УДК 316
Ключевые слова: Миграционные группы, адаптация, государственная национальная политика, мультикультурализм, «плавильный котел», образовательная технология «диалог культур».
В статье рассматривается проблема социальной адаптации иммигрантов через системы образования в России и Германии. Современные тенденции этнокультурных процессов в европейских странах определяют необходимость инновационных изменений в образовании, которому предстоит решить сложную задачу подготовки молодежи к жизни в условиях многонациональной и мультикультурной среды, к диалогу и межкультурному взаимодействию. Авторами выделены основные направления адаптации мигрантов, основанные на опыте Германии. Предложена авторская образовательная технология «Диалог культур», апробированная в системе кадрового обеспечения государственной молодежной политики с целью продвижения идей толерантности среди российской молодежи.
Keywords: immigrants groups, adaptation, governmental policy, multiculturalism, "melting pot" technology, dialogue of cultures,
educational technologies.
The article deals with the problem of immigrants’ adaptation through the education in Russia and Germany. There is some contradiction between economic challenges and cultural ones. Therefore the govermentalpolicy in both countries has been connecting with "multiculturalism" and "melting pot" discourses, which have some paradoxes. The "Dialogue of Cultures" technology is presented as the mean of effective adaptation of immigrant groupes.
Pressure of migration flows on infrastructure and social material of society, opportunities and dangers, which they cause, are the most difficult problems which modern Europe has to decide every day. Conditions for keeping of social stability, problems of professional and social immigrants’ adaptation, formation of controlled labour-markets demand working out of robust strategy in the sphere of Migration policy and creating of controlling mechanisms for migration flows [1]. The most important partial of the State Migration policy is immigrants’ integration in the society, which includes using educational technologies of social adaptation.
Historical background
This question appeared in Germany during in 1970s, when in spite of closing programs of labour immigration, the number of newcomers continued to increase. The number of foreign citizens in FRG was 4,5 million or 7,3% of all population to 1988 [2]. In such a way, problems, which are aggravated for the last years, date back to 1980s, because at that time there was not regulatory environment and measures, which would be able to assist immigration. After enactment of the law about immigration in 2005, the integration question became more critical. In 2007 «National Integration plan» was approved, which included about 400 special measures about immigrants’ integration [3]. The government allocated about 750mn euro to programs of immigrants’ integration. It gave the next results: the number of different integration courses was 16 000 to 2010. Generally, it was courses in German, History and fundamentals of political science.
In future, programs of education provision, promotion on the labour-market, improvement of life situations for girls and women, actualization of equal rights, integration approval at the local level, contribution programs to multiculturalism, programs of integration realization through sport, promotion of various mass-media, reenforcement of integration through citizen activism and
equal rights, opening opportunities of science for all the world were included in the conception of integration plan.
Paradoxes of multiculturalism
Today the most developed and successful countries, which were proud of their tolerance before, faced a problem of national question closely. One after another they declare about failure of attempts to integrate inocultural element in the society, to provide conflict-free, harmonious interaction of different cultures, religions, ethnic groups. [4].
Closed national-religious communities are formed in many countries, which refuse both to get integrated and to adapt. Feedback on this model of behavior is the growth of xenophobia among local population, the attempt to protect their interests, workspaces, social benefits - from “nonindigenous competitors”. The chancellor of Germany and the leader of a ruling party A. Merkel announced about the failure of multiculturalism politics: «We are the country, which invited short-term immigrants in 1960s. We lied to ourselves, that they wouldn’t stay here forever and would go away. But it is not the truth. “The attempt of multiculturalism approval was absolutely failed [5]”.
Extreme forces gain in weight sharply, pretending on the state authority seriously. As a matter of fact, it is suggested to speak about enforcement to assimilation on the back of “closed nature” and sharp harder line of migration regimes. Carriers of other culture must either blend into the crowd, or stay by the isolated national minority with assurance of different rights and guarantees. But in practice, it means to be separated from the opportunity of successful career.
Experience of successful integration
Germany and Russia are experienced enough in their attempts to accept this challenge and to manage it. The political party of Muslim migrants 'The Union for
renovation and justice' was the first example of successful integration in the history of Germany, which has taken a stand in favor of Muslim immigrants' interests, improvement of their status and integration in German society. The party plans to make speech on elections in the Bundestag.
Another demonstrative example of successful integration of immigrants in political sphere is Green Party, which has elected German politician of Turkish origin Cem Ozdemir as a co-chairman on the party conference in Erfurt 15 November 2008 for the first time in history. He got almost 80% votes of deputies and, therefore, became the first leader of national political party of Germany, who was not a German by his ethnical origin. Right after this one of the most prominent parties of the country, Social Democratic Party of Germany, has introduced obligatory quotas for immigrants in bodies of party management. The quota of immigrants in leadership of SDPG should come to 15% in future [6].
International summits and political parties of Muslim migrants are examples of successfully pursued international politics but, unfortunately, unsuccessful disputable experience prevails. Not all immigrants want to integrate. Referring to statistics of German Federal Office of migrants and refugees in 2010 the Minister of Foreign Affairs in Germany Thomas de Maiziere announced that from 10 to 15% of migrants in FRG do not want to integrate: they do not attend courses of integration and do not accept German government [5]. According to data of Minister of Internal Affairs 1.1 million of foreigners in sum in the country do not speak German. Naturally in such circumstances, when visitants even do not desire to learn language of receiving country, integration is out if question
Important German politics including the Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel have not exclude applying sanctions to those migrants who reject to integrate. The matter concerns imposing fines or constrictions of social allowance. The society demands to speak German in public places, adopt Christianity, stop to wear religious decorations and traditional clothes. Exactly this position of German government and German society dissatisfied immigrants, who did not want to forget their origin. That is the reason why there are so many problems with international courses.
From the lack of necessary language level follows impossibility to get proper education, mental and cultural barriers, family traditions often embarrass career progression of immigrants, which is more available to representatives of national population of receiving country
Realia of modern society has changed the attitude of immigrants in Germany and Europe. Such negative notions as extremism, terrorism, radicalism are nowadays associated with immigrants, especially with Muslims. Islam itself is comprehended as a threat, as religion, that leads to violence. Some citizens are dissatisfied with the fact that natives of Islamists countries, who has immigrated to Germany, fill important political posts in machinery of government. For instance, Aigul Ezkan, the Minister for Social Affairs, became the first immigrant, who managed to fill the ministerial post in Germany. Ineffectiveness of immigrant policy leads to increasing
xenophobia and extremism from both sides national population and visitants, which results in direct collisions and clashes in the streets. Influence and popularity of radical far right ideas grows. The image of the enemy in the person of immigrants is imposed on society. Immigrant policy and policy of multiculturalism have been widely criticized. Extreme right ideas get into popular with modern youth subcultures, are heard in songs of music groups, and are released to cinemas as art-house films.
Educational technology designing
Revealed modern tendencies of ethnocultural processes in European countries determine the necessity of innovational changes in the sphere of education, which is in for a solving of a difficult problem - to prepare youth to life in multinational and multicultural society, to dialogue and intercultural cooperation. Designing of such educational technologies supposes adequate using of creative approaches. Multicultural education is a mean to decrease intense in society, because its most important function is inoculating in people fundamentally new attitude to coexistence of different ethnic groups in one nation [9]. The function is based on thesis that no culture is intruder in the history of human thought and 'no man should be viewed as cultural impostor in Europe' [10].
Multicultural education has a unique opportunity to expose prejudices and discrimination and to teach to confront them, to be active citizens. It is appealed to teach us to see our cultural pluralism as an opportunity to develop and as a field experiment of fundamental democratic values.
The problem of multicultural education in Germany has extremely important significance for the country. At the same time German scientists (G. Essinger, G. Heindricks, H. Tamm, D. Pachel and etc.) think that the reorganization of the educational activity should be held taking into consideration multicultural education and should include the following: orientation of pedagogic and educational work to 'life situations' of children; change to 'open planning'; approbation of educational technologies taking into consideration different needs and opportunities if children; introduction of bilinguism and etc.
Specific parameters referring to estimation of intercultiralism are included into the official criteria of the work's effectiveness in comprehensive schools of FRG. These are knowledge of teachers and pupils about the country of consignment and about the culture of the migrants; degree of participation of children-migrants in school self administration; quantity of foreign secular and religious fests, which are held by all pupils; degree of cooperation of the school with the local and/or religious community.
For the same time, beginning from the 80-s all federal lands have regional departments for immigrant children and teenagers, which help to get secondary and professional education. The staff of these departments includes not only social worker and teachers but also developmental and social psychologists. These departments help teachers, who work in multicultural classes.
Fundamental approaches to social-pedagogic work in Germany are based on the following principles: 'help and upbringing instead of punishment', 'understanding instead of blaming', 'voluntariness instead of control', 'sincerity and confidence', 'orientation to family', 'united help - collective help'. These theses are based on humanistic psychology, which states that every man wants to be seriously perceived in his readiness and desire to live in peace and harmony with other people and that he needs support in order to realize his intense.
Study if the German experience in adaptation of migrants allows to single out the basic directions of solving this problem:
- help and support pupil migrants ant their families are realized on the basis of certain principles, which serve to maintain the function of social help within the common system of services;
- granted help should always correspond to concrete situation;
- help should be granted even in case if it is not asked and, as a rule, it should be the last measure, when an immigrant could not help himself;
- adaptation of children-migrants is realized by introduction of German language as mother language and as the second language.
Attempts to elaborate educational programs aimed at formation of tolerant mind and preventive measures of extremists tendencies, among them there are tolerance training, which were worked out by Research and Practical Centre of psychological help 'Gratis' (G. Solgatova, O. Kravtsova, L. Shaigerova); workshop "Cultural assimilator" (T. Stefanenko, A. Soldatenkov) and etc. The analyses of gained experience in this sphere also allows to pass an opinion that elaboration of training educational projects at the local level is expedient because it takes onto account sociocultural and ethnocultural experience and traditions of multicultural collaboration in regions.
The author has worked out the educational
technology 'Dialogue of cultures' [11,12], which became the first regional educational program approbated in the system of maintaining peopleware in governmental youth policy aimed at suggesting Russian youth tolerance ideas. The technology is realized with the help of:
- formation of positive stereotypes of thinking and
behaving in multicultural communication;
- expansion of notions of multicultural differences,
tolerance in thinking and behaving, psychology of multicultural collaboration;
- diagnosing of personal level of tolerance and intolerance and correction of these levels;
-learning and laboring of constructional strategies of behaving in conflict situations;
- formation of communicative experience of negotiation process in different multicultural situations;
- formation of readiness and realization of gained
experience and knowledge realization in professional activity and real-life situations.
We want to thank our German and Russian colleagues, who helped us a lot.
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© Р. И. Зинурова - д.с.н., зав.кафедрой менеджмента и предпринимательской деятельности КНИТУ, [email protected]; Wolfgang Krieger - University of Applied Sciences Ludvigshafen, Germany, [email protected].