ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF DEVELOPMENT OF TURKMENISTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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economy sector / digitalization / large investments
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- краудфандинг и поддержка сообщества. В некоторых случаях туристические проекты могут получить финансовую поддержку от краудфандинговых платформ. Рассматриваемые решения не только обеспечивают капитал, но и содействуют развитию чувства сопричастности и участия сообщества в успехе проекта [3, с. 48].

Таким образом, развитие туристического кластера региона посредством грамотно спланированных проектов является мощной стратегией экономического роста и процветания. Одновременно с этим, достижение этих целей требует финансовой поддержки, придерживающейся конкретных принципов и особенностей. Согласовывая финансовую поддержку с региональными целями, уделяя приоритетное внимание устойчивому развитию и способствуя сотрудничеству между государственным и частным секторами, регионы способны результативно и оперативно развивать их туристическую индустрию. Используя гранты, кредиты, налоговые льготы и прочие механизмы поддержки, они могут гарантировать, что туристические проекты не только процветают, но и способствуют общему благополучию населения. Список использованной литературы:

1. Богомолова Е.С. Значение процессов кластеризации для развития внутреннего туризма РФ / Е.С. Богомолова // Актуальные проблемы и стратегии развития сферы туризма и гостеприимства. Сборник статей. - Москва: 2021. - С. 242-246.

2. Комплексная оценка туристской деятельности в регионе на основе анализа финансовых и нефинансовых показателей: монография / А.В. Олифиров, Д.В. Горобец, Д.А. Мардар; под общей редакцией А.В. Олифирова. - Симферополь: ИТ «Ариал», 2022. - 176 с.

3. Кукушина О.С. Особенности формирования модели туристического бизнес-пространства региона / О.С. Кукушина // Экономика и управление гостеприимством территории. Сборник материалов международной научно-практической конференции. - Великий Новгород: 2021. - С. 44-50.

4. Мартынов А.Е. Региональный опыт развития сферы туризма как отрасли экономики / А.Е. Мартынов, В.В. Лежнин // Социально-гуманитарные науки и практики в XXI веке: человек и общество в меняющемся мире. Материалы семнадцатой международной весенней научной конференции. - Йошкар-Ола: ПГТУ, 2021. - С. 174-175.

5. Титова Д.Ш. Туристический кластер как катализатор развития туризма в регионе / Д.Ш. Титова // Материалы Афанасьевских чтений. - 2022. - № 1 (38). - С. 100-105.

© Ивишова Т.Ф., 2023

УДК 33

Кувадов П. Б., преподаватель Аманов С., студент Бяшимов А., студент Гурбанов А., студент

Институт Инженерно-технических и транспортных коммуникаций Туркменистана ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF DEVELOPMENT OF TURKMENISTAN


economy sector, digitalization, large investments. At the current stage of development, Turkmenistan is implementing comprehensive reforms for radical

and comprehensive modernization, diversification of the economy sectors, gradual digitalization and transition to innovative development, choosing the leading regional and global trends as priorities. The principles of the state regulation, public administration initiated by the head of the state are in the basics of the market reforms being implemented in the country. They are reflected in the comprehensive development strategies, programs and conceptions in our country.

An important role is assigned to the issues of comprehensive support to private entrepreneurship, stimulation of investment activity, digitalization of the public administration system, creating of additional jobs for the population, as well as systematic attracting of large investments for successful solution of these tasks. One of the most popular areas of targeted investment is the development of information and communication technologies and the Internet. The successful solution of the urgent tasks of attracting and using effectively large foreign in- vestments in priority sectors and segments of the Turkmen economy, stimulating the investment initiative of the private sector visibly expands the horizons of positive opportunities for effective financial and economic activities of national commodity producers, primarily private entrepreneurs, in particular, for the successful development by individuals and legal entities of the most progressive and highly productive innovations in the field of production and marketing. The successful implementation of the «State Pro- gram for increase of the export of products manufactured in Turkmenistan», «State Program for development of import substitution production in Turkmenistan» should help the national private enterprises in effective promotion of the manufactured goods and services to consumer markets. The purposeful modernization of the production, management and marketing segments remain to be the key criterion for achieving compliance of the promoted products with high standards of quality of goods and services. Modern technologies contribute to strengthening of competitiveness of goods both in terms of quality characteristics and in terms of affordability for consumers, providing a tangible final economic effect. From these positions, digitalization can be considered as an effective driver of investment growth on part of both public and private structures.

The term «digitalization» in the economic con- text means a fundamentally new level of management of the processes of production of goods and services, which is based on advanced intellectual developments. Progressive trends in the field of digitalization involve, first of all, segments of public administration, finance, retail and wholesale trade, utilities, personalized and social services into their orbit. The transition to a digit transforms all aspects of our life. The digital economy gives rise to emergence of new markets, fundamentally new types of services and business models. Their distinctive feature is a pronounced focus on creating maximum comfort for consumers, targeted focus on the consumer and the desire to fully and timely satisfy his requests and preferences. E-commerce is the most obvious segment of effective use of this prescription. E-commerce is one of the dynamically developing segments of the modern economy. It involves an increasing number of consumers around the world into its orbit, who are attracted by the possibility of a wide choice in the Inter- net space of the right product, better in quality and more affordable in price. Such developed global players as the

United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain, China, Singapore, Russia, and Japan retain leadership in the field of e-commerce development. Among the largest and most popular retail companies in the world, they are invariably called «Amazon.com» (USA) and Alibaba Group (China). Actively integrating into the global rhythm of economic progress, economic relations Turkmenistan remains in line with these trends. An extensive legal framework is being purposefully formed in the country, aimed at the transition of whole- sale and retail segments of the national sphere of trade to digital platforms. The laws of Turkmenistan «On consumer rights», «On trade activities», «On electronic document, electronic document management and digital services» were adopted. Another significant vector of effective digitalization of the national economy is the formation of a modern system of «E-Government», which provides for the establishment of an electronic format for provision of all forms of public services through the active introduction of progressive information and communication technologies in

all sectors and segments of the national economy. Literature:

1. Geldymuhammedova O. and other authors. «Digital Economy» - the textbook for the higher education institutions - Ashgabat, Turkmen State Publishing Service, 2021

2. Abdrakhmanova G.I., Vishnevsky K.O., Gokh- berg L.M. «What is the digital economy? Trends, competencies, measurement» - Moscow, 2019

3. https://www.rpa-robin.ru/blog/cifrovizaciya

© Кувадов П. Б., Аманов С., Бяшимов А., Гурбанов А., 2023

УДК 336.71

Мередова Г.

Преподаватель кафедры банковского дела Туркменский государственный институт экономики и управления

г. Ашхабад, Туркменистан Нурбердиева Дж. Студент факультета финансов Туркменский государственный институт экономики и управления

г. Ашхабад, Туркменистан



В этой статье представлен краткий обзор об экономической основе валютных операций банков, а также введен обзор об иностранных видах и формах валют.

Ключевые слова

Экономика, валюта, операция, банк, риск, ценная бумага, дивиденд, процент, лицензирование.

Meredova G.

Lecturer at the Department of Banking Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management

Ashgabat, Turkmenistan Nurberdiyeva J. Student at the Faculty of Finance Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management

Ashgabat, Turkmenistan



This article provides a brief overview of the economic basis of banks' foreign exchange operations, and also introduces an overview of foreign types and forms of currencies.

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