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Osgchipok O.,
Research applicant department of irrigated agriculture, Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the NAAS of Ukraine
Vozhegov S., Doctor of science, Scientific Secretary, Rice Institute NAAS of Ukraine Kokovikhin S.,
Doctor of Science, Deputy Director for Science, Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the NAAS of Ukraine
Drobitko A.,
Doctor of Science, Dean of the Faculty of Agrotechnology, Mykolayiv National agrarian University
Kazanok O.
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Technologies processing and
processing of agricultural products, Kherson State agrarian and economic University
On average, over the years of research, when comparing the options for drip irrigation, the advantage of the biologically optimal regime, which ensured the formation of the maximum number of cells 35.5 pcs. The number of leaves on the shoots showed a very significant difference in the options for drip irrigation. A clear pattern of yield growth from 1 bush of non-irrigated areas of grapes, on average, by 15.4-27.1%, from 2.6 to 3.1-3.5 kg/bush. The maximum yield at the level of 9.5 t/ha was obtained under the biologically optimal irrigation regime in 2013, and the minimum - 5.0 t/ha, in the non-irrigated control variant. The soluble dry matter content was maximum on the non-irrigated control variant. Quality indicators improved with the application of biologically optimal drip irrigation regime; in particular, an increase in sugar content was noted, on average by 4.0-7.7%.
Keywords: grapes, drip irrigation, cultivation technology, yield, quality.
In recent years, there are virtually no experimental data on the influence of weather conditions and agricultural measures on the formation of elements of productivity of grape seedlings, in particular, when grown in drip irrigation in southern Ukraine. The technology of using biological has been developed on grapes, which provides for their use in the first two or in the last two sprays. Important scientific and practical significance is the scientific substantiation of the irrigation regime of grape plantations, taking into account the varietal specificity of the modern assortment of grapes, which is an urgent scientific and practical problem.
In field experiments it is proved that the biometric index of aboveground plant organs changed to varying degrees under the influence of drip irrigation and weather conditions in some years. Observations on Arcadia grape plantations revealed that the number of cells of the smallest value was 33.4. acquired in the dry year of 2012. The studied indicator increased by 11.1%,
to 37.1 in 2013 with favorable hydrothermal conditions and the use of biologically optimal irrigation regime.
In the version with resource-saving irrigation mode, a very slight increase of this indicator by 0.5%, up to 33.9 pcs. In the variant with and the biologically optimal mode of drip irrigation, the total number of shoots on the bush was the same as on the non-irrigated control - 33.7 pcs.
There is a significant difference between the number of fruiting shoots, which increased significantly in years with favorable weather conditions and when carrying out vegetative watering by drip irrigation. In the control version, this indicator of grape productivity was, on average over the years of research, 20.9 pcs. In the version with a resource-saving irrigation regime, it increased to 22.5 units, or 7.1%, and in the biologically optimal such an increase was 11.6%.
Fruiting shoots developed in percentage terms the least (58.6%) in arid weather conditions in 2012 in non-
irrigated areas, and the most (71.1%) - in favorable conditions in 2013 with the use of optimal irrigation regime. In the non-irrigated version, on average, this figure was 61.9%, and with the use of resource-saving and biologically optimal irrigation regimes, it increased by 6.5-11.7%.
The number of inflorescences per bush increased significantly as the water regime of the soil improved in areas from non-irrigated conditions (24.8 units in the arid year 2012) to the variant with a biologically optimal regime of drip irrigation (39.4 units in the wet year 2011). On average, in non-irrigated areas, this figure was 29.4 units, in the version with resource-saving drip irrigation, it increased to 32.6 units. or by 9.8%, and under the biologically optimal regime - up to 36.1 pieces. or by 18.6%.
The number of shoots on the bush was in different directions depending on the conditions of natural and artificial moisture. Thus, it was determined that under arid conditions in 2012, this biometric indicator decreased to 31.2-32.0 units. on all variants of drip irrigation.
Due to the difference in weather conditions in the years of research, there was a tendency to increase the average diameter of leaves in 2011 and 2013, which
were characterized by favorable hydrothermal parameters. The use of drip irrigation had a negligible effect on the studied biometric index, as the difference between the control and irrigation options was only 1.8-3.4%.
The studied modes of drip irrigation significantly affected the formation of the leaf surface area per 1 grape bush. Under non-irrigated conditions in 2012, this figure decreased to 4.95 m2, and in the version with a biologically optimal irrigation regime, its growth was recorded to 11.48 m2/bush.
According to the results of generalization of experimental data, it was found that the minimum number of clusters (20.9 pcs.) Was formed on the non-irrigated version in dry weather in 2012 (Table 1). This figure increased 1.4 times (to 29.2 units) in the version with a biologically optimal regime of drip irrigation under favorable conditions in 2011.
The weight of the bunch was the lowest - at the level of 81-86 g in the non-irrigated version in 2011 and 2012. This biometric indicator increased to 115 g in the medium wet 2013 with the application of biologically optimal drip irrigation regime. On average, the factor recorded a significant increase in the mass of the bunch by 15.4-27.1% from 89 g in the control non-irrigated version to 102-110 g - in variants with resource-saving and biologically optimal regime of drip irrigation.
Table 1
Biometric indicators of grapes and yield of Arcadia grapes
Drip irrigation Years Quantity bunch of bushes, pcs. Mass bunch, g Yield
from 1 bush, kg from 1 ha, t
Without watering (control) 2011 29.0 86 2.87 7.4
2012 20.9 81 1.93 5.0
2013 25.5 100 2.93 7.4
Resource-saving irrigation regime 2011 28.7 106 3.48 9.1
2012 23.8 92 2.26 5.8
2013 27.3 109 3.40 8.9
Biologically optimal irrigation regime 2011 29.2 108 3.62 9.4
2012 25.8 107 3.33 8.7
2013 27.8 115 3.65 9.5
LSD05 0.72 2.61 0.10 0.25
The yield of berries from the grape bush also varied in a wide range depending on the drip irrigation regimes and weather conditions during the years of research. With a favorable meteorological situation in 2011 and 2013, this indicator of the productivity of the studied crop in the non-irrigated version was 2.87-2.93 kg/bush. The yield of berries from 1 ha of plantations of the studied culture reflected the trends that were recorded in relation to the yield from 1 bush.
It is proved that the quality of grapes to some extent depended on weather conditions in the years of research and drip irrigation regimes. Thus, in the dry year of 2012, in the control version without vegetative watering by drip irrigation, the maximum specific weight in the berries of the studied culture of soluble dry matter was recorded - 19.7%, which is due to high temperatures and low relative humidity. The sugar content of grape juice changed to a lesser extent under the influence of the studied drip irrigation regimes, but there was also a tendency of steady growth of this indicator
under conditions of improving the water regime of the soil by drip irrigation.
Thus, based on the results of generalization of field experiments, we can conclude that the advantage of the biologically optimal regime, which ensured the formation of the maximum number of cells - 35.5 pcs. The number of leaves on the shoots showed a very significant difference in the options for drip irrigation. A clear pattern of yield growth from 1 bush of non-irrigated areas of grapes, on average, by 15.4-27.1%, from 2.6 to 3.1-3.5 kg/bush. The maximum yield at the level of 9.5 t/ha was obtained under the biologically optimal irrigation regime in 2013, and the minimum - 5.0 t/ha, in the non-irrigated control variant. The soluble dry matter content was maximum on the non-irrigated control variant. Quality indicators improved with the application of biologically optimal drip irrigation regime; in particular, an increase in sugar content was noted, on average by 4.0-7.7%.
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