Petkova Iskra Tsankova
Doctor of Education, Associate Professor, Medical University, Pleven, Bulgaria
Objective of this paper is to inve^igate efficacy of educational portfolio use, as innovative, personality-oriented technology in Sudents training.
The &udy was conducted with Sudents in the course "Social pedagogy". They filled the rating scale for self-evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of educational technology.
In their responses the Sudents take into account that as a result of the use of the innovative technology educational portfolio, they actively ma&er scientific facts and form concepts in certain academic discipline. The Sudents highly assess the opportunity to apply acquired knowledge in their future profession. This working technique reveals the essence of the academic discipline, shapes positive attitude towards it and to the learning.
Цель данной работы является исследование эффективности образовательного использования портфеля, как инновационная, личностно-ориентированной технологии в обучении студентов.
Исследование проводилось со студентами в курсе "Социальная педагогика". Они заполнили оценочную шкалу для самооценки эффективности использования образовательных технологий.
В своих ответах студенты принимают во внимание, что в результате использования инновационных технологий образовательного портфеля, они активно осваивают научные факты и формы концепции в определенной академической дисциплины. Студенты высоко оценивают возможность применять полученные знания в своей будущей профессии. Этот рабочий метод раскрывает сущность учебной дисциплины, формирует позитивное отношение к ней и к обучению.
Ключевые слова: educational portfolio, Sudents, positive change, su^ainability, effectiveness.
Keywords: образовательный портфолио, студенты, положительное изменение, устойчивость, эффективность.
Actuality of the problem
The portfolio as a term in pedagogy literature has been entered from other fields like arts, photography, business, political science.
The essential characteriflics of the educational portfolio define it as a unique, modern educational technology, applicable at all flages of high and higher education. Its diflinctive feature is that it reflects connection between theory, scientific knowledge and pedagogical practice: it processes, modifies, molds, builds one or other theory, principles, approaches and methods, and integrates knowledge from various fields of science and practice, in order to provide optimal and effective solution for educational and inflructive purposes.
On other side, it characterizes the process-activity and organization-function side of the pedagogical activity [1].
Essential and important moment in portfolio's creation is that it is an author's product that reflects individual flyle, various levels of activity, rationalization and motivation in its development. The process of development itself is a significant goal that rationalizes the fleps in the educational process. Other culture for learning is being built, other type of relations between teacher - pupil - parents, lecturer - fludents, are being suggefled [3, 180].
The accent is on progress, positive changes, development in specific discipline or field. Author's positive changes and befl achievements are the ones taken into account. It is a reliable method for shaping an adequate and positive self-assessment, analysis for one's development.
In the process of creation the self-assessment becomes more and more independent from external evaluator and flarts regulating according to internally accepted, rationalized criteria. In this way the author (a pupil, fludent or a professional)
becomes an actual participant in the processes of their learning, development, growing - in formulation of goals, planning and designing the educational activity, commenting the learning materials. All this suggefls for other level of responsibility for achieved and for forthcoming, other motivation for participation. [2].
These features of the portfolio transform the learning into something more than maflering knowledge - it is being transformed into maflering competencies and development of more complex personality flructures.
In pedagogy literature various classifications of the educational portfolio exifl, according to various criteria. For the purpose of this invefligation, the use of proceedings portfolio in fludents training process is of interefl. It includes materials from the work on the subject or the field of author's assessment, analysis, and interpretation. Its purpose is to show the participation and inclusion of the author in the processes of their own learning, development, change. The fludent here performs deep reflective analysis by expressing his position not only on a certain subject or field, but also how he worked, rationalized, thought and experienced during different flages of portfolio's creation [2].
Objective of this paper is to invefligate efficacy of educational portfolio use, as innovative, personality-oriented technology in fludents training.
Results from invefligation
The invefligation is conducted among 81 fludents totally, majoring "Social activities", from the Medical college at the Medical University of Pleven. The modern innovative technology educational portfolio is used during the process of education in the discipline Social Pedagogy. At the end of the training course
in the discipline, the fludents complete a rating scale form for self-assessment of efficacy of the used educational technology.
The rating scale for self-assessment is developed according to three major criteria: positive change, suflainability and efficacy, and each criterion uses predefined indexes. The self-assessment responses use letter indexes: : a - "no", b - "more like no", c - "cannot eflimate", d - "more like yes", e - "yes". The results are summarized in percentage for each response. The results for each criterion are displayed in tables.
The criterion positive change is used by the fludents for self-assessment in five categories: planning activities related to the corresponding discipline; looking to apply in practice maflered knowledge; bearing responsibility for implementation of plans; taking into account flrengths and weakness, achievements and gaps; planning the next actions. The results are displayed in Table 1.
Table 1.
Positive change
Categories "а" % "в" % "с" % "d" % "е" %
Planning activities 0 9,88 0 20,99 69,14
related to the
Looking to apply in 0 3,70 6,17 20,99 69,14
practice maflered
Bearing 0 0 7,41 19,75 72,84
responsibility for implementation of plans
Taking into 0 6,17 9,88 35,80 48,15
account flrengths and weakness,
achievements and
Planning the next 0 9,88 0 20,99 69,14
Students' responses show that no responses are marked with an "a" index ("no"). With the following two indexes "b - "more like no" and "c - "cannot eflimate" are marked responses from 3,70% to 9,88% and for three of the categories is 0%. With index "d - "more like yes" are marked responses to taking into account flrengths and weakness, achievements and gaps - 35,80%. Then the categories planning activities related to the corresponding discipline, looking to apply in practice maflered knowledge and planning the next actions planning the next actions follow, with 20,99%. Slightly after is the category bearing responsibility for implementation of plans - 17,95%. This results is at the expense of index "e" - "yes" used in 72,84%. As in index d - "more like yes" - the responses are equal for the same three categories -69,14%, followed by the category with higher results, for index "e - "yes" they reach 48,15%.
The values give us grounds to conclude that as a result from the used innovative technology - educational portfolio - the fludents maflered the skill to plan their immediate and their future tasks. They look for opportunities to apply maflered theory knowledge, while practicing during seminars in the corresponding discipline and in individual preparation. They implement planned tasks with responsibility and are able to pinpoint their flrengths and weakness, achievements and gaps, in preparation for the discipline.
The criterion suflainability is used for self-assessment in three categories: active participation in various modes of training - auditorium, extra-auditorium, integration of knowledge from various disciplines, enrichment of future professional training. The results are displayed in Table 2.
Table 2.
Categories "а" % "в"% "с"% "d"% "е"%
Active participation in various modes of training -auditorium, extraauditorium 0 0 0 45,68 54,32
Integration of knowledge from various disciplines 0 0 9,88 50,61 39,51
Enrichment of 0 0 9,88 43,20 46,91
future professional
For this criterion there is no values for index a - "no", b -"more like no" for all categories. Index c - "cannot eflimate" is used for responses to integration of knowledge from various disciplines and enrichment of future professional training, and the self-assessment is 9,88%. The highefl values are for the next two indexes. The highefl value for index d - "more like yes" is for category integration of knowledge from various disciplines - 50,61%, followed by active participation in various modes of training - auditorium, extra-auditorium - 45,68% and enrichment of future professional training - 43,20%/ These results influence the values of index e -"yes" , which show the difference between this and previous index values. Here the highefl result is for the category active participation in various modes of training -auditorium, extra-auditorium - 54,32%, followed by enrichment of future professional training - 46,91% and integration of knowledge from various disciplines - 39,51%.
The values received for suflainability criterion show that as a result from educational portfolio usage, the respondent fludents enrich their future professional preparation by active participation in auditorium and extra-auditorium mode of training, and by integration of knowledge from various disciplines.
The results for efficiency criterion are regiflered in the following categories: knowledge - maflered scientific facts, shaped concepts; skills - orientation in abundance of pedagogy literature, use of selected theory material in planning practical activities, competencies - underflanding the essence of the discipline, underflanding the options to apply maflered knowledge in future profession; attitude - formed positive attitude to the academic discipline, positive attitude to learning. The values per category are displayed in Table 3.
Table 3.
Categories "а"в % "в"в % "с"в % "d"B % "е"в %
Knowledge M a fl e r e d scientific facts 0 0 9.88 35.80 54.32
Shaped concepts 0 0 9.88 35.80 54.32
Skills Orientation in abundance of pedagogy literature 0 3.70 6.17 38.27 51.85
Use of selected theory material in planning practical activities 0 9.88 0 38.27 51.85
Competencies Underflanding the essence of the discipline 0 0 9.88 32,10 58.02
Underflanding the options to apply maflered knowledge in future profession 0 3.70 6.17 32,10 58.02
Attitude Formed positive attitude to the academic discipline 0 3.70 6.17 30.86 59.26
Positive attitude to learning 0 3.70 6.17 30.86 59.26
It is a good impression that with this criterion, like with the previous two, there are no responses with index "a" - "no" ; but for indexes "b" - "more like no" and "c" - "cannot eflimate" for each category vary from 0% to 9,88%. Another important point here is that for each category two queflions are asked, and the results are of equal value for each index. For example, for category knowledge the two queflions with index "d" - "more like yes" , the values are 35,80%, and for index " e"- "yes" the
values are 54,32%. The trend is persiflent for skills, competencies and attitude. For index "d" -"more like yes" the highefl values are for skills - 38,27%, then competencies - 32,10% and attitude
- 30,86%. The values influence the relatively higher values for index "e-"yes", where all levels are higher than 50% and with the highefl rate is the attitude - 59,26%. Then follow competencies
- 58,02% and skills - 51,85%.
In their responses the fludents take into account that as a result of the use of the innovative technology educational portfolio, they actively mafler scientific facts and form concepts in certain academic discipline. They mafler skills for orientation in the abundance of the pedagogical literature and to use selected theory material when planning their practical work. The fludents highly assess the opportunity to apply acquired knowledge in their future profession. This working technique reveals the essence of the academic discipline, shapes positive attitude towards it and to the learning.
The received values from the rating scale for self-assessment of efficacy of the used educational technology educational portfolio with fludents gives the grounds for the following conclusions and summary:
1. As a result from the use of the portfolio in the training process the positive change in the fludents is related to planning and practical application of maflered knowledge in the academic discipline. They refer with responsibility to their next actions and critically regifler achievements and gaps in their preparation for future specialifls.
2. The suflainability of the suggefled educational technology is expressed in active participation of fludents in auditorium and extra-auditorium modes of training, in integration of their
knowledge from similar disciplines, in expansion and enrichment of their future professional preparation.
3. The efficacy of the education portfolio use is expressed through the process of accumulation of knowledge and skills, in forming professional competencies, in building a positive attitude to learning. The efficacy is reflected in humanization of the university educational environment because the fludents actually participate in the process of their own learning, professional development and future growth as speciales.
1. Petrov, P., M. Atanasova. Educational technologies and learning flrategies. Sofia, 2001
2. Yanakieva S. portfolios - philosophy, technology, practical projections. Management of secondary education. Vol. 1.2, 2006,
3. Zagvozdkin VK Portfeyl individual academic achievements - something more than jufl an alternate way to evaluate. School technology, №3, 2004
Распопова Евгения Андреевна
Доктор педагогических наук, профессор Зав. кафедрой теории и методики базовых видов физического воспитания ГАОУ ВО МГПУ г. Москва
Хорошева Ольга Александровна
аспирантка кафедры теории и методики базовых видов физического воспитания ГАОУ ВО МГПУ ПИФКиС г. Москва
Цель настоящего исследования выявление мотивов, оказывающих влияние на уровень результатов у женщин-пловчих. Метод исследования анкетирование. В статье представлены результаты мотивов возможности реализации и их значимости для спортивного результата пловцов-женщин в категории «Makers». Проводится сравнение влияния мотивов на результат спортивной деятельности женщин.
The purpose of this &udy the identification of motives that influence the level of women swim. Research method a que^ionnaire survey. The article presents the results of the motives of the feasibility and their relevance to sport performance swimmers-women in the category "Makers". A comparison of the influence of motives on the result of a sporting activities for women.
Ключевые слова: спорт, плавание, мотив, женщины, категория «Makers».
Keywords: sports, swimming, motive, women, "Makers" category.
Ветеранское плавание — или, другими словами, плавание в категории «Майеге» — это плавание для взрослых. Сюда входит всё от простого поддержания формы и плавания «для себя» до подготовки к соревнованиям международного уровня. Чтобы стать «ветераном» достаточно достичь
возраста в 25 лет, хотя на некоторых ветеранских соревнованиях допускаются и спортсмены от 20 или даже 18 лет.
Несмотря на то, что для участия в ветеранском движении нет необходимости иметь в прошлом опыт профессиональных занятий плаванием, многие пловцы-ветераны — весьма именитые чемпионы разных лет. Интересно также,