Muhabbat Rakhimova
Student, Chirchik State Pedagogical University
Dilafruz Umarova
Scientific adviser, Teacher, Chirchik State Pedagogical University
Recently, there has been a lot of focus on organizing effective classes to improve communication abilities, particularly speaking and listening abilities, in our nation's educational system. Thanks to active search, independent discovery, modeling and solution, and practical activities, ensuring the quality of education is achievable. The use of efficient methods for creating interactive courses, exchanging information, sharing search and creativity, and preparing students for real-world situations. Only by setting up an efficient and engaging training mode is all of this feasible. We attempted to mention a number of ways and techniques in this post as foreign language teachers in order to demonstrate the validity of the interactive listening and speaking exercises. The purpose of the paper under discussion is to explain how the key to good teaching methods is to structure the educational process so that nearly every student participates in the cognitive process and has the capacity to comprehend and think critically about what they have learned.
Keywords: effective techniques, strategies, educational process, method, interactive method, competence, communicative competence
Reading is a more impersonal mode of communication than listening, while listening calls for a greater amount of "reading between the lines." The listener frequently has the added benefit of facial expression and intonation to help him understand message correctly. Few speakers are as orderly and exact as they would be if they were outlining their thoughts in writing. Visual assistance aren't always present during some hearing encounters.
Speaking is the second fundamental skill this study addresses, and it is absolutely crucial to the process of learning a second language: "Speaking is one of the most challenging skills that language learners must cope with." [1] Despite this, because grammar has a
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long written past, it has typically been pushed to the side while we, as English teachers, have spent all our classroom time trying to teach our pupils how to write, read, and occasionally even listen in a foreign language.
The four talents are typically regarded as being most crucial for speaking. Indeed, despite years of study, many English language learners express frustration at their inability to speak the language.
A crucial aspect of language is speaking. It is our main method of information transmission. The ability to talk well indicates our competency in another language since when we inquire about someone's ability to operate in a second language, we ask, "How well do you speak...?" [1]
Speaking as a language ability depends more on these abilities than it does on language precision, thus when we talk about "teaching speaking," we mean something distinct from practicing grammar or vocabulary. Speaking can be used to practice learning a new language, as is typical in question-and-answer exercises or role-plays done following specialized language teaching, although this type of activity may not teach the skill of speaking itself.
Speech is taught by every teacher. Children mimic their teachers because they learn by doing so, so the instructor needs to talk well. He should speak with a soft, well-modulated tone, appropriate posture, appropriate excitement, courtesies, and composure.
Speaking is the act of expressing ideas or thoughts using well-chosen words or sound patterns. The spoken word is fundamental, according to Fessenden. He claims that the definition of language is "tongue."[5] The word's origin thereby highlights the physical or organic character of language. The spoken symbol has been translated into a different medium to create the written word. The written word has made it possible to 'transmit ideas' through time and preserve knowledge.
The practice of teaching listening has evolved during the last few years. The teaching of listening is suddenly receiving more attention. The art of speaking has not been as well-liked, despite the fact that few would contest the significance of speech in modern society. The need for speaking skills improvement has not received as much attention as the need for listening skills improvement, despite the fact that most people cannot vocally communicate concepts as clearly or accurately as they do in writing.
In the review of the literature on listening, speech was mentioned quite a bit. After listening, speaking comes next in the
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progression of language skills. Speaking is the most often used language skill, aside from listening, and it is developmental in nature. Speech is the primary form of oral language and self-expression [8].
In the past, education and assessment for listening were centered on the development of specific skills or micro-skills. An emphasis on abilities included:
S differentiating sounds in words, particularly phonemic contrasts.
S figuring out the meaning of terms you don't know.
S predicting content.
S recognizing inconsistencies, insufficient data, ambiguities;
S separating reality from opinion.
The focus Krashen placed on the function of comprehension and understandable information, also known as the input hypothesis, in triggering language development, which forms the foundation of his Natural Approach, was a contributing factor in the changing status of listening. Applied linguists started stealing fresh conceptual frameworks for comprehension from cognitive psychology in the 1980s and 1990s [2]. The distinction between bottom-up processing and top-down processing, which brought about an understanding of the significance of background information and schema in comprehension, was taken from this source.
According to the bottom-up approach, listening is a data-driven, linear activity. When the listener successfully decodes the spoken text, comprehension occurs. Contrarily, in the top-down model of listening, the listener actively constructs meaning based on assumptions, inferences, goals, schema knowledge, and other pertinent prior knowledge, as well as by selectively processing the input. Over time, listening was seen as an interpretive process. Written texts read aloud could not serve as a suitable foundation for the development of the skills required to process realtime authentic discourse at the same time that the fields of conversation analysis and discourse analysis were revealing a great deal about the organization of spoken discourse.
Although speaking has always been a key component of language instruction, recent years have seen a significant change in how speaking skills are perceived and taught. According to Shrum and Glisan, speaking in the early 1970s was typically defined as "repeating after the teacher, reciting a memorized dialogue, or responding to a mechanical drill," which reflected the sentence-based conception of proficiency that predominated in the methodologies of audiolingualism and situational language teaching. The concepts of communicative competence and proficiency emerged in the 1980s, and their effects on syllabus and methodology notions are still being felt today.
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There is no longer any doubt about the value of listening, hence efforts must be taken to hone listening abilities. We can no longer rely on chance to teach listening; it must be taught. Duker gives four guidelines for the improvement of listening abilities. As follows [4]:
1.A teacher needs to remember that any listening exercises in the classroom should be enjoyable rather than intimidating. The children's listening is frequently forced rather than inspired.
2. The daily activities in the classroom should be designed such that the quantity of listening expected of the students is not overly and impossible demanding.
3. It is crucial that students' listening in a classroom setting go beyond just paying attention to the teacher. It's quite important for students to learn how to listen to one another, and it's very vital for the teacher to model listening to her students by doing so herself;
4. Listening in class should be done "for" rather than "at". The tendency is to accentuate the "listening at" rather than the "listening for" aspect of the activity when the emphasis is on sitting up straight and looking at the speaker, and I don't mean to imply that such activities are good or harmful.
Bird offers the following four methods for teaching listening:
1. The Direct Method
Teach students the value of listening, the listening process, and the traits of both good and bad listening.
2. The integrated method
Reading and writing should be reoriented to complement listening lessons. Determine the expertise required in each industry.
3.The Incidental Approach.
The most common and the least satisfactory.
4.The Eclectic Approach.
This approach recommended by Bird, combines approaches number one and two [3].
There are numerous strategies to encourage oral abilities in the classroom in connection to the activities designed to improve speaking ability. The most common speaking activities include discussions, speeches, and role-playing, among others. The oral skills class's most frequent activity is probably discussions. Students are presented with a
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ISSN: 2181-1385 ISI: 0,967 | Cite-Factor: 0,89 | SIS: 1,9 | ASI: 1,3 | SJIF: 5,771 | UIF: 6,1
chosen topic through reading, listening to a text, or seeing a video, and then, in pairs or groups, they discuss the problem to find a solution. If they select the topics based on their preferences, students will be more engaged and encouraged to participate in conversations.
The prepared speech is another frequent exercise in the oral skills class. Speech topics will vary based on the academic level of the students and the course's objectives. For instance, asking pupils to "tell us about an outstanding experience you had" stimulates narration and description while allowing them to discuss something that is personally significant.
Role playing is a third common speaking activity type that is especially useful for mastering the sociocultural variances in speech acts like complimenting and criticizing. Role plays can be developed using a set of prompts and phrases, performed from prepared scripts, or written using and consolidating knowledge received via instruction or discussion of the speech act and its variations prior to the role plays themselves, depending on the level of the students. The majority of English teachers feel that speaking abilities are best learned through interaction.
As a conclusion, we can say that the investigation does not attempt to compare interactive and traditional methods, but rather highlights the advantages of the interactive method and emphasizes its efficacy in igniting students' critical thinking, analytical, and argumentation skills; to develop conversation, discussion, team-working, and effective communication skills; and to make students more receptive to peers' opinions due to the emotional connections made through interactive learning. Through the use of interactive techniques, multicultural educators may help children acquire the most acceptable ways of thinking, acting, and communicating while also gaining understanding and compassion for others.
All of the aforementioned arguments lead us to the conclusion that interactive and communicative method-based activities should be considered a form of active learning. Efforts should be made to ensure that these activities can be taken to a higher level and achieve a modern developmental direction with the use of fresh ideas and motivating strategies.
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ISSN: 2181-1385 ISI: 0,967 | Cite-Factor: 0,89 | SIS: 1,9 | ASI: 1,3 | SJIF: 5,771 | UIF: 6,1
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