For citation-. Xiao Zhi, Yang Jinyu, Hu Zekui, Zheng Quan, Mei Shunqi, Burial Lygdenov. Effect of PH value on properties of electroless Ni-P-Al2O3 composite coating on GCr15 surface //
URL. http-// EDN.
УДК 669
PH GCr15 Ni-P-Al2O3 Ä^&MttffiW»^
Effect of PH value on properties of electroless
Ni-P-Al2O3 composite coating on GCr15 surface
Xiao Zhi1, Yang Jinyu1, Hu Zekui1, Zheng Quan1'2, Mei Shunqi1, Burial Lygdenov1'3
1 Hubei Digital Textile Equipment Key Laboratory, School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan, 430073, China;
2 Polzunov Altai State Technical University, Barnaul 656038, Russia;
3 East-Siberian State University of Technology and Management, Ulan-Ude, 670013, Russia E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
gßß1, MW^1, mm1, MM1,2, mmx1, Burial Lygdenov13
1 «ifg^gsmm 430073;
2 m^m, EfcMfc 656038;
3 m^m, 670013
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
GCr15 ^nrnmmn, mm^&M, M
rn^rn, m^W^^. m^fi NÍ-P
MM, S^^f» NÍ-P m^ GCr15 GCr15 w
Ñ., ^«^tt, i^MfÄft^tt«^ [2]. Zhang J. et al. [3] í NÍ-Cu ^^M,
aa^^m^, mn^ wu m La
tt^Mmm^. Shen al. [4] AÍ2Ü3,
imrnrnmA NÍ-P m^mwn^wM^^m-^^^mttm, ^
^m^mrnrnmm, «^tt, mmmm AI2Ü3 ^
imrn, TÍÜ2, Ceü2, SÍC m [5], , rnmtt ; mmrnrn
PTFE, MoS2, ^Mí]í#tt [6]. Apachitei I. et al. [7] № SiC
^A NÍ-P «^tt. He Y. et al. [8] № MoS2 ^A NÍ-P &
M, ^mmmmmm^mmim,
It*, IM, ^x^M^tM, 90oc
да- (Al) [9]. rnrn^ Ni-P ж
ш, шшшж^шт^тйшш, шж, ШЖ PH Ш, 1 шшжш
^ШгШШШ, Ш GCr15 15mm* 10mm*5mm, Ш 180, 320, 600,
800, 1000 ШШШШШ Ш 2.5pm, 0.5^m ШМ
м-, 80°с тж^ш 10min, ^дал^х ФЖ
30s. 15min, ^лтхлш
ж, ъж^мтшш 30s. 20% тшшшжшш 90s, ^шъж&ш
ятт 30s, ±шлшж*.
[10], жжтш®, шшш, ^ш, нт^ш,
ШШтШИШШЛ'Ш^, 450mL. PH % (4.2, 4.4, 4.6, 4.8, 5.0)
Table 1. Test preconditions
PH T (°С) ЙИ (min) (r/min)
4.2-5.0 90 90 150 SDS
90oc, iM PH M 4.4, mm^m.%
+ 10min, mnm^WM^M 50mL, 30min [11], MnAfBf^^Mt, ff 90min,
ffl edx [12], 1,
2. mmmmrnu
^ 2.
Table 2.
Percentage of each component of the sample under PH=6
PH Al Ni P Fe
4.6 1.52 90.94 7.21 0.32
Ш 1. edx ^^^
Fig. 1. EDX payload stage
Ш HV-1000 [13],
Ш 3, -¿^ЙАЙФШ, ^ТОШ.
Fig. 3. Hardness test
Ш 5. шмш Fig. 5. Coating thickness
3 ^te
Ф^ЯШ Ni-p-Ai2O3 PH Ш, Ж PH х^шм^лжш
# ph 4.2-5.0 ш
ш 4. шшшш Fig. 4. Surface morphology
М+^ЙШ PH ШМ^^Й^ЖЁ, 4,4
^ PH 4.9 Bt, ШЙШ^&Ш
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