ECONOMIC EFFECTS OF TRITICALE PRODUCTION ON ACID SOILS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Ключевые слова
triticale / system of fertilization / yield / calculations / economic effects / tritikale / sistem đubrenja / prinos / kalkulacije / ekonomski efekti

Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Milan Biberdžić, Goran Maksimović, Saša Barać, Zoran Jovović

Triticale production on acid soils requires significant investments in repairing bad qualities of those soils and it raises the question about the profitability of triticale growing. The aim of our study was to determine the yield of triticale on acid soil depending on the dose and type of applied fertilizer, as well as economic feasibility of the application of fertilizers in the production of triticale on the acid soils. The experiment was performed at the Centre for Agricultural and Technological Research in Zaječar, during 2009-10 years. It was a set-by-bloc system with three repetition and included the control of three variants of fertilization, which were included in mineral (variant I and II) and a combination of mineral, lime and organic fertilizers (variant III). The survey results show a significant effect of fertilizers on grain yield increase of triticale, especially the combination of mineral, lime and organic fertilizers. The highest value of production, as well as the largest variable costs, is recorded in the III variant of fertilization. The highest profit was gained in the II variant of fertilizer. The most favourable indicators’ values of economic efficiency (productivity, efficiency and profitability) were recorded in II variant of fertilization. The most economical is to organize the triticale production on acid soils using the fertilizers with the increased dose of phosphorous (II variant).

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Proizvodnja tritikalea na kiselim zemljištima iziskuje znatna ulaganja u popravku loših osobina tih zemljišta pa se postavlja pitanje isplativosti gajenja tritikalea. Cilj naših istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi prinos tritikalea na kiselom zemljištu u zavisnosti od doza i vrste primenjenog đubriva, kao i ekonomska opravdanost primene đubriva u proizvodnji tritikalea na kiselim zemljištima. Ogled je izvedena u Centru za poljoprivredna i tehnološka istraživanja u Zaječaru, tokom 2009-10 godine. Postavljen je po blok sistemu u tri ponavljanja i obuhvatao je kontrolu i tri varijante đubrenja, gde su bila uključena mineralna (varijanta I i II) i kombinacija mineralnih, krečnih i organskih đubriva (varijanta III). Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju značajan uticaj đubriva na povećanje prinosa zrna tritikalea, posebno kombinacija mineralnih, krečnih i organskih đubriva. Najveća vrednost proizvodnje, kao i najveći varijabilni troškovi, zabeleženi su kod III varijante đubrenja. Najveća dobit ostvarena je kod II varijante đubriva. Najpovoljnije vrednosti indikatora ekonomske efikasnosti (produktivnost, ekonomičnost i rentabilnost) zabeleženi su kod II varijante đubrenja. Proizvodnju tritikalea na kiselim zemljištima najekonomičnije je organizovati uz upotrebu mineralnih đubriva sa povećanom dozom fosfora (II varijanta).


Original scientific paper Economics of Agriculture 3/2012

UDC: 633.11:631.895



Milan Biberdzic, Goran Maksimovic, Sasa Barac2, Zoran Jovovic3


Triticale production on acid soils requires significant investments in repairing bad qualities of those soils and it raises the question about the profitability of triticale growing.

The aim of our study was to determine the yield of triticale on acid soil depending on the dose and type of applied fertilizer, as well as economic feasibility of the application of fertilizers in the production of triticale on the acid soils. The experiment was performed at the Centre for Agricultural and Technological Research in Zajecar, during 2009-10 years. It was a set-by-bloc system with three repetition and included the control of three variants of fertilization, which were included in mineral (variant I and II) and a combination of mineral, lime and organic fertilizers (variant III). The survey results show a significant effect of fertilizers on grain yield increase of triticale, especially the combination of mineral, lime and organic fertilizers. The highest value of production, as well as the largest variable costs, is recorded in the III variant of fertilization. The highest profit was gained in the II variant offertilizer. The most favourable indicators' values of economic efficiency (productivity, efficiency and profitability) were recorded in II variant of fertilization. The most economical is to organize the triticale production on acid soils using the fertilizers with the increased dose of phosphorous (II variant).

Kew words: triticale, system of fertilization, yield, calculations, economic effects. JEL: Q10, Q14

1 The investigation published in this paper is a part of the project "The development of new technologies of small grains cultivation on acid soils using contemporary biotechnology" financed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia, grant No TR-31054.

2 Prof. dr Milan Biberdzic, doc. dr Goran Maksimovic, prof. dr Sasa Barac, University of Pristina, Faculty of Agriculture, Kopaonicka Street bb, 38219 Lesak, Serbia, Phone: +381 65 262 11 47, E-mail: [email protected]

3 Prof. dr Zoran Jovovic, University of Montenegro, Biotechnical Faculty Podgorica, Mihajla Lalica Street 1, 81000 Podgorica, E-mail: [email protected]


According to many researches, the triticale is a plant species with a high genetic potential for yield and favourable nutritive values so that's why it is considered a promising plant species (Borojevic, 1981, Cvetkov, 1982, Bokic, 1988).

According to the results of Impiglia (1987), triticale has modest requirements in relation to wheat and greater adaptability on acid soils, as well as greater resistance to the usual diseases. Vertisols are soils of bad water-aerial and physical-mechanical properties.

On such soils manufacturing of plants is unstable. According to the quotes of Aniola and Madeja (1996), the highest tolerance to acid soils exhibit rye, then triticale and wheat, while barley is the most sensitive. Numerous studies, both within our country or over the world, show that appropriate application of lime fertilizers in combination with organic and mineral is the most effective way to eliminate unfavourable production characteristics of acid soils and affect multiple increases in yield (Jovanovic et al., 2006, Kovacevic et al., 2006, Jelic et al., 2006).

In order to improve the acid soil the greater investments are indispensable and thereby production of wheat on such soils is more expensive. Due to the high price of mineral and organic fertilizers, on the one hand, and the low purchase price of wheat, on the other hand, the question is raised about the profitability of growing wheat. Ivanovic Lana and collaborators (2010) point out that for the analysis of the agricultural farm must be developed a programme based on the calculations of variable costs. Analysis of the variable costs of production can serve as a basis for economic analysis in order that with less costs, to be provided profitable and quality production (Subic et al., 2010, Muncan et al., 2010, Bosnjak, Rodic, 2010).

The aim of our study was to determine the yield of triticale on the acid soil depending on dose and type of applied fertilizer, as well as economic feasibility of the application of fertilizers in production of triticale on acid soils.

Material and methods

The experiment was carried out at the Centre for Agricultural and Technological Research in Zajecar, during 2009-10 years. It was set-by-bloc system in three repetition and included the control of the three variants of fertilization, which were included in mineral -NPK (variants I and II) and a combination of mineral, lime (CaCO3) and organic fertilizer (manure), variant III (Tab 1).

In the experiment was included a sort of triticale by name of Tango. Analysing the overall variable costs and value of triticale production there was performed calculations of production and elements of economic efficiency (productivity, efficiency and profitability) for all three variants of fertilization. Cover of the variable costs of production per hectare was done according to the formula:

CVC = Q - VC, when is Q = (qxc)

CVC - cover of variable costs, Q - value of production, VC - variable costs, Q = quantity of products, c - price of the product per unit of measure,

Calculation based on variable costs can be used to compare production when the investments are different.

The results of studies with discussion

The grain yield of triticale

Fertilization has shown a significant effect on grain yield of triticale (Tab 1). The yield on all variants of fertilization was higher compared to control variant. The highest yield (4053 kg ha-1) was achieved in the variant III where a NPK combination was applied, lime and organic fertilizer. The yield in variants II and III was approximately equal. Variant with increased dose of phosphorous (II) showed good results in increase of yield. Also pronounced effect of NPK application with higher content of phosphorous is the result of high soil acidity and low content of available phosphorous in the soil. Positive effects of increased doses of phosphorous fertilizers on the yield level of wheat grain previously were obtained by other authors (Jelic et al., 1998, Jovanovic et al., 2006, Kovacevic et al., 2006).

Numerous previous studies have shown that in soils of acid reaction the full use of NPK, lime fertilizer and manure have a high effect on grain yield (Ognjanovic et al., 1994, Jelic et al., 1995, Jelic et al., 2004), with which and our results are consistent.

Table 1. Grain yield of triticale depending on fertilization

Fertilization variants Amounts of nutrients - (kg ha-1) Grain yield (kg ha-1)

N P,O, K,O CaCO3 Manure

0. Control 0 0 0 0 0 1.927

I. NP,K 120 80 53 0 0 3.550

II. NP2K 120 160 53 0 0 4.020

III. NP1K+CaO3 + manure 120 80 53 5.000 20.000 4.053

The compilation of calculations according to variable costs is based on determining the value of production on one hectare. Production value is obtained by multiplying the quantity of the product and its market price. From the production values are subtracted variable costs and the financial result or profit is obtained. In the production of triticale variable costs are included: the cost of materials (seeds, fertilizers and protective equipment), the cost of the plant machines and manpower. Since in our research work we're dealing with three various variants of fertilization, for each of them we've made a special calculation (Table 2, Table 3 and Table 4).

Table 2. Calculation of triticale production at I variant of fertilization

No Elements of calculation UM Quantity Price Total Structure of costs %

a) Value of production 69225

Mercantile grain kg 3.550 19.5 69225

b) Material (1+2+3) 25212 62.66

1. Seeds kg 300 39 11700 29.08

2. Mineral fertilizers

NP1K kg 253 45.5 11512 28.61

3. Protective equipment l 2,5 800 2000 4.97

c) Services of the plant machines and worker's labour (4+5+6) 15020 37.34

4. Tractors 7000 17.40

5. Harvesters 5000 12.42

6. Manpower h 20 151 3020 7.52

d) Overall variable costs (b+c) 40232

e) Belonging part of general costs 2012

f) Overall costs (d+e) 42244

g) Profit (a-f) 26981

Table 3. Calculation of triticale production at II variant of fertilization

No Elements of calculation UM Quantity Price Total Structure of costs %

a) Value of production 78390

Mercantile grain kg 4020 19.5 78390

b) Material (1+2+3) 28852 65.31

1. Seeds kg 300 39 11700 26.49

2. Mineral fertilizers

NP2K kg 333 45.5 15152 34.30

3. Protective equipment 1 2,5 800 2000 4.52

c) Services of the plant machines and worker's labour (4+5+6) 15322 34.68

4. Tractors 7000 15.85

5. Harvesters 5000 11.32

6. Manpower h 22 151 3322 7.51

d) Overall variable costs (b+c) 44174

e) Belonging part of general costs 2209

f) Overall costs (d+e) 46383

g) Profit (a-f) 32007

Table 4. Calculation of triticale production at III variant of fertilization

No Elements of calculation UM Quantity Price Total Structure of costs %

a) Value of production 79034

Mercantile grain kg 4053 19.5 79034

b) Material (1+2+3) 56012 76.16

1. Seeds kg 300 39 11700 15.91

2. Mineral fertilizers

NP1K kg 253 45,5 11512 15.65

Protective equipment kg 5000 2,16 10800 14.68

Services of the plant machines and worker's labour (4+5+6) kg 20000 1 20000 27.20

3. Tractors 1 2,5 800 2000 2.72

c) Harvesters 17530 23.84

4. Manpower 8000 10.88

5. Overall variable costs (b+c) 5000 6.80

6. Belonging part of general costs h 30 151 4530 6.16

d) Overall costs (d+e) 73542

e) Profit (a-f) 3677

f) Value of production 77219

g) Mercantile grain 1815

Triticale production value grew from I to III variants of fertilization, which is caused by the application of large quantities and types of fertilizers, thus increasing the yield. However, when it comes to total profit it's obvious that it grew from I to II variants of fertilization, and at III variants of fertilization the profit is the lowest. This is due to the increased costs of fertilizers and manpower at III variant.

Most of the variable costs belong to material costs and they were ranging from 62.66 % (I variant of fertilization) to 76.16 % (III variant of fertilization). Most of the cost of materials belonged to the costs of seeds and fertilizers. Costs of fertilizer varied depending on type and quantity, so the lowest were at I variant (28.61 %) and the highest at III variant of fertilization (57.53 %). In the studies of Todorovic, Filipovic (2009) is highlighted a significant share of the costs of fertilizers in the production of wheat (35.75 %). The rest of variable costs included the costs of plant machines and manpower, so that they were ranged from 23.84 % (III variant of fertilization) to 37.34 % (I variant of fertilization). Our results are similar to the results of Ivanovic et al. (2010) which talk about the cover of the variable production costs of wheat in Serbia.

Variable costs per hectare were the lowest at I variant of fertilization, and the highest at III variant, which is understandable considering the quantities and prices of the applied fertilizers. The results of Todorovic, Filipovic (2009) also indicate that increasing of yield with the increased mineral nutrition causes increase of the variable production costs. They emphasis the great importance of fertilizers in increasing the profitability of wheat production.

Labour costs are calculated based on the spent working hours of the effective work and real market prices. However, to gain a fuller picture of profitability estimation, it is indispensable to consider other indicators of success. Relying on the obtained results in calculations it is possible to express the basic indicators of the degree of economic efficiency (productivity, efficiency and profitability).

Based on these micro-economic indicators was performed a comparison of triticale yield results for all three variants of fertilization. Method of natural expression of labour productivity shows quantum of products gained in time unit of measure.

Table 5. Productivity of production

No. Elements Variants of fertilization


1. Quantity of obtained product 3550 4020 4053

2. Total labour hours spent by h 20 22 30

3. Labour productivity (kg/h) 1/2 177.5 182.7 135.1

The highest labour productivity (182.7) was achieved in II variant and the lowest (135.1) in III variant. This is expected due to the fact that for the variant III should be spent more hours at work than in other variants. By comparing the realized values of production and the incurred costs we provide valuable expression of production efficiency which is shown in Table 6.

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Table 6. Production efficiency

No. Elements Variants of fertilization


1. Value of production (din/h) 69225 78390 79034

2. Costs of production (din/h) 42244 46383 77219

3. Coefficient of efficiency 1/2 1.64 1.69 1.02

The coefficient of efficiency shows that at 1 dinar of investment funding is obtained from 1.02 to 1.69 dinars of production value, depending on the variant of fertilization. This tells us that the production of triticale was effective, especially at the II variant of fertilization. Results of Vukoje et al. (2011) show a higher rate of efficiency (2.24) in the production of spelt u in terms of organic production. The rate of profitability represents the ratio of the realized financial results and the value of production, as is presented in Table 7.

Table 7. Rate of production profitability

No. Elements Variants of fertilization


1. Financial results (din/h) 26981 32007 1815

2. Value of production 69225 78390 79034

3. Rate of profitability 1/2 x100 38.98 40.83 2.30

Production of triticale, at all three variants of fertilization, has been profitable, as evidenced by the rate of profitability that ranged from 2.30 % to 40.83 %. The highest profitability was at II variant of fertilization, and the lowest (2.30 %) at III variant. Such a low rate of profitability is a low financial result realized at III variant of fertilization. The most favourable values of the indicator of economic efficiency are recorded at II variant of fertilization, and thus it can be regarded as the most profitable and the most efficient, no matter that the yield and production values were the highest at III variant of fertilization. When it comes to acid soils, their improvement and high yields you should not always be guided by the highest yield, because it's not often the most profitable, as demonstrated by our research. In view of the high cost of fertilizers, which significantly increase the cost of production, it is indispensable to choose the rational quantities of fertilizers that will be used to achieve satisfactory yield and the production to be the most profitable.


On the basis of stydying the influence of fertilization on triticale grain yield and its economic feasibility when applied to acid siols, can be concluded the following:

• Application of fertiliziers positively affected on increase of triticale grain yield.

• The highest yield was obtained by applying a combination of NPK, lime and organic (manure) fertilizier (variant III).

• In order to raise the fertility level of acid siols and increase the yield of cultivated plants, it is necessary to use a combination of NPK, lime and organic fertliziers, as well as application of NPK fertliziers with increased dose of phosphorous.

• The highest production value was recorded in III variant of fertilization.

• The highest variable costs were at III variant of fertilization.

• Costs of fertiliziers and seeds, in the production of triticale, represent most of the variable costs.

• The highest profit was gained at II variant of fertilization.

• The most favourable values of the indicator of economic efficiency (productivity, efficiency and profitability) were recorded at II variant of fertilization.

• The triticale production on acid soils is the most economical to organize using mineral fertiliziers with increased dose of phosphorous (II variant).


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Milan Biberdzic, Goran Maksimovic, Sasa Barac4, Zoran Jovovic5


Proizvodnja tritikalea na kiselim zemljistima iziskuje znatna ulaganja u popravku losih osobina tih zemljista pa se postavlja pitanje isplativosti gajenja tritikalea.

Cilj nasih istrazivanja je bio da se utvrdi prinos tritikalea na kiselom zemljistu u zavisnosti od doza i vrste primenjenog dubriva, kao i ekonomska opravdanost primene dubriva u proizvodnji tritikalea na kiselim zemljistima. Ogledje izvedena u Centru za poljoprivredna i tehnoloska istrazivanja u Zajecaru, tokom 2009-10 godine. Postavljen je po blok sistemu u tri ponavljanja i obuhvatao je kontrolu i tri varijante dubrenja, gde su bila ukljucena mineralna (varijanta I i II) i kombinacija mineralnih, krecnih i organskih dubriva (varijanta III). Rezultati istrazivanja pokazuju znacajan uticaj dubriva na povecanje prinosa zrna tritikalea, posebno kombinacija mineralnih, krecnih i organskih dubriva. Najveca vrednost proizvodnje, kao i najveci varijabilni troskovi, zabelezeni su kod III varijante dubrenja. Najveca dobit ostvarena je kod II varijante dubriva. Najpovoljnije vrednosti indikatora ekonomske efikasnosti (produktivnost, ekonomicnost i rentabilnost) zabelezeni su kod II varijante dubrenja. Proizvodnju tritikalea na kiselim zemljistima najekonomicnije je organizovati uz upotrebu mineralnih dubriva sa povecanom dozom fosfora (II varijanta).

Kljucne reci: tritikale, sistem dubrenja, prinos, kalkulacije, ekonomski efekti.

4 Prof. dr Milan Biberdzic, Doc. dr Goran Maksimovic, Prof. dr Sasa Barac, Univerzitet u Pristini, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Kopaonicka bb, 38219 Lesak, Srbija, Telefon: +381 65 262 11 47, E-mail: [email protected]

5 Prof. dr Zoran Jovovic, Univerzitet u Crnoj Gori, Biotehnicki fakultet Podgorica, Mihajla Lalica 1, 81000 Podgorica, E-mail: ¡[email protected]

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