Секция 17. Экономика и управление
Список литературы:
1. Каренов Р. С., Дюсембаева А. Д., Андарова Р. К. Региональная экономика: (проблемы, концепции, решения). - Алматы: Гылым, - 1997. - 224 с.
2. Бедность в Казахстане: причины и пути преодоления. Серия публикаций ПРООН в Казахстане. № UN-DPKAZ 08.
3. Шеденов У. К. Социальная сфера на этапе устойчивого развития экономики Казахстана//Проблемы устойчивого экономического развития в условиях глобализации/Отв.ред. М. Б. Кенжегузин. В 2 т. -Алматы: ИЭ МОН РК, - 2003. - Том 1. - с. 262.
Jafarzade Zhalya Guseynova, Doctoral candidate of Azerbaijan University E-mail: [email protected]
Economic analysis of air transport in Azerbaijan
Abstract: The article presents an economic analysis of passenger and cargo air transport in Azerbaijan. In particular, we study the profit on cargo and passenger air transportation, the cost of 1 ton-km of cargo and 1 passenger-km by air transport, the volume of passenger and cargo transportation, the average distance of passenger and cargo transportation.
Keywords: air transportation, passenger turnover, cargo turnover, profit.
Air transport is a universal kind of transportation,
i. e. it can carry different kinds of cargo and passengers.
The main goal of this kind of transport is the transportation of passengers and urgent or perishable cargoes.
Apart from that, globalization mounts new economic challenges for countries. Today, in order to successfully compete on the global market, the developing countries should rely less on cheap labor resources and abundance of natural resources. They should rely more on the access to international transport and communications, quality of local infrastructure and favorable political climate [2].
According to analytical studies, there is a high level of correlation between the development of air transportation and economic growth. In other words, the demand for air transportation is mainly determined by economic development: changes in personal income of the population affect its inclination to entertaining travels, demand for business trips and cargo transportation are defined by economic activity [3].
The main advantage of air transport is high speed of delivery of passengers and cargo (8 times faster than railways and 30 times faster than water transportation) [1]. The time is saved at the expense of straightening of a flight course and significantly higher speed of planes. In this respect, air transport almost has no rivals when it comes to mean or long distances (especially, in passenger transportation).
At the same time, in spite of a range of competitive advantages of air transport compared to other means of transportation, only 5 years out of last 12 years were profitable in Azerbaijan and the profit was formed exclusively at the expense of cargo transportation. Passenger transportation was loss-making.
Air transportation profits in Azerbaijan
Only 5 years out of last 12 years were profitable for air transport in Azerbaijan. The biggest losses were observed in 2009-62,1 million manat. 2012 was the most profitable year: the profit accounted for 79,8 million manat.
Moreover, if cargo transportation by air is profitable (in 2012 the profit on air cargo transportation was 113 million manat, which was 3,6 % more than in 2011), the passenger transportation was loss-making (in 2012 the losses on air passenger transportation was
33,3 million manta).
Negative impact on the financial condition of the sphere of air transportation is caused by the growth of cost of transportation. Thus, the cost of 1 ton-km by air transport increased from 0,37 manat in 2001 to 0,78 manat in 2012 (i. e. by more than two times); the cost of 1 passenger-km. increased from 0,06 manat to 0,1 manat during the same period (the growth by 1,7 times).
Over the recent years there has been significant growth of investment in air transport. The volume of investment was 675 million manat from 2010 to 2012.
Section 17. Economics and management
Passenger transportation
The development of passenger turnover on 2000s can be divided into 3 periods.
The first period 2001-2007 is characterized by rapid growth of passenger turnover. The volume of passengers increased from 827 million passenger-km to 1999 million passenger-km during the given period, i. e. by 2,4 times; some years, the growth of passenger turnover was 20 % and more. Hence, in 2003 the growth was
25.9 %, in 2004 - 30,3 %, in 2007 - 18,6 %.
In 2001-2007 the growth of passenger turnover on international flights was 2,7 times: from 598 million passenger-km. to 1604 million passenger-km. On domestic flights the growth of passenger turnover was 70 %, from 229 million passenger-km. to 395 million passenger-km. to.
The growth of passenger turnover on air transport during the given period is related to the growth of both passenger transportations and average transportation distance for 1 passenger. Thus, the number of passengers transported by air was 1180 thousand passengers in 2001 and the given indicator increased to 1526 thousand passengers in 2007, i. e. by 2 times. Average distance of transportation of 1 passenger also increased from 1180 km. to1310 km.
The growth of passenger transportations during the given period was accompanied by the growth of losses. Hence, if in 2001 losses on passenger transportation were 9,5 million manat, in 2007 the losses increased to
27.9 million manat.
The second period was 2008-2009. During the given period there is stagnation and decrease of passenger turnover. In 2008 passenger turnover for air transportation increased from 1999 million passenger-km. to 2002 million passenger-km, i. e. by 0,2 %, and in 2009 the volume of passenger turnover reduced to 1488 million passenger-km, or by 25,7 %.
The highest reduction of passenger turnover during the given period was observed on domestic flights. The volume of passenger turnover on domestic flights decreased from 395 million passenger-km in 2007 to 127 million passenger-km. in 2009, i. e. by 67,8 %. On international flights the volume of passenger turnover reduced by 20,2 % in 2009 after 6,4 % growth in 2008.
The decrease of passenger turnover in air transportation during the given period is related to the reduction of passenger transportations, whereas the average distance of transportation of 1 passenger increased. Thus, the number of passengers transported by air reduced from 1526 thousand passengers to 941 thousand passengers in
2008-2009, i. e. by 38,3 %. The average distance of transportation of 1 passenger during the given period increased from 1310 km. to 1581,3 km, or by 20,7 %.
The reduction of passenger transportation during the given period was accompanied by the growth of losses from 27,9 million manat to 98,8 million manat.
The third period was 2010-2012. The given period is characterized by the growth of passenger turnover in air transportation. Thus, if in 2009 the volume of passenger turnover was 1488 million, in 2010 the passenger turnover increased by 8,4 %, in 2011 — by 30,6 %, and in 2012 it increased by 18 % and reached 2476 million passenger-km. As a result, the volume of passenger turnover in 2010-2012 rose by 54 %.
During the given period the growth of passenger turnover was observed on both domestic and international flights. Thus, the volume of passenger turnover on domestic flights increased by 2 times in 2011 and by 18 % in 2012 after a decrease by 8,7 % in 2010. However, in spite of the given growth, the volume of passenger turnover on domestic flights is still 30 % less than the level in 2007, when the volume ofpassenger turnover on domestic flight reached the highest indicators.
The volume of passenger turnover on international flights in 2010-2012 rose from 1361 million passenger-km. to 220 million passenger-km. to, i. e. by 62 %. As a result, in 2012 the volume of passenger turnover on international flights excessed the maximum level of 2008 by 29 %.
The growth of passenger turnover in 2010-2012 was achieved due to the growth of passenger transportations, the volume of which increased from 941 thousand passengers in 2009 to 1599 thousand passengers in 2012, or by 70 %. As a result, the volume of passenger transportations in 2012 excessed the level of 2007 by 4,8 %, when the passenger transportations reached the maximum level.
Unlike the passenger transportations, the average distance of transportation of 1 passenger reduced by 2,1 % during the given period (from 1581,3 km. to 1548,5 km.).
The losses from passenger transportation in 2012 were
33,3 million manat. Although, it should be noted that the growth of passenger transportations in 2009-2012 was accompanied by the decrease of the value of losses from 98,8 million manat to 33,3 million manat.
Cargo transportation
The development of cargo turnover in 2000s can also be divided into 3 periods.
The first period 2001-2004 is characterized by rapid growth of cargo turnover. During the given period the volume of cargo turnover increased from 76 million ton-km. to 315 million ton-km, i. e. by 4,1 times. The
Секция 17. Экономика и управление
most substantial growth of cargo turnover was observed in 2003 and accounted for 2,4 times.
As it can be seen, the growth of cargo turnover by air transport took place due to international flights exclusively. In 2001-2004 the growth of cargo turnover on international flights was by 4,1 times: from 74 million ton-km to 313 million ton-km. The cargo turnover on domestic flights was stable at the level of 2 million ton-km.
The growth of cargo turnover by air transport during the given period is related to the growth of both cargo transportations and average distance of transportation of 1 ton ofcargo. Thus, the volume of cargo transported by air accounted for 31 thousand tons in 2001 and the given indicator increased up to 75 thousand tons in 2004, i. e. by 2,5 times. The average distance of transportation of 1 ton of cargo also increased from 2452 km. to 4200 km, i. e. by 70 %.
The cargo transportation during the given period was loss-making. 2003 was an exception, when the profit on cargo transportation accounted for 20,2 million manat. However, the nest year, 2004, the losses accounted for 640 thousand manat.
The second period was 2005-2009. During the given period the reduction of cargo turnover from 315 million tin-km to 110 million ton-km is observed, i. e. by 2,9 times.
The decrease ofcargo turnover during the given period was observed on both domestic and international flights. The volume of cargo turnover on international flights reduced from 313 million ton-km. in 2004 to 109,5 million ton-km. in 2009, i. e. by 2,9 times. In 2009 the cargo turnover on domestic flights decreased to 0,5 million ton-km. after the growth up to 5 million ton-km. in 2006.
The decrease of cargo turnover in air transport during the given period is related to the decrease of both cargo transportation and average distance of transportation of 1 ton of cargo. Thus, the volume of cargo transported by air decreased from 75 thousand tons in 2004 to 32 thousand tons in 2009, i. e. it reduced by 2,3 timed. The average distance of transportation of 1 ton of cargo also reduced from 4200 km. in 2004 to 3448,3 km. in 2009, i. e. the decrease of the average distance of transportation of 1 ton of cargo in 2009 was 17,9 % compared to 2004.
The decrease of cargo transportation during the given period was accompanied by the growth ofprofits on cargo transportation. Hence, compared to 2004, the volume of cargo transportation in 2009 reduced from 75 thousand tons to 32 thousand tons and the value of profit during the given period increased from 640 thousand manat loss in 2003 to 36,7 million manat profit in 2009.
The third period was 2010-2012. The given period is characterized by the growth of cargo turnover in air
transport. Hence, if in 2009 the volume of cargo turnover was 110 million ton-km, during the next few years it returned to and even exceeded the record level of2004 (315 million ton-km.) due to rapid growth and accounted for 357 million ton-km. in 2012. As a result, the volume ofcargo turnover in 2012 exceeded the level of2009 by 3,2 times.
During the given period the growth of cargo turnover was observed on both domestic and international flights. Thus, the volume of cargo on domestic flights increased by 20 % in 2010 and by 66,7 % in 2011. In 2012 the volume of cargo turnover on domestic flights did not change and accounted for 1 million ton-km. However, in spite of the given growth, the volume of cargo turnover on domestic flights was 5 times less compared to the level of2006, when the volume of cargo turnover on domestic flights reached the highest point.
The volume of cargo turnover on international flights in 2010-2012 increased by 3,2 times in 2009, i. e. 356 million ton-km. As a result of the growth of cargo turnover in 2010-2012, it was possible to exceed the level of 2004 by 13 % in 2004.
The growth of cargo turnover in 2010-2012 was reached at the expense of both cargo transportation and the average distance of transportation of 1 ton of cargo. Hence, the volume of cargo transportation increased from 32 thousand tons in 2009 to 82 thousand tons in 2012, i. e. by 2,6 times.
Despite some reduction of the average distance of transportation of 1 on of cargo in 2012 compared to 2009, the given indicator increased by 26 % and reached 4353,7 km.
The growth of cargo transportation in 20092010 was accompanied by the growth of profit in cargo transportation. Particularly, in 2012 the profit on cargo transportation accounted for 113 million manat, which is higher than the level of 2011 by 3,5 %.
Only 5 years out of last 12 years were profitable in Azerbaijan in the sphere of air transportation and the profit was formed exclusively at the expense ofcargo transportation as passenger transportation was loss-making.
Negative impact on the financial condition of the sphere of air transportation is caused by the growth ofcost of transportation. Thus, the cost of 1 ton-km by air transport increased from 0,37 manat in 2001 to 0,78 manat in 2012 (i. e. by more than two times); the cost of 1 passen-ger-km. increased from 0,06 manat to 0,1 manat during the same period (the growth by 1,7 times).
During 2010-2012 the growth of passenger turnover in air transportation was observed on both domestic and international flights. However, in spite of the given
Section 17. Economics and management
growth, the volume of passenger turnover on domestic flights is still 30 % less than the level in 2007; on international flights, the volume of passenger turnover exceeded the maximum level of 2008 by 29 %.
The growth of passenger turnover in 2010-2012 was achieved due to the growth of passenger transportation and the average distance of transportation of
1 passenger reduced by 2,1 % during the given period (from 1 581,3 km. to 1548,5 km.).
In 2010-2012 the growth of cargo turnover is observed on both domestic and international flights. The growth of cargo turnover was achieved due to the growth of both cargo transportation and the average distance of transportation of 1 ton of cargo.
1. Vilensky V. M. Air transport of Russia В.М - problems and prospects, - Moscow, - 2007, - http://podelise.ru/ docs/index-24706306.html
2. International transport: going ahead to global economy//Economic prospects, № 3, October, - 2000.
3. Internet resource: http://www.infousa.ru/economy/ijee1000.htm#_Toc18144634
4. Forecast of development of air transport by 2025//International organization of civil aviation. - 2007.
Kirilchuk Svetlana Petrovna, Crimean Economic Institute, Head of the Department of Business Economics, Nalivaychenko Ekaterina Vladimirovna, Professor of the Department of Business Economics E-mail: [email protected]
Optimization of companies’ activity of electronic product creation
Abstract: In the article there are considered modern processes of informatization of business-companies’ activity. There are generalized the makes of world companies that create information technologies in global information environment: the most effective is electronic information product which contains universal algorithm of its working out. There is cleared out, that companies prefer opened program codes.
Keywords: electronic information product; working out algorithm; companies’ program software; globalization of information society.
Кирильчук Светлана Петровна, Крымский экономический институт, заведующий кафедрой экономики предприятия, Наливайченко Екатерина Владимировна, профессор кафедры экономики предприятия E-mail: [email protected]
Оптимизация деятельности компаний по созданию электронного информационного продукта
Аннотация: В статье рассматриваются современные процессы информатизации деятельности бизнес-компаний. Обобщены наработки мировых компаний, которые создают информационные технологии в глобальной информационной среде: наиболее эффективным является электронный информационный продукт, который содержит универсальный алгоритм его разработки. Выяснено, что фирмы отдают преимущество открытым программным кодам.
Ключевые слова: электронный информационный продукт; алгоритм разработки; программное обеспечение компании; глобализация информационного общества.
Постановка проблемы. Роль информати- национальных компаний становится все более весомой.
зации в экономическом развитии современных Поэтому очевидна тенденция роста объема продукции