Научная статья на тему 'Effective forms of communicative competence as a basis for the development of technological competence of the modern manager in the conditions of public management'

Effective forms of communicative competence as a basis for the development of technological competence of the modern manager in the conditions of public management Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Vasylenko Nadiya Vladimirovna, Semko Maya Ivanovna, Poida Serhii Andriiovych

Розглянуто проблему технологічної компетентності сучасного керівника з метою обґрунтування її значення для ефективного застосування професійних комунікацій в його управлінської діяльності; обґрунтовано розвиток технологічної компетентності сучасного керівника в умовах публічного управління, яка розглядається як основа складової комунікативної компетентності фахівців з публічного управління; показано інноваційні підходи та ресурси керівника щодо розвитку його ефективних форм комунікативної компетентності шляхом формування професійних комунікацій; розроблено спеціальні правила професійних комунікацій щодо набуття керівниками необхідних знань, умінь з організації та проведення різних форм управлінських комунікацій, що дають можливість уникнути конфлікту сучасному керівнику в умовах публічного управління. Дослідження підтвердило, що наради, засідання, різні бесіди, дискусії, постановка і роз’яснення завдань підлеглим, звіти перед колективом і керівництвом та ін. усе це різні форми комунікативної компетентності, найпоширенішими серед яких є ділова бесіда і ділова нарада. При цьому серед умов і чинників технологічної компетентності встановлено кілька ведучих управлінських комунікацій: комплекс специфічних знань у галузі публічного управління та адміністрування; вміння та навички керівника з ділового спілкування. Доведено, що технологічна компетентність виявляється в управлінських діях із застосуванням конкретних комунікативних засобів та прийомів, які забезпечують інтерес та засвоєння сучасним керівником накопичених комунікативним простором знань та вмінь про інноваційні комунікативні технології управління, націлених на перспективний розвиток управлінської діяльності.Рассмотрено проблему технологической компетентности современного руководителя с целью обоснования ее значения для эффективного применения профессиональных коммуникаций в управленческой деятельности; обоснованно развитие технологической компетентности современного руководителя в условиях публичного управления, которое рассматривается как основа составляющей коммуникативной компетентности специалистов по публичному управлению; показаны инновационные подходы и ресурсы руководителя по развитию его эффективных форм коммуникативной компетентности путем формирования профессиональных коммуникаций; разработаны специальные правила профессиональных коммуникаций по приобретению руководителями необходимых знаний, умений по организации и проведению различных форм управленческих коммуникаций, которые позволяют избежать конфликта современному руководителю в условиях публичного управления. Исследование подтвердило, что совещания, заседания, различные беседы, дискуссии, постановка и разъяснение задач подчиненным, отчеты перед коллективом и руководством и др. все это различные формы коммуникативной компетентности, наиболее распространенные среди них деловая беседа и деловое совещание. При этом среди условий и факторов технологической компетентности установлено несколько ведущих управленческих коммуникаций: комплекс специфических знаний в сфере публичного управления и администрирования; умения и навыки руководителя в деловом общении. Доказано, что технологическая компетентность проявляется в управленческих действиях с применением конкретных коммуникативных средств и приемов, обеспечивающих интерес и усвоение современным руководителем накопленных коммуникативным пространством знаний и умений об инновационных коммуникативных технологиях управления, нацеленных на перспективное развитие управленческой деятельности.The article is devoted to the problem of technological competence of a modern leader in order to justify its importance for the effective use of professional communications in management activities; the development of the technological competence of a modern leader in public administration is justified, which is considered as the basis of the communicative competence of public administration specialists; innovative approaches and resources of the leader for the development of his effective forms of communicative competence through the formation of professional communications are shown; special rules of professional communications have been developed for managers to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills in organizing and conducting various forms of managerial communications, which will help a modern leader avoid conflict in public administration. The study confirmed that meetings, meetings, various conversations, discussions, setting and explaining tasks to subordinates, reports to the team and management, etc. are all different forms of communicative competence that are common among them business conversation and business meeting. Moreover, among the conditions and factors of technological competence, several leading managerial communications have been established: a complex of specific knowledge in the field of public administration and administration; Abilities and skills of the head of business communication. In the midst of minds and officials of technological competence, a number of leading management commissions have been established: a complex of specific knowledge of the public administration and administration. We came to the conclusion that technological competence is manifested in management actions with the use of specific communication tools and techniques that ensure the interest and assimilation of modern leadership accumulated communicative space of knowledge and skills about innovative communication management technologies aimed at long-term management.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Effective forms of communicative competence as a basis for the development of technological competence of the modern manager in the conditions of public management»

UDC 378.046


Vasylenko Nadiya Vladimirovna,

Doctor of Science, Professor, Head. departments of management and administration Municipal Higher Education Institution "Vinnytsia Academy of Continuing Education", 21100, Vinnitsa, Str. Grushevskaya 13, tel: 044-55-65-45; e-mail:[email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1087-4591 Василенко Надiя Володимирiвна, доктор педагоггчних наук, професор, зав. кафедрою управлтня та адмШ-стрування Комунального вищого на-вчального закладу "Втницька академгя неперервног освти", м. Втниця, вул. Грушевського,13, тел.: 044-55-65-45; е- mail:nadezhdavasilenko2016@ gmail.com, https:// orcid.org/0000-0002-1087-4591

Василенко Надежда Владимировна,

доктор педагогических наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой управления и администрирования коммунального высшего учебного заведения "Винницкая академия непрерывного образования", г. Винница, ул. Грушевского,13, тел.: 04455-65-45; е-mail: nadezhdavasilenko2016@ gmail.com, https://orcid.org /0000-00021087-4591

Semko Maya Ivanovna,

Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Administration of the Municipal Higher Educational Institution "Vinnitsa Academy of Continuing Education", Vinnytsya, Str. Grushevskogo, 13, tel.+38 0432-55-65-68; е-mail: [email protected]; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8327-1751

Семко Майя 1ватвна,

кандидат педагоггчних наук, професор, доцент кафедри управлтня та адмШструван-ня Комунального вищого навчального закладу "Втницька академгя неперервног освти", м. Втниця, вул. Грушевського,13, тел. +38 0432-55-65-68; е- mail: [email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8327-1751 Семко Майя Ивановна,

доцент, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры управления и администрирования коммунального высшего учебного заведения "Винницкая академия непрерывного образования", г. Винница, ул. Грушевского,13, тел.+38 0432-55-65-68; е-mail: [email protected]; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8327-1751

Poida Serhii Andriiovych,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Department of Management and Administration of the Vinnitsa Academy of Continuing Education, Vinnitsya, Str. Gru-shevskogo, 13, tel.: +38 0432-55-65-68; e-mail: [email protected], http://orcid. org/0000-0001-9895-0220

Пойда Сергш Андршович,

кандидат педагоггчних наук, ст. викладач кафедри управлтня та адмМстрування Комунального вищого навчального закладу "Втницька академгя неперервног освти", м. Вшниця, вул. Грушевського,13, тел.: +38 0432-55-65-68; е- mail: serj.pojda@gmail. com, http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9895-0220

Пойда Сергш Андршович,

кандидат педагогических наук, ст. преподаватель кафедры управления и ад-министрования коммунального высшего учебного заведения "Винницкая академия непрерывного образования", г. Винница, ул. Грушевского,13, тел.: +38 0432-55-65-68; е-mail: [email protected], http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9895-0220


Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of technological competence of a modern leader in order to justify its importance for the effective use of professional communications in management activities; the development of the technological competence of a modern leader in public administration is justified, which is considered as the basis of the communicative competence of public administration specialists; innovative approaches and resources of the leader for the development of his effective forms of communicative competence through the formation of professional communications are shown; special rules of professional communications have been developed for managers to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills in organizing and conducting various forms of managerial communications, which will help a modern leader avoid conflict in public administration.

The study confirmed that meetings, meetings, various conversations, discussions, setting and explaining tasks to subordinates, reports to the team and management, etc. are all different forms of communicative competence that are common among them — business conversation and business meeting. Moreover, among the conditions and factors of technological competence, several leading managerial communications have been established: a complex of specific knowledge in the field of public administration and administration; Abilities and skills of the head of business communication.

In the midst of minds and officials of technological competence, a number of leading management commissions have been established: a complex of specific knowledge of the public administration and administration.

We came to the conclusion that technological competence is manifested in management actions with the use of specific communication tools and techniques that ensure the interest and assimilation of modern leadership accumulated communicative space of knowledge and skills about innovative communication management technologies aimed at long-term management.

Keywords: business communication, business conversations, business meeting, competence, communicative competence, technological competence, managerial communication.



Анотащя. Розглянуто проблему технолопчно!' компетентносп сучасного керiвника з метою обгрунтування ïï значення для ефективного застосування професшних комушкацш в його управлшсько'1' дiяльностi; обгрунтовано роз-виток технолопчно!' компетентносп сучасного керiвника в умовах публiчно-го управлшня, яка розглядаеться як основа складово! комушкативно!" компетентносп фахiвцiв з публiчного управлшня; показано шновацшш тдходи та ресурси керiвника щодо розвитку його ефективних форм комушкативно!" компетентносп шляхом формування професшних комушкацш; розроблено спещальш правила професшних комушкацш щодо набуття керiвниками не-обхiдних знань, умiнь з оргашзаци та проведення рiзних форм управлшських комунiкацiй, що дають можливють уникнути конфлiкту сучасному керiвни-ку в умовах публiчного управлiння.

Дослщження пiдтвердило, що наради, засiдання, рiзнi бесiди, дискусп, постановка i роз'яснення завдань шдлеглим, звiти перед колективом i керiвниц-твом та ш. — усе це рiзнi форми комунiкативноï компетентностi, найпошире-шшими серед яких е дiлова бесща i дiлова нарада.

При цьому серед умов i чинниюв технолопчно!' компетентностi встанов-лено кiлька ведучих управлшських комушкацш: комплекс специфiчних знань у галузi публiчного управлiння та адмшютрування; вмiння та навички керiвника з дiлового спiлкування.

Доведено, що технолопчна компетентнiсть виявляеться в управлшських дiях iз застосуванням конкретних комушкативних засобiв та прийомiв, як забезпечують iнтерес та засвоення сучасним керiвником накопичених кому-нiкативним простором знань та вмшь про шновацшш комунiкативнi техно-логií управлiння, нащлених на перспективний розвиток управлiнськоí дiяль-ностi.

Ключовi слова: дiлове стлкування, дiлова бесiда, дiлова нарада, ком-петентнiсть, комунiкативна компетентнiсть, технологiчна компетентшсть, управлiнськi комунiкацií.


Аннотация. Рассмотрено проблему технологической компетентности современного руководителя с целью обоснования ее значения для эффективного применения профессиональных коммуникаций в управленческой деятельности; обоснованно развитие технологической компетентности современного руководителя в условиях публичного управления, которое рассматривается как основа составляющей коммуникативной компетентности специалистов по публичному управлению; показаны инновационные подходы и ресурсы руководителя по развитию его эффективных форм коммуникативной компетентности путем формирования профессиональных коммуникаций; разработаны специальные правила профессиональных коммуникаций по приобретению руководителями необходимых знаний, умений по организации и проведению различных форм управленческих коммуникаций, которые позволяют избежать конфликта современному руководителю в условиях публичного управления.

Исследование подтвердило, что совещания, заседания, различные беседы, дискуссии, постановка и разъяснение задач подчиненным, отчеты перед коллективом и руководством и др. — все это различные формы коммуникативной компетентности, наиболее распространенные среди них — деловая беседа и деловое совещание. При этом среди условий и факторов технологической компетентности установлено несколько ведущих управленческих коммуникаций: комплекс специфических знаний в сфере публичного управления и администрирования; умения и навыки руководителя в деловом общении.

Доказано, что технологическая компетентность проявляется в управленческих действиях с применением конкретных коммуникативных средств и приемов, обеспечивающих интерес и усвоение современным руководителем накопленных коммуникативным пространством знаний и умений об инновационных коммуникативных технологиях управления, нацеленных на перспективное развитие управленческой деятельности.

Ключевые слова: деловое общение, деловая беседа, деловое совещание, компетентность, коммуникативная компетентность, технологическая компетентность, управленческая коммуникация.

Formulation of the problem. The

current stage of reforming education in Ukraine is characterized by its integration into the global educational space and involves the development of professionalism of the human resources, support for non-formal and informal education by the community in conditions of decentralization of the society. The modern head, the level of his professional competence, in particular its communicative component, are necessary priorities of continuing education, which acquire new requirements for his training.

These changes are accompanied by the creation of a new educational paradigm aimed at forming an educated, creative personality, providing conditions for the disclosure of the abilities, use of experience, meeting the educational needs of the individual. Understanding education as the mastery of certain knowledge, skills and abilities and their preparation for life is rethought and replaced by a view of education as a sphere of its formation, finding everyone's personal meaning of life today.

That is, the priority of the public policy in modern education is its personal orientation, including the modern head, to partnership and dialogue. Dialogue and multilateral communication between the participants in the educational process and community representatives changes the one-way communication "head - employee". Today in Ukraine, scholars and practitioners

are discussing the important role of developing the professional competence of a modern head who should create a communicative structure of public self-government of the organization, adapting it to the conditions of competitiveness of any organization.

Analysis of the recent research and publications. Theoretical foundations of the definition of the professional competence have been studied by such scientists as M. Shyshov, V. Kalney, S. Bondar, A. Khutorsky, V. Bolotov, V. Serikov, I. Zymnya, and others. Their research emphasizes the important role of developing the qualifications of a modern head as a component of his professional competence [1, p. 274].

We believe that the concept of "communicative competence" as well as "technological competence" was first used by the scientists as the ability and willingness to establish technological contacts with others in the presence of network communication. These studies emphasize the important role of the development of the technological competence of the modern head in the system of continuing education in Ukraine [1, 2].

Setting objectives. In the context of the problem of increasing the level of development of the technological competence of the modern head in the system of Public Management and Administration there is some experience of active research in this direction. Today, important criteria for the effectiveness

of the modern educational processes are the formation of civic education, professional competence, education of respect for the human rights, tolerance, the ability to find a compromise. Turning to our study, we will dwell in more detail on one of the given criteria for the levels of development of the technological competence of the modern head — communicative competence as a component of his professional competence.

The purpose of the article is to

reveal the concept of technological competence of the modern head and substantiate its importance for the effective use of professional communications in public management.

Presentation of the main material. The theoretical analysis of the problem made it possible to find out the algorithm of the research. First of all, we decided on the interpretation of the category "competence" in the philosophical context of solving a pedagogical problem. In the context of our study we understand competence as an integral quality of the personality, characterized by a willingness to solve problems arising in the process of life and professional activity, using knowledge, experience, individual capabilities [1; 3].

Having defined the concept of "competence", it is necessary to clarify their hierarchy. The most general classification includes three major classes: key competencies that determine the ability of a modern head to successfully socialize each individual; supra-professional (sometimes called basic) competencies necessary for the ability of a modern head to effectively manage and work in the educational environment; subject (special) competencies, which are

the basis for the ability of the head to implement professional tasks in public management [1-3].

To supra-professional competencies we include the technological competence of the modern head, i.e. a set of knowledge about the public management technologies, namely resources for management actions, the ability to apply them, necessary for the implementation of quality productive management activities.

Therefore, we consider the technological competence of a modern head as a desire and ability (readiness) to realize their potential (knowledge, skills, experience in using various communication technologies for management communications), which will ensure successful management, awareness of the importance of personal independence and responsibility for the results of this activity, the need for its continuous improvement.

Most researchers to the essential characteristics of the development of the technological competence of the modern head include: in-depth knowledge of various technologies of management communications; constant updating of knowledge on this problem for successful solution of the managerial tasks; representation of the substantive and procedural components of the structure of the technological competence of the modern head as a resource for public management [2].

In the concept of development of the technological competence of the modern head of the organization the following qualities are distinguished: readiness of the head for creative search; the effectiveness of the high result of his management activities in

terms of mastery of basic competencies, including technological and communicative; practice-oriented orientation of the organization management through basic technologies as the basis of modern tools for innovation of all participants in the educational process; the ratio of the criterion of independence and responsibility of the modern head to provide resources for the development of competitiveness of the organization.

It is established that the signs of the technological competence of a modern head include knowledge, skills of using various network management technologies, which also include motivational, social and behavioural components. They characterize the integrated qualities of a modern head, i.e. is one of the aspects of his successful management activity.

Analyzing the concept of "technological competence", we reveal its functions in communicative competence, that determine the positive result of management of the organization [1; 3].

The study showed that communicative competence is a condition for the development and acquisition of a mature form of thoughts, motives, values, focus of the head on the development of the technological competence of the head, which will provide innovative management activities that seek to assert themselves, to show their abilities, to gain authority from his colleagues and himself. This indicates the motivational and motivating function of the technological competence in the balance of rights, duties and responsibilities, effective partnership for the organization, the life of the organization.

The technological competence characterizes the cognitive and intellec-

tual activity of a modern head. This is manifested in the interest and assimilation of the accumulated communicative space of knowledge about innovative communication management technologies by the individual, the expansion of personal education, outlook, erudition, aimed at the long-term development of the management activities of the head.

This can be seen as a manifestation of the gnostic function of the technological competence. The reflection of the received knowledge in the practical activity in the form of abilities and skills of the head in use of new communicative technologies of management defines the activity function of the communicative competence.

The technological competence is also manifested in a person's ability to volitional tension, mobilization of their forces in overcoming difficulties in the process of the professional activity, persistence, endurance, restraint, which indicates the emotional and volitional function of the communicative competence in the personality structure. The above functions provide conscious, motivated behaviour and self-realization of the individual, support the emotional background, strength, focus, develop the ability to solve problems of a professional nature. Sociability, openness to communication and enrichment in the process of interpersonal interaction are the result of the manifestation of the communicative function of the technological competence.

Based on the above, we can conclude that the use of innovative communication management technologies should be based on the technological competence of the modern head, which is a process of in-depth acquaintance with

the scientific foundations of various innovative technologies, including network, development of special practical managerial skills to use these technologies, development of personal qualities for the implementation of professional communications necessary for the work in an innovative educational environment.

The experience and practice have convincingly proved that an effective form of development of the technological competence of the head is the development of his professional communication.

Professional communication is a special kind of professional and business communication in the process of managerial actions, which is a dialogical interaction between the head and the participants in the educational process. Foreign managers (American, English, Japanese) consider the inability of the head to communicate effectively as a major obstacle to achieving the goals of the organization he heads. 86 % of Japanese managers consider the inability of the head to communicate the main obstacle to the successful operation of the institution [1, p. 212].

Effective work with staff is identified by management specialists with the ability to interact with the team and groups of professionals, take into account the motivation and emotional state of the employees, ensure full information exchange, achieve accurate and timely tasks, prevent and resolve conflicts, encourage subordinates to jointly search for ways to effectively achieve goals. Scientists distinguish between functional-role, interpersonal and business communication based on the development of the commu-

nicative competence of the specialist

[5, 6].

Functional-role communication takes place at the level of social roles of the partners (head and subordinate, employee and employee, etc.), it is characterized by certain norms, expectations, communication is carried out as if in "role masks". Interpersonal communication is based on common views, ideals, values, motives. This type of communication is mostly emotional in nature and involves an informal relationship. In any team there are groups of employees who communicate on an interpersonal level [1; 2].

Business communication is generated by the needs of joint activities and involves the establishment and development of contacts between them for the common cause, a clear understanding of the purpose. Business communication has some features of both functional-role and interpersonal communication, because it intersects the interests not only of "role masks", but also of specific people. This is communication with colleagues, with subordinates, with the management, with government officials, with parents and others.

Studies have shown that up to 75 % of heads have difficulty in various situations of professional communication. Research in the field of management has shown that 50-90 % of working time the employees of all levels (strategic, tactical, operational) spend on various types of communication [6].

In psychological science, as is well known, there are elementary and complex abilities, general and special, potential and actual, less pronounced and pronounced. From this point of view,

the ability to professional communication is a complex set of values and semantic attitudes, psychological qualities, professional culture. Conferences, meetings, various conversations, discussions, setting and explaining tasks to subordinates, reports to the team and the management, etc. — all these are different forms of professional communication. The most common forms of professional communication of a modern head of an educational institution with the staff and individual employees are a business conversation and a business meeting.

A business conversation is a transfer of information, an exchange of views on certain issues and problems, it is a verbal contact, the initiator of which pursues a certain goal. The conversation serves to quickly solve educational and organizational and pedagogical problems, it is associated with the need to draw conclusions and suggestions based on the analysis of the situation. Examples of professional communication are job interviews and dismissals, analysis of conflict situations, discussion of professional difficulties of the employees. A characteristic feature of business conversations is the feedback effect, which allows the head to respond immediately to the statements of the interlocutor. This is the advantage of business conversation over written communication (business letters, reports, circulars, etc.). For all its familiarity, everyday life (the head interacts with many people in a day) business conversation as a form of professional communication gives a specialist a lot, allowing him to approach the person and the subject of discussion, to express beliefs, listen to objections, critical as-

sessments, suggestions that increase competence, contributes to the awareness of the commonality of the participants of the conversation, as well as the responsibility of the head, his importance in solving the discussed problems and the results of the conversation [4, p. 55].

Each of the experts has probably ever felt the ineffectiveness of the business conversations. The reasons for this are the insufficient level of technological communicative abilities and skills of the head, the mistakes made by him — either in the tactics of conversation, or in the choice of arguments or means of managerial communication.

A modern head should assume that a person remembers better what he heard at the beginning of the conversation, and does what he heard at the end. The best result of the conversation (if you prompted the interlocutor to do something) is when he starts performing immediately after the conversation. If, at the end of the conversation, you decide to talk amicably about something, then this will reduce the effect of previous efforts.

The head must keep in mind that business communication is the basis for the development of the technological competence, and therefore should avoid common mistakes. After such a discussion your colleague will not remember many details of the conversation. It is better to transfer the casual exchange of views "about life" to the beginning of the conversation — to create an atmosphere of friendliness. These rules are universal in the preparation and conduct of business conversations, but each type of conversation has its own characteristics. Consider the

types of business conversations, which include conversations about: employment; assignment of the task (receipt of the task); criticism for unfulfilled (poorly performed) work; dismissal of an employee; conflict situations.

To help the heads of the educational institutions we have developed

special rules governing the preparation of a business conversation and its course. We highlight the typical mistakes in the organization and conduct of business conversations, as well as the basic techniques that ensure their effectiveness (Table 1).

Table 1

Typical mistakes in organizing and conducting business conversations

Main types Typical mistakes Basic techniques to avoid conflict

Conversation during employment Idealization of the conditions in which a new employee (teacher) is supposed to work. The future employee is promised some benefits. Do not provide assistance during the adaptation phase Attract the employee without opening difficulties, show the real benefits and advantages of future work: opportunity for growth and professional development; favourable moments in the working conditions; favou_ rable moral and psychological climate in the team; availability of recreation facilities; availability of children's institutions. Promise full support and help, especially at the beginning. Attach one of the experienced employees to the novice employee at the beginning

Assignments, tasks The assignment is given in a hurry, passed through a third party, is given to the first person who catches the eye. An ill-considered assignment is given Combine oral information with written information; tactfully control whether the subordinate performs the task correctly. Record in writing the deadlines, the responsible, the form of work and reporting on it

Criticism for bad work No explanation is provided. Switch to a raised tone. It is not the act that is criticized, but the person. Criticized in front of witnesses First of all, listen to the explanation. Keep the tone even. Before criticizing, find something to praise. Criticize the act, not the person. Do not look for some one to blame. Do not blame, but look for a solution together. Do not criticize in front of witnesses. Remember: nothing is more disarming than the terms and offer of an honourable surrender

Conversation during dismissal The main mistake is to refuse a conversation at all or not understand the purpose of such a conversation: find out the real reason for dismissal; get an evaluation of the work he/she is leaving Choose the most favourable time for a conversation (the morning of the last day of his/her work). Formulate specific goals. Achieve an atmosphere of mutual trust. Adjust the direction of the conversation with the help of questions: "open" - which can not be answered unequivocally: "What do you think?"; 'Your opinion?"; 'Your suggestions?"; "How do you explain this?"

An important factor in the effectiveness of the business conversations is the formation of professional communicative qualities of the participants, especially the head who organizes the conversation Thus, special importance is attached to the ability to listen: to be attentively silent and to be a passive interlocutor; actively listen, subordinating your conversation to the disclosure of the interlocutor; assess the situation: where you need a passive and where an active listener, and become one or the other at the right time. These skills, their improvement — a rather complex, albeit necessary process in the development of communicative relations. The effectiveness of the perception of the head's speech and, in general, managerial communication as a whole depends on them.

The effectiveness of the professional communication, as the basis for the development of the technological competence of the educational institution, during business conversations is determined by the extent to which the specialist has the basic techniques of reflexive and non-reflexive listening. At the same time, it is useful to know and use an arsenal of techniques that increase the effectiveness of the professional communicative competence as a perception of what is heard (Table 2).

The conditions for effective speech perception include:

1. Rules of mutual arrangement of the partners — experts (in particular, I. Atvarter) offer the following limits of admissible distance between the interlocutors:

a) personal (especially trusting) relationships — a distance of up to half a meter;

b) conversations with friends — from 0,5 to 1,2 m;

c) informal social business relations — 1,2-3,7 m (the more formal the relationship, the greater the distance);

d) public speeches — up to 4 m.

As the distance increases, the role of the gaze in maintaining contact increases. At close distance it is inappropriate to look at each other: the interlocutors are already looking at each other in turn. Naturally, each community has its own norms and traditions (including the distance between the interlocutors).

2. Feedback rules organization — answers to the question "How do you hear what's being reported?" This requires:

a) avoid inaccurate, ambiguous definitions (soon, these days, in short time, etc., because the misreading of these words removes responsibility for the result);

Table 2

conditions for effective speech perception

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Ways of perception Techniques of perception of what is heard

Non-reflexive listening Listening (attentive silence). Minimum answers. Minimum questions

The language of nonverbal communication Facial expressions. changing the pitch and intonation. Poses and gestures

Perception Partner location and feedback

b) if necessary to specify (what date, in how many days, at what time, etc.);

c) ask clarifying or control questions on the merits (use the techniques of reflexive listening described above).

At the same time it is important not to interrupt the contact of gazes, to concentrate entirely on the conversation, not to be distracted. It is extremely tactless to do anything else during the conversation, for the head (and any interlocutor) it is unacceptable. Haste and impatience, which are often manifested in the behaviour of the head, are also unacceptable. This manner can be perceived by the interlocutor as doubts about his abilities, as complete disregard for him and even contempt. By actively listening, concentrating on the needs of the interlocutor, expressing understanding and compassion, the head, of course, can approach the forms of effective management communication as a business meeting.

In conducting business meetings (as well as business conversations), it is useful for the head to avoid mistakes when building his own speech, namely: not being able to organize his thoughts before expressing them; speaks spontaneously, hoping, or rather, demanding that others "catch up" with him; the use of wording, special terms that may be completely incomprehensible to the interlocutor; the speech is very long, he wants to present a lot of information using extremely complex constructions, the listeners do not remember what happened at the beginning by the end of the sentence. Research has shown that 50% of adults do not understand the meaning of a phrase if it contains more

than 13 words, and seven-year-olds have difficulty understanding phrases composed of more than 8 words;

3) desire to cover a lot of problems in one sentence;

4) continuation of the conversation, even if the interlocutors do not respond to his speech (lost the essence of the conversation and interest in it);

5) speaking, not paying attention to the remarks of the interlocutors, not accepting their gestures, short arguments, and hence — themselves.

Conclusions and prospects of the research. The theoretical analysis of the research problem provided an opportunity to reveal the concept of technological competence of the modern head and justify its importance for the effective use of communication in his management. Thus among the conditions and factors of the technological competence some leading are established: a set of knowledge in the field of public management and administration; skills and abilities of the head of business communication, business conversation, business meeting; ability to adequately and fully perceive themselves and other people.

Thus, the technological competence of the modern head is of great importance in the management of the public administration and is considered as its main component of communicative competence.

Therefore, it is important during the period of study of the students in higher education institutions, along with the study of basic disciplines, to form in students, to develop in specialists in the public administration technological communicative competence.


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