EFFECTS OF AGRİCULTURE ON THE ECOLOGİCAL ENVİRONMENT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экологические биотехнологии»

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Ключевые слова
clean agriculture / natural productivity / use of natural ingredients / natural farming / natural breeding
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Odlar Yurdu University

Keywords: clean agriculture, natural productivity, use of natural ingredients, natural farming, natural breeding


Ecological agriculture is a production system that supports the health of the soil, ecosystem and people. The main goal of ecological agriculture is to improve fair relations and quality of life by combining tradition, innovation and science to protect our common home, the environment. In order to achieve this goal, increasing and protecting soil fertility is consistently implemented and the natural capabilities of the landscape are evaluated as a system, and quality indicators are constantly improved in all spheres of the environment and agriculture. Ecological farming is based on the principles of increasing soil fertility through the application of the rotational cropping system as an alternative system in agriculture, the application of non-chemical methods in the fight against plant diseases and pests, and the principles of reducing fertilizers, herbicides, growth stimulants, and mixtures added to feed for crop growth. Ecological agricultural production in Europe started in the mid-20s of the last century. That period was characterized by features such as intensive industrialization, rapid growth of the urban population, unemployment, environmental pollution, and wide spread of various diseases. In this period, the intensive application of chemical and technical means in agriculture led to the emergence of very painful environmental problems and the accumulation of toxic residues, especially in food products.

It is especially necessary to mention two factors that created a turning point in the ecological agriculture policy in European countries: - Resolution No. 2092/91 adopted by the European Union in January 1993 (in 2007-2008, the same Resolution was updated and, respectively, 834/2008 and 889 /2008 adopted) creation of a common certification system of organic agricultural production mainly on a European scale; - The agro-ecological program adopted in 1992 and applied since 1994 for the purpose of renewing the agricultural policy of the European Union.

Environmentally friendly agriculture (or organic agriculture) is a type of agriculture that does not harm the environment and is aimed at preserving the natural fertility of the soil and the balance of ecosystems. This approach is based on producing products through natural methods and technologies, avoiding the use of synthetic chemical fertilizers, pesticides and GMOs (genetically modified organisms).

The main features of ecologically clean agriculture are:

1. Avoiding chemical fertilizers : Natural methods are used instead of artificial fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. This improves the quality of the product and makes it safer for health.

Natural fertilizers and compost are used. This improves soil health and productivity! For example, soil fertility is increased by using composting and cover crops.

2. Biological control : Natural enemies and biological means are used against pests, not chemical drugs.

3.Efficient use of water : Water resources are protected and used optimally. ¡Efficient use and cleanliness of water sources is important for ecological farming. This prevents water wastage and does not harm nature.

4. Crop rotation : Crop rotation helps to keep the soil from getting tired and to keep the productivity high! As a result of crop rotation and natural feeding of livestock, soil structure improves and productivity increases.

5. [Promoting Biodiversity : Integrating different plants and animals in organic farming helps to maintain the balance of nature. Monoculture crops are avoided. By planting different types of plants, the balance of nature is maintained and an environment more resistant to pests is created.

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6. Animal welfare : The conditions of keeping animals are organized according to the natural environment. They are not given chemical additives and hormones.

7. Soil fertility protection : Soil health is central to this system. Techniques such as natural fertilizers, green manures and rotation help increase soil fertility.

8. Environmental protection : Green agriculture helps prevent soil, water and air pollution and also reduces the emission of greenhouse gases.

Green agriculture also has a positive impact on long-term economic sustainability, product quality and consumer health.

It is essential for both healthy food production and sustainable use of natural resources. Ecologically clean agricultural products are marked with organic certificates and are becoming more and more popular around the world.

The benefits of environmentally friendly agriculture include environmental protection, reduction of soil erosion, improvement of crop quality and sustainability of agricultural activities.

Ecological agriculture (or organic agriculture) is a system based on the cultivation of agricultural products without the use of chemicals, synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and hormones. This approach aims to preserve the natural balance of land, water and the environment and supports local ecosystems. Techniques such as natural fertilizers, biological pest control and rotation are used during crop production in ecological agriculture.

The main advantages of environmentally friendly agriculture:

•Healthy and harmless product production

•Protection of soil and water

• Prevention of harmful chemicals

• Protection of biodiversity

•Promotion of sustainable agricultural practices

This approach also contributes to protecting consumer health and building more sustainable economic models in rural areas.

Cultivation of agricultural plants and breeding of animals without the use of chemical-synthetic (artificial) substances in ecologically clean agriculture, as well as production, processing, circulation and certification of ecologically clean agricultural and food products are one of the main factors.

Ecological monitoring is an activity to investigate the production and processing of agricultural and food products in ecologically clean agricultural subjects in accordance with the requirements of ecologically clean agriculture, to prepare data by conducting observations and analyzes and to present it to relevant authorities and economic subjects.

It is important to protect and increase biodiversity through the cultivation of plant species and varieties that create conditions for the harmony of ecological agriculture with the natural possibilities of the soil, as well as by choosing efficient breeding and feeding methods of animals. It is based on the application of balanced crop rotation systems based on the use of genetic resistance to diseases and pests, with high adaptability to local conditions. In the area of ecologically clean agriculture, effective technologies are used to stimulate the natural regeneration and self-regulation processes of the soil, limit the accumulation of pollutants in the soil and prevent their transfer from the soil to the plant, and control the source of pollution of water bodies and the atmosphere. The use of synthetic mineral fertilizers, pesticides, growth hormones, synthetic food additives used in the process of food production, and the use of environmentally hazardous chemicals in the disinfection of warehouses and buildings where livestock are kept, except for the means allowed for use in ecologically clean agriculture, should be refused.

Persons guilty of violating the legislation on ecologically clean agriculture shall be held responsible in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The state has certain duties in the regulation of ecologically clean agriculture:

1. Normative legal regulation regulating primary production, production, processing, certification, circulation, and disposal of ecologically clean agricultural and food products special projects on the approval and development of acts and regulations should be prepared.

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2. Non-natural and permitted application in organic agriculture the list of prohibited natural remedies should be approved, and the obligations of the subjects should be determined.

3. Equipped with modern equipment and supplies for the determination of substances and organisms prohibited for use in environmentally friendly agriculture it is necessary to provide assistance in the organization of appropriate laboratories and the training of specialists.

4. Proposals on stimulating the activity of economic entities that switch to ecologically clean agriculture should be prepared and submitted to the relevant executive authority.

5. Conducting scientific-research works in the field of ecologically clean agriculture and the formation of personnel potential should be constantly monitored and planned.

6. International cooperation in the field of environmentally friendly agriculture The Republic of Azerbaijan should be represented, as well as other duties defined by the legislation should be performed.


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