Kismetova G.N.
Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Associate professor
Kondudayeva D.Zh.
1st year master's student of the Faculty of Languages and Management West Kazakhstan Innovation and Technological University
Кисметова Г.Н.
Кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Кондудаева Д.Ж.
Магистрант 1 курса факультета языков и менеджмента Западно-Казахстанский инновационно-технологический университет
One of the goals of teaching foreign languages is mastering the scientific discourse written in foreign languages by undergraduates. It refers to the process and results of expression, interpretation of scientific knowledge and aims to further improve existing or synthesized new scientific knowledge. The tandem method can be used as a teaching method.
The article discusses the possibility of using tandem methods in educational spaces. The author reveals the essence of tandem teaching, explains the basic principles of the organizational structure of teaching and the peculiarities of teaching languages, and also indicates the main advantages of tandem teaching.
Одна из целей обучения иностранным языкам - овладение магистрантами научным дискурсом, написанного на иностранных языках. Он относится к процессу и результатам выражения, интерпретации научных знаний и направлен на дальнейшее совершенствование существующих или синтезированных новых научных знаний. В качестве метода обучения можно использовать тандемный метод.
В статье обсуждается возможность использования тандемных методов в образовательных пространствах. Автор раскрывает сущность тандемного обучения, разъясняет основные принципы организационной структуры обучения и особенности обучения языкам, а также указывает основные преимущества тан-демного обучения.
Keywords: tandem method, foreign language written discourse, foreign languages, master's degree, partnership, training.
Ключевые слова: тандем-метод, иноязычный письменный дискурс, иностранные языки, магистратура, партнерство, обучение.
In the context of a highly developed society and a process of globalization that encompasses all spheres of society, fluency in foreign languages and the need to write in foreign languages have become more important than ever, especially for those looking for a successful career [1].
Scientists, teachers and methodologists are increasingly looking for ways and methods to master foreign languages faster and better. These methods can be safely attributed to the tandem approach, which is relatively new and focused on joint activities with partners. It is this conceptual interpretation that forms the basis of the methodological terminology denoting the tandem method as a way of joint work of two partners with different languages for independent study of foreign languages [1].
Among the training methods, various forms of partner training are well known. However, in the second half of the twentieth century, tandem education appeared in Europe, based on our understanding, when
participants learned each other's languages in the form of youth cultural forums, summer schools and exchange programs [2].
One of the goals of teaching foreign languages to undergraduates is the further formation of the discursive component of foreign language communicative competence, part of which is written scientific discourse [2]. Types of written scholarly discourse include text reports, abstracts, scholarly articles, monographs, research funding applications and scientific conferences, etc.
In the scientific literature, you can find many definitions of the term "discourse": "a coherent text that combines extralinguistic, social, cultural, psychological, pragmatic and other aspects, in other words, "words immersed in life" [3, p. 136-137]; "spoken words in reality", "speaking words as linguistic entities for the implementation of speech" [4]; "the cognitive process associated with the production of speech, the creation of speech works, the text is considered by him. It is the
end result of the process of speech activity and has a definite completed (and fixed) form" [5, p. 186].
The strategies of scientific discourse can be determined by its constituent goals, including:
1. relevance and formulation of the research question;
2. allocation and definition of the subject and object of research;
3. confirmation of the choice, method and method of research;
4. formulation of research hypotheses;
5. formulation of the goals and objectives of the study;
6. a description of the history of the problem;
7. selection, classification and analysis of scientific materials;
8. synthesizing new scientific materials, developing models, etc .;
9. experimental verification of the proposed new knowledge;
10. analysis of qualitative and quantitative experimental data;
11. interpretation of experimental data;
12. identification of the practical significance of the new data obtained;
13. registration and fixation of the main research results in a generally accepted form.
Within the framework of scientific discourse, several types of discourse can be distinguished.
The type of discourse should be understood as a set of well-established scientific works combined with content and formality. Therefore, articles, monographs,
scientific articles, etc., can be attributed to the genre of scientific discourse.
In particular, E.L. Kudryavtseva and A.A. Timo-feeva identified several types of situations that can be taken into account in the educational process [6].
The first type is the traditional master-master series, which can be used to learn foreign languages or master aspects of intercultural competence through regular contact with master students who speak different native languages. It is this type of tandem that forms the basis of the traditional understanding of tandem methods.
The second type of tandem is "student-teacher". The interaction of teacher and student here is not limited to traditional communication between teacher and student in the classroom, but significantly expands the sphere of communication between the two topics in the learning process until the teacher matches his / her interests, needs, abilities and does not establish an individual learning path for students.
The third type is the "teacher-teacher" method (connecting another teacher). The fact is that for the most effective formation of professional competence in the framework of the development of a particular specialty, teachers of different specialties should participate in the implementation of the educational process, thereby enriching the professional experience of undergraduates in various ways.
For example, consider the algorithm for teaching a foreign language written scientific discourse to undergraduates based on the tandem method in the table:
Tandem training stage Functions and actions of a foreign language teacher Actions of undergraduates
Introductory Explains to undergraduates the tasks of teaching written scientific discourse based on the tandem method Listen to learning tasks
Explaining the structure of a specific scientific document Explains to undergraduates the structure of a specific scientific document Get acquainted with the structure of a specific scientific document
Practice of writing structural elements written research papers through educational exercises Provides assignments for writing the structural elements of scientific written documents by students Perform tasks and exercises for writing structural elements of written scientific documents in assignments and exercises
Discussion of the content and structure of students' written works in their native and target languages Organizes (in native and / or target language) paired or group discussions on the structure and content of scientific written works, with particular attention to the structure of the work Participate in pair or group discussions on the structure and content of scientific written works (in their native and / or target language)
Discussion of the results of the written exercises student works Participates in the discussion of the learning outcomes of undergraduates in writing Discuss learning outcomes through writing written papers with a teacher
Analysis Organizes group discussions with students to discuss the effectiveness and possible modernization of methods of teaching foreign languages Consistently discuss the effectiveness and possible modernization of methods of teaching a foreign language
Algorithm for teaching foreign language written scientific discourse for undergraduates of universities based on
the tandem method
The Mann-Whitney criterion was used to compare imental and control groups at the final stage of experi-the results obtained by the master students of the exper- mental training to determine whether there is a significant difference between the experimental group and the
control group in the development of writing skills in a foreign language in the field of scientific discourse. Using this criterion, it was proved that against the background of the study, undergraduates in the experimental group are better than the control group in terms of proficiency in a foreign language of written scientific discourse, which indicates the effectiveness of the tandem methodology in teaching foreign written language.
The test found the following problems:
1. A standardized compositional structure of scientific articles is not clearly fixed in 75% of works. This shows that the format for writing scientific articles intended for reading by high school students is not familiar to them. Only 25% of works try to get closer to the given composition format.
2. In 85% of articles there is no rhetorical structure of discourse, that is, the rule of "solving the problem" is not observed.
3. In most of the submitted papers, the presentation of words is hampered by the illogicality of following the thoughts of the undergraduates in the letter.
4. About 20% of people do not use scientific speech.
5. Master's work does not contain grammatical and stylistic mistakes and can be considered an excellent work for master's students.
Scientific discourse has a correct, competent and structured organization of scientific texts, and this aspect of the training content should be given special attention.
When teaching written scientific discourse within the framework of a tandem, the correct, competent and structured organization of scientific literature can be presented and studied by undergraduates at the stage of formulating the structural elements of written scientific literature.
The tandem learning process can be carried out in a team or group, or it can be conducted separately when the two partners speak different mother tongues. We also noticed that when organizing one series, the content of the course may differ either to improve communication skills or to determine vocabulary and grammatical position. This form of tandem is closest to the educational situation in any educational institution, and its participants are undergraduates and teaching staff [7].
Another basic element of the organization of tandem classes is the discipline and consistency of classes. M.R. Napolskikh and M.O. Voloshko, pay attention that they can be informal and not under the control of the teacher, but they must rely on personal agreements with partners to achieve the set goals [7-8]. Others emphasize the need for this necessary control. This allows you to discuss the types of tandem (specified by the teacher) and personal (specified by the partner).
Interaction of partners in tandem training can be carried out orally, that is, through direct contact, the use of Internet communication and written forms through e-mail, blog, chat, video conferencing.
By interacting together, participants can communicate interactively as learners of a foreign language or as language experts for their own language, which
provides a framework for emphasizing the second principle of interconnection - reciprocity.
The principle of reciprocity allows partners to release each other from any financial obligations, increase their self-esteem and put two participants in an equal position, as well as achieve mutual exchange of language and culture [9-10].
Partners in tandem can independently decide what, when, where and how to learn and how long they want to participate in this process, which demonstrates the third principle - autonomy of learning. The principle of autonomy can be interpreted in different ways, depending on whether it is implemented in an institutional environment such as a school or university (institutional tandem), or an agreement is reached between people (an independent tandem). In the first case, there will be some form of training supervision, certain prescriptive procedures and instructor assessments, and the instructor will be responsible for the practical and theoretical basis of the training process.
Teachers and methodologists using a tandem approach in their work have noticed that there are many undeniable advantages in organizing foreign language teaching [11]. These include the following provisions:
1. tandem training allows you to create real conditions for natural communication with native speakers;
2. participation in tandem training can significantly increase the motivation of undergraduates to master the language and culture of the country in which the language they are studying is located, and inspire them to further use it as a means of communication;
3. regularity and consistency will significantly improve the partner's ability to oral expression, as well as help to form communication skills in a foreign language (various types of speech activity) and intercultural competence;
4. the tandem method allows you to go beyond traditional courses and use foreign languages more widely, which helps master students to build their own learning path, taking into account their own needs and interests and independently take responsibility for the results of their activities, thereby contributing to learning;
5. The use of tandem methods helps to overcome language and psychological barriers when communicating with partners, and also relieves the fear of using language as a means of communication. At the same time, due to the lack of strict control on the part of the teacher and the multitude of techniques aimed at maintaining communication with a partner, such as clarification, re-examination, in other words, the use of gestures, non-verbal communication methods, replacing complex structures with simpler structures, etc. have achieved a positive effect.
6. The combination of the tandem method and information and communication technologies has great potential for finding partners and expanding contacts. Obviously, due to the fact that the Internet has greatly facilitated the search for partners and created more practical opportunities, today's communication on the Internet has become the preferred form of language learning. Moreover, the conditions for simultaneous
oral and written communication create an opportunity for the full development of all types of speech activity.
From the above, it can be seen that as an innovative teaching method - tandem learning deserves attention and in-depth research.
Tandem learning is classified as an intensive method of learning a foreign language, since it involves the maximum immersion of the partner in the language environment during the learning process. The main advantages of the tandem method are flexibility, the development of the autonomy of master's studies, the development of individualized methods, the development of intercultural competence, the improvement of self-motivation, the presence of a real language environment, etc. In general, the tandem partnership helps to get rid of routine, increase self-confidence, improve the learning process and help overcome language barriers. Tandem learning can take the form of individual partnerships, and can also include university foreign language courses and other extracurricular activities in various forms and forms under the auspices of educational institutions [12-15].
Of course, the organization of the educational process using this method will require the teaching staff to formulate a clear algorithm of actions, indicate the stages of the process and the expected results. Therefore, for example, when giving scientific lectures to undergraduates, in order to successfully implement the necessary conditions of the learning environment at the master's level, it is necessary to develop and systematically maintain the subject content of the course, as well as indicate the areas of responsibility of each participant in the tandem teaching method. To enable teachers of language subjects to understand the professional fields of undergraduates and to attract partners whose language abilities match the average language level.
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