EFFECT OF MENTAL STRESS ON THE PRONUNCIATION PROCESS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Медицинские науки и общественное здравоохранение»

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Ключевые слова
Mental stress / health / environment / psychological processes / psychostress / eustress / distress / psychodiagnosis / prognosis / psychoemotional conditions / environment

Аннотация научной статьи по медицинским наукам и общественному здравоохранению, автор научной работы — Eshmatova Raykhan

This article deals with the psychoprophylaxisof mental stress situations and their prevention, the stress that occurs in personal activity and its form of distress, its negative effects on human mental and medical health, its consequences, and analytical information about the diagnosis of this condition

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Open access journal



PROCESS Eshmatova Raykhan

Nukus State Pedagogical Institute Special pedagogy: speech therapy

direction 2nd course https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11474385


Received: 24th May 2024 Accepted: 30th May 2024 Online: 31th May 2024

KEY WORDS Mental stress, health, environment, psychological processes, psychostress, eustress, distress,

psychodiagnosis, prognosis, psychoemotional conditions, environment.


This article deals with the psychoprophylaxis of mental stress situations and their prevention, the stress that occurs in personal activity and its form of distress, its negative effects on human mental and medical health, its consequences, and analytical information about the diagnosis of this condition.


Eshmatova Rayxon

Nukus davlat pedagogika instituti Maxsus pedagogika:logopediya

yo'nalishi 2-kurs



Received: 24th May 2024 Accepted: 30th May 2024 Online: 31th May 2024

KEY WORDS Ruhiy zo'riqish, salomatlik, muhit, psixologik jarayonlar, psixostress, eustress,

distress, psixodiagnostika, prognoz, psixoemotsional holatlar, muhit.

Mazkur maqolada ruhiy zo'riqish holatlari va ularni oldini olish psixoprofilaktikasi shaxs faoliyatida yuzaga keluvchi stress va uning distress shakli, uning inson psixik va tibbiy salomatligiga salbiy ta'sirlari, oqibatlari va ushbu holatning diagnostikasi borasidagi tahliliy ma'lumotlar haqida so'z boradi.

Mental stress can significantly affect the pronunciation process. When we're stressed, our bodies go into fight-or-flight mode, which can cause tension in our vocal cords and muscles involved in speech production. This strain can affect our ability to articulate sounds correctly, leading to mispronunciations and difficulty speaking clearly. One way to influence pronunciation is to make people speak faster than normal. When we're stressed, our bodies release adrenaline, which can make us feel rushed and anxious. This can lead to speaking too

Open access journal


quickly and not taking the time to properly form the sounds, resulting in slurred speech and slurred speech.

Mental stress can also interfere with your ability to focus and complete a task. When our minds are preoccupied with worry and anxiety, it can be difficult to pay attention to the details of pronunciation, such as the correct placement of the tongue and lips. This lack of focus can lead to pronunciation errors and difficulty pronouncing words correctly. In humans, it can cause physical symptoms such as muscle tension and fatigue. This can affect the muscles involved in speech production, making it difficult to control the movements required for accurate pronunciation. For example, tension in the jaw muscles makes it difficult to articulate sounds like "t" and "d", which leads to pronunciation disorders. It can also affect our ability to regulate breathing during speech [ Khaidarov F.I., Khalilova N.I. General psychology.T.:Tashkent-2010.]

When we are stressed, our breathing can become shallow and rapid, which can make it difficult to maintain the flow of air for longer phrases or sentences. This can lead to breathlessness or uneven speech, which affects the overall clarity of pronunciation. Mental stress can affect our confidence and self-esteem, which can exacerbate pronunciation difficulties. If we are anxious and self-conscious about our speaking skills, it can make us prone to mistakes and hesitations in speaking. This can lead to a lack of fluency in speech and an increase in pronunciation errors. In addition, mental stress can also affect our memory and recall of words, making it difficult to get the correct pronunciation of words when needed. When we're stressed, our brains can become overloaded with information, leading to difficulty accessing the right sounds and patterns for accurate pronunciation. This can lead to hesitations and pauses that affect the overall fluency and coherence of speech.

Mental stress can affect our emotional state, making us more sensitive to criticism and negative feedback. When we're stressed, negative comments about our accent can be perceived as more of a threat and harm, fueling our anxiety and self-doubt. This can create a vicious cycle of stress and poor pronunciation, making it difficult to improve and improve our speaking skills. Mental stress can also affect our social relationships and relationships, as speech difficulties can prevent effective communication with others. This is a bad dream when we have trouble pronouncing words correctlynish and can lead to miscommunication that affects our ability to express ourselves clearly and connect with others. This can lead to feelings of hopelessness and isolation, which can contribute to mental stress and anxiety. Mental tension, i.e. stress, can affect a person's pronunciation process in different ways. Stress directly affects the state of the nervous system, which can reduce the coordination of speech muscles and the ability to pronounce. Stress also reduces the ability to concentrate, which can lead to errors in the speech process. [ Jalolova M.O. "Diagnosis and correction of stress situations during adolescence". Master's thesis, Andijan-2017.]

Effects of stress on pronunciation may include:

Inaccuracy of pronunciation: Under stress, people often cannot pronounce words clearly, which affects the intelligibility of speech. Slowing or speeding up speech: Stress sometimes changes the speed of speech, which can make it difficult for listeners to understand. Difficulty finding words: Under stress, people may have difficulty finding the right words, which can lead to interruptions in conversation.

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Speech interruptions: In stressful situations, people may stop talking or not finish their sentences.

The following methods are recommended to prevent mental stress and reduce its negative effects:

Rest and Relaxation: Regular relaxation and relaxation exercises can be helpful to reduce stress.

Regular exercise: Physical activity can help reduce stress hormones and improve overall mood.

Psychological counseling: If stress is a persistent problem, counseling with a psychologist or therapist may be helpful.

Improving time management: It is possible to reduce the level of stress by properly planning the agenda and improving time management [G'aziyev.E.G'. General psychology. T.:-2003.]

In conclusion, mental stress can significantly affect the pronunciation process, which affects our ability to clearly express sounds, focus on speech production, regulate breathing, and maintain confidence and fluency in speech. It is important to be aware of the effects of stress on pronunciation and to use techniques to manage and reduce stress levels such as deep breathing exercises, mindfulness and relaxation techniques. By eliminating mental stress and its effects on pronunciation, we can improve our speaking skills and improve our overall communication skills.


1. Khaidarov F.I., Halilova N.I. General psychology. T.: Tashkent-2010.

2. Jalolova M.O. "Diagnosis and correction of stress situations during adolescence". Master's thesis, Andijan-2017.

3. Ghaziyev. E.G. General psychology. T.:-2003.

4. https://mymedic.uz.

5. http:// library.ziyonet.uz.

6. Saviya.uz

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