Tillaev Mamjabbor D. S., C.T.S., Professor, Yunusov Saloxiddin Zunnunovich,
Axmedov Mirzokir Xakimovich, assistant, Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, city. Tashkent. Uzbekistan
Abstract: In the article from the point ofview of science, the question ofworking chain saws and fibers on the bar instead of a meeting was considered. The obtained mathematical models with the help of the fiber particles of the working organs are found and the containment condition is determined, and also the article studies the finding of gin-seed at the working end of the gin. Determined under the influence of what and with the help of what forces return the seeds back to the working chamber. In addition, the study of the presence of seeds in the intercity space and the way out of it has been studied.
Keywords: Strain fiber, gin, sawing cylinder, elastic forces, working chamber, fiber bundle, teeth saw.
The fiber is removed from the main saw cylinder by means of an air flow. O2 and R2 are the center and radius of the main saw cylinder respectively, and O1 and R1 are the center and radius of the auxiliary (removable) dusty cylinder; A - a current of a meeting of a periferinic layer of an air stream, circulating around an auxiliary saw cylinder, with the basic saw cylinder. The position of point A depends on the constructive solution.
The origin is placed at point A, and the X axis is directed along the front edge of the tooth. Two cases of movement of the fiber bundle relative to the front face of the saw tooth are possible: in the first fiber moves along the front face of the tooth; in the second, the fiber moves without contact with the front face of the tooth. In the first case it takes the form
Where S =
m v
T = c¡ip[ve -ve sin(a +^)]2
Pk = 2m—X.
where S - is the centrifugal force; T - is the tangential force; F - is the friction force; N is the normal reaction. On condition
N = Ssina - Tsinç-
Pk > 0
T <
S sina + Pk sinç
there is a separation of the beam from the saw's tooth. If N = 0
T =
S sina + Pk sin^
mX = S cosa mY = S sina -
-T cosy- F Tsiny + N - Pk
Taking into account that, F = /j,N where ^ - the coefficient of friction, Pk = the system of equation [1] can be replaced by one equation.
mit = S(cosa -^sina) + T(cos^ -sin^)- /j,Pk (2)
then the equation of motion of the fiber bundle takes the form
X = A1 + B1X, (4)
vj cosa(sin^- + sina)_
A: =-
2 Vjcosa
B =
R1 sin^ ' 1 R1sin^
If the contact motion of the fiber bundle during its removal from the saw tooth is absent, then the equation of motion can be represented in the form
Section 11. Technical science
mX = Scosa + Tcos^ l mY = -S sina + T sin^J The solution of the equation is the function
X = (Dt + e^ -1), D
A = —(cosa -^sina), R
X = ~jr(eBlt - BJ -1),
A: =
V:2 cosa(sin^ + sina) B _ 2V:cosa
-:-; B: _ n ■
VB1cosa + VB2 cos(a - 0 -£)
B =
cfV - V: sin(a +^)]2(cos^ + f sin^)
y = arctg
VB1 sina + VB 2 sin(a - 0
We now turn to the case when S sina + P,
T (cos^ + fusing
V«=y/K + V2m + 2VB1VB 2 cos(0
VB1 cos a + VB 2 cos(a - 0 -E)
Y = arctg—-----—.
VB1sina + VB2 sin(a - 0 -£)
Expression (6) is the equation of motion of the fiber bundle during its removal from the saw teeth under condition
V M /v I D
When the fiber bundle, when it is being removed, does not move along the front face. In this case, the system is a system
X = (S cosa + T cos^)—,
2m t2
Y = (T sin^ - S sina)
T < S sina + Pk
In the case of a beam of fiber in contact with the saw's teeth, we obtain a solution to the problem posed, taking into account the initial conditions in the form
An important factor in determining the results of ginning is the efficiency of seed removal from the working chamber. The process of denuding seeds occurs by repeatedly exposing the teeth of the saws to the fly, i. e., by multiple gripping and tearing of the fiber by the saw tooth.
Figure 1. The scheme for determining the movement of seeds in the inter-spiral space
Theoretically, the bare seeds must roll down the niello part of the grate to the seed comb, but in the real process the seeds are entrained in a dense raw roller and remain in its mass for a long time, since it is known that the seeds after exposure are stored in the working chamber for a considerable time. Also, it is known that the seeds released to the surface of the grate are once again carried on the saws in a raw roller.
The most profound research on the allocation of seeds was carried out by D. A. Kotov and G. I. Boldinsky [1]. They established that single seeds falling on the surface of the grate can not be brought by the lateral planes of the saws into the raw gin roller.
Assume that, with the existing parameters of the sawed gin, the individual seeds, regardless of the degree of their descent, will fall between the saws on the grate surface [2]. Then, even with the angle of incline of the bars, equal to zero, it is impossible for them to move upward (Fig. 1), carried out by friction forces of the lateral planes of the saws.
To determine the magnitude of the normal reaction N1 and N2 the following formulas are introduced:
QtgVi Q
N: =■
-; N2 =
1 + tgq>itgç2' ' 1 + gç>i#ç>2
Where Qis the force of gravity, H; <P1, (p2 the angles of deviations of reactions N1 and N2 depending on the forces R1 and R2 ;
The driving force is determined from equality
F = Q - N2 = Qtg(P<tg(P2 ;
1 + qqf&fy
If a group of seeds wedges between the saws is not free, but under the action of the centrifugal and elastic forces that arise when the raw roller rotates, then the forces named will be defined as:
F: = Q cosa + F2
where F1 - is the constituent force acting on the seed group in the direction of the radius. a - corner formed by a directed force and radius, rad; F2 is the elastic force of the roller, H;
m - mass of the seed group, kg;
V - velocity of the seed, m/s;
The frictional forces that prevent the movement of a group of seeds will be equal to the magnitude
where K - is the friction coefficient of the fiber against steel;
N - is the normal force with which a group of seeds presses on the sides of the saws, H;
In conclusion, we note that if F3 < F1, then a group of seeds can jam between the saws, i.e. to hang between them, and certainly will be returned to the raw roller in the area where the teeth will drift off the grate.
1. Kotov D. A., Boldinsky G. I. "On the allocation of seeds from a raw bead of sawed gin" Sb.NIR TTI. - Tashkent TTI - 1964.- No. 18.
2. Jabbarov G. D., etc. "Primary processing of cotton" Textbook,- Moscow. Easy Industry,- 1978.