UDK 608
Deryaev A.R.
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Scientific Research Institute of Natural Gas of the State Concern Turkmengas",
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
The use of inhibited "PACS" and "PACS-T" systems reduces the consumption of chemicals and materials, increases the stability of the borehole wall and ensures the manufacturability of the entire drilling process.
"PACS" and "PACS-T" systems, calculated indicators, material consumption, chemical reagents,
economic efficiency, operating costs, cost.
The ability of clay rocks to spontaneously disperse and swell complicates the whole process of drilling wells. Inhibited solutions are used where the use of conventional clay solutions causes complications when drilling wells. Complications are expressed in the form of scree and landslides, narrowing of boreholes, cavern formation caused by swelling of clay rocks and their transition into solution. Clay sludge undergoes peptization and dispersion, which leads to thickening of the solution and deterioration of its parameters.
Inhibited solutions have increased clay capacity, fastening properties of the filtration crust, thereby increasing the stability of the borehole zone of the well. Therefore, the solutions transferred to the inhibited system can withstand large values of water output by 1,5-2,0 times in comparison with the required values laid down in the geological and technical order (GTO) and at the same time are able to maintain the stability of the wellbore for a long time.
One of the properties of inhibited solutions is a set of structural strength over time. Therefore, after long stops (for the period of geophysical research and others) restoration of the circulation of the solution is carried out intermittently after the drilling tool is lowered into the cased part of the borehole (casing shoe). This causes the sedimentation stability of the solution for a long time and reduces the likelihood of the drill string being seized due to the retention of barite particles and drilled rock.
When drilling in unstable deposits of clay rocks in the zone of moderate and elevated temperatures, it is necessary to use inhibited drilling fluids for successful trouble-free wiring of wells.
The technical task of successful drilling operations is to develop a method for processing drilling mud with an inhibited complex additive, and to determine the qualitative and quantitative composition of its constituent components. This will increase the efficiency of inhibition of drilling mud and reduce the preparation time of the inhibited complex additive.
Inhibited system "PACS" (calcium - potassium aluminate inhibited solution) and "PACS-T" (thermally stabilized) this is a multi-sided inhibited system, the use of which reduces the consumption of chemicals and materials, increases the stability of the wall of the borehole zone of the borehole and increases the relief of the trunk, bringing it closer to the nominal diameter [1].
This complex inhibited additive is called "PACS" (calcium-potassium aluminate inhibited solution). It is a composition consisting of inhibitors, stabilizer, caustic, surfactant, potassium chloride and water.
The role of inhibitors is performed by alkaline hydrolysates of portlandcement and potassium chloride. They prevent hydrotation, swelling and disintegration of clay rocks.
The combination of essential features provides a new technical result. This is explained by the fact that the developed inhibition system provides a multi-sided, more effective inhibition of clay particles due to hydrolysates of portlandcement containing both cationic and anionic forms of mineral inhibitors enhanced by the inhibitory effect of potassium ions capable of penetrating into the inter-pack distance of clays, and the hydrophobic effect of combined surfactants based on their chemisorption on hydrophilic and hydrophobic exposed clay particles. This makes it possible to obtain a combination of inhibitors: calcium, potassium, aluminate, silicate, polymineral. The anions and cations released as a result of hydrolysis under the action of surfactants actively affect the state of the drilling mud, clay rocks composing the walls of wells, due to the filtrate of the brown solution, and the clay rock being drilled itself. In addition, the complex surfactant in hydrocarbons completely degasses the foam and prevents its formation.
During the period from 04.11.2011 to 12.03.2012, the "PACS" and "PACS-T" system was used as an inhibited drilling fluid ALKAR-3 for wells №156 and №202 from 17.08.2012 to 28.02.2013 of the Northern Goturdepe area of the Goturdepe UBR. Similar work was also carried out on wells №79 of the Southern Gamyshlydzha square (during the period from 22.06.2012 to 06.03.2013) №19 of the Altyguyi square (from 09.02.2012 -18.10.2013). "PACS" (calcium-potassium aluminate inhibited solution) and "PACS-T" (thermally stabilized) are highly effective inhibited systems, the inhibition level of which is Са+2 = 900-1500mg/l, К+=3000-8000mg/l and aluminates 3500-4000mg/l. Their use provided a reduction in the consumption of chemicals and materials, increased the stability of the borehole wall and ensured the manufacturability of the entire well drilling process.
When calculating the economic effect, analog wells comparable in terms of mining and geological conditions, structures and types of drilling are used as a basis for comparison. Analog wells were proposed by the production and technical department of the PTD and agreed with the geological services of drilling departments.
Calculations of the economic effect were carried out according to the "Temporary methodology for determining the economic efficiency of using new equipment, inventions and rationalization proposals in the construction of oil and gas wells", Ministry of Petroleum Industry of the USSR, for official use, 1988, Volume II, RD 39-0148052-547-87, example 13.
With the use of the "PACS" and "PACS-T" system, the economic effect was:
1st for well №156 of the Northern Goturdepe area in comparison with the analogue of well №119 of the Northern Goturdepe area, mainly due to a 6,4 -fold reduction in the cost of chemicals and materials (1078581,87 manat), total savings in operating costs amounted to 736022,37 manat. The decrease in the total savings in operating costs is explained by an increase in time costs (mechanical drilling, auxiliary work) by 357231,21 manat;
2nd for borehole №202 of the Northern Goturdepe area in comparison with the analogue of borehole №37 of the Northern Goturdepe area, mainly due to a reduction in the number of bits by 2,55 times and a reduction in time for mechanical drilling, descent operations and preparatory-final-auxiliary work by 1,63 times, total savings in operating costs amounted to 3652980,13 manat (including savings of chemical reagents and materials 18903,95 manat, 0,52 % of the total savings).
3rd for well №79 of the Southern Gamyshlydzha area in comparison with the analogue of well №74 of the Southern Gamyshlydzha area mainly due to a 2,27 -fold reduction in the cost of chemical reagents and materials and a -1,84-fold reduction in the number of bits, the total savings in operating costs amounted to 639245,81 manats (due to chemical reagents and materials 52,8%);
4th for well №19 of the Altyguyi area in comparison with the analog of well №10 of the Altyguyi area, mainly due to a reduction in the cost of chemical reagents and materials by 2,42 times, a reduction in the number of bits by 4,47 times, and a reduction in time for mechanical drilling, lowering and lifting operations and preparatory and final auxiliary work in - 2,42 times, total savings in operating costs amounted to 8565030,83 manat (due to chemical reagents and materials 5,6%). Literature
1. Деряев А.Р., Гулатаров Х.Г., Мантрова С.В., Джамиев М.Я. Комплексный добавка КАИР буровых
растворов для бурения скважин в сложных геологических условиях / сборник трудов института «NeЫtgazylmytaslama» 2 (29) выпуск. - А: ТДНГ, 2012. - стр. 315-319.
© Deryaev A. R., 2022
УДК 330
Багословская Ю.Н.
Научный руководитель: Буценко Л.С.
доктор. экон. наук, профессор СКФУ, г. Ставрополь, РФ
В рамках данной статьи рассматривается проблематика взаимоотношений бизнес-единицы со стейкхолдерами, актуальность данной темы связана с тем, что взаимоотношения со стейкхолдерами являются важнейшим аспектом корпоративной социальной ответственности, которая в свою очередь выступает даже в текущей ситуации глобальным трендом. Взаимоотношения бизнес-единицы со стейкхолдерами, выступают важной частью бизнес-процессов и коммуникаций компании, что актуализируют процесс изучения данного феномена.
Цель работы - теоретический анализ взаимоотношений бизнес-единицы со стейкхолдерами.
Методы исследования - сравнительный анализ литературных источников, индукция, дедукция.
Итоговым выводом исследования является вывод о том, что важнейшим аспектом взаимодействия со стейкхолдерами является интегрированная и нефинансовая отчетность.
Ключевые слова:
Нефинансовая отчетность, интегрированная отчетность, стейкхолдеры, корпоративная социальная ответственность.
Проблематика взаимоотношений бизнес-единицы со стейкхолдерами связана прежде всего с тем, как реализуется концепция корпоративной социальной ответственности как в рамках отдельной компании, так и в рамках отрасли и страны в целом. Рассмотрим эту связь более детально.
Само появление концепции корпоративной социальной ответственности (КСО) связано с тем, что с развитием экономики возрастают внимание к социальным и экологическим аспектам деятельности хозяйствующих субъектов и требования к прозрачности бизнеса, в результате чего происходит видоизменение корпоративной стратегии, корпоративной отчетности и корпоративного управления. Данные направления деятельности бизнеса, исходя из концепции устойчивого развития в наибольшей степени связаны с КСО, в частности с группами интересантов, стейкхолдерами, которые в современном мире могут активно влиять на ряд аспектов деятельности любой компании (такими стейкхолдерами, либо группами интересантов могут выступать любые влиятельные группы, от государства, до НКО и поставщиков).
Поскольку эффективность бизнес-единицы теперь оценивается не только по объему услуг и способности генерировать прибыль, но также по уровню воздействия, оказываемого на окружающую среду, широкое распространение получила публичная нефинансовая отчетность, отражающая, помимо финансовой, нефинансовую информацию о деятельности предприятий, а также различные виды интегрированной отчетности [6]. Именно нефинансовая и интегрированная отчетность во многом