Научная статья на тему 'Effects of Lactobacillus-Fermented Feed on Production Performance and Carcass Quality of Broiler Chickens'

Effects of Lactobacillus-Fermented Feed on Production Performance and Carcass Quality of Broiler Chickens Текст научной статьи по специальности «Животноводство и молочное дело»

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Ключевые слова
Broiler chicken / Carcass quality / Fermented feed / Performance

Аннотация научной статьи по животноводству и молочному делу, автор научной работы — Rizki Palupi, Fitri Nova Liya Lubis, Anggriawan Naidilah Tetra Pratama, Muhakka

The quality of broiler chicken carcasses is greatly influenced by feed management and the number of nutrients digested in the digestive tract that will be utilized for optimal meat production. The study aimed to determine the effect of feeding fermented feed at different times on the production performance and quality of broiler chicken carcasses. The number of day-old chicks used in this study was 180 broiler chickens strain Cobb. This study was carried out experimentally using a complete randomized design consisting of four treatments and five replications. Each treatment carried out in this experiment consisted of a different length of time, namely feeding for 2, 3, 4, and 5 weeks. Experimental parameters included feed consumption, weight gain, and ration conversion. In addition, the carcass quality was investigated as live weight, carcass percentage, and percentage of broiler chicken abdominal fat. The results showed that the longer the time of fermentation feed significantly increased feed consumption by 40.07% and increased 13.77% weight gain, as well as decreased ration conversion by 25.33%. Furthermore, the same results were also obtained regarding live weight by 17.80% and increased percentage of the carcass by 8.84%, while the percentage of abdominal fat decreased by 12.90%. It can be concluded that the provision of fermented feed for 5 weeks can improve the production performance and carcass quality of broiler chickens.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Effects of Lactobacillus-Fermented Feed on Production Performance and Carcass Quality of Broiler Chickens»


Journal of World's Poultry Research

2023, Scienceline Publication

J. World Poult. Res. 13(1): 127-135, March 25, 2023

Research Paper, PII: S2322455X2300014-13 License: CC BY 4.0

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.36380/jwpr.2023.14

Effects of Lactobacillus-Fermented Feed on Production Performance and Carcass Quality of

Broiler Chickens

Rizki Palupi* , Fitri Nova Liya Lubis , Anggriawan Naidilah Tetra Pratama , and Muhakka

Department of Technology and Livestock Industry, Faculty of Agricultural, Sriwijaya University, Indralaya, South Sumatera, Indonesia

Corresponding author's Email: [email protected]

Received: 21 December 2022 Accepted: 13 February 2023


The quality of broiler chicken carcasses is greatly influenced by feed management and the number of nutrients digested in the digestive tract that will be utilized for optimal meat production. The study aimed to determine the effect of feeding fermented feed at different times on the production performance and quality of broiler chicken carcasses. The number of day-old chicks used in this study was 180 broiler chickens strain Cobb. This study was carried out experimentally using a complete randomized design consisting of four treatments and five replications. Each treatment carried out in this experiment consisted of a different length of time, namely feeding for 2, 3, 4, and 5 weeks. Experimental parameters included feed consumption, weight gain, and ration conversion. In addition, the carcass quality was investigated as live weight, carcass percentage, and percentage of broiler chicken abdominal fat. The results showed that the longer the time of fermentation feed significantly increased feed consumption by 40.07% and increased 13.77% weight gain, as well as decreased ration conversion by 25.33%. Furthermore, the same results were also obtained regarding live weight by 17.80% and increased percentage of the carcass by 8.84%, while the percentage of abdominal fat decreased by 12.90%. It can be concluded that the provision of fermented feed for 5 weeks can improve the production performance and carcass quality of broiler chickens.

Keywords: Broiler chicken, Carcass quality, Fermented feed, Performance

Broiler chickens have a role as a source of animal protein that is in demand by consumers. This demand is because broiler chicken carcasses can be produced faster than other livestock. However, the quality of broiler carcasses is greatly influenced by feed management and the number of nutrients digested in the digestive tract that will be utilized for optimal meat production (Baéza et al., 2022). Various attempts have been made to increase the amount of digested nutrients and increase digestibility by processing feed before consumption. Feed processing that can be pursued is fermenting the feed. One of the feed processing that can be done is by fermenting the feed. The fermentation process can increase feed digestibility and crude protein content and reduce crude fiber in feed (Khempaka et al., 2014). The fermented feed provides several benefits, including improving

nutritional properties (reducing fiber and increasing protein content) and intestinal health. It will accelerate broiler chicken's growth (Sugiharto, 2019).

The fermentation process requires an inoculant to speed up the breakdown of nutrients in the feed (Romero et al., 2017). Lactobacillus are lactic acid bacteria often used in fermentation (Romero et al., 2017; Singracha et al., 2017; Nair et al., 2019). Lactic acid bacteria will grow and develop on the substrate during fermentation, so the feed contains probiotics utilized by livestock to help the food digestion process. Astuti et al. (2015) found that probiotics could be given at a concentration of 0.6 v/w in broiler up to 28 days of age. The higher the level of the probiotic Lactobacillus species in feed, the better the effect on the growth (Pradikta et al., 2018). Previously, Mcnaught and MacFie (2001) stated that many probiotics could attach firmly to intestinal cells, including several types of lactic acid bacteria, such as Lactobacillus

To cite this paper: Palupi R, Lubis FNL, Pratama ANT, and Muhakka (2023). Effects of Lactobacillus-Fermented Feed on Production Performance and Carcass Quality of Broiler Chickens. J. World Poult. Res., 13(1): 127-135. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.36380/jwpr.2023.14

casei, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum, and a large number of Bifidobacteria. The ability to stick to the digestive tract will cause probiotic microbes to develop appropriately, and pathogenic microbes such as Escherichia coli and Salmonella Typhimurium in the digestive tract will be reduced from the animal host cells (McNaught and MacFie, 2001).

The feeding duration of specific feeds will allow probiotics to stick to poultry's digestive tract for a more extended period, affecting livestock production (Al-Khalaifah, 2018; Al-Khalaifa et al., 2019). The results of the research by Zulfan and Zulfikar (2020) and Naji et al. (2015) indicated that fermented feed ingredients could be given in commercial rations without disturbing the growth and increasing the income over feed costs of broiler. Furthermore, feeding in the early phase of growth or during the brooding period can affect the growth of broiler day-old chicks (DOC; Al-Khalaifa et al., 2019). Cell multiplication or hyperplasia occurs when chicks are 1 to 14 days old. The multiplication of these cells includes the development of the digestive tract, respiratory tract, and immune system. Body cells will increase in number by way of cell division. The hyperplasia process will affect further growth in the form of hypertropia growth, cells will increase in size or cell maturation (Fatmaningsih and Nova, 2016). Based on the description above, the current study aimed to determine the effect of fermented feed at different times on the production performance and carcass quality of broiler chickens.


Ethical approval

An animal feeding experiment was conducted at the experimental station, Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sriwijaya, South Sumatera, Indonesia. The animals were cared for according to the Indonesian Institute of Sciences Animal Welfare Guidelines. The approval of the experiment was granted from Universitas Sriwijaya with approval number KPPHP-2021-1.

Methods and sampling preparation

This study used 180 DOC of Cobb strain broilers obtained from Charoen Pokphand, Indonesia, with an average weight of 38 g and placed in 20 postal cages with a size of 100 cm x 100 cm. The temperature of the cage environment when conducting the study ranged from 32.2-33°C, with humidity ranged 68.1-85.7. Nine broilers were placed in each cage. The cages had feed dishes, water

containers, and 60-watt incandescent lamps for lighting and warmth while the chicks were in them. Water and feed were prepared ad libitum. The feed used during the starter period was HI Pro (Charoen Pokphand, Indonesia), the feed is given to DOC up to the age of 14 days, and at the time, the finisher was MR1-P (Cheiljedang, Indonesia), the finisher feed given at the age of 3 to 5 weeks of age. The composition of the nutrients in the feed used during the study is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Nutrient composition of feed given at the starter and finisher period in broiler chickens strain cobb

Starter feed Finisher feed

Nutrient (1-21 days of age, HI Pro)* (22-35 days of age, MR1 - P)**

Water content (%) 13 13

Crude protein (%) 22.00-23.00 21.50-23.00

Crude fibre (%) 5.00 4.00

Fat (%) 5.00 8.00

Ash (%) 7.00 6.50

Calcium (%) 0.90 0.90-1.20

Phosphor (%) 0.60 0.70-1.00

Metabolizable energy (kcal/kg) 3,020-3,120 2,750-2,768

Methionine 0.61 0.56

Methionine plus Cysteine 0.78 0.75

Lysine 1.28 1.28

Vitamin C (IU) 300 300

Selenium (ppm) 0.1 0.5

* Incorporated Company Charoen Pokphand, Indonesia, produces the feed. ** Incorporated Company Cheil Jedang Super Feed, Lampung produces the feed.

Before the feed was given to the experimental animals, the feed was fermented for 7 days using Super lacto, a product of the Central Proteina Prima Tbk company, Indonesia, containing the Lactobacillus burlgarius bacteria of 8.9x108. CFUmL-1. Based on the product label, the fermentation process was carried out by diluting Super lacto at a concentration of 15%. Afterward, feed inoculation process was performed by spraying the inoculant evenly (4% w/v) on the feed. The feed was stirred evenly so that the fermentation process ran optimally. After evenly packing, it was stored for 7 days. Then, 10% of the fermented feed was used in the broiler ration (Sun et al., 2022) based on the length of time defined for the treatments.

As for the measurement of carcass quality in research carried out at the final stage of the study. Samples were taken randomly as many as 2 in each treatment and replicated. Then the chicken samples were fasted for 8 hours before being slaughtered.

Experimental design

This research was conducted using a completely randomized design consisting of four treatments and five replications for each treatment. Each treatment carried out in this experiment consisted of a different length of time, namely feeding for 2 (P1), 3 (P2), 4 (P3), and 5 weeks (P4).

Observed variables

All parameters for calculating the value of observations made in this study are based on research conducted by Palupi et al. (2022).

Feed consumption

The investigated parameters included consumption of ration (g/head/day), which was measured based on the difference between the ration given (g) and the rest of the ration given (g) during a specific period (days).

Body weight gain

Body weight gain (g/head/day) was measured by weighing the difference between body weight at the end of the study (g) and the initial body weight (g), then divided by the length of rearing time (days).

Feed conversion ratio

Conversion of rations was measured based on the ratio between weight gain and feed consumption.

Live weight

The quality of the broiler carcass included the measurement of live weight, which was measured based on the results of weighing at the end of the study (g).

Carcass percentage

Percentage of the carcass was calculated based on the percentage of weight comparison of broilers without blood, feathers, head, legs, and digestive organs (g) divided by live weight (g). Carcass quality parameters were measured at the end of the study. Slaughtering of chickens is done by as many as two chickens every replication.

Percentage of abdominal fat

Percentage of abdominal fat (%), which is calculated based on the percentage of the comparison between the weight of abdominal fat contained in the abdominal cavity and fat attached to the digestive organs (g) with the live weight of broilers (g).

Statistical analysis

The data will be processed using SPSS software (version 20), based on the design used. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) analyzes data from observation during the study. If there is a significant difference, a further test is carried out using Duncan's Multiple Range Test (Steel and Torrie, 1980).


Production performance

The average performance of broiler production observed during the research was feed consumption, body weight gain, and feed conversion. The data are presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Production performance at the starter and finisher period in broiler chicken

Treatment Feed consumption (g/head/day) Weight gain (g/head/day) Feed conversion ratio

P1 78.17 ± 3.45a 51.83 ± 6.24a 1.50 ± 0.22a

P2 86.71 ± 4.12b 55.55 ± 4.88a 1.56 ± 1.45a

P3 96.43 ± 3.41c 60.28 ± 5.61b 1.60 ± 1.03a

P4 118.24 ± 2.66d 65.80 ± 3.87b 1.80 ± 1.56b

abc Different superscript letters in the same column showed a significant difference (p < 0.05). P1: Fermented feed for 2 weeks, P2: Fermented feed for 3 weeks. P3: Fermented feed for 4 weeks, P4: Fermented feed for 5 weeks.

Feed consumption

The analysis of variance revealed that the duration of feeding fermented with Lactobacillus had a significant effect on the consumption of broiler chicken ration (p < 0.05). The average consumption of broiler rations during the study ranged from 78.17 to 118.24 (g/head/day). The most extended fermented feed would affect the feed consumption; this was assumed because adding feed fermented with Lactobacillus has better palatability, so broilers prefer it. Widodo et al. (2013) reported that fermented feed could be given to a level of 15% in the ration because fermented feed with Lactobacillus provides aromas, flavors, and shapes that broilers prefer, thereby increasing feed consumption.

Further test results showed that the consumption ratio of P1 was significantly different from P2 (p < 0.05). It was hypothesized that the increased consumption at each treatment in this study was due to the duration of the

feed fermented with Lactobacillus supplementation, which could lead to improved feed quality. Widodo et al. (2013) found that fermented feed had improved quality compared to feed that had not undergone the fermentation process. This improvement in feed quality is because the feed contains Lactobacillus, which helps speed up the digestive process, thereby improving the digestibility of the feed. Getachew (2016) revealed that lactic acid bacteria could live and grow in the intestine and produce enzymes, such as proteases and amylases, which could help improve digestion and produce short-chain fatty acids with antibacterial properties to protect nutritive feed. Therefore, feed intake can be improved by adding feed fermented with lactic acid bacteria.

Feed consumption in P2 was significantly different from P3, suggesting that the increased consumption was due to the palatability of the Lactobacillus-fermented feed, which was preferred by livestock (p < 0.05). Furthermore, the lactic acid produced by lactobacilli in the gut plays a tremendous role in eliminating pathogenic bacteria and maximizing the digestibility of the feed by ensuring that there is no competition for the utilization of the nutrients ingested. This statement is believed to be due to its impact on consumption (Wikanatsiri et al., 2012).

The consumption of rations at P3 was significantly different from that in P4 (p < 0.05); it was suspected that feed fermented with Lactobacillus could improve palatability. Furthermore, throughout these 4-5 weeks of treatment, the amount of Lactobacillus in the intestine could be increased so that the more extended feeding fermented with Lactobacillus caused the more significant population of Lactobacillus in the digestive tract of broilers, which caused the ratio consumption and feed digestibility increased. Elbaz (2021) reported that broiler rations supplemented with Lactobacillus could increase palatability, feed consumption, broiler immune system (health), productivity, efficiency, and feed consumption. According to Hardiningsih et al. (2006), the benefits of providing Lactobacillus in mixed feed to broilers included increased palatability, maintaining microflora, helping increase digestive enzyme activity, reducing bacterial enzyme activity and ammonia production, increased feed consumption and digestion, neutralizing both enterotoxins and toxins, and also stimulates the immune system.

Body weight gain

The analysis of variance showed that the feed fermented with Lactobacillus had a significant effect (p <

0.05) on the increase in the body weight of broilers. It is suspected that feed fermented with Lactobacillus can increase feed digestibility in the digestive tract. As mentioned by Astuti et al. (2015), increasing the number of Lactobacillus in the intestine will positively affect broilers' growth because Lactobacillus bacteria can break down simple carbohydrates into lactic acid. Lactobacillus bacteria can maintain the balance of other beneficial bacteria populations in the small intestine so that feed digestibility improves, affecting the increase in broilers' body weight.

The results of further tests showed that the body weight gain of broilers in treatment P1 was not significantly different (p > 0.05) with treatment P2 but significantly different (p < 0.05) with treatment P3 and P4. This result is thought to be due to the number of Lactobacillus in the digestive tract of broiler chickens because the P1 treatment is the same as the P2 treatment; this could be due to various factors. Uzer et al. (2013) Lactobacilli maintain beneficial microflora in the gastrointestinal tract, conversely, suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria, increase digestive enzyme activity, decrease bacterial enzyme activity and ammonia production, increase food intake and digestion, and enterotoxins and neutralize immunity. A stimulating system that does not compete in digesting food.

The body weight gain of broilers in P2 significantly differed from that in P3 (p < 0.05), it was suspected that feed fermented with Lactobacillus could protect the digestive tract from pathogenic bacteria and streamline feed consumption. According to Astuti et al. (2015), increasing the number of Lactobacillus in the intestine will positively affect the growth of chickens which could break down simple carbohydrates into lactic acid. Lactobacillus, in addition to maintaining the digestive tract and improving the nutritional value of feed. Body weight gain is closely related to feeding in terms of quantity related to feeding consumption. If feed consumption is disturbed, it will interfere with growth and vice versa; if feed consumption is sufficient, it will increase broiler body weight. The growth of various types of broiler chickens is highly dependent on the feed consumed and is also determined by the development of the digestive tract (Fanatico et al., 2008; Torrey et al., 2021; Singh et al., 2021).

The weight gains of broilers in the P1 and P2 treatments significantly differed from that in P3 and P4 treatments (p < 0.05). It is suspected that feeding fermented feed with Lactobacillus can increase body weight gain due to its ability to suppress pathogenic

bacteria. Furthermore, it can also increase feed digestibility, which has the effect of increasing the digestibility of protein, where feed fermented with Lactobacillus produces proteolytic enzymes in the digestive tract, which then can help digest protein, thereby increasing body weight (Muck et al., 2018). A fermented feed with Lactobacillus, suppressing pathogenic bacteria, can also improve the digestive organs, stimulating bile and pancreatic juice so that it affects the body weight gain of broiler chickens (Uguru et al., 2022). Nurhayati et al. (2015) indicated that the use of fermented feed with Lactobacillus in broiler chickens could increase the functionality of the digestive organs of broilers, namely stimulating the gallbladder wall to secrete bile and stimulating the secretion of pancreatic juice, which contains amylase, lipase, and protease enzymes to improve the digestion of feed ingredients such as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Thus, the more extended feeding of fermented feed with Lactobacillus resulted in better body weight gain.

Feed conversion ratio

The analysis of variance showed that the addition of fermented feed containing Lactobacillus with 5 weeks curing time (P4) had a significant effect (p < 0.05) on the conversion of broiler rations. It was reported that the role of fermented Lactobacillus in feed is essential because the feed provided is efficient in increasing the body weight of broilers Lactobacillus is a gram-positive microorganism found in milk, fruits, and soil. These lactobacilli can maintain the natural balance of the chicken intestine, so they can function as natural antibiotics (Chen et al., 2005; Chen et al., 2017). Kiha et al. (2012) indicated that Lactobacillus in the digestive tract could suppress pathogenic bacteria, so they do not compete in digesting nutrients and maximize nutrient absorption in the digestive tract. The longer addition of feed fermented with Lactobacillus can increase the body weight gain of broiler chickens; in addition, the increase in body weight of broiler chickens can be influenced by the consumption of feed and the nutritional content contained in the feed or the consumption of nutrients in the feed. The longer the feeding time fermented with Lactobacillus, the greater the body weight gain.

Carcass quality

The average carcass quality of broilers during the study observed was live weight, carcass percentage, and abdominal fat percentage. The data are presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Average carcass quality of broiler chickens

Treatment Live body weight (g) Carcass (%) Abdomen fat (%)

P1 1699.50 ± 13.44a 72.02 ± 6.43a 1.24 ± 0.12a

P2 1797.50 ± 21.06a 75.02 ± 11.03a 1.32 ± 0.11b

P3 1900.75 ± 20.11b 77.65 ± 5.44b 1.40 ± 0.80b

P4 2002.00 ± 16.37c 78.39 ± 7.18b 1.34 ± 0.32b

abc Different superscript letters in the same column showed a significant difference (p < 0.05). P1: fermented feed for 2 weeks, P2: fermented feed for 3 weeks. P3: fermented feed for 4 weeks, P4: fermented feed for 5 weeks.

Live body weight

The average live weight obtained in this study ranged 1699.50-2002.00 gr. The results of the analysis of diversity on the final weight of broiler chickens showed the addition of fermented feed containing Lactobacillus with 5 weeks curing time (P4) had a significant effect (p < 0.05) on the live weight of broiler chickens. It is suspected that Lactobacillus can produce lactic acid in the digestive tract so that it can lower the pH in the digestive tract. Low pH conditions will multiply beneficial bacteria, allowing for faster nutrient absorption and increased growth, affecting broiler chickens' live weight (Akhadiarto, 2010).

On the other hand, the results revealed that the live weight of broiler chickens at P1 was not significantly different (p > 0.05) from P2 but was significantly different (p < 0.05) from P3 and P4 regarding the live weight of broilers. This result indicated that the effect of feeding time fermented with Lactobacillus for 2-3 weeks could lead to the same live weight because lactobacillus activity on the duration of feeding fermented at P1 and P2 gave the same effect. However, feeding fermented with Lactobacillus for 4 and 5 weeks could increase live weight higher than P1 and P2. This result is presumably because of the length of time Lactobacillus in the digestive tract can increase the intestinal villi's surface areas, so that nutrient absorption is better, reducing the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. In line with the research results of Ignatova et al. (2009), it was shown that giving a probiotic supplement (Lactobacillus) for 5 weeks positively increases the live weight of broilers and livestock products that are safe for consumption.

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Feeding fermented with Lactobacillus at P2 was significantly different (p < 0.05) compared to P3 and P4 on the results of the weight of broiler chickens. It is suspected that the duration of feeding fermented with Lactobacillus for 3 weeks is still in average conditions to produce a live weight. Moreover, because the feed fermented with Lactobacillus is given only up to 3 weeks,

after more than 3 weeks, the lactic acid bacteria produced from the Lactobacillus fermented feed will be less so that the acidic conditions in the digestive tract are normal. According to Rodriguez-Lecompte et al. (2010), adding Lactobacillus to the feed will reduce pH and increase the number of microorganisms in the digestive tract, accelerating the growth of digestive organs and allowing them to develop optimally. Feeding fermented with Lactobacillus at 4 and 5 weeks resulted in high body weight gain. It can be assumed that the more extended feeding fermented with Lactobacillus will result in greater body weight.

Feeding fermented feed with Lactobacillus for 4 weeks was significantly different (p < 0.05), compared to feeding fermented feed for 5 weeks. Presumably, the longer the feeding is fermented with Lactobacillus, the more lactic acid bacteria are produced, which lower the digestive tracts pH, facilitating the metabolic process and producing a high body weight. This case follows the opinion of Elbaz (2021), which indicated that using Lactobacillus in feed aims to balance the microflora in the digestive tract to increase the absorption of nutrients to produce ideal body weight.

Carcass percentage

The average percentage of broiler carcass for each treatment during the study can be seen in Table 3. The average percentage of broiler carcasses obtained in this study ranged from 72.02 to 78.39%. The results of the analysis of variance on broiler carcasses showed the addition of fermented feed containing Lactobacillus with 5 weeks curing time (P4) had a significant effect (p < 0.05) on the percentage carcasses of broilers. This result was because the duration of feeding fermented with Lactobacillus can lower the pH of the digestive tract and facilitate the work of the pepsin enzyme so that protein absorption increases. Baeza et al. (2022) stated that the average percentage of broiler carcasses is around 65-78% of the final body weight.

The results of further tests on the percentage carcasses of broiler carcasses showed that the percentage of carcasses in P1 was not significantly different (p > 0.05) with P2 but significantly different (p < 0.05) with P3 and P4. This result indicated that the effect of feeding fermented feed with Lactobacillus for 2 weeks and three weeks resulted in a carcass percentage of 72.02-75.02% lower than P3 and P4. The reason is that feeding fermented with Lactobacillus for 2 and 3 weeks has the potential for the growth of pathogenic bacteria, such as salmonella bacteria. The fermented feed can minimize the

growth of salmonella pathogenic bacteria so that the protein digestion process assisted by enzymes will be slower compared to P3 and P4, while the duration of feeding fermented with Lactobacillus for 4-5 weeks resulted in a higher carcass percentage than P1 and P2, ranging from 77.64% to 78.39%. Lactobacillus acts as a growth promoter which can increase pepsin enzyme in the digestive tract so that the absorption of nutrients in the intestines and the resulting metabolic products can be utilized by the livestock body to form and add new tissues such as meat formation (Ignatova et al., 2009).

Feeding fermented with Lactobacillus in treatment P2 significantly differed when compared to P3 and P4 regarding carcass percentage (p < 0.05). This reason is that the length of time of fermented feed with Lactobacillus will produce a great percentage of the carcass. After all, Lactobacillus will produce lactic acid bacteria, which facilitate the work of the digestive tract, resulting in a high percentage of the carcass. Maunatin and Khanifa (2012) stated that lactic acid bacteria in the digestive system could neutralize toxins produced by pathogenic bacteria, affecting enzyme activity in the small intestine so that the blood will circulate nutrients throughout the body to form meat.

Feeding fermented feed with Lactobacillus at P3 was not significantly different (p > 0.05) with P4. This case was because the 4-week fermented feed had the same number of Lactobacillus bacteria as the fermented feed treatment for 5 weeks, so the enzyme performance produced was the same in the P3 and P4 treatments. One of the increased enzyme performances due to the increase in the microbial population is the pepsin enzyme, to break down protein. Then, feed nutrients will be absorbed throughout the body to form meat deposition. Similarly, Mountzouris et al. (2010) found that the use of probiotics in feed can work optimally in the digestive tract by increasing the number of microbial populations, thereby balancing the microflora in the digestive tract, protecting the digestive system, improving intestinal health and increasing livestock productivity.

Abdominal fat percentage

The average percentage of abdominal fat weight ranged from 1.24 to 1.40%. It can be assumed that feeding fermented with Lactobacillus facilitates the hydrolysis of carbohydrates in the digestive tract, facilitating the absorption of glucose and monosaccharides. Meanwhile, feed containing easily digestible carbohydrates will result in increased abdominal fat. Following the view of Jha and Mishra (2021), poultry-fed carbohydrate-based diets have

a higher abdominal fat content than fibrous; easily digestible carbohydrates tend to be converted into energy reserves in the form of fat. According to Hidayat (2015), fat formation occurs due to excess energy consumed. Excess energy in broilers will be stored in the form of abdominal fat.

Further test results revealed that the percentage of abdominal fat given fermented feed with Lactobacillus at P1 was significantly different (p < 0.05) from P2, P3, and P4 in terms of abdominal fat percentage. It is suspected that the feeding duration fermented with Lactobacillus at P1 was still in normal condition resulting in a lower percentage of abdominal fat. In contrast, at P2, P3, and P4, the length of feeding fermented with Lactobacillus could reduce the activity of the lipase enzyme that plays a role in the rate of acid synthesis. Fouad and El-Senousey (2014) reported that the decrease in abdominal fat deposition with a decrease in the energy content of the ration was due to the reduced activity of lipase enzymes associated with lipogenic processes in the liver. Lipogenesis is a fat deposition process that includes fatty acid synthesis and triglyceride synthesis that occurs in the liver in the mitochondria, cytoplasm, and adipose tissue. Fat in the body originates from feed and is produced from the synthesis process in the liver (Jensen-Urstad and Semenkovich, 2012). Feeding fermented feed with Lactobacillus at P2 and P3 was not significantly different (p > 0.05) but significantly different from P4. In this case, presumably because feeding fermented with Lactobacillus can optimize the absorption of the digestive tract so that the nutritional content of the feed is more directed at the formation of meat and bones than fat in each treatment. Fouad and El-Senousey (2014) stated that nutrition affects the deposition of abdominal fat in the body of broiler chickens. Reduction of body fat deposits in broilers, including abdominal fat, occurs due to a reduction in fatty acid synthesis in the liver and a decrease in lipase enzyme secretion, thereby reducing fat absorption. Zhang et al (1999) stated that fatty acids reduce the amount of body fat deposition in broilers by suppressing the activity of the lipase enzyme in plasma.


According to the present study's findings, adding fermented Lactobacillus feed for 5 weeks could increase body weight gain by 16.30%, decrease feed conversion by 11.10% and improve the carcass quality of broiler chickens. Recommendations for further research are the increased application of fermented feed by Lactobacillus

as a feed mixture to the number of pathogenic and non-pathogenic microbial populations and the characteristics of the digestive organs in broiler chickens.



The authors would like to thank the Incorporated Company Satwa Utama Integrasi as a funding source; and Apriadi, Epanria, and Rafi Megansyah for their assistance during the research.

Authors' contributions

All authors developed the theory and supervised the research. Rizki Palupi contributed to the sample collection and analysis calculations. All authors read and approved the final version of the manuscript for publishing in the present journal.

Competing interests

The authors have declared that no competing interest


Ethical consideration

All authors have reviewed the manuscripts for ethical concerns, such as plagiarism, consent to publish, misconduct, data fabrication and falsification, double publishing and submission, and redundancy.

Availability data and materials

The authors confirm that the data supporting the findings of this study are available within the article [and/or] its supplementary materials.


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