Научни трудове на Съюза на учените в България-Пловдив. Серия В. Техника и технологии, т. XV, ISSN 1311 -9419 (Print), ISSN 2534-9384 (On- line), 2017. Scientific Works of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria-Plovdiv, series C. Technics and Technologies, Vol. XV., ISSN 1311 -9419 (Print), ISSN 2534-9384 (On- line), 2017.
Златка Ваклева Пловдивски университет „Паискй Хллекдарски
Zlatka Valdev a Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski"
Abstract: The portfolio is increasingly being implemented in the university system of education, as a modern and versatile educational technology available to the teacher. This paper presents theoretical analysis and findings of the practical application of an educational portfolio in the plant systematics seminars in the study course of students from the "P. Hilendarski ".University
Keywords: educational portfolio, plant systematics seminars
Plant systematics seminars are an essential part of students' study in agricultural, biological, environmental, and other courses. Studying the diversity of the plant world and the accumulated knowledge of its taxonomic classification is a challenge for both teachers and learners.
A large part of the students say they are disappointed by the impersonal style of teaching in universities and that passive learning is encouraged. In examining the state of modern educational technologies the works of Gyurova and Bozhilova (2008), Derycke (2000), Weiss (2000) draw attention to the portfolio as a modern multi-purpose educational technology.
The present study aims to provide a brief theoretical analysis and practical aspects of the education portfolio as an opportunity for innovation in the learning process and improving the level of competence of students in plant systematics seminars at the University. Research refers to second year students in Ecology and Environmental protection and Biology and Chemistry at the "Paisii Hilendarski" University of Plovdiv in the period 2009 -2011
The historical roots of the portfolio are associated with the Renaissance, when famous artists and architects collected their works into "folders". In the 70s of the past century the portfolio was widely used in Canada and the U.S., mainly in higher education. A little later, the portfolio was widespread in teaching in the UK and other western European countries, it was developed by and required from both teachers and professors from universities and colleges. In some universities there are guidelines for the development of portfolios in different teaching / research areas -humanitarian, social, natural, and sciences ("The course portfolio volume" - AAHE). 220
In Bulgaria the problems for the use of portfolios in the educational process are reflected in the research of Gyurova and Bozhilova (2008), Zecharieva (2005), Nedkova (2010), Pavlov (2003) It is widely accepted that its implementation into practice is limited
Applied in education, the portfolio has, according to Nedkova (2010, p. 241) the name "educational portfolio" and is connected with the requirements of the whole learning process in a given subject. In relevant literature, the educational portfolio is also called "portfolio or folder of individual learning achievements."
According to Slavin (2000) the educational portfolio is a kind of "record" of the student learning process, what he/she has achieved, what the individual steps of learning are, how they think and what questions they ask, what they analyze, synthesize, produce, and create. How the student interacts with others - emotionally, intellectually and socially. Pavlov (2003) defines the portfolio as a collection of collected and arranged materials, objects, tools that presents the efforts and achievements of students in one direction or another. Arter, Spandel end Culham (1995) characterize it as a purposeful collection of student works that tell the story of individual achievements and growth.
From the above we can observe that the definition of portfolio is multi-variant. In the present work portfolio is interpreted as an educational technology based on person-oriented approach. In the centre of the learning process is the student - his/her purposeful cognitive, emotional, and creative activity.
There are different portfolio types depending on the criterion selection. According to the subject for whom it is addressed, it can be student, teacher oriented. According to the format -paper, electronic, mixed. According to contents - on the relevant subject / for example: Portfolio in plant systematics/. According to the duration of training - by term, semester, by volume, etc. Depending on the purposes of training, Gyurova and Bozhilova (2008) consider four types of portfolio: professional / teacher portfolio; course portfolio; teaching portfolio; student portfolio.
Portfolio content often varies depending on the type, purpose, intended audience, and the individual needs of the author - student / teacher. Zacharieva (2005) states that the portfolio typically contains two parts: the main part / 'body' / and "applications". In all cases, the educational portfolio includes structured and systematic information in the context of the studied problems. According to some authors, the portfolio can contain all materials from the student's work on the assigned tasks, while others argue that it should feature only the most important ones. They may be records, drawings, photographs, herbarium material, reports, computer printouts, projects, journals, and other documents which are a sort of evidence demonstrating the steps of learning and development, and reflecting the results of practical activities.
In the absence of research indicating precise parameters required, in the content of the portfolio may be included everything a student considers relevant or the teacher requires in view of its usefulness and necessity for training of the student, in order to stimulate his/her uniqueness and individuality.
The portfolio structure can vary widely and is usually subject to the recommendations of the relevant subject teacher. Frequently, the sequence is:: title page, contents of the package of materials, a brief retrospective of the student's achievements in related courses or analysis of his/her own results / what is achieved more easily and what presents difficulties /, tests for progress assessment and others,
For the above, we should bear in mind that it is not necessary to include everything, but what presents the student best and demonstrates his/her success and individual approach in dealing with tasks.
Formatting the portfolio can be done in various ways. Depending on the information medium, it can be developed in the paper printed or electronic format (such as web-page in the global network, or on electronic disk - CD, DVD).
The educational portfolio of the student periodically or at the end of the semester is assessed by the relevant course teacher. This may be a separate step in the student's education or transition to overall training in a scientific field.
Gyurova and Bozhilova (2008), Zacharieva (2005), indicate the following criteria for the evaluation of the portfolio: compliance of the content with topics; quality and creative approach in the implementation of the portfolio; precision in describing observations, construction of models, schematic drawings, etc. which are an integral part of the portfolio; originality and aesthetic value of the layout; thematic completion. It is important when evaluating that the teacher should exercise maximum objectivity, good will, attention, and pedagogical tact.
The application of the educational portfolios in teaching at the university involves certain requirements for the teacher. Among them are his/her ability to: motivate students; to provide a timely positive feedback, support, to encourage creativity, partner students accepting their personalities, encourage self-confidence.
The experimental model of research is related to the practical application of the educational portfolio in plant systematics seminars as a reflexive practice in the work of second year students.
The practical realization of the portfolio was implemented within two consecutive academic years /one semester each/ for 108 students from the above courses and years of training.
At the beginning of the cycle of seminars students were given detailed instructions on the structure and content of the portfolio, they should develop during the semester. Where possible, model samples are provided, to which to adhere.
In view of the specificity of training in Systematics of plants, the following structure of the portfolio was developed: cover pages/name of student, course, seminar teacher/; contents/it shall mention the elements included in the portfolio and their sequence/; key elements in the content/tasks here are included for each seminar and their implementation; applications/schemes, graphs, herbarium material, photographs, schematic drawings, progress assessment tests, teacher recommendations, etc./.
In the course of work on developing the portfolio the student can be consulted and the teacher may correct the way of building the portfolio. At the end of the semester each student's portfolio is assessed by the seminar teacher.
During the survey the teacher observes the work of students and records his/her findings. At the end, a survey was conducted with the students regarding the attitudes, the positive and negative aspects of the educational technology experimented.
Pooled data by reported criteria are presented in Table. 1.
Research methods Reported criteria Number of students %
Observation /conducted by the teacher/ Creative learning 78 72
Responsibility for tasks 83 77
Completion of portfolio 68 63
Long-term strategy 59 55
Survey of students Motivation 87 81
Assisted learning 94 87
Presence of problems 35 32
Positive changes and benefits identified in research.
Students: work purposefully and plan their work according to specific targets; they are responsible for the implementation of the prepared plan (activity algorithm); assess their strengths and weaknesses, plan next steps and longer-term strategies for self-expression and development. Students evaluate the educational portfolio as an opportunity for creative learning and a bank of academic achievement and social skills. They find this way of learning interesting and useful. Learners reflect on their achievements from the position that the final result depends on their individual effort and discipline, rather than on the subjective opinion of the instructor. The educational portfolio on a specific subject enables students to seek and find a connection between different subjects and to use previous experience as a high start in the new situation. They are convinced that what they do makes sense and the efforts are worth it.
The teacher: the conduction of the seminars was interesting and economical. The experience gained leads to improved academic work commensurate with global education trends.
The presented study has no claims of comprehensiveness and thoroughness. It was carried out with the belief that any innovation in education requires research in a real classroom environment. The educational portfolio must undoubtedly find wide application in educational practice in higher education.
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Arter, Spandel end Culham 1995. Using portfolios in insruktion and assesstment. Portland, OR: Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory.
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