm)(BF)2nCHCl3 were collected on a Bruker Apex DUO CCD diffractometer equipped with a graphite-mon-ochromated MoKa (1=0.71073 A) radiation source at 150(2) K. The SMART software was used for data collection and also for indexing the reflections and determining the unit cell parameters; the collected data were integrated using SAINT software and corrected with SADABS[9] for absorption. The structures were solved by the direct method[10] and refined by full-matrix least-squares using SHELXTL software.[11] All non-hydrogen atoms were refined in the anisotropic approximation. Chloroform molecules in the crystal FeBd2((Phen)Gm)(BF)2 n CHCl3 were found to be strongly disordered, and, therefore, SQUEEZE routine implemented in PLATON program complex,[12] was applied for intensity data correction. Crystallographic data and refinement details are collected in Table 1. Structural data have been deposited to the Cambridge Structural Database (CCDC references 1508525 and 1508524) and are available free of charge at https://summary.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/ structure-summary-form.


FeBd2((Phen)Gm)(BF)2. FeBd2((NH2)2Gm)(BF)2 complex (0.103 g, 0.15 mmol) and 1,10-phenanthroline-5,6-dione (0.318 g, 0.15 mmol) were dissolved/suspended in DMSO (15 ml) and DBU was added (0.4 ml). The reaction mixture was left for three weeks at r.t. and then was poured into brine. The precipitate formed was filtered ofl, dried in air and extracted with chloroform. The extract was chromatographically separated on silica gel (230-400 mesh, 1x20 cm column, eluent: chloroform). The green product was collected, the solvent was evaporated to dryness and the solid residue was dried in vacuo. Yield: 0.100 g (75 %). X-Ray quality single crystals of the complex FeBd2((Phen)Gm)(BF)2 n CHCl3, suitable for X-ray diffraction experiment, were obtained by recrystallization from chloroform-heptane 6:1 mixture. Found (%): C 56.38; H 3.14; N 15.79; F 4.40; B 2.42. Calculated for FeC38H28N8O6B2F2 (%): C 57.18; H 2.97; N 15.88; F 4.31; B 2.45. 1H N8MR (CDCl3) 5 ppm: 7.3 (m, 22H (Ph+Phen)), 8.09 (br.s, 2H), 9.54 (br.s, 2H). 13C{1H} NMR (DMSO) 5 ppm: 128.19 (s, o-Ph), 128.62 (s, i-Ph), 129.88, 130.826 (two s, m-Ph), 130.93 (s, p-Ph), 133.81 (s, NC=N), 157.1 (s, PhC=N). 11B NMR (CDCl3) 5 ppm: 4.68 (d, JnB 19F=15.7 Hz, O3BF). 19F NMR (DMSO) 5 ppm: -169.13 (m, O3BF-. IR (KBr) v cm-1: 925, 983, 1001, 1031, 1074, 1120, 1160 v(N-O), 1215m v(B-O)+v(B - F), 1554 v(NC=N), 1579 v(PhC=N). UV-Vis (CHCl3) 1 (e-10"3) nm: 260(32), 310(23), 430(13), 600(14), 640(14).

FeBd2((Phn)Gm)(BF)2. This complex was obtained similar to FeBd2((Phen)Gm)(BF)2 except Fe(Bd)2((NH2)2Gm)(BF)2 (0.112 g, 0.16 mmol), phenanthrene-9,10-dione (0.343 g, 0.17 mmol) and DBU (0.3 ml) were used. Yield: 0.110 g (80 %). X-Ray quality single crystals of the complex FeBd2(Phn)Gm(BF)2CHCl3 were obtained by recrystallization from chloroform-heptane 6:1 v/v mixture.

Table 1. Crystal data and structure refinement for the iron(II) clathrochelates FeBd2((Phn)Gm)(BF)2 and FeBd2((Phen)Gm)(BF)2.




Empirical formula Formula weight Crystal system Space group a(A)


c(A) a(°) ß(°) Y(°) V(A3) Z

Dx(g/cm3) m (mm-1)

Crystal size (mm3) © range (°) Reflections collected Independent reflections (Rint) Max. and min. transmission Goodness-of-fit on F2 Final R indices [/>28 (I)] R indices (all data) Largest diff. peak and hole (e/A3)

C45H29B2Cl3F2FeN8O6 999.58 Triclinic


12.0320(7) 13.2629(7) 13.6241(8) 91.155(2) 94.026(2) 99.730(2) 2136.4(2) 2

1.554 0.611 0.36x0.26x0.18 1.56 - 27.67 17056 9772 (Rint = 0.0144) 0.896 and 0.826 0.839

R1 = 0.0504, wR2 = 0.1395 R1 = 0.0570, wR2 = 0.1434 0.895 and -1.690

C42H26B2F2FeN10O6 882.20 Triclinic


12.0729(14) 12.8651(13) 13.6088(16) 90.325(4) 92.576(4) 100.636(3) 2075.1(4) 2

1.412 0.433 0.20x0.11x0.05 1.50 - 26.37 16775 8438 (Rint = 0.0281) 0.979 and 0.944 1.051

R1 = 0.0405, wR2 = 0.0908 R1 = 0.0574, wR2 = 0.0954 0.377 and -0.358

Found (%): C 59.92; H 3.30; N 12.66; B 2.42; F 4.27. Calculated for FeC40H30N6O6B2F2 (%): C 60.04; H 3.21; N 12.73; B 2.46; F 4.32. 1H NMR (CDCl3) 5 ppm: 7.28 (d, 8H, o-Ph), 7.34 (m, 12H (m-Ph+p-Ph), 7.63 (td,2H, J,=7.6 Hz, J2=0.9 Hz (H-8+H-15)), 7.79 (td, 2H, J7=7.6 Hz, J2=1.2 Hz (H-9+H-14)), 8.36 (br.d, 2H, J=8.0 Hz (H-10+H-13)), 9.23 (dd, 2H, J=8.0 Hz, J2=1.2 Hz (H-7+H-16)). 13C NMR (DMSO, carbon labeling is given in the Scheme 3) 5 ppm: 123.58 (br.s (C-10+C-13)), 128.10 (s, o-Ph), 128.65 (br.s (C-7+C-16)), 128.83 (s, i-Ph), 128.89 (br.s (C-8+C-15)), 129.72 (br.s (C-6+C-17)), 130.66 (s, p-Ph), 130.86 (s, m-Ph), 132.98 (br.s (C-9 + C-14)), 133.64 (br.s (C-11+C-12)), 146.13 (br.s (C-2+C-3)), 147.47 (br.s (C-5+C-18)), 156.7 (s, PhC=N). 11B NMR (CDCl3) 5 ppm: 4.61 (d, JnB 19F=17.2 Hz, O3BF). 19F NMR (470 MHz, DMSO) 5 ppm: -169.17 (m, O3BF). IR (ICBr) v cm-1: 920, 989, 1000, 1047, 1072, 1118, 1161 v(N-O), 1216m v(B-O)+v(B-F), 1549 v(NC=N), 1581 v(PhC=N). UV-Vis (CHCl3) l (e10"3) nm: 253(53), 320(17), 440(17), 607(25), 645(24).

Scheme 3.

Cyclic Voltammetry

Cyclic voltammetry (CV) was performed using a Metrohm 797 VA Computrace instrument with a glassy carbon (GC) and platinum working electrodes and a saturated Ag/AgCl in 3.5 M KCl as a reference electrode. Tetra-M-butylammonium perchlorate in chloroform (0.1 M) was used as the supporting electrolyte. Solutions of the samples in the electrolyte (1-2 mM) were degassed by purging with argon prior to the CV measurements.

Results and Discussion

Condensation of FeBd2((NH2)2Gm)(BF)2 with 1,10-phenanthroline-5,6-dione or phenanthrene-9,10-dione

in the presence of 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undecene-7 (DBU) as a strong organic base in aprotic polar DMSO media afforded the target macrobicyclic complexes FeBd2((Phen) Gm)(BF)2, the derivative of phenanthroline, and FeBd2((Phn) Gm)(BF)2, the derivative of phenanthrene, in high yields (Scheme 4).

These reactions proceeded via electrophilic attack of the corresponding dicarbonyl component (i.e. phenanthro-linedione or phenanthrenedione) at the deprotonated amino groups of the macrobicyclic precursor followed by elimination of water molecules. In the course of this addition -elimination reaction, the initial red reaction mixture changed color to grayish-crimson thus allowing its naked-eye control.

The single crystal X-ray structures of the clathrochelate products FeBd2((Phen)Gm)(BF)2 and FeBd2((Phn)Gm)(BF)2 are shown in Figure 1. They confirmed that the reaction of FeBd2((NH2)2Gm)(BF)2 with the above o-quinones gave the target clathrochelates with annulated 1,4,8,9-tetraazatriphe-nylene or 1,4-diazatriphenylene fragment. The intermediate trigonal prismatic (TP) - trigonal antiprismatic (TAP) geometry of their cage frameworks is only slightly affected by the formation of these annulated fragments. The heights of both TP-TAP Fe^-coordination polyhedra is approximately 2.37 A; their distortion angles q> are equal to 21.6° and 23.4°, respectively (^=0° for an ideal TP, ^=60° for an ideal TAP). Fe-N distances fall in a narrow range 1.90-1.94 A for both these cage complexes. The terminal phenanthroline fragment of the annulated tetraazatriphenylene heterocyclic substituent of FeBd2((Phen)Gm)(BF)2 is structurally quite similar to 1,4,8,9-tetraazatriphenylene-2,3-dicarbonitrile.[13] On the other hand, the pyrazine fragment of the molecule FeBd2((Phen)Gm)(BF)2 has some touch of quinoid alternation with Cclat-N bond lengths close to 1.35 A and N-Chet distances of approximately 1.32 A. Similarly, the carbocy-clic (phenanthrene) part of FeBd2(Phn)Gm(BF)2 was found to be structurally very similar to 2,3-dicyanodibenzo(f,h) quinoxaline;[14] its pyrazine moiety also has a quinoid character and the same C, -N and N-C . bond lengths of

clat carb °

1.35 A and 1.32 A, respectively.

The crystals of these cage complexes contain the clathrochelate dimers formed via stacking interactions shown in Figure 2.

In the FeBd2((Phen)Gm)(BF)2 crystal, the heterocyclic fragments of their macrobicyclic entities are almost parallel. These macrobicyclic molecules are related by the




FeBd2(Phen)Gm)(BF)2 X = N FeBd2(Phn)Gm)(BF)2 X = CH

Scheme 4.

Figure 1. General views of the clathrochelates FeBd2(Phen) Gm(BF)2 (top) and FeBd2(Phn)Gm(BF)2 (bottom). 2

Figure 3. Perpendicular views of the clathrochelate dimers, formed by the cage complexes FeBd2((Phen)Gm)(BF)2 (top) and FeBd2((Phn)Gm)(BF)2 (bottom). Hydrogen atoms are omitted for clarity.

Figure 2. Side view of the clathrochelate dimers formed by the complexes FeBd2((Phen)Gm)(BF)2 (top) and FeBd2((Phn) Gm)(BF)2 (bottom). Semi-transparent spheres denote van der Waals radii of the non-hydrogen atoms of their annulated ribbed fragments. Hydrogen atoms are omitted for clarity.

-0,3 -0,2 -0,1 -0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 Potential, V

Figure 4. CV of the chloroform solutions of FeBd2((Phn)Gm) (BF)2 (1 GC, 2 Pt) and FeBd2((Phen)Gm)(BF)2 (3 GC, 4 Pt) at scan rate 50 mV'S-1.

crystallographic inversion center; the deviations of their atoms from the corresponding mean plane do not exceed 0.0025 Â. The distance between the mean planes of these interacting fragments is approximately 3.34 Â. In the crystal of the FeBd2((Phn)Gm)(BF)2 complex, its annulated fragment is more distorted with the deviations reaching 0.1 Â, and the distance between the above mean planes in its clathrochelate dimer being even slightly smaller (3.32 Â); overlapping between the heterocyclic fragments of the corresponding macrobicyclic entities is shown in Figure 3. Such a short interplane separation and rather small slippage (the distances between the centroids of their annulated

A 1.0-1



300 400

500 600

X (nm)



A 1.4



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Original spectrum reduction 16 min reduction 34 min reduction 44 min


X (nm)


Figure 5. UV-Vis spectra of chloroform solutions of the cage complexes FeBd2(Phen)Gm(BF)2 (solid) and FeBd2(Phn)Gm(BF)2 (dash dot).

Figure 6. Changes in the UV-Vis spectrum of the acetonitrile solution of the clathrochelate FeBd2((Phen)Gm)(BF)2 in the course of its reduction with metallic lithium (Cclat < 10-5 M, l = 10 cm).

heterocyclic systems fall in the range 3.5-3.6 A) results in the substantial overlapping causing a strong stabilization of these supramolecular assemblies. Theoretical estimations of dimerization energy for triphenylene (approximately 10 kcal/mol[15]) suggest the same order of magnitude for that of the above clathrochelate dimers.

Such dimerization may be a reason of the observed poor solubility of these cage complexes in most common organic solvents estimated to be in the range 10-6-105 mol/L, while the typical values for other cage iron(II) tris-dioximates of this type are higher by approximately two orders of magnitude. Only in the case of chloroform as a solvent, the solubility of the clathrochelates obtained approaches to 10-3 mol/L.

CVs of FeBd2((Phn)Gm)(BF)2 and FeBd2((Phen)Gm) (BF)2 (Figure 4) show one reduction wave with E1/2 of 70 mV and 190 mV, respectively. The CV curves registered on Pt and GC are practically identical in shape and position. The symmetric shapes of this curves and the little drift of the peak potentials with scan rate (within 50-250 mV-s-1) suggest the equilibrium character of these electrochemical redox processes.

The green-bluish color of chloroform solutions of the clathrochelates FeBd2((Phen)Gm)(BF)2 and FeBd2((Phn) Gm)(BF)2 is caused by the presence of more intensive band with the maximum at approximately 635 nm (for both of these complexes) and less intensive band with maxima at approximately 430 and 440 nm, respectively, in their UV-Vis spectra (Figure 5).

We also succeeded in the registration of UV-Vis spectrum of the solution of FeBd2(Phen)Gm(BF)2 in elec-trochemically inert acetonitrile; its poor solubility in this solvent was compensated both by high molar extinction coefficient of this cage complex and by long optical path (10 cm cuvette). The initial UV-Vis spectrum of the clath-rochelate FeBd2((Phen)Gm)(BF)2 and its changes during reduction of this cage complex with metallic lithium are

shown in Figure 6. The green-bluish color of this acetonitrile solution is determined by two broad bands with maxima at approximately 410 and 640 nm. The above reduction caused the appearance of new band at approximately 500 nm and the disappearance of the absorption bands of the initial cage complex. So, the reduction resulted in the formation of the red solution. The absence of proper isos-bestic points can be explained by the low concentration of the initial complex comparable with that of the trace contaminants remaining in the solvent. The spectrum of the reduced macrobicyclic derivative of FeBd2((Phen))Gm)(BF)2 is quite similar to that of the anion-radical derivative of the quinoxaline-containing clathrochelate analog,[5] thus suggesting chemical one-electron ligand-centered reduction of FeBd2((Phen)Gm)(BF)2.

The solubility of FeBd2((Phn)Gm)(BF)2 in acetonitrile was found to be even lower than that of FeBd2((Phen)Gm) (BF)2, and we were unable to register its UV-Vis spectrum in proper quality.


Thus, we have demonstrated that electrophilic addition can be successfully used for preparation of the iron(II) tris-dioximate clathrochelates bearing extended redox-active annulated ribbed substituents. The study of donor properties of the phenanthroline-terminated clathrochelate FeBd2((Phen)Gm)(BF)2 as a potent chelating macrobicyclic ligand is in progress in our group.

Acknowledgements. This study was partly supported by RFBR (grants 16-03-00408 and 15-03-07509). Y.Z.V. also thanks the Russian Science Foundation (project 16-1310475) for the financial support of the synthetic part of this work. The authors are indebted to Mr. I. Novozhilov (NIIC SB RAS) for performing CV measurements.


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Received 12.10.2016 Accepted 08.11.2016

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