Научная статья на тему 'Educational discipline "Ukrainian language for professional use": historical and methodological approach'

Educational discipline "Ukrainian language for professional use": historical and methodological approach Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Navchuk H., Shutak L., Navchuk I.

The article deals with the period of origin and development of one of the most important humanitarian section educational disciplines «Ukrainian language for professional use». The modern vision of the educational process changes its vector from «education as teaching» to the prospect of «education as study», where the main role is given to the student. In this context, there is observed the modern issue of educational tasks and objectives, the structure of each individual discipline, in particular, the Ukrainian language by professional use, the unification of its content (from the transformation of the discipline «Business Ukrainian language» (from 1993 to 2009) to the introduction of a new discipline «Ukrainian language for professional use»(from 2009 to this day). Therefore, it appears the great necessity getting new textbooks, educational and teaching manuals and especially the publication of national textbooks for medical students.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Educational discipline "Ukrainian language for professional use": historical and methodological approach»

The scientific heritage No 37 (2019) вщносимо принцип культуровiдповiдностi, спря-мованого на воображения особливостей нацюна-льного культурного досвiду в мистецьк1й дОяльно-CTi, а також - полiхудожньостi, спрямованого на врахування й усввдомлення спiльного та вiдмiнного в рiзних видах мистецтва;.

До переваг культуролопчного пiдходу С. Си-соева ввдносить нaявнiсть в ньому iнтегрaцiйного потенщалу, що виявляеться в змiстовному i формальному сенсах: змiстовий штеграцшний сенс пов'я-заний i3 здатнютю через кaтегорiю «культура» роз-глянути практично всю проблематику дослвдження людини, суспiльствa, пiзнaння i дiяльностi; форма-льний iнтегрaцiйний сенс культурологiчного тд-ходу полягае в можливостi виконувати вiдповiднi функцп в м1ждисципл1нарних синтезах, тобто об'еднувати навколо себе значну к1льк1сть предме-тiв досл1дження [7, с. 297]. Тобто, культуролопч-ний шдхвд проявляе себе i в реал1зацй' принципу т-тегративностi, що спрямований на врахування i синтезування свiтового культурного досвiду

Застосування культуролопчного тдходу в до-слiдженнi проблеми формування методолопчно! компетентностi мaйбутнiх учител1в музичного мистецтва в процеа вокально! пiдготовки надае мож-ливють врахувати в змiстi тако! подготовки основ методологи вокального мистецтва i вокально! педа-гогiки; виявити спшьне i вiдмiнне у вiтчизнянiй та зарубгжшй методологй' вокального виконавства i педaгогiки; опанувати мaйбутнiми вчителями музичного мистецтва в процеа вокально! подготовки на-уковими методами дослвдження методологи вокально-виконавсько! та вокально-педагопчно! дОяль-ностi в контекстi свггового культурного досвiду.

Таким чином, використання наукових пiдходiв дослвдження актуальних проблем мистецько! освiти сприяе !х цшсному дослвдженню. До най-бiльш значенневих шдходОв дослвдження проблеми

формування методолопчно! KOMneTeHTHOCTi майбу-тшх учитeлiв музичного мистецтва в процeсi вокально! подготовки вщносимо системний тдхвд, спря-мований на виявлення i створення системно струк-турних зав'язк1в мОж елементами дослщження; компетентнюний тдхвд, нацшений на виявлення сутносп та структури методолопчно! компетентности культуролопчний пвдхвд направлений на куль-туролопчзацш змюту методолопчно! пвдготовки майбутнОх учителОв музичного мистецтва в процесО вокально-освггньо! дОяльностг

Список лггератури

1. Богачев К. Ю. (2006). Становление и развитие культурологического подхода в российской педагогике. (Дисертащя канд. пед. наук). Ростов-на-Дону.

2. Гончаренко С. У. (1997). Укра!нський пе-дагопчний словник. Ки!в, Либшь.

3. Закон Укра!ни «Про освггу». (.2017). http ://3. rada.gov.ua/laws/show/2145-19/page7

4. Падалка Г.М. (2010). Педагопка мистецтва (ТеорОя О методика викладання мистецьких дисцип-лш). Ки!в: Освгга Укра!ни.

5. Сазоненко Г. С. (2013). Компетентють у си-стемО непервно! освгга: акмеолопчна модель: нау-ково-методичний посОбник. МакарОв: СофОя.

6. Сисоева С. О., Козак Л. В. (2016). Розвиток дослвдницько! компетентносп викладачОв вищо! школи: навчальний поабник. Ки!в: ТОВ «Видавниче пвдириемство «ЕДЕЛЬВЕЙС».

7. Сисоева С. О. (2012). ФшософОя формування тезаурусу наукових дослвджень з освггологи. Освгголопя: витоки наукового напряму: монографОя. Ки!в : ВП «Едельвейс», 278 -304.


Navchuk H.,

«Bukovinian State Medical University», (Ukraine)

Shutak L.,

«Bukovinian State Medical University», (Ukraine)

Navchuk I.

«Bukovinian State Medical University», (Ukraine)


The article deals with the period of origin and development of one of the most important humanitarian section educational disciplines «Ukrainian language for professional use». The modern vision of the educational process changes its vector from «education as teaching» to the prospect of «education as study», where the main role is given to the student. In this context, there is observed the modern issue of educational tasks and objectives, the structure of each individual discipline, in particular, the Ukrainian language by professional use, the unification of its content (from the transformation of the discipline «Business Ukrainian language» (from 1993 to 2009) to the introduction of a new discipline «Ukrainian language for professional use»(from 2009 to this day). Therefore, it appears the great necessity getting new textbooks, educational and teaching manuals and especially the publication of national textbooks for medical students.

Keywords: Ukrainian language for professional use, business Ukrainian language, textbooks, national textbook.

Language is an instrument of intellectual and aesthetic development of the world, teaching, education, self-development and self-expression of personality. Therefore, the language issue is an important component of national ideology.

Taking into account the most recent legislative documents on the implementation of the state Ukrainian language in all spheres of life, the strategy of language training of future specialists who, care for career growth, must have a profound knowledge of the state language, culture of controversy, discussions, ability to be competent and to express their thoughts, to know the language of their specialty.

Studying Ukrainian in higher education institutions of Ukraine (including higher educational institutions of education) began in 1993, and the impetus was the active introduction of the Ukrainian language into all spheres of public life, including medical scientific and official broadcasting, after the proclamation of Ukraine's independence. After all, possession of the rules and norms of the Ukrainian literary language, language culture is a necessary component of any specialty, especially medical. The results of treatment depend on the doctor's art, since medical practice proves that the word can not only cause functional changes in the body, but also kill a person in the literal sense of the word. Therefore, the doctor must have a culture of speech, be able to easily find the languageslossistic means and receptions in accordance with the conditions and goals of communication, passing a certain psycho-cultural context. These considerations became the basis for the introduction of the discipline "Business Ukrainian language" (the form of final control - a differentiated credit, since 2002 - a transitional exam), which did not duplicate the school course of the Ukrainian language, but was entirely based on it.

Historiography question. The solid theoretical and practical aspects of the study of professional speech as a linguistic phenomenon are highlighted in the scientific works of many linguists, in particular Babich ND, Kyyaka T.R., Leykich VM, Lotte D.S. etc. The history of the Ukrainian language study on a professional orientation in the field of publishing has not been studied extensively. The most thorough researches are G. Zolo-tukhin and Litvinenko MP, Glushchik SV, Diakov O.V., Shevchuk SV, Zubkova MS Boychuk T.M., Moses AA On the peculiarities of the development of educational disciplines at the Department of Social Sciences and Ukrainian Studies of the BDMU are also addressed in this subject. It is also mentioned in the cathedral monograph on the topic "Ukrainian Studies in the System of Higher Medical Education". From 2014 on the Department of Social Sciences and Ukrainian Studies a joint Ukrainian-Romanian scientific specialty magazine "Actual questions of social sciences and history of medicine" http://apsnim.bsmu.edu.ua/, which launches the heading "Methodology of teaching in high school" is published. , where the authors actively explore the history of the development and teaching of teaching disciplines taught at medical universities. Such studies will intensify the scientific and methodological work, will help in the future to ensure the continuous process of introducing the latest innovative

training technologies, will satisfy the lively discussion of scientists regarding the search for and implementation of modern goals and methods of training.

Methodical and educational provision of the discipline in the BDMU. History of development. At the initial stages, the main emphasis in the teaching of this discipline was made on the consideration of the peculiarities of the official-business style and the forms of documents, although it later became clear that it was not worthwhile to confine itself to studying official-business broadcasting; on the contrary, more attention should be paid to mastering medical terminology, peculiarities of culture the speech of medical workers, to take into account the types of communication in different communication situations.

After lively discussions, it was decided to change the emphasis in the curriculum of the discipline. The main task of mastering the "Business Ukrainian Language" students was the formation of a linguistic personality of a specialist capable of solving various communication problems in all relevant areas of communication (scientific and educational and official-business). Any specialist, including the doctor, besides the ability to compile and accept (read) various documents (including professional ones), it is necessary: 1) to have a culture of constructive dialogue and a pol-ylogue; 2) to be able to perceive, reproduce ready, and create scientific professional texts as the necessary context for the use of terminology vocabulary. In working with texts of this type, students learn the skills of informative analysis and synthesis of text that prepares students for the development of scientific sources of professional issues; 3) to possess methods of preparation and presentation of public speaking; 4) be able to apply professional Ukrainian terminology in various communicative processes; 5) to be able to use dictionaries. In this regard, a number of special exercises and test tasks, crosswords (in particular, translations from Russian to Ukrainian of professional texts, editing sentences, emphasizing words, terms, choosing a word in a particular linguistic (professional) situation, syntactic features professional medical texts, rules for designing business and medical documentation) that contribute to the development of scientific thinking, is an indicator of free, complete knowledge of linguistic material.

In order to activate the educational process, teachers of the Department of Social Sciences and Ukrainian Studies then at the Chernivtsi State Medical University, Kovbhan LB, Navchuk G. In 1996, the first training manual "Business Ukrainian Language" was issued, which consisted of the introduction, 13 sections, which were considered theoretical questions, complex cases of Ukrainian spelling, samples of registration of certain types of business documents. And in 2003 a printed manual "Business Ukrainian Language" was published (authors - Shutak L. B., Tkach AV), recommended for publication by the Central Methodical Cabinet on Higher Medical Education of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine as a methodical manual for students Higher educational institutions of the III-IV accreditation levels (Minutes No. 3 of 04.07.2003).

This manual was intended to provide the necessary assistance in solving the main tasks of the language

communication of medical students, designed both for self-study and for work in the classroom. It contains the main questions for each topic, literature, exercises and methodical advice for the student for independent extra-curricular work, as well as questions for self-examination. In addition, the main examples of business documents and "Dictionary of difficulties of Russian-Ukrainian translation" are presented.

After changing the main tasks of the discipline, the question arose about changing the name of the subject, because the name "Business Ukrainian language" did not reveal the depth of the content of the material that was acquired by the students. In this regard, since 2009, the curriculum "Ukrainian language for professional orientation" (which replaced the subject "Business Ukrainian Language") was introduced into the curricula of higher educational institutions of Ukraine, in particular medical ones, the final form of control of which was the state examination ( 2009 - 2010 academic year, since 2011 - final module control). His goal is the formation of the necessary communicative competence in the field of professional and scientific communication in oral and written forms, the skills of practical language proficiency in various types of speech activity, raising the general cultural and intellectual levels of personality.

The mastery of the language of specialty in higher educational institutions is, first of all, the assimilation of the scientific style as a functional variant of the national literary language in the professional-clinical and professional-scientific aspects. It is the processing of standard samples of scientific texts, as well as the formation of skills and abilities in such topical professional activities as the production and compression of scientific information in the form of a plan, abstracts, abstracts, abstract, speeches, reports.

That is why all his attention was focused on mastering the terminology systems of the modern Ukrainian language, professional phraseology, scientific and production genres and texts, the grinding of the culture of communication, cultivating a good linguistic taste, difficulties in the use of professional stereotypes of speech, the rules for the execution of medical records, etc., in the corresponding Ukrainian terminology. That is, the priority was the applied nature of professional speech, since the language is not a set of rules, but a system of knowledge, a culture of coexistence in society, a means of self-expression and self-expression of personality. At the same time, one should not forget that in the Ukrainian state the knowledge of the Ukrainian language is a necessary element of career growth, one of the factors of the prestige of the chosen specialty.

In carrying out the main tasks of the modern education system in relation to language training and in accordance with the legislative documents on the implementation of the state language policy, at the Department of Social Sciences and Ukrainian Studies of the Bukovinian State Medical University, in 2008 - 2009 academic year, the textbooks "Ukrainian Language of Professional Purpose" were published (authors - L. B. Shutak, G. Navochuk, A. V. Tkach), recommended for printing by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine as a textbook for students of higher educational establishments III - IV levels of accreditation, as

well as "Learn Ukrainian" (authors - L. B. Shutak, I.O.Sobko, I.V.Nikoryak), recommended for publication by the Central methodical cabinet of higher medical education of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine as a textbook for students- foreigners of higher medical education institutions of the IV accreditation level.

The manual "Ukrainian language of professional orientation" is intended to facilitate the study of the Ukrainian literary language by medical students, to assist them in thorough assimilation of the basic concepts of the culture of speech and speech culture, in mastering the language at the level of professional communication for the expansion of the lexical and terminological stock and further use in educational and practical activities. The manual is designed to thoroughly and consistently shape the professional qualities of future medical professionals, as well as to promote the free expression of the personality in the scientific-educational and official-business spheres of communication, which ultimately will lead to the expansion of the spheres of Ukrainian-speaking communication and the rise of the prestige of the literary language as a cultural heritage of the nation. , will confirm its state status.

The textbook "Learn Ukrainian" is intended for foreign students (with different nationalities, since English is the language of intermediary) of higher medical institutions (specialization "medical business", "nursing business" (bachelor)) who have already mastered the basic practical grammar of the Ukrainian language and a lexical minimum of 1000 - 1500 units. His purpose is to ensure the formation of spoken skills in the most typical situations of communication (doctor - doctor, doctor - patient, doctor - junior medical staff), as well as develop and improve reading, writing and translation skills. Although it is aimed at the work of a teacher and a student during classes, it can be used for independent work of students in the process of further expansion of knowledge in the Ukrainian language.

In general, the structure of the manual is defined for the communicative purpose: a combination of training communication (training) with real communication.

It is important to note that the lexical and grammatical constructions mastered by students through the manual can become the basis for practical work with adapted texts of scientific direction in the process of studying other medical disciplines, as well as in communicating with patients during clinical practice in medical institutions of Ukraine.

The offered tutorial will help the practical acquisition of Ukrainian students by foreign students, expand their knowledge of the basics of Ukrainian medical terminology and the culture of speech of the doctor.

As the priority in teaching the Ukrainian language in a professional direction is the orientation towards its applied nature, the demonstration that the language is not a set of rules, but a system of knowledge, a culture of coexistence in society, a means of forming and expressing a person, in 2012, a manual was prepared " Culture of professional communication: control exercises and test tasks "(authors: L. B. Shutak, A. V. Tkach, G. V. Navchuk). The manual is recommended for publication by the Central methodical cabinet of higher medical education of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (Minutes No. 2 dated October 26, 2011). It presents, in addition to tests, training exercises and tasks of varying degrees of

complexity (in the amount designed for both students' work in the classroom and their non-auditing work), texts of cognitive and educational character that awaken patriotic feelings, as well as texts that demonstrate the culture of communication in typical and atypical situations, and so on. It should be noted that their execution implies a deep knowledge of the theoretical material, the use of skills acquired earlier, and also requires analytical thinking and creativity.

Proceeding from the understanding that the study of the peculiarities of the medical culture of the speech, the clarification of the main aspects of oral communication, the ability to translate any socially or professionally important information into the corresponding linguistic form - one of the nodal problems of professional training of physicians, and fulfilling the main tasks of the modern education system , in 2014 a manual "Culture of oral communication of a medical worker" was issued for students of higher medical institutions of the III-IV accreditation levels (Chernivtsi, 2014 - 175 pp.) (authors - associate professors L. B. Shuta GV Navchuk) (Recommended for publication by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine as a textbook for university students (Minutes № 1 / 11-10147 of 7.2.2014)). It covers topics that represent the basic principles of the culture of professional communication, the meaning of the word in the process of communicating in various communicative situations, the features of verbal and nonverbal expression of opinions, the culture of oral communication in the business sphere, during the debate, discussion, public speaking, etc. The proposed tutorial will help medical students, interns, students of a young teacher's school learn the necessary language skills and implement them daily into practice, achieve the perfect level of language proficiency, and gain professional self-expression skills.

In 2017, the national textbook "Ukrainian language for professional orientation" was published, coauthors of the lectures of the Department of Social Sciences and Ukrainian Studies Shutak L. B., Navchuk GV). The national textbook is made in accordance with educational and qualification characteristics, educational and professional training programs of specialists in medical specialty and in accordance with modern competences we teach Ukrainian language in a professional direction. It provides information on the lexical, morphological and syntactic aspects of the professional language of medical staff, information on communicative features of the culture of oral and written professional speech of the doctor is considered, requirements for the compilation and registration of medical records are highlighted.

Hence, the high level of professional training is supported by the need, the ability and willingness of each conscious subject to update and update their knowledge throughout their lives. Not far from the last place in the formation of such a person belongs to language training, which is a component of the complex as a humanitarian training of students of medical and pharmaceutical universities, and an integral part of their profession. The active publication by the teachers of the Department of Social Sciences and Ukrainian Studies of the Department of Public Health of Ukraine "Buko-vinsky State Medical University" of textbooks and

manuals on the Ukrainian language in a professional direction, the use of which is envisaged both during the classroom and during independent independent work, the necessary motivation to study, ensured its continuity, especially in view of their mobility. In addition, it is thanks to a significant publishing staff of the aforementioned college that one can trace the history of changes in the tasks and objectives of the language training of future medical professionals, and, accordingly, understand the structure and content of the current academic discipline "Ukrainian language for professional orientation.


1. Kovban L.B., Navchuk G.V. Dilova ukrayins'ka mova: Metodichnij posibnik dlya studentiv pershogo kursu [Business Ukrainian language: Methodical manual for students of the first year], Chernivtsi, 1996, 100 p. (In Ukrainian).

2. Shutak L. B., Tkach A. V. Dilova ukrayins'ka mova : Navchal'no-metodichnij posibnik dlya studentiv vishih medichnih navchal'nih zakladiv osviti I - IV rivniv akreditatsiyi [Business Ukrainian language: Educational and methodical manual for students of higher medical educational institutions of the I - IV accreditation levels], Chernivtsi, 2003, 176 p. (In Ukrainian).

3. Shutak L. B., Navchuk G. V., Tkach A. V. Ukrayins'ka mova profesijnogo spryamuvannya: Navchal'no-metodichnij posibnik dlya studentiv vishih medichnih navchal'nih zakladiv osviti I - IV rivniv akreditatsiyi [The Ukrainian language of professional orientation: Educational and methodical manual for students of higher medical educational institutions of the I - IV accreditation levels], Za red. G. V. Navchuk, Chernivtsi, 2008, 444 p. (In Ukrainian).

4. Shutak L. B., Sobko I. O., Nikoryak I. V. Vchimosya ukrayins'koyi: Navchal'nij posibnik dlya studentiv vishih medichnih navchal'nih zakladiv osviti I - IV rivniv akreditatsiyi [We study Ukrainian: A manual for students of higher medical education institutions of the I - IV accreditation levels], Chernivtsi, 2009, 231 p. (In Ukrainian).

5. Shutak L. B., Tkach A. V., Navchuk G. V. Kul'tura profesijnogo spilkuvannya: kontrol'ni vpravi i testovi zavdannya: Navch. posibnik dlya studentiv vishih navchal'nih zakladiv I - IV rivniv akreditatsiyi [Culture of professional communication: control exercises and test tasks: Teaching. a manual for students of higher educational institutions of the I - IV accreditation levels.], Chernivtsi, 2012, 182 p. (In Ukrainian).

6. Shutak L. B., Navchuk G. V. Kul'tura usnogo spilkuvannya medichnogo pratsivnika: navchal'nij posibnik dlya studentiv vishih medichnih zakladiv III -IV rivniv akreditatsiyi [The culture of oral communication of a medical worker: a manual for students of higher medical institutions of the III-IV accreditation levels], Chernivtsi, 2014, 175 p. (In Ukrainian).

7. Ukrayins'ka mova (za profesijnim sprya-muvannyam): pidruchnik [Ukrainian language (for professional orientation): textbook], S. M. Lutsak, N. P. Litvinenko, O. D. Turgan, Navchuk G. V., Shutak L. B. ta in.; za red. S. M. Lutsak, K.: VSV "Meditsina", 2017, 360 p. (In Ukrainian).

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