Научная статья на тему 'Efficacy of laser therapy in infants with infectious-inflammatory respiratory diseases'

Efficacy of laser therapy in infants with infectious-inflammatory respiratory diseases Текст научной статьи по специальности «Клиническая медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по клинической медицине, автор научной работы — Tashmukhamedova Barno Erkinovna, Mukhamedova Hadicha Tulkunovna

The developed schemes and regimes for assigning the low-intensity laser therapy percutaneous approaches to optimize the therapy of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract in infants, reduce the incidence of complications and loss of physiological diseases, speed up recovery periods.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Efficacy of laser therapy in infants with infectious-inflammatory respiratory diseases»

Efficacy of laser therapy in infants with infectious-inflammatory respiratory diseases

the values of the above parameters were significantly different from the values of the control group children. However, despite this, the values of the above parameters were significantly different from the values of the control group children.

In our opinion, the intensification of anti-viral defense Anafer-on against the backdrop of a significant stimulation of the immune system with glycyron stimulate earlier elimination etiological factors, earlier regress of clinical manifestations of pneumonia and reduce the recurrence of the disease. Indeed, according to the literature data, glycyron activate killer cells, blood phagocytic function of blood, antibody production and cytokine production. Have detoxification properties of the drug is determined by its structure and high molecular weight contributes to the rapid elimination of exo-and endotoxins, increases the resistance of the cell membrane to the cytotoxic action of these substances. It can be said that the proposed

complex of therapeutic measures bacterial and viral pneumonia can significantly enhance the antibacterial and anti-virus protection in children, reduce the incidence of complications and relapses.

Based on these data, we can make the following conclusions:

1. In children with mycoplasma pneumonia associated with herpes infection, there is overproduction of nitric oxide and peroxynitrite-related activation of the inducible form of nitric oxide synthase. It appears more pronounced in patients with MP + HSV + CMV association.

2. During the basic treatment of the MP on the background ofherpes virus infection violations persist in the system of nitric oxide. Inclusion in the complex treatment viferon, especially polyoxidonium promotes earlier restoration of the balance of enzyme eNOS and iNOS, preventing the overproduction of nitric oxide and peroxynitrite.


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Tashmukhamedova Barno Erkinovna, Senior Research Fellow researcher of Tashkent Institute of Advanced Medical

Mukhamedova Hadicha Tulkunovna, Head of the Department of Neonatology, MD, Professor of Tashkent Institute of Advanced Medical E-mail: [email protected]

Efficacy of laser therapy in infants with infectious-inflammatory respiratory diseases

Abstract: The developed schemes and regimes for assigning the low-intensity laser therapy percutaneous approaches to optimize the therapy of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract in infants, reduce the incidence of complications and loss of physiological diseases, speed up recovery periods. Keywords: Respiratory diseases. infants, pneumonia, immune system.

Despite the fact that over the last decade in our country and the world have achieved significant progress in the diagnosis and treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system in infants, these diseases are still an acute problem not only pulmonology, pediatrics and as a whole. Thus, according to WOH, about 155 million cases of pneumonia in children in the world each year, with one killed about 1.4 million before the age of five years. Thus, this disease is one of the leading causes of child mortality worldwide [1; 2].

According to sample surveys in a number of cities on the stages of nursing infants, infectious diseases detected in 50-60 % of hospitalized children, preterm children — 70 %. Of these, up to 35 % of newborns come with purulent- inflammatory and other infectious diseases directly from maternity hospitals [3; 4].

Including 20 % of children pyo-inflammatory diseases are detected in the first 3-5 days after admission, which suggests their infection in the maternity hospital. Admission to the children's hospitals of the large number of infected infants poses a

Section 4. Medical science

threat for the occurrence of nosocomial diseases directly to the children's hospital.

In the course of the rehabilitation of patients with pneumonia of children along with the use of drugs, use non-drug remedies and treatments. It should be noted that non-drug program is still insufficiently used in pediatrics and the need for their propagation in the medical practice is evident.

Material and methods. We conducted a survey of115 healthy and sick children with pneumonia received in-patient treatment CCCH number 1 in Tashkent. 34.8 % of sick children came to the hospital in serious condition medium, while 36.5 % received diagnosed with severe pneumonia. In 45 % of the surveyed children combined with the basic pathology of infectious processes: catarrhal omphalitis, trombovaskulit of umbilical vessels, the phenomenon of acute respiratory viral infection, conjunctivitis, catarrhal otitis media, while 55 % found concomitant pathology of the central nervous system.

Observed the children were divided into 3 groups.

The control group consisted of 18 healthy newborns; comparison group — from 45 infants with pneumonia who received conventional basic therapy according to current guidelines and standards, and the main group — 48 infants with pneumonia who received conventional therapy in combination with low-intensity laser radiation.

We used the "Vostok" laser therapeutic device for scientific research. Laser therapy was carried out according to the developed scheme taking into account the existing recommendations.

Results of investigation and discussion. In 94 % of the children surveyed had acute onset pneumonia, clinically manifested wet cough (80 %), symptoms of intoxication (95 %).

Availability febrile fever during the early days of the disease was noted in 80 % of cases. In 20 % of cases occurring with normother-mia. In 30 % of cases the disease was preceded by ARVI. Typical local the physical changes in the lungs were detected only in 30 % of cases. The remaining children were heard hard breathing, diffuse variegated wheezing. Tachypnea noted in 31 %, tachycardia — in 48 % of cases. In 15 % of cases limited cyanosis of the skin in the nasolabial triangle it was expressed. In 10 % of patients revealed mild hepatomegaly. Hemogram at first days of the disease characterized by leukocytosis and a shift in blood counts in 16 % of cases.

All infants had radiographic evidence of pneumonia. In 86.6 % of the changes in lung tissue had a focal, in others — the drain — focal character. Most often observed localization of bilateral pneumonic changes (66.6 %). Most children diagnosed burdened premorbid background (71.6 %). Among the background conditions prevailed secondary immunodeficiency states (14 %), perinatal pathology of the central nervous system (27.7 %).

Laser therapy in children with pneumonia was used with 2-3 day hospital stay, during the reduction of symptoms of intoxication and to reduce body temperature. By the end of LT 80 % disappeared infiltrative changes in the lungs, improved clinical and laboratory findings (reduced or completely disappeared wheezing, hemogram indicators have stabilized — with the normalization of ESR and positive dynamics of leukocyte). All patients were well tolerated.


The effectiveness of laser therapy is expressed in the improvement of blood circulation, normalization of impaired circulation, activation of metabolic processes in the outbreak, reducing tissue edema, prevention of acidosis and hypoxia, a direct impact on the microbial factor and activation of the immune system.


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Umarov Odiljon Mahmudovich, Ferghana branch of the Republican Scientific Center of Emergency Medicine, Director E-mail: [email protected]

Surgical tactics in combined injuries of the bones of facial skull according to retrospective array

Abstract: The results of treatment of 3911 patients with combined injuries of the bones of facial skull were analyzed in the article. The issues of treatment of associated injuries, its surgical tactics take an important place among the urgent problems of modern surgery. The analysis has shown that variety of osteosynthesis classifications by time of performance, and contraversion data on immediate outcomes result to inconsistency of purely temporal approach in determining the treatment strategy for combined fractures of maxillofacial region, and necessity to develop new criteria and standards for selection of time, method and amount of traumatologic treatment.

Keywords: Combined maxillofacial trauma, surgical tactics, treatment criteria, ostheosynthesis.

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