Научная статья на тему 'Effect of a strong electric field on resonance interaction between relativistic particles and h f waves'

Effect of a strong electric field on resonance interaction between relativistic particles and h f waves Текст научной статьи по специальности «Электротехника, электронная техника, информационные технологии»

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Аннотация научной статьи по электротехнике, электронной технике, информационным технологиям, автор научной работы — Karnilovich S. P., Peralta Т. О.

In the paper, we develop relativistic drift theory of motion of the charged particles interacting with the HF wave packets in the presence of the crossed quasistationary electric and magnetic fields. Effects of the electric drift velocity are considered on the specific resonance at twice the gyrofrequency. The integrals of motion are obtained under the condition ν11/νф « 1. Numerical analysis of effect of the strong electric field and relativity were done for gain energy by the relativistic particle under the resonance condition at twice the gyrofrequency for any waves propagating along the strong magnetic field. It is shown that in the case of longitudinal propagation of waves with respect to magnetic field the relativistic effects take place only for transverse waves.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Effect of a strong electric field on resonance interaction between relativistic particles and h f waves»


Karnilovich S. P., Peralta T. 0. Effect of a Strong Electric Field on Resonance

UDC 553.9

Effect of a Strong Electric Field on Resonance Interaction Between Relativistic Particles and H F


S.P. Karnilovich*, T. O. Peraltaf

* Department of Experimental Physics Peoples' Friendship University of Russia 6, Miklukho-Maklaya str., Moscow, 117198, Russia 1 Departamento de Ciencias Básicas JTESM Campus Toluca, México

In the paper, we develop relativistic drift theory of motion of the charged particles interacting with the HF wave packets in the presence of the crossed quasistationary electric and magnetic fields. Effects of the electric drift velocity are considered on the specific resonance at twice the gyrofrequency. The integrals of motion are obtained under the condition v\\/i¡4 1. Numerical analysis of effect of the strong electric field and relativity were done for gain energy by the relativistic particle under the resonance condition at twice the gyrofrequency for any waves propagating along the strong magnetic field. It is shown that in the case of longitudinal propagation of waves with respect to magnetic field the relativistic effects take place only for transverse waves.

Motion of a relativistic charged particle is described by the equations (in standard notations)

dP=qE(r,t) + -*-\P,B]. (1)

d t m-oF,

Here mo - is the particle rest mass; r = -f Electromagnetic field is represented as


E-E0 + Ehf, B = B0 + BaF.

Here E0 and Bo are the quasistationary fields.

High - frequency (HF) wave is given in the form:

Ehf = Eexp(\9) + c.c., BHf = Bexp(i9) + c.c.

Here c.c. represents complex conjugation. Quantities E,B are assumed to be slow changing functions of coordinates and time. Fast changing phase 0(r,t) is described by equation:

d9 . ^ , dr r,_ . — = -u}{r,t) + --k{r,t), d t d t m

89 - y '

where i) =- — , k(r,t) = Vd

are the frequency and wave vector of the quasimonochromatic wave (1), respectively.

Dr. Sergei Karnilovich. Profesor del Departamento de Ciencias Básicas. ITESM Campus Toluca. Dr. Tar Ortiz Peralta. Director del Departamento de Ciencias Básicas. ITESM Campus Toluca.

Becthhk Py/IH, Cephh 0U3UKU. № 11. 2003. c. 152-155


Cyclotron gyration of the particle is extracted as

P = PE + S}Pl\ + ^ if + e+e"10») . (5)

Here PE — mVE is the momentum of the electric drift, VE — —is the electric

drift velocity, e\ = ^.¿2,(23 - are the basic triad of unit vectors;

e i — LeiCi + 6262 + ¿363 = I.

P\\-P_l are the momentum components with respect to the guiding magnetic field

Bq, 0o—is the gyrophase, e± = ¿2 ± i§3.

In the range of the cyclotron resonance at the second harmonics of the gyrofre-quency combination of phases tjjrea = 26q + 0 should be considered as a "semifast" variable and an equation for resonant phase ipTf:s should be added to the equations for slow dynamical variables of particle.

In this case the smoothed equations of motion for single particle interacting with the arbitrary wave packet have the form:

dPii P'f

— = 9E0|i + ^div*

me 1 • VE



4 me2

x exp {i(2+ 0)} + c.c.,

d P


= fdivVE + —-dive*! ) + d t 2 \ rn


- (vE, e_P0 + VK-e+ + P0)-.Vc1 + (VE+e. + VE.e+) ■ e' m v >



2 2mc2

x (qEs - -iP||u;s.-) x exp {i(2i/>o + &)} + c.c.,

^ = u - 2Wo + 2 • {-A ^ . rotej + I (/ - eVl) : VV£ - A* .

¿1, Ve



8 m2c2

(VE-e-e+ : Ve+ + VE-e_e_ : Ve+) \ +

+ •2 ■ - '-qE.^ } exp {i [2«P0 + 0]} + c.c. (6)

Here a/± « ¿3 ■ e±,£ = = Pe + eiPl{,

PE = rn0PVE, P= 1 +


r n0 qB,

, , m = m0l, us0 = — = -— 1 I



I 11 P

is the cyclotron frequency, v = -u; + + 2m2c2fc ■ Vk

Let us write down these equations (6) in the dimensionless form when VE — const and E0\| = 0


Karnilovich S. P., Peralta T. 0. Effect of a Strong Electric Field on Resonance.


d'il 0oPl 2 72

d t

COS (j>,

d0 dt

t 2i20 | P|| | P\ k • VE | 20l

7 U! 2-f2 UJ 7



d7 di

0o =


COS if)


I 272

+ (V* + Vj,)tg 4>

VEqe j


m.0cu)V(t) VQ

^ = — : P\\,L -

c rn0c

cos </>,

= cos 'P ~ ey sm

^res - V3) Vii =

pi i


r = u)o£, a = 7=1 +

P,? + P? \ 1/2


One can find the energy integral under the condition V\\/VPh -C 1

-4>2 + rl04>2 = Hx.

Here % = ^Po^Pox-

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In the case of relativistic drift theory of motion of the charged particles the averaged drift equation of motion in the regions of cyclotron resonance at the second harmonics is also obtained. But corresponding equations are very complicated and they can't be written here. As the example we consider effect of the strong electric field on the above mentioned resonance. Energy of particles increases from 4.5eV up to W\ — 450KeV during ¿i = 10ns at accelerating amplitudes near 170V/cm. In the case of "weak" electric field acceleration is absent Q2 (see Fig. 1). It looks like in the case of "week" electric field where an acceleration is also absent (for this resonance).

V = 3*107

V = 3*ltf



"weak" electric field -acceleration i$ absent, Q2

Figure l. The energy of particles vs time in the weak-kelativistic approximation-*^, in the


Qi(u<=(107 - 109) Hz, k - 4.2 - 5.2cm-1, E = (0.5 - 0.26)V/cm, V h = (3.xl05 - 3.Tl07cm/s)

Вестник РУДН, Серия Физика, №11. 2003. с. 152-155


1. The foregoing analysis shows that this resonant interaction is due to strong qua-sistationary electric field [1-3].

2. Therefore in the case of weak-relativistic approximation, the resonance at the second harmonics of the gyrofrequency takes place only in the average equations as effects of relativistic approximation.

3. The acceleration takes place in the case of relativistic motion of the charged particles for transverse waves only.


1. Карнилович С. П., Милантьев В. П. Влияние сильного электрического поля на резонансное взаимодействие частиц с ВЧ волнами // ЖЭТФ. — № 2. — 1989. — С. 537-546.

2. Karnilovich S. P., Milantiev V. P. Gyrokinetics of resonant particles of a collision-less plasma // J. Plasma Phys. - No 34. - 1985. - P. 177.

3. Karnilovich S. P., Peralta J. T. 0. Effect of strong electric field on resonant wave-particle interaction // 37 Rus. Con. of RPFU. - 2001. - P. 62.

УДК 553.9

Влияние сильного электрического поля на резонансное взаимодействие релятивистских частиц с ВЧ волнами

С. П. Карнилович *, Т. О. Перальта*

* Кафедра экспериментальной физики Российский университет дружбы народов Россия, 117198, Москва, ул. Миклухо-Маклая, 6 * Мексика, Толука, ТЕС-Монтеррей

Представлена релятивистская дрейфовая теория взаимодействия заряженных частиц с ВЧ волновыми пакетами в присутствии скрещенных электрического и магнитного полей. Рассмотрено влияние электрического дрейфа на специфический резонанс на удвоенной ги-рочастоте. При условии у\\/уф «С 1 получены интегралы движения. Проведен численный анализ влияния сильного электрического поля и релятивизма на набор энергии частицей при условии резонанса на удвоенной гирочастоте для волн различной поляризации, распространяющихся вдоль магнитного поля. Показано, что релятивистские эффекты существенны только для поперечных волн.

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